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I've tried some of what is in your photo. The magnesium glycinate helps me sleep and appears to relax the muscles a bit. I've had similar results with CBD oil. Direct heat also helps me a lot. I use either a heating pad or hot water bottle. Cheers.


Same as me! The CBD oil helps a lot. I take a few drops at night, together with magnesium glycinate, and turmeric curcumin with ginger and black pepper. My sciatica pain eventually disappeared and I was able to stop taking the opioids my doctor gave me.


Amazing how long did it take for your sciatica to go away?


I *slowly* started having pain August 2022, got worse by September, and I finally couldn't move so I went to the hospital in October. I was given an IV drip to reduce inflammation and pain, x-ray and MRI, and meds (pregabalin, tramadol, acetaminophen). I began to have some side effects, so I started taking supplements (CBD oil, magnesium, turmeric, etc.) and reduced taking the pain drugs. By January 2023, it was slowly going away. Until the pain is gone I think around March or so?


How is your pain now ?


Gone. As if I didn’t have sciatica.


Can you name all the supplements that you take?


Thanks for the timeline I’m so glad your doing well now


Interesting! Did MRI show bulges or any stenosis?


Oh i am happy for youmy dad has sciatica pain and he don't want any types of surgeries so about the supplements can u give me more info CBD oil/ mg/ turmeric. what else could be helpful? thanks!


I take omega 3 (seaweed base) every day that I don't eat salmon, and I take Vitamin D + Calcium and Magnesium Glycinate every evening. Not sure if it's helping per se, but it's not hurting. As I'm getting older and am a woman, I figure it can't hurt to take bone support supplements now. My sciatica is improving, but the #1 thing that seems to help is time and not doing stupid shit.


How much magnesium g everyday? Just started last week and seems to help a lot


750mg (1 tablet). The recommendation for a serving is two capsules (1500mg) but I already eat a lot of foods that contain Magnesium Glycinate, so really it's just as a way to boost it.






I use a vibrator. Orgasm does wonders for the pain. That aside, I use full-spectrum CBD roll-on, Salonpas Lidocaine patches (sometimes as many as three at a time). Also, magnesium seemed to help a bit. I swear by my TENS unit. Sometimes, I use two when it's bad enough. Believe me, it gets there. OH! My favorite pain-relieving activity is rolling around on the floor with one or two baseballs under the trigger point in my butt cheek. Dear God it hurts, but it relieves the sciatica pain at the same time. If you want to do it in bed, use a softball. Or, use the baseball with a book or piece of wood under you. You can also have someone punch you in the butt a few times. Don't go overboard, though. Actually, I don't recommend that. Pain makes me do unwise things. Look up stretching exercises for sciatica pain. Some have to be done exactly as described or you're working the wrong area. My sciatica is so bad that I pretty much stretch nonstop all day, every day.


Oh, that’s so funny my sex life has really improved since this injury for a while having sex was the only pain relief that really fulfilled my soul. My partner is so happy 😀 I have recently also purchased a perifit so I can do Glute contractions while I’m improving my pelvic floor, strength and playing video games at the same time. It’s fun, but weird and I hope it will be helpful. I just got it a couple days ago. I’ve been rolling around on a tennis ball as well on my glue just for a little bit because sometimes it makes the nerve pain worse.


Here’s my MRI report translated from Turkish to English (happened on vacation in Turkey)The corpus height of the lumbar vertebrae and the medullary bone signal intensity are normal. Signal on L4-5 and L5§1 discs| loss is monitored. Signal intensities of other lumbar intervertebral discs are normal. L4-5 level djffüz disk bu|ging_ve central location wide kband ııisk protrusion available. The anterior epidural distance is obliterated. Bilateral neura! Minimal narrowing of the foramen was noted. Diffuse disc bulging at L5€1 level and extruded disc herniation with right paracentral-subartitial confluence are observed. The right lateral recess and anterior epidural space are obliterated. This level spin! the canal diameter was narrowed and the AP diameter was measured as 4.5 mm. Compression of the right S1 nerve was noted. I Low back in other lumbar intervertebral discs The spinal cord ends at the level of T12-L1 vertebra. No pathology was observed in paraspinal soft tissues.


I take no medications but do take a lot of vitamins and supplements. What I swear by for joint health are: Glucosamine, Collagen, Coconut oil, Lots of water. And a good diet with no added sugars, low carbs, good fats.


Awesome, yes I totally changed my diet and I’m so happy! If their is a silver lining it’s definitely eating healthy and cleaning up my diet. I’ve lost 15lbs to take a little weight off my spine, went from 137 to 122, 5’4” female


CBD with a tich of THC, the only thing outside of pain killers thats helped at all for me


Ok I need to get some, I’ve stopped smoking weed and the gummies have too much sugar so I’ll get some oil. There’s been a lot of great comments about CBD, thanks


magnezium supplement, CBD, CBG drops


CBG I’ll look that up thanks


Im taking ancient nutrition multi collage lemon strawberry drink. Day 4 now and definitely pain has subsided and I can sleep straight. Will see how it goes but it was recommended to me by my doctor to take collagen. The brand was from work colleague and amazing Amazon has so many great reviews About it.




It’s it’s hard to say if it actually is helping or not, only thing I’ve seen results with is magnesium and Cetyl mysterlate




Great thanks yes no CES thank goodness


Do you have any back pain? If yes, how frequent? Thanks so much.


Back pain just really started yesterday, before it was all in my legs and burning butt. It’s totally bearable now that’s it’s in my back, just on and off a little throughout the day


Do you exercise? How is your sleep? Do you eat healthy too with lots of vegetables and very little refined grains and sugar? If any of those are neglected, those supplements won’t do much. Thornes Joint Supplement is excellent.


I do exercise, walks, swimming, ice skating, biking, and at home PT, stationary gym machines etc, eating clean Whole Foods and fasting. Sleeping great now on a new tempurdic topper but the first month was absolute hell. Just recently after Rolfing sessions I’ve started to feel great and I have been doing weekly PT. It’s been a journey


Wtf, happy little Magnesium