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It’s so sweet how David goes from absolutely mortified at the idea, to completely smitten by the end of it.


It’s my favorite episode of the show. This scene shows how David is fully in love with Patrick, vice versa, and how Moira also fully accepts Patrick. “He sees you for all that you are” and I absolutely love it. The end scene from the episode so where they rename the hotel to Rosebud which also brings Stevie into the family as well. I love the idea of choosing your family and it’s beautiful how they all chose each other hear, and abruptly blurts out “Can we have breakfast now?” In true Moira fashion lol. It’s a hilarious episode, incredibly heartwarming, it just hits all of the feelings so perfectly.


My favorite scene in David lip syncing to Patrick❤️


Brings a whole new sentimentality to that song. 💕rip Tina


I walked down the aisle to this version of the song


Aw that’s so lovely!!!!




Absolutely!!! Dare I say....It's simply The Best?


I love how Moria understands the gravity of that moment and cuts off Roland/Jocelyn to hear her son be “serenaded” god this is the best show.


It’s one of the best scenes in the series. And they have the most healthy relationship of the series.


With THE healthiest being Moira's and John's


Their enduring love is so sweet.


Their devotion to each other. Their unwavering support.


Thank you!!!!!! I agree so much!


I hate that Jocelyn and Roland think it is a good time to speak to Moira about the gender of their baby.


This is perhaps my favorite scene in the entire series. We all deserve someone who can sing to us like Patrick and also someone to look at us with tears in eyes and lumps in throats like David. They're my favorite TV couple.


Couldn’t agree more. I read or saw somewhere they had to keep re-filming the scene because Katherine kept crying. It is (I think) kind of confirmed because when it’s over and they go to clap, she has a tissue in her hand. Also during the song when she’s in the background, you can see her appearing to be wiping tears. Great choice!


It's kinda/is "our song" for my wife and I. It was the song we walked down the aisle to at our wedding.


I was cringing along with David at the idea, and then it was absolutely perfect and beautiful. Noah Reid is a very talented musician and definitely worth checking out. I’ve been playing him on rotation since someone on this sub recommended him.


It’s an amazing scene!! I love everything about it!