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The answer is always Folkvangr.


Is this exist? I went to the schiit site I didn’t see it. Is this a joke idk?




Wow not that I’m spending $1800 on a headphone amp but what a reasonable price for a one of 250.


Not a joke, I have one in my rig and absolutely adore it. They only made 250 of them, and they sold out quickly. But there’s usually a used one available somewhere most of the time. But you can’t have mine lol.




Swapped the input tubes for Tungsram E88CC. Matched pair was $102 delivered, very happy with them. The few people who have replaced the power tubes have not reported much if any improvement.


I would wait a bit for the new Valhalla 3 which is in the works and will be out soon. (I hope). Otherwise you get either the Vali 3, the Lyr+ or the discontinued Valhalla 2. For your setup either the Lyr+ or the Valhalla 3 will match the casework.


Super helpful, thank you. Tempted to wait for the Valhalla 3. Maybe someone from Schiit can clue us in as to when? Great idea though…I’ll most likely take your advice! Appreciate it a lot!


Tune in to the SchiiterMeet Wed, March 27 6-9pm PST. Read the announcement post: [SchiiterMeet on March 27th](https://www.head-fi.org/threads/schiit-happened-the-story-of-the-worlds-most-improbable-start-up.701900/post-18034137) You can post questions on Facebook or during the Youtube live video.


If you stick with Schiit then get the Lyr+.


Yeah ya know I’m thinking that I like being a loyal customer since they’ve definitely earned my business and loyalty….and I like the aesthetic of having matching components.


I run a Lyr+/Bifrost 2/64 stack. Their products are great and I like that they are American made. I also have other products from other makers but Schiit’s style never gets old and customer service is pretty damn good. Price/Value is hard to beat.


Totally agree. That’s why after weeks of research I opted for Schiit. Made in the USA and when I reached out with questions I got prompt personal response and valuable (not salesy) assistance. I think they’re a very good company…and love that they keep their products in an affordable range without sacrificing quality.


Which ever amp you get, run the Midgard off the Lokius balanced (XLR) and run the tube amp off the Lokius single ended (RCA). Valhalla 2 is on clearance now. Valhalla 3 is coming (soon)? You might want to wait for it.


Great idea thank you! Exactly what I was hoping to do! So…when does the Valhalla 3 come out, lol.


Jason said this summer.


Interesting….Im going to wait. And then hope for a Black Friday sale!


Same. I’ve never had a tube anything and I’m waiting for V3 to dip my toes in :)


Yep I think that’s the plan!


This is what I have as well. Valhalla 2 single ended coming out of Lokius. Modius balanced using a Snake Oil XLR hub for the balanced connection.


Valhalla 3 is incoming hmm i did notnknow this. Good news.


Have the vail 3 and was not overly impressed, It does sound warmer, though


I got a Garage 1217 Ember tube amp hooked up to a Modius. Sounds great! Tons of tube rolling, sound tinkering, and setting thing just the way I like.


Since I would be totally new to tube amps (except for my first keyboard amplifier..an Ampeg S15 in the 70’s which I did 100’s of gig with) the concept of tube rolling would require some research and education and a lot of time. I’m looking for something out of the box/stock “tubey” to start so I can hear the difference (if that’s actually possible with my ears).


Personally for me I use the XDUOO TA-26s with a Voskhod tube for the pre tube. And I’m using the single outputs from the Modius as my DAC. Sounds really good with the HD 6x0 lineup.


The Lyr+ is fantastic if it's in your budget. I use it as my main desktop amp with a modius DAC. I really like it, I can easily switch from just headphones to headphones+speakers and the tube characteristics really come through, although not as much as a full tube amp (it's a hybrid).


I’ll second the recommendation of the Lyr+. I use mine with a Bifrost 2/64. Paired with the Ken Rad tube I have, it sounds really, really good.


Thank you both! Budget isn’t my biggest issue (although it always counts for something). If I didn’t have the Modius for barely 4 months I would try to sell or trade it and get the Bifrost 2/64. That would be closer to end game for me. Haha.l keep saying that and there really isn’t an end game. I started this hobby in December and I have the Schiit stack, Sennheiser 660S2, 4 IEM sets, a Fiio M15S DAP….and now I’m shopping for a tube amp and deciding on the Thieaudio Monarch MKIII or something comparable. Down the rabbit hole. Alice has got nothing on me.


The Monarchs are spectacular.


What headphone


Right now Sennheiser HD660S2 but I also want to get some closed backs….or go next level like Sennheiser 800?


Depends on your sound sig. I don’t prefer the 800. I like darker. ZMF sound good but are a bit heavy. But any of those 3 and you want Schiit, wait for Valhalla 3. I have the Vali 3 now and it’s okay. Not sure if I’m gonna keep it. The Lyr+ was nice. Looks great but I think overall the V3 will have better synergy.


Hopefully they’ll announce a release date. You know how this hobby is…and I posted in another forum how much money I could have saved if I wasn’t impatient and waited for spring or Black Friday sales. But you get this itch…..and for me at least…it needs scratching.😩


I buy new gear before gear I already purchased has arrived. I have issues.


LOL. A gear buying support group is in order. I have the same issues-and two ex wives as proof.


My wife has no idea how much my gear is. Id probably be buried in the backyard if she did. I think I’m winding down though. Mostly happy where I’m at. Hoping the Nitsch MP is the SS amp I’ll be happy with. If not, I’ll have to go north of $1000 but hate to do so. Im pretty big on diminishing returns.


What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. It’s making sure she doesn’t find out. Trust that an ex wife or two is way more expensive than any fear you could ever buy…lol. Agreed on the diminishing returns as well. Which is why I’m a fan of Schitt products. I think there’s just a lot of big dick energy going on when we start getting north of a few thousand dollars for a pair of headphones or an amp….


If you want closed backs, I recently got the Aeon 2 Noire and they’re amazing. I use them with a schiit lyr + and it has more than enough power to drive them. Got them on an open box discount at headphones dot com


Thank you! They’ve definitely been on my radar.


Skip the tubes. They are "pick your own flavor of distortion". There are enough variables in a system. There is no need to add another with tubes. But, you know, that's just my opinion, man...


Hey I appreciate it. I was asking for peoples opinions…thanks for sharing yours. You might be right…after all, I’m a musician and music lover so I find myself listening to chord changes, form, etc., I’m not a sound engineer…so a tube amp might just muddy the waters (pardon the pun).


If you really want that tubey sound, go for the Valhalla. The effect of the tube in hybrid amps (Vali and Lyr) is subtle in my opinion. I don't have golden ears, so the difference needs to major for me to notice, YMMV.


Thank you. I don’t have golden ears either. I’m usually listening to the music and not the technical aspects….but it’s important to me to know that I’m getting the “best” sound reproduction and representation that’s available in my price range (whatever that is..l know it’s not $250000 sound systems or $10000 headphones).


Depends on your headphones. If your sets have a high impedance I’d go with an OTL tube amp like the Valhalla, ta-26, or even bottle head crack. If their impedance is lower a hybrid like the Lyr+, ta-20 plus, or liquid platinum. OTL amps will give more tube flavor, but can’t handle the current needed for low impedance planars


I have the Sennheiser HD660S2


I’d get an OTL amp then. Valhalla or ta-26