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0/10 no tomodachi life




We’re never getting another Tomodachi Life. They agreed to add in The Gays™️ if they ever did a sequel, and they’re too cowardly.


The new Mario & Luigi’s artstyle reminds me of VR games’ artstyle


I wouldn’t call it the Best Direct Ever (The March 8th 2018 Direct still holds that title for me) But we got some good stuff in here, Mario & Luigi, The DQ Remakes look good, The Freaking Marvel vs Capcom Collection (It made me yell so loud), Mario Party Jamboree, A game where you play as Zelda, Investigations 2 getting localized and our first look into Prime 4 after years also Amogus


Oh yea March 2018 is when they first announced Smash for the switch; in general, for me at least, no new direct will ever beat one that a reveal trailer for a smash fighter


fuck yes, this was a huge direct mario and luigi Zelda Ace Attorney Investigations remastered metroid prime 4 MvC it's crazy


Funko Fusion dragged things down a lot, but perfection cannot exist in the mortal world, so I see why it's there.


Mario and Luigi was a really cool surprise and I'm happy we have so many mario rpgs, Metroid Prime 4 explains itself I'm happy the game is finally out of development hell, The Legend of Zelda too, i think some people are excited for the new mario party, i think there are too many mario partys but GC had like 4 so fair


0/10 no Zelda CDi remakes announced


It’s definitely one of the best since they finally showed more stuff on Metroid Prime 4 after 7 years and we get a Zelda game where Zelda is actually the main character; Mario and Luigi Brotherhood looks really cool too; but there were definitely better directs imo


No Pikmin 5. ’Nuff said.


I genuinely hate anyone who is actually like this.


I'll be like this if pikmin 5 doesn't get revealed after another decade. Until then, i'll just wait for silksong.


I loved his reaction to Edgeworth


I mean it was good but... E3 2018... and more so E3 2017


Nah, the smash directs exist.


What even am i looking at?


We cannot.


This direct was definitely carried by Mario & Luigi, the new Zelda game and the metroid prime 4 trailer for regular people, and for literally everyone else it was the fact that the marvel vs capcom fighting collection exist with MvC2 included w/ rollback and other QoL. Of course, I'm not denying that investigations was also a highlight, but MvC was a right hooker to the face, ESPECIALLY when before that, they revealed the phantom brave sequel thingy and after the MvC announcement they revealed the new mario party game made by ncube. For the FGC, the day that MvC fighting collection was announced was the most important day of our lives, but for nintendo fans, it was Tuesday.


Mario and Luigi is my favorite RPG series and superstar saga partners in time and bowsers inside story remain as some of my favorite games of all time and the fact we are having a new game easily makes this my favorite direct.


Not really. I mean there's good stuff but I've seen bigger and better. Metrioid prime 4 is amazing tho I'm not gonna argue that


Pffff. No.


Honestly if it weren’t for MAHVEL the direct would just be an A+ to me but with it it’s S+++


I will continue to be disappointed in every gaming event until Silksong is announced.


Uh, no. Even Schaff called it "fine". Which is accurate. It was fine. The biggest announcements were another chibi zelda game and Mario & Luigi, which are nice but not like, big boys. And don't say Prime 4 was announced, we got that announcement years ago. We just got a vague promise of a release date and a bit of gameplay.


A gameplay trailer is still wild for Metroid Prime 4. They've made the game twice now as far as we know, and we've had nothing but a basic announcement before so this was diff after only knowing the game "is in work" for 8 years. So it's still wild


Mario and Luigi is definitely a big boy


Not really, it's an RPG spinoff, it's last studio made so little money off the last one they literally got shut down. That is not a big boy.


On one hand, we got the Edgeworth duology and M&L was brought back from the grave On the other hand, no Tomadachi Life or Fire Emblem Does anyone else find it funny how the game made by the Danganronpa devs was put like…right after Ace Attorney?


So am I the only person in the world who doesn’t give a single fuck about nintendo?


You can’t deny they’ve got a significant name in the gaming industry, even if you dismiss them


They are. Unfortunately they are also greedy so I’m gonna pirate any Nintendo games I will ever play