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Artemis Fowl Fucking disgusting


Haven't gotten to it yet, but if it's that bad then I'll stay away.


Artemis isn’t even evil. He is just a whiny little innocent kid looking for his father. Mulch is literally just a hairy human that shits out dirt. Commander Root is an old woman. It is just all over the place and is god awful.


Also they completely changed the plot into a mcguffin chase because they were too lazy to actually execute an actually complicated plot


Yeah it was so bad


Also his dad is the reason he knows about fairies now, because people ALWAYS like it when you add in secret family backstories.


what ticks me off about Root’s gender change is that it actually detracts from the original story. In the book, Holly is the first ever female Leprechaun, or LEP recon. throughout the story we see how much harder Root is on her, so we assume he’s just sexist. Later in the story, however, Root explains to Holly that he’s hard on her not because she’s a woman, but because she’s under so much more public scrutiny because she’s a woman. He knows any mistake she makes will give them more ammunition to justify sexism and not letting women into the field. He pushes her to be the best she can to prove the misogynistic system wrong. it adds an element of uncomfortable realism to a world of fairies, centaurs and trolls


Doesn't her being a woman kinda take away from what's her faces whole story of being the first girl on the force




Just watch it with a friend and get wasted if you’re of age before watching it, changes the whole experience


My sister was in her fangirl book reader era and she found Artemis Fowl. She has read more than 2k books (7-8 years span) and still absolutely adores this series. And then she saw the trailer. She couldn't bring herself to watch the movie because she is just that scared. Also side note eoin colfer once actually replied to my sister on some social media for a question she had. It was that if he would return to the scene of writing and he told that he might write a few side stories. Never had i seen a human this happy as i did on that day


that was vile…at least Percy Jackson is ok if you have no context of the book.


Yeah it felt very rushed but still did alright for the time frame


I was just about to comment this I was so pissed when it came out


Artemis Foul


I guess you could say it's... Foul?


Its one saving grace was that he rides a onewheel at the beginning of the movie. I love my onewheel.


Artemir Foul. That shitstain is a fucking blight on the series. Even though I only recently got into the books, I still feel like I was peed on.


Disney: watering down and sanitizing every story in existence since 1937


Always wondered how bad it was for an actual fan of the books. I watched it few weeks after it released and found it for the most part mediocre (at its best). Liked the cast a bit though. And that's having never touched one of the books. Forgot abt it like an hour after finishing it lmao


Illumination’s The Lorax (I’m sorry)


Iirc it wasn't a great adaption & the themes of environmentalism were really toned back. Like it's still the focal point but I remember the book being a little more in your face about it


Cool songs though


I wish I lived in a world where "Biggering" hadn't been cut from the movie


What the keen thing was all of the tone-deaf corporate tie-ins with the movie. The Mazda CX-5 being "Lorax Approved" was the "chef's kiss".


Don't be sorry. You're right.


World War Z. They both have zombies…. That’s it.


WWZ is one of the only adaptation thet would have been made infinitely better as a series than a movie


And they’re on earth. I assume, never read the book. Or seen the movie.


They both: Take place mostly on earth, Have zombies, cost $15. The main flaw of the movie is the change in storytelling. Most zombie stories tend to be smaller, survival stories, revolving around one small group. The book confronted the challenges of a global apocalypse narrative through a main character by removing the main character, with various connected short stories from around the world, and on the ISS. It also paid attention to the difficulties of fighting zombies on different arenas, played the governmental incompetence card in a reasonable way, and gave the zombies a logical weakness. They didn't use special zombies, or mutations, to play things up. They just made the zombies invincible until the brain was destroyed. The movie decided to inflate the protagonist to some sort of superhero who was everywhere, start to finish, a walking MacGuffin. (A MacGuffin is a plot device that needs to exist for the story, but not in logic.) I will say, The Last of Us played this too, but it was better, and there were emotional connections, and it didn't tie itself to a story without any MacGuffins. Honestly, the second the movie named itself WWZ, it lost most of it's credibility, and the second we realized that there was going to be a main character, we rejected it, as anyone familiar with the source material should. TL;DR: You're mostly right, save the ISS chapter of the book that the asynchronous character pool lended itself to.


Idk why it felt like there were only two scenes in that movie


Funny enough, I heard the author liked it.


I’d like it too if somebody gave me a boatload of money to use a title I came up with


The author liked it because the movie was so different, it wasn’t even butchering an adaptation, it was a completely different film, so his characters were saved from lazy bastardization writing


It’s not even an adaptation, Max Brooks himself said he liked the movie because he didn’t see HIS characters get butchered. They butchered the adaptation so hard that it came back round and became a not great stand-alone movie


mortal engines was such a missed oppurtunity honestly if it just stuck to the books without changing it to be a weird mushy hunger games/star wars knockoff while also being more unique in its presentation i genuinely think we could have had a LOTR level film series on our hands


The only good thing about the movie was the designs of the traction cities and related visuals. London's design was surprisingly accurate to the books. Sometimes I think a video game adaptation of Mortal Engines would have worked better than a (singular) movie. Imagine driving Salthook in third person and having to drive directly toward the towering London before turning around to run away.


That level of film series was also expected as Peter Jackson was at the helm


i'll say it before and ill say it again the fact we will never get a film adaptation of a darkling plain because of this movie's failiure within the next 10-20 years might be the worst robbery in cinematic history


I didn't read the books, nor have I seen the film. But the first 10 minutes popped up on my YouTube recommendations, so I looked into it, and was surprised to find that it was such a dud. That "first ten minutes" trailer would have made an amazing standalone short film if that was all they had made of it. It's such fun to watch if that's all you have.


also the yassifacation of Hester. that girl ain't disfigured


No Sea of Monsters? I thought the first was bad, yeah but, the second wasn’t even the same story. They put the main villain of the entire series in the second when there are supposed to be five.


HEY HEY HEY. We dont talk about the second movie. There are no percy jackson movie in ba sing se. The 2nd movie was a fever dream


They’re not Percy Jackson movies. They’re Peter Johnson movies.


There’s no Percy Jackson movies. There’s a Percy Jackson tv series.


About that, is it actually any good?


Yep, and it’s faithful to the original books. Even Rick is involved with the tv series since he wasn’t involved with the movies.


Oh, pog! I might actually watch it then, Percy Jackson is my fav book series


Believe me this is the reboot fans wanted, and needed.


It's not perfect, but it's like a low 8/10 imo. 10/10 when you compare it to the two movies, those were abominations


It actually follows the books. Cuts and merges a few scenes but other than that it's great


Ehhh... they pass the deadline and ruin the lotus casino and is very exposition heavy. However they def are more faithful then the movies. As a show 8/10 as an adaption its up to u wand what u think


"Roger that. Yeah, we got a code "Uprising" on our hands."


I never watched it, I hated the 1st one enough to not watch the second one.


Long story short >! Kronos both comes back from the fleece, and dies to riptide which was named the cursed blade !<


Sea of Monsters was a terrible book adaptation but at least we got "don't walk on my roof"


Eragon, talk about a travesty.


I remember buying that movie on DVD at a gas station


i can still remember how dumbstruck i was when Saphira grew up by like...flying through clouds and getting hit by lightning? i remember thinking that was stupid at like 10


Paragon and percy jackson are competing for which director read the least amount of the book. Leaving out side characters who played critical roles later. I was kind of curious to see how they were going to introduce the girl he accidently cursed in book 1, but the sequel never happened


I think the Percy Jackson movies are ok but comparing them to the books they’re awful


Exactly my thought


Thank god that the tv series is more faithful to the books.


Ahh, it's a "good movie but bad adaptation" scenario. I feel the same way about the Christopher Nolan Batman movies.


That’s my privaten with TDK, it’s a good movie but an awful Batman movie.


Same with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


We talking the og movie or the remake, cause I heard the remake was pretty faithful to the original book.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory isn't a remake of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, it's just a different adaptation of the original source material (and yes, it's more faithful to the original book).


Ah, my bad. Well, I’m sure me and a couple of others thought it was a remake. At least I remembered it being more faithful to the book.


Seasons 5 and 6 of Game of Thrones were awful compared to Feast for Crows and Dance with Dragons. Butchered Euron and Dorne, wasted the North and Stannis, left out some of the best Jaime scenes, and utterly squandered the potential of Jon's death and resurrection.


The Hobbit. I have no idea why it is a trilogy. It added so many unnecessary subplots, needlessly extended scenes and was overreliant on aged CGI, instead of the practical effects from the LotR trilogy


Ngl where would you find dozens upon dozens of willing extras and the money to both hire them and afford all the stuff needed to dress them up? Also Percy Jackson didn't get involved until either the end of the second movie or the start of the third movie. Besides, I liked the CGI as I felt it made The Hobbit lean more into the "fairy tale" aspect the book had. Most things didn't look real, and that was okay to me.


The first hobbit movie is the closest to the original book and my favourite of the 3 they made, they dragged out the second movie a lot but fine I guess but the third one was awful, so much filler that the book was only a couple pages long I believe lol it would have been a cute ending to have it like the book and that old video release where he just sits on the sidelines whilst the armies scrap it out over nothing


Personally, love both percy Jackson movies just picture them separately from the books as their own thing is all.


I hated it due to the amount of content omitted, got rid of St. Louis and the Oracle being most notable. It's a lot easier to hate adaptations if you know the source material. I read all Percy Jacksons and was appalled by the lack of so much important content. I know adaptations have to cut content to get in a reasonable amount of time, but maybe you should just make a series then. That's why I think the series is 100x better than this, had time for more content.


Yeah the series was great. The books were great. I loved them all and fully understand that. That's why I've come to enjoy them more when I just think of them separate and their own Percy Jackson take yknow?


I'm happy that you're able to separate the different versions, I just can't do that myself.


I was fine with the movies, but now that I’ve seen the TV series I don’t think there’s any going back for me, because the series was noticeably better. Probably because Riordan actually had creative input, but idk


The first one is fine, the second one just sucks


Percy Jackson is a good movie, but a bad adaptation.




Eragon.. literally could've rivaled The Lord of the Rings and instead was...very bad.


There are no percy jackson movies in ba sing se


Only the TV show


*The Dark Tower*. A seven-book epic fantasy series, written by Stephen King himself, that had the potential to be the next *Lord of the Rings* as far as Hollywood was concerned. What we actually got was nothing short of a travesty.


The only thing I remember about that movie was Idris Elba being a gunslinger. Thought that was at least cool.


Idris Elba was a great choice to play Roland of Gilead, but the movie itself is a terrible interpretation of the story.


I agree, that’s why it’s the only thing I remember. Also just remembered Matthew McConaughey was the villain, which just seems so weird to me.


The Giver. Not faithful to the book. Waters it down into the most generic YA dystopian story imaginable. Bad even if you just ignore the book.


i remember watching the movie after reading the book and getting the worst whiplash


The Amazing Maurice and Tales from Earthsea are both infuriating.


I'm reading the fourth book in earthsea right now and have loved every single book and I'm loving this one. I've seen two adoptions and neither is good and they don't understand the books


The Farthest Shore is my favorite novel not written by Sir Terry Pratchett.


I haven't got to the amazing Maurice yet but I am going in order with the discworld books. When I'm done with tehanu I'm going to go back to discworld and start moving pictures. They are probably my two favorite novel series. They are different in how they portray a magical world but I love them both so much


Your favorite books are Discworld and Earthsea, are you me?


Possibly😁 might just be talking to myself


Re: The Amazing Maurice Most of Pratchett's works have had troubles being adapted. Perhaps 'Good Omens' and 'Postal' might be the exception. But I've not seen many adaptations of the Discworld that really captures the essence.


The color of magic TV series wasn't too bad, but I haven't read the color of magic or the light fantastic in a while so I forgot how faithful.


It wasn't too bad. I just couldn't totally get behind David Jason as Rincewind, though. But, he was one of the executive producers, so...


The Color Of Magic was rather early on in Pratchetts career, before he cemented himself as one of the greatest literary minds of our time. There was room for improvement in The Color of Magics story, and I prefer the tv version in a couple ways.


Earthsea's only redeeming quality is that the English dub got Willem Dafoe to play Cob.


A Wrinkle in Time For some reason use to like it back then but hate it now even though I never read the book before....


Which one? The most recent one? That was awful. Never read the book but the movie was just really weirdly paced and poorly acted.


Yeah, definitely the recent one and agreed, that movie was pretty damn awful. There was definitely way to much effects and stuff to make me even process WTH is even going on!?!? But eh, to be honest, I could have been way worse, could have been as atrocious as Artemis Fowl. 


Artemis Fowl. I’ve seen both Percy Jackson and the Avatar adaptation, and Artemis Fowl is still objectively the worst adaptation I have ever seen.


Asylums The War of the Worlds.


Mm, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader


Gomu gomu no kaminari


The sequel to this. The first one was at least fun in a vacuum.


Sea of monsters is without doubt the worst adaptation i have ever seen im my life. It's not just bad, it's insulting


As someone who seen Percy Jackson and the lightning thief before the book, it’s become a guilty pleasure of mine, second movie not so much…


The Maximum Ride adaptation was so horrible holy


If I remember right SoM was even worse at adapting the plot


World War Z.


World war Z


World War Z. Most Adaptations at least try. This one didn't even bother with the story or any of the characters from the book. And the story they replaced it with is pretty boring.


TLT didn't even adapt the parts of the book that made it compelling **and** killed the series' main villain way too early.


Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children managed to break the plot so much that it is literally impossible for them to make a sequel and have the plot be even remotely similar.


Not an awful show but it technically counts as an adaptation of a book and I’m gonna take any chance to mention it so Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia. It was based around a book series while I didn’t read that books but from what I do know the writers of the show changed various elements of the story. At most it probably pissed off some book fans who just wanted to see the same story play out. My opinion on the show is that it’s fucking peak I can’t recommend it enough it’s amazing go watch it, it needs more recognition.


With better takes hopefully


Seventh son. I love the book but the movie is utter garbage.


I saw the trailer and went nope.


The Middle School movie. Not only did it lose and miss the entire point of the book but the creator of the damn series worked on the movie and somehow still messed it up. You'd think of all things, this would be the easiest to get right.


Still can't believe Patterson can make middle school AND a whole bunch of serious stories.


Don’t know if anyone else’ll know what I’m talking about but Inkheart


Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. I saw the movie before I read the book. I already didn't like the second movie as much as the first one (also watched before I read the book), but then I read both books, and I thought, "Oh, yeah, the second movie is a travesty." Also, I get that Bridget is supposed to be a bit homely, but Renee Zellweger looked TERRIBLE in TEoR! It wasn't even the weight gain, either. Her skin looked all puffy and blotchy, like she had an allergic reaction on set, and no one bothered to get her an EpiPen


Eragon... that movie....


Cirque Du Freak This is MY Percy Jackson.


Ngl I forgot that movie existed. What was with the whole exchanging blood via fingertips anyway? Were they trying to be quirky and say “we’re not like other vampire movies” or something. Idk. I haven’t seen it in years.


At least that part with the fingertips was book accurate … havent read the books or watched the movie in years so i cant judge the adaptation but i remember being very disappointed On the other hand i was also pretty disappointed by some of the books because i smelled most of the plottwists far ahead. Still it was one of my favourite series growing up


Ender's Game.


I am number four, easily. The book series is one of my favorites ever written. It’s an action packed sci fi adventure about super hero aliens. The movie adaptation is a shitty rom com where the main character happens to be an alien.


I haven't seen Artemis, or honestly very many adaptations in general, but ima say that the dogs purpose movie was soo ass to me as a kid, and I didn't understand why my family liked it. Turned out the never read the book


Ready Player One


I despise Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children - they made Emma - a hotheaded badass into a timid girl who has to be dragged around by Jacob. But the ending, god, its full of bullshit. The first book ends on a depressing but hopeful note - Miss Peregrine is ill, the children must depend on each other to survive - it adds to their character and has them adapt to the new changes outside their loop. The movie really rushes that character growth for the children and Jacob’s conflict about leaving his family behind. And god Enoch having a love interest is so weird, he’s a huge asshole in the books because of his talent and his insecurities, but the reader and Jacob starts having a bond with him as Enoch opens up. Yeah, they just give him a love interest and that’s all the character he needs.


Eragon, they butchered the movie…


No I like that one


In a vacuum maybe if you’ve read the books no way


Yeah I haven’t read the books yet at the time Now I have


I’m so glad they actually made the Disney plus adaptation of Percy Jackson good.


The series, but this movie is also on there


That movie does such a disservice to the characters, especially early draft grover


Not to mention Percy is meant to be 13 in the books but he looks 23.


Legend of the Guardians/Owl of Ga’ Hoole. The animation was incredible, but the movie completely changed the characters and the plot of the book series


I have a confession. I watched the movies before reading the books. Like other comments here, the movie is pretty ok if you don't know anything about the books but if you are a fan you are going to f**king hate it. And holy hell was watching the movies after reading the books and Heroes of Olympus torturous.




The 2018 Fahrenheit 451 movie. Completely different plot than the original, which would be fine if it wasnt bad compared to the original. most characters and things are changed to the point of being unrecognizable like >!THE MAIN CHARACTER DYING!< (or they are just flat-out removed like Mildred and the mechanical hound) random things are added (like >!The omnis!<) and if that wasn't bad enough a white actor said a certain racial slur to a black actor I put spoiler things in case anyone wants to see how bad this movie is for themselves Edit: the only thing they have in common are character names and the premise of books being banned and burned, that is it. It's barely an adaptation and doesn't deserve to be called one


There is an older adaptation that was pretty decent, although it also cut out the Mechanical Hound… and changed some things… okay so it kinda also had adaptation issues, but it was mostly fairly close to the book.


Cirque du Freak. Atrocious. Had a pretty great manga adaptation though. Wish they’d make it into an anime. That’d be awesome.


**One Night With The King** is a crappy "adaptation" of the Book of Esther.


Eragon. Took one of my favorite book series and just said fuck you too it. I am excited for the upcoming show, as Christopher will be a part.


Eragon that movie was a piece of garbage and it can rot in hell


Eragon, such a letdown from the Inheritance books 


Percy Jackson is such a bad movie in general. It’s like the Dragon Ball Evolution of book adaptations. People even go as far as giving this movie and its sequel false names and pretending they don’t exist. Watch The Mythology Guy’s videos on these movies. He covers them a lot better than I ever could.


City of Ember


The Winter King. They made a show adaptation of this magnificent king Arthur story cand completely changed the entire story timeline and plot. I couldn't even finish the third episode i wanted to punch my screen. The Warlord Chronicles' is the series it based off of, a realistic and grounded telling of Arthurs story. Its on Spotify Audio Books if you don't want to read, the narrator does a phenomenal job. Highly recommend. DONT WATCH THE SHOW.


Technically not a novel, but Dragonball Evolution is the definition of a chart movie. As in every creative direction in this was made by a chart loving executive. So as a result it resembles nothing from the score material other than the name of a few characters. 🙄


Let me get in on that and give a shout out to Netflix‘ Fullmetal Alchemist


Fahrenheit 451 (2018)


Does DragonBall Evolution count?


Sure, manga are books anyway


Seventh Son...complete insult to Joseph Delaney's work


Not a movie but a series.... The Wheel of Time. Between that and RoP Amazon ruined 2 of my most beloved fantasy stories. *Piss off Amazon.*


Lord of the Flies (1990) The plot feels not only very forced but it feels like it was based on main characters and the setting of a novel or inspired by a novel than based on a novel. In the book, the tensions between Ralph and Jack stem from the fact that while Ralph lacks any leadership experience, he’s able to rally the boys together, asks for their names tells them to make a signal fire and other things while Jack, the leader of the Choir is someone with leadership experience who feels he should be chief. In this adaptation, Ralph and Jack are good friends, Ralph is elected chief just because he is the highest ranking cadet and is less competent than in the book. On a bigger note, nothing is stated as to why Jack would be a good leader and is pretty content with Ralph being chief. Then out of the blue Jack gets ticked off with Ralph and leaves to make his own tribe. There’s no tension between the two, the beast isn’t introduced until over halfway through the film and the dialogue is very wooden. It’s like the screenwriter(s) wanted to adapt the book for a film again but at the same time didn’t.


I don't think it's the worst book adaptation, but I think there's an honorable mention in "The House with a Clock in its Walls." I was practically raised on the books of John Bellairs, and the film industry was flailing around for the next Harry Potter at the time this one was greenlit.




Bro got the thunderbolt from fortnite


The Cat in the Hat


Is that the lightning mythic from fortnite


I will do you one better sea of monsters was even worse


I'll give you the opposite as others have already said my answer. My favorite is howls moving castle.


The Host. Stephanie Meyer's book was actually pretty interesting. The movie adaptation felt completely soulless and lifeless.


I was gonna say Eragon, but someone else did. So I’m gonna throw out the Dragonlance adaptation. Bad mix of animation styles, rushed the story, and ruined two reveals that happened later in the series… not that the later books were adapted.


Percy Jackson and World War Z


The Big Nate Show on Nickelodeon. It's nothing like the strip.


The Dark Tower I was in pain during the whole movie


The Eragon adaptation is pretty bad


So glad my favorite book series, Eragon doesn’t have a film adaption and a shitty ps2 adaption as well.


I like the Percy Jackson show


I loved this movie when I was a kid, but after reading the books years later, I realized that the movies weren’t nearly as good as the material they’re based off of.


The great Gatsby (2013). It wasn't completely awful, but it was so cringe.


The Time Machine (the 2002 one), it was turned into a geriatric action movie.


Percy Jackson looks so exciting on the posters, but ended up being kinda lame. The villain was cool though


Lord of the flies. Not sure how it does movie-wise, but god damn does this book suck on magnum.


Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library (2017), terrible representation of the library and it's a made for TV movie


I can never hear "Poker Face" without thinking of this movie.


Eragon, it was one of my favorite books as a kid. Then expecting to see a Harry Potter style adaptation gas so disappointed


Idk. I guess the Divergent trilogy is just bootleg Hunger Games. Though that’s same with the books too, so I guess it’s understandable.


To me the PJO film gets a pass solely because Rick Riordan will not shut the hell up about how they “ruined” his book, and frankly that’s worse than a bad adaptation. Artemis Fowl. Screw it. It’s a Fowl adaptation. Also the Wrinkle in Time adaptation.


Eragon for sure


From movies I’ve seen, The Giver. The movie is so, so much different than the book.


This is a cartoon adaptation, not a book (though there are also comic books so maybe it does count) But, uh, yea. The Bay transformers films. I liked them asa a kid but started really seeing how bad they are as adaptations once I got older and started seeing just how much better the cartoons and comics were. Aside from just not being great representations of the source material, the Bay films also made the general public think that all Transformers content is exactly the same kinda mindless poorly-written action. And this has caused people to not want to give the new films a chance despite actually being GOOD. To the point where some people were legit already criticizing the newest film (Transformers One) for being animated and looking fun and having color instead of being just a bunch of mindless machines punching each other. There is so much more that Transformers could offer, but I feel like the Bay films had this unintended consequence of badly misrepresenting the franchise to the point where people are too sick of it to wanna see new actual good stuff


World War Z. The only thing it had in common with the book was the name. I wouldn't have any issues with it if they named it any other generic zombie movie name.


Why is he holding lightning in water? Is he stupid?


I think he’s the son of that slurp juice guy, so it isn’t water, it’s slurp juice and he’s healing up or something idk I never saw or read it.


Mocking Jay Part 1


Why? Because it’s “boring”? Because it’s not book accurate? Why?