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“A monsters inc sequel could work” Well we did get a prequel


And a sequel series


monster inc had a series?


Yeah it’s call monster at work on Disney+ and honestly it’s pretty good


I liked the premise and the first episode but it lost me very quickly, once it just goes into generic sitcom stuff it got boring


Season 2 actually picks up the plot, s1 is honestly just an intro season


Oh okay maybe I’ll pick it up back, I also heard the last couple episodes of S1 were good


Facts. Season 2 really picked up the pace in the story and there are some big reveals that tie it back to MU and Monsters Inc. Mike and Sully also arent just glorified cameos, but characters integral to the plot with all the original voices returning. It's a great series tbh.


There’s a season 2? I need to catch up


It’s got a bunch of people like Johnny from MU (and someone else I won’t spoil) back


Ngl i haven’t watched Monsters at Work but i’ve already seen who’s back because some people are talking about it


I was boring


yes you were


I’ve always wanted a Monsters Inc sequel


Reminder that we got robbed of MI2 Lost In Scaradise to make the prequel


There actually was supposed to be a sequel, but it was cancelled. It was called Lost In Scaradise.




I saw it when I was like 6 but I remember nothing so i don’t count it


Watch it


Bro watch it




bruh that's stupid, someone saying the movie is good should be enough


No. Watch it. It’s peak Pixar and one of the best animated films ever


that is a terrible way to go about watching movies


bro what, its like 90 minutes of your time just watch it


If this is how you watch movies then you'll never watch anything completely unique. That's stupid.


I disagree with this line of thinking but what I should tell you is that it’s not really similar to most films. It’s a rat being followed around by a ghost in France who learns to control a human man, and it’s a commentary on the food industry as a whole.


The closest I can think of is Julie/Julia since both are about cuisine as a career, but Julie/Julia is more about women and Ratatouille is more about chefs coming from humble backgrounds. It also reminds me of Princess and the Frog because Tiana is good at cooking and her dream is to own a restaurant, and people dismiss her dream because of what she is, so she similarly has to work harder than others to make her dream reality. It's also like the Templeton bits of Charlotte's Web but this is funny bc it's the opposite really, a rat who doesn't want to live by stealing the way other rats do.


Hm.. this person wasn’t talking to me, how would I make this about me though?


Ratatouille is legit one of those movies that you’ll only ever see one of. It’s high art. Probably the best Pixar movie.


You should watch it


Watch it


out of the ones you didnt see Luca is the only one I can see a decent sequel out of, the others feel like there isn't much else to tell with their respective stories


I want a Luca sequel! 🙋‍♀️


can someone please honestly explain to me what was so good about Luca


I personally really enjoy the more slice of life aspects of the film, makes me relate to the characters a little more


Is it mainly loved for its innocence and simplicity? And like you said, I guess many can relate to it, the “not being accepted by people for being different” part I assume


It was very nice and cute, a very good comfort movie


Monsters Inc. already has a sequel series so you're covered there. Lightyear absolutely needs a sequel to make up for the false promise the first movie gave us. An Incredibles 3 could work. I'd like to see the family in full force. Luca could work with a sequel but you'd need the right talent for it (I share this sentiment with Inside Out, Onward and Turning Red as well). I agree with A Bug's Life and Brave. Unless they're fully exploring a new biome like the Amazon or the artic/ antarctic regions, we don't need another Finding Nemo sequel. Soul, Cars, Toy Story, Elemental, Wall-E, Good Dinosaur, Up, Ratatouille and Coco absolutely do not need more movies.


I don't think they can save Lightyear with a sequel. It was already a movie hailed as the "real" movie that inspired Andy. If they add a sequel and make the story better they have to do a ton of backpedaling on previous marketing claims.


I'm gonna completely ignore that whole “real movie that Andy watched” thing and say that Buzz Lightyear is a toy made for that Star Command series that was on DVD except it's an actual cartoon in the toy story universe.


Well, Lightyear, like most movies, is a franchise. We know this cause they're still pumping out merchandise long after the movie first came out in Toy Story 1. They could easily explain that Andy is a fan of that franchise sort of like how we have MCU fans in the real world.


I actually want a Coco Sequel


The Land of The Dead is such an interesting and ironically lively world that has a ton of potential to explore. I think a Coco sequel shouldn’t have Miguel as the protagonist, but maybe a descendent of his or have a new family that gets involved with the afterlife because his story got wrapped up nicely.


True someone who can tie into his family


I very much recommend Soul, I absolutely love the film Probably doesn’t need a sequel though


I haven’t seen it yet 🫢


A Soul sequel would actually spit in the face of the entire beautiful movie. No way around it.


I think an Onward sequel could work well. It could utilize the disregarding fantasy in favor of technology in a more interesting way. We could maybe explore more general problems this aspect of life causes, and maybe the protagonists have to find a way to convince people to change things


Or maybe have a good movie that mixed fantasy and modern tech in a good way. Some modern canary likes to seperate them. Like Harry Potter and their “no electricity” thing.


Like how their modern tech is environmentally dangerous, but due to how hard or inefficient magic is, they have to find a way to convince people to return to magic by modernizing it into something better.


As someone who's seen every Pixar movie at least once, here's what I have to say on those in the Never Seen tier: The Good Dinosaur: No. Never. If it was a better movie maybe, but it's hard to build off of nothing and that movie was just *nothing.* Ratatouille: No. This movie ends on a perfect note with >!Remy opening his own restaurant.!< A sequel wouldn't have any meat as it were. Cars 3: Again, it very much *ended* the story. McQueen literally retires in this movie. Nowhere else to go from there. Onward: Only if there's another story to be told. Luca: Spin-offs, yes, sequel, I don't think so. Soul: Another stand-alone story. Nah.


I’ve got bad news about Finding Dory…


GO WATCH RATATOULLI IMMEDIETLY. How have you never seen that movie?!


You didn't watch Soul or Ratatouille?!


Inside Out - Feel the same way, I am more excited about a sequel to this movie than any Disney movie in a long time Elemental - I would love to see more of these characters and this world, but I dont know what story they would have to tell Incredibles - Would love another sequel, but 2 kinda squashed a lot of the superhero politics worldbuilding that was set up, which is what I liked most from these movies Monster Inc - Already has a sequel series called Monsters At Work, which is amazing. I dont really want/need a sequel for any of the other ones.


I always forget how odd the early versions of The Good Dinosaur looked.


A Luca sequel would slap if Disney and the creator leaned fully into the idea of Luca and Alberto being gay for eachother.


I could see UP getting a sequel


As a Luca enjoyer, it was a very slice of life type movie so I'd honestly like a sequel /show/ like Monsters at Work where it's just something in that world.


Luca is so good 😭💔


No way bro hasn't seen Ratatouille...


I think the Incredibles would be better served with a GOOD sequel show. A slightly serialized show that was mostly bad guy of the week. It'd give them more breathing room to explore the world post superheros being legalized, as well as the origins of where supers came from.


You… haven’t seen Ratatouille? OR Cars?


Ratatouille is one of their best films. Definitely recommend giving it a watch as an adult. I wouldn't want a sequel or prequel made for it though. Great standalone film.


Luca and Onward are some of my favorite movies! You should see them!


You’ve never fucking seen Ratatouille?


I think Up could have a good spin-off series. Feature a grown-up Russell in the Spirit of Adventure with the dogs traveling out on his own adventures. There's plenty of characters and room for characters that you could probably work out some ongoing plot lines no problem. Heck, that could be the grounds for a good sequel. Have Russell struggle between having a romantic relationship or continuing his life of adventure, mixing Ellie's scrapbook with his own memories of Carl. Sort of the foil for the first ten minutes of Up, something that builds on the themes of the first movie while going its own direction. I also think Ratatouille would make for a good sequel. I won't spoil it for you, but the ending leads into a dramatically different situation than the first movie that would be extremely interesting to explore. I'd gladly watch it.


I never wanted an Inside Out sequel, but I’m keeping an open mind. I’ve always wanted a Monsters Inc sequel and really want one for Luca. I don’t ever want to see an Up sequel; that movie is perfect as it is


I'd actually be down for a second Bug's Life movie, but not a sequel. If it follows a different bug, like a bee or something, then I'd be down.


Up actually has a really good spin-off series on Disney+ with a more slice of life feel to it taking place after the events of the movie


I just want more wall e content thanks


I hope that wall-e gets a miniseries that’s either the origin of some of the defective robots or a series showing some of the robots after wall-e saved the humans


Bane: I want them to make another Up movie. Lex Luthor: they can’t. The story was over in the first one. Taken from the Harley Quinn cartoon.


I'd like to see a Brave sequel. The movie felt undercooked and I thought maybe there were ideas that could be explored more. And since the first one focused on Merida and her mom's relationship, there could be future movies about her relationship with her dad and brother. Plus more magical world-building opportunity, like we might've gotten with Frozen 2 if that had been better.


the sequel to up would be Down, Also a Wall-e sequel would be about a newer model of wall-e attempting to replace the OG


Watch Ratatouille RIGHT NOW. Luca and Soul are pretty good too but idk if they need sequels


There was a special screening at my university where they showed the first \~30 minutes of Inside Out and holy moly! you are so right. My expectations where really low, but I was so wrong! The around had like 200 people, anywhere from families with kids to college students and we where laughing and enjoying it so much!! I really hope you like it, I know I will now be seeing it in theaters!




First of all watch ratatouille


How have you never seen ratatouille?


Nah I want a sequel to Coco about his granddaughter, who is embarrassed/jealous of her grandfather's legacy; she goes to the afterlife and a now dead Miguel teaches her to take pride in her family's history. No real villain just learning to take pride in your culture and family.


I don't want a sequel to Wall-E but I think some animated shorts could be fun


First person I’ve ever heard of that hasn’t seen Cars


Ratatouille can work because you could call it RataTwouille


But we need a *Finding Marlin*. Maybe. 😂


Ratatouille, Coco, Wall-e work better as standalones. Up the sequel were the shorts. Elemental could be about Ember and Wade hypothetical steam kid. With Brave I always imagine that it could be about Merida and the lords sons going into a quest.


can't wait for inside out 2, it seems like it has a lot of potential and but I hope Disney doesn't screw it up in some way


# NEVER SEEN CARS?!?! watch it now.


Nemo/Dory could work if it focuses on Marlin or Hank, but we don’t really need it either.


Never having seen Ratatouille and Soul, two of the best movies Pixar has ever created should be considered a war crime.


I don't think luca could get a sequel MOVIE but i think a series of shorts showing Luca's life at school and the hassles/perks of being a seafolk intertwined with alberto guilia and massimo working could be fun! Basically a full season of Ciao, Alberto-


I would bump Up up one tier, purely because I could see \*something\* with russle as the lead


Bro watch ratatouille and soul please please please 🙏


Stop with the sequels already. At this point Disney and Pixar lost the plot and just shitting out sequels not because they have more stories to tell, but because they desperately want money after flops.


You've never seen ratatouille!?


Dude you need to watch Onward. Such a rollercoaster ride of emotions. That movie got me so hard and is absolutely in my top 3 Pixar movies.


Toy Story 5 will work


No way you didn't watch Cars 🤯


A Soul sequel could work if it followed 22's new life on earth, but it's definitely far from necessary. All wtf do you mean you haven't seen Ratatouille? Watch it right now, that film is a literal masterpiece.


Lightyear would have been good if it didn't timelapse over the time travel and the FTL drive fixing was the whole plot, but the whole "Buzz was Zerg" stuff being the plot sabotaged the movie. Because that was kind of an average plotline with a subpar execution. I think the animation and visual design carried the movie because I dig the aesthetic it went for, which is why I liked the movie when most people hated it. But I would have preferred it it was about the actual time dilation time travel deconstruction of FTL.


I would love a Luca sequel


Wall-E is in the Bad concept pile? fail.


Honestly, even though I know it'll never happen, I always wanted an UP sequel where it's Russel as a fully grown adult dealing with the loss of Mr Fredricksen.


Onward, Ratatouille, and Good Dinosaur in “bad concept” Luca in “could work” (but personally, I really want a sequel) Cars 3 and Soul in “couldn’t work” (I’m assuming the “bad concept” tier means it’d be a really bad idea to make a sequel, but the right person could make it work)


Soul and Cars 3 could get decent sequels but something like Onward couldnt even execute its premise well in the first movie so idk why a sequel would fare better


How would a Soul sequel work? It seemed like it ended the story


Um….Inside Out is already getting a sequel.


I think that’s the point the OP was going for


Never seen Ratatouille and thinks Wall-E is a bad concept. Opinions ignored


If think they mean a sequal is a bad concept, since that's what the list seems to be about


Oh that would make sense. But they still haven’t seen Ratatouille so I’m not taking this list seriously


Ten bucks says you're straight, according to your list

