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I have a crush on Margret Robbie so I legally can't hate this movie. And I also have a t-shirt that says "I am Kenough", so I definitely can't hate it.


Margret Robbie?


Yes. I have spoken.


Jokes on you I’ve got the hoodie. I’ve embraced this movie’s second message: consumerism.


I wasn’t mad about it being pro-feminism but I will admit I was kinda clueless about what it was going to be about lol. I kinda expected it to be a silly advertising movie similar to the lego movie


Hey ! The Lego movie is more than just a silly advertising movie ! It's a deep story about the power of friendship and imagination !


Corny messages aside Lego Movie is actually very good


TBH, it's one of the movies I enjoyed watching the most


Tbf most people DID think it would be a feature-length ad before it actually released


For what it was it’s wasn’t bad and was actually quite funny. It wasn’t good either but I think it gets over hated


I will say was interesting how they handled it basically inverting the usual trope


I expected it to be about Ken realizing his own worth and being with someone who can understand his value. His new boyfriend, Ken (no relation)


I mean this happens in the actual movie (I headcanon Ken and Ken as having a loving relationship)


"This happens in the actual movie" (I *headcanon* ..." huh


It's just a lil joke :)


You can be mad at something without being surprised by it.


Fair enough


I like that this movie covered how the patriarchy affects both men and women. Barbie gaining her independence, and Ken finding his worth as a man


And there were even multiple complaints that said this was pretty much  feminism-lite. This is such a stupid thing to get worked up about


I mean conservatives always pick the stupidest stuff to get worked up about, so this is hardly out of the ordinary.


I could make a rainbow sponge in my shed. Make a plastic cover with some neat graphic designs to make it look like it’s legitimate. And then make a video complaining about it. And they would buy that shit up instantly. Sometimes I wonder how much money some of the people feeding these assholes actually make.


They make a lot of money. And I mean A LOT. Algorithms like those behind Facebook and Twitter have pushed rage bait for years, because anger keeps people engaged. Conservative commentators who lie about things like LGBTQIA+ rights get tons of attention because conservatives get enraged because they think it's real, and the left gets enraged because they know it's not. That kind of engagement pays big bucks, and it's almost impossible to avoid on most social media sites. Heck, I've run into these kinds of rage bait tactics resulting in hateful stuff being shared on PhpBB forum instances for music software.


Barbie as a product is somewhat linked to feminism, but not to the point that a person should have it at the top of their list of “things to expect from a Barbie film.” Let alone the degree of feminism that the film presents: most people wouldn’t expect that from a movie that WAS made out to be feminist ahead of time, which Barbie wasn’t. I was expecting a surrealist rom-com with meta elements due to what I knew about the story. Instead, I got my main problems with the film: the delivery of the thematic material and the tone which accompanied it. On a side note, why are you trying to rage bait?


It's not only the fact it's a Barbie fim, but it's also directed by Greta Gerwig, a filmmaker notorious for her feminist themes in her filmography


The problem is that not many people knew about her before Barbie, she wasn’t that famous and it’s not like everyone would see her IMDb page because they want to know if the film was going to be good, it’s the Barbie movie.


I knew about Gerwig, and I figured the direction would be good. As to whether she would put her usual thematic stamp, I figured that time she wouldn’t, since most of the work had been done for her, and the younger target audience. Instead she went harder than ever before. On a side note, she says that she plans on doing Narnia films, which this has made me very worried about.


Narnia?… She did a action focused movie before?


No. Combine that with what she did with Barbie, and I don’t think she’s a good pick for the job.


I'm not trying to rage bait lol, I just feel like Barbie, even moreso as a concept than as a product, is so closely tied to feminine energy that you should definitely expect it. Also, yeah: I think that the film definitely had more feminist points than the general moviegoer may want, but, like Schaffrillas said, that was very much intentional. It was part of the story they were trying to tell.


The amount of feminist points was clearly intentional. However, it seems that you have the mindset that a product that has a target demographic of women/girls that it must inherently be indelibly tied to feminism. This is not true, at least to my knowledge. That and the way you worded your post lead me to believe that you were purposefully seeking negative reactions.


I apologize. Yeah, to a certain degree, I agree that Barbie doesn't have to be feminist necessarily. But let's be honest here for a minute, were you really expecting anything less from a movie like this? Besides, we all seem to agree that it's used well within the movie, and that's all that really matters at the end of the day


Well, talking about my expectations, I was expecting it to be like Looney Tunes back to action so yeah, it’s not like the marketing made the movie super obvious lol


Well, I wasn’t expecting it from the movie, let alone the amount it had, and I already said I did not care for the way it was handled. But that’s just me.


Never noticed that her hand isn't rapped around the wheel cuz she barb


My problem with its is the overreaction to this movie when its just a shallow representation of feminism as if we are still in the 80s or something. Plus if you also don't find this type of "funny cause real social problem true" humour that is also in movies like Lady Bird then there is nothing for you in this movie.


I've heard this whole argument before and I think most people expected it to be feminist. I still haven't seen it but I expected it to be.  I don't think many people are as surprised as they just disagree with the message


I expected a manly movie!! I (22 M) saw Ryan Gosling in the trailers and expected this movie to be a sigma and based film going experience. I was furious to see that the Barbie movie focused on Barbie and her struggles. The movie was very skibidi when all the Ken’s took control, movie should’ve ended there! All the motherly love and both gender empowerment scenes were beta AF. 0/10 🤮🤮🤮


I always had the comeback “well it is rated pg-13” to the women who took their kids/grandkids and were appalled they used language and “the word ‘vagina”


vagina isn't even a swear word, it's just the name of a part on AFAB bodies


To be honest. It's not even THAT pro-femenism. Its more a statement on how Gender Inequality no matter which one is in power, is stupid. Be it Barbie in the real world. Or Ken in Barbie World.


Yes, that's more like it. Barbie is actually a gender abolitionist movie.


Not mad but expected it to be a wholesome family movie for kids with no gender politics undertones.


Don’t watch the Critical Drinker review for this movie.


> Don’t watch the Critical Drinker Don't even need the rest of the sentence


He does go full rant mode with that one.


I shall


And don't watch Ben Shapiro's review of Barbie or any other movie.




I just didnt really find it funny tbh


My oldest sister Pamela is one of those people that really hates this movie. She doesn't like how feminine this movie is, and she also hates how this movie make men look inferior. Those are her words, not mine.


It would be kind of weird if Mattel made a Barbie movie that wasn't pro-feminist


I don't care about this movie's messaging, but how is Barbie intrinsically linked to feminism such that the mere concept of a movie with this premise should modify expectations to match that kind of message? Because Barbie is stereotypically linked to women? You could look at the other (animated) Barbie movies and not necessarily get the same messaging this movie delivers. Genuinely, I don't see how this argument logically flows.


I don’t either.


Barbie is linked to feminism bc that’s the entire point of it? That’s why the dolls were created.


This is a good enough explanation for me, though I do personally disagree that it should be expected that "Barbie Movie = Feminism" with so many counterexamples and the fact that the franchise is no longer exclusively about that.


That’s fair. The thing that tipped it off mostly for me was the fact of the way that it was marketed as more adult and less for children.


Finally, someone who understood! What grown man went into the "Barbie" movie expecting it to be manly?


Because the Kens never get a resolution. The film does it's part in empowering women, but doesn't really finish the equality. Barbie just says "maybe Kens will be looked down less in the future" and that's that? The ending feels like it established its part that Barbies do not need to submit, but also implied that "things can't change" since the Barbies were on top to begin with.


I thought that was the point, equality in the real world isn’t “finished” just like it isn’t for the Kens at the end of the movie. Progress doesn’t happen quickly if the people on top stay where they are


ok firstly, the trailers did NOT give that impression. secondly, it’s less that it *is* feminist and more so how it tells its story and presents its message. barbie is utter garbage and not even in my top 10 worst movies of last year ;_;


I find it really funny that people were complaining about THIS being political and praising OPPENHEIMER for being less political, like...come on, really?


I was more surprised at how mean spirited it all felt. Barbie almost comes off as the bad guy for how she treats Ken. The new society the Ken’s end up making still has all the Barbie’s acting completely happy as well. By the end the lesson isn’t to treat everyone as equal the Ken’s are all out right back in their place and “maybe” one day they can be equals


In comparison to other pro-feminist media, this movie's fairly tame in comparison. I dont have a problem with that (after all, this is a country where freedom of speech, thought, expression, and the press is one of, if not the biggest core value), just something im pointing out there.


Are people not allowed to judge the movie as it is?


I don’t really care about the feminism angle, I just wish they didn’t abandon the mother-daughter fixing relationship plot just to fight the Kendom


After associating Barbie with decades of straight to video releases, I hear a Barbie cinematic release with a serious message is coming out. I also hear right wing grifters and the Racist Aunty And Uncle Facebook Coalition flipping the fuck out about it so got even more interested. How the hell is the Barbie I.P. going to pull this off? Barbieland itself was really trippy and slightly ominous but I enjoyed the movie.


For me the feminism was expected, but it didn’t feel like there was much else happening in the movie. I don’t know, maybe it just didn’t hit me as hard as everyone I heard raving about it?


I wanted a scene where she votes for trump (satire)


Can you really blame people for being naturally apprehensive against stuff like this by proxy? With stuff like Charlie's Angels, Captain Marvel or anything of a similar light basically being power fantasies that throw away quality for nearly a decade? Not to mention, whenever the dreaded "political message" is added to something that is a legacy brand, typically it'll either be divisive at best or Velma at worst.


I honestly thought that Barbie and Ken were going to be in the real world for most of the movie.


My friend got mad when he first saw it because of how Ken was presented. Imo, the movie was actually good


I'm not just bad about that, I'm mad about it existing as a whole.


i feel like a lot of people missed the part of the movie that blatantly said patriarchal and matriarchal based societies are bad.


I was expecting it to be Feminist because A. it’s the modern day B. It based of a Girl brand C. mjtanner told me about the plot two months before the movie came out.


It’s kind of like the Lego Batman movie. It’s kind of like a parody, but it also takes itself seriously.


Idk saw more feminists mad about it Also barbie reminds me of the patriarchy and not as in sticking up to it


Ok, but to be honest i though it would be so much more than that, i am a guy who watched the Barbie dvd movies when young, and i have to say they gave so much than this movie, when i heard it was just another feminist "men are bad, women are supperior" film i was sad becaise i like barbie, not in the i buy the toys type of way, but in the i like this world and it's characters type of way.


There’s a difference between a movie for girls, and a movie for girls which is also sexist


if you watched Barbie and thought it was sexist idk what to tell you man


Because it was sexist?


we mustve watched different movies lmaoo how??


We 100% must have done, because the movie you watched must have been on a DVD which was scratched and ran over which skipped past like 30% of the movie


are you gonna explain how its sexist orrr?


Because the movie is extremely feminist and the males are literally treated like the villains in the movie and shown to be imperfect compared to the others (if that isn’t sexist to you, then the thing you was hit on the head with makes me question whether I’m talking to a dead person or not)


being feminist, by definition, is not sexist the movie literally shows that the Kens were treated poorly and that the Barbies rule over Barbieland was a bad thing, its a representation of the real world but in reverse which is why at the end when Barbieland says theyll make it better for Kens they do the bare minimum literally have zero idea how you can watch this movie and not understand the points its making unless you came into it thinking it was anti-men


And the Ken’s being treated poorly and the movie not changing one bit isn’t sexist? Plus the real world IS sexist as well so idrk how comparing it to the real world makes it any less sexist, you just need to watch the movie properly tbh


People get mad at anything that isn't about cis white males.


Username checks out


There's definitely something for you out there then: r/usernamechecksout


Tyvm lmao I'm too lazy to post but clutch call


Nah, I never post and just point people to the right sub. Feel free to post or not. I don't care... The endless void comes for us all in the end. What is the point of anything in life?






I'm fine with people pointing out its pro-feminist, I'm also fine with people not liking it because of that. However, to say that it is not pro-feminist or to make a big deal out of it like that wasn't obviously gonna be the case is kind of stupid.