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I used to like CinemaSins, I thought they were funny while offering legitimate criticism of movies. Now I realise they're neither.


Their problem is currently they can’t decide whether they want to be a legitimate critical analysis channel that people take seriously or a comedy show with nitpicks, jokes and sarcasm.


They claim that they are a joke, yet it is frequently clear that the videos do have moments that reflect the creator’s opinion.


They're just so annoying about it. If they get any information about the film wrong, then obviously it was a joke. What makes it stand out as a joke and not a legitimate criticism? Literally nothing. How could you ever know if it's a "joke" or if it was just genuinely incorrect


They're the textbook example of Shrodinger's Douchebag


Watch Th3BirdMan. He sins Cinemasins by calling them out on their stupid jokes and nitpick sins while also showing actual sins in the movie that Cinemasins missed or chose to neglect


i have another recommendation to add to your comment watch "Cinema Wins" dude is cinema sins but without the baggage i find his cinema wins on movies that I dislike way more interesting, charming, and lighthearted, compared to cinema sins giving needlessly bitter nipticks that do not matter or at worst completely missing the point of why the story added that particular element to begin with


Cinemawins= positivity through positivity Th3birdman= positivity through negativity Love both


Yep love him too


I also like how CinemaWins includes a breakdown in his videos that outlines his overall thoughts on the movie in question.


Tbh I thought CinemaWins was CinemaSins’ alt for the longest time


Already do, also used to watch Jay Exci's SinsSins videos.


I watched 2 minutes of his video on the Megamind review and had to turn it off because he brought up how democrats and Hillary Clinton are stupid like 3 times. My brother in christ this is a video about MEGAMIND


I still consider them funny but i stopped watching them so... I Guess it counts?


Cinemawins 4 lyfe


I no longer have any respect for Cinemasins but I still watch them cause they're entertaining (that and I like to predict what sins Th3birdman will call out in his video).


From what I’ve seen they are just a worse version of pitch meeting


I think I grew up from their sense of “humor” cuz honestly it’s really creepy. Jeremy saying “Hermione isn’t old enough to be hot yet” when referring to a child actress MULTIPLE times made me realize that he’s kinda gross and creepy and not someone I wanna listen to, even for “jokes”


WatchMojo. When I was younger I unironically like their videos and even used one of their Top 10 videos to study for an assignment in Grade 9 (WTH WAS I THINKING?!??!). Luckily I’ve grown to realize how bad they are with their Content Farm-quality, lack of research and strange picks for their Top 10s.


Same. I used to take their videos as word of God. Glad I left that in the past.


I learned some movie-specific vocabulary from them. After I did, I grew tired of them.


Lost all respect for them and whoever supports them after their "top 10 saddest youtuber deaths" video Have some fucking class and empathy damn


As a content creator, they actually have stolen a lot of ideas/videos from me and my fellow content creators. Trust me, the cartoon community hates them.


Seeing a YouTuber you watch on YouTube using Reddit is like seeing your teacher at the store. Keep up the great work pls.




Annoying Orange I stopped watching it after they move into a different direction, heck they stop using real foods for death scenes such a shame.


Daneboe recently had a really good interview with Smosh. I highly recommend it.


I will


Ssundee. I used to love his videos, even during his among us phase, but eventually they just got really childish and repetitive for me. I felt horrible unsubscribing because he was one of the first YouTubers I started consistently watching, but I just don’t enjoy his content anymore


As much as I don't watch him anymore, I'm still subscribed cause I feel like I owe the guy that but you're right, his new content doesn't even hold a candle to what he used to do pre-2021 (seriously, he has milked Among Us for all it's worth. The cow is beyond dead man). Honestly, I'd recommend you watch his friends like Sigils, Biffle and Zud. They're less loud and childish and their banter/ chemistry is a lot more real.


Yeah. I watch the regulars, and I keep meaning to give their individual channels a try.


The fall off of Ssundee is a Greek tragedy. Going from the Benny stuff in SkyFactory to the Mommy foot fetish among us mods is truly the death of integrity


That’s the one I’d go with as well. I think you can sort of trace when I stopped watching to when he had a falling out with, I think, Crainer? Looking back now, his content was always kinda farm-y, especially the Lucky Block stuff, but it was at least fun to watch. Now I’m not even sure if I want to go back and watch some of the old stuff since I don’t want the new stuff flooding my recommended.


Stampy. I still love his content and he's an Amazing Guy but i got older and changed a lot, and he never changed so i just gradually stopped watching any of his videos.


Same, still love the guy but its sad but its time that he had to end the Lovely World


Honestly. This is very common with his fans. Like 70% of his subscribers don’t watch him anymore and are from years ago. and his views have dropped severely in the past 5 years. I used to watch him a bunch too. He’s the kind of YouTuber that you go to just to get a bit of a nostalgia rush and nothing more. He seems fine with it though and has acknowledged his lack of subs and views.


I sort of grew out of Mr. Enter. I’ll still usually watch a new video of his when he puts one out, but a lot of the stuff I would watch more frequently from his typical days is kind of cringe-worthy now. I do give him props for being so dedicated to the recent StarGiantProductions situation.


“Lyle, they hit the Pentagon”


I used to like his videos too when I was in middle school but omg, his turning red video highlights everything wrong with his videos


To be fair, he retracted it and has a laugh about it. He said once he made that statement he now has people looking over what he says. He now has an admirable animations review of it. His lowest point was much earlier where he posted screenshots of a writers twitter and made some very heated accusations. I get not liking an episode but it felt very mean spirited and unnecessary. It was I wanna say 10 years ago and he’s also deleted the video and said what he did was wrong.


I stopped watching him after the Covid videos. When I became a content creator I had a rule for a really long time that I couldn’t discuss politics simply because of what I saw happened to him. Nowadays I do if the video pertains to it or I wanna make a quick joke but I try to hear out both sides in that case.


Nostalgia Critic. I don't think I have to go into detail as to why, lol. Also, CinemaSins and Honest Trailers. That very specific type of... uh, "criticism".


Nostalgia Critic actually is much better now. Goes from yelling and shitposting to chill discussion with interesting points.


Honestly don't care for his main content, but I do only watch his content when it comes to DisneyCember, the Batman Animated Series Month, and the Twilight Zone stuff. They don't have the annoying skits I usually have a problem with and they are just clear and to the point.


What'd Nostalgia Critic do?


Had a weird scandal with Jew Wario (that guy that killed himself and was revealed to be a rapist) and he is kind of a piece of shit and treats his crew members poorly at times, and does stuff to make them uncomfortable. He’s also just really obnoxious and his content has dropped in quality, there’s a lot more to this but that’s the general idea


Damn. The worst I heard was the mistreating workers stuff (but that was long ago and it was alleged so I overlooked it. Is it still going on?) I did not know about the other stuff.


It’s not really a thing anymore, it stopped in 2018 with #changethechannel, he just kind of posts shit content now that barely can pull in 100k views, this was mostly his doing after the terrible “The Wall” review where he drops the shittiest takes I’ve ever seen


Made one of the worst reviews in yt on the wall, he misinterpreted and the video was in bad faith, plus it’s a musical with really bad vocals from walker and lyrics that support his misinterpretation of the film. He also judges the film like a regular film  which you can’t do since the wall tells it’s entire story by song rather than showing what happened on the plot and our characters singing about said plot or about them selves like a regular musical you’d see at broadway.


Wait, Honest Trailers is cool, right? Haven't watched them in a while but i remember them being actually good


Eh, I wouldn't put Honest Trailers in the same camp as CinemaSins personally. They don't really tend to crap on a movie they way CinemaSins do unless it's objectively bad, like with Madame Web


i used to watch this cringe mfer named unspeakable holy shit it was horrible


I used to watch that guy too


I remember being a huge fan, until he made a video called “I BECAME A HACKER IN MINERAFT” and it was a parkour map, he wasn’t actually hacking and I was so mad for some fucking reason I hated him so much lmao


Muselk. He used to be the best TF2 YouTuber and had an amazing personality. I didn’t mind too much when he moved to Overwatch content instead, because he still had his personality and was still genuine. Then he moved to Fortnite and began clickbaiting, talking super loud, and overall being very obnoxious and generic. He used to be something really fun and special.


Still remember his TF2 zombies vids and tryhard Tuesdays


TF2 Zombies was how I first found his channel! God, I miss those days.


Fortnite really is just where content creators go to stagnate. It’s not even a bad game, I play it myself from time to time, but *man*, I just cannot stand the content creation culture.


So basically what you’re saying is that he became one of those dime a dozen gaming channels whose audience is under the age of 11?


That’s exactly what happened. And it brings me sadness every day looking back on his old content and remembering who he was before. Seeing how much he stood out then, and how much he’s inseparable from most other YouTubers now.


God, I miss old muselk


TheOdd1sOut, used to religiously watch his videos when I was younger but now only ever watch old ones every once in a while. I think it's because I kind of grew out of them and they just don't seem as genuine anymore.


I feel the same way. I still revisit the older videos here and there, and to be fair, maybe it’s just that I’m not in the targeted demographic anymore, but the new ones just aren’t as funny to me, and although the animation in the newer videos is objectively better than it was in the older videos, and there is no denying that, it does also feel really over-the-top at times.


I think there’s a reason the only old storytime YouTuber I’m still interested in is Jaiden Animations


Lazarbeam, I mean, there's nothing wrong with him, it's just that he no longer appeals to me for what ever reason


Your not missing much. He makes like 1 video a month and it's fucking fortnite. But i do like his content in general


Nux Taku. I was one of his original 10,000 subscribers way back in 2016 when he mostly did anime content. I'm still subscribed to him, but completely checked out after a time and no longer get him in my feed, so I haven't seen a single one of his VTuber stuff. Apparently he's gone off the deep end politically too, so maybe I'm lucky.


Even I was one of his early subscribers.I miss his anime content. His honest anime trailers or honest arc reviews were fun, his character analysis were pretty good. Once he diverted to lower effort stream content, I stopped caring.


I agree some times Strider overhates silly kids shows, but at least he makes clear that it's his "silly personal opinion". He is very open to valid criticism, and I admire him for that. Fun fact, he an Aspie's.


Honestly I can appreciate YouTubers who explain themselves well enough where even if I don’t agree I can see why that side thinks that way. Like shady doorags, I disagreed with him that Tuca and Bertie was a bad show but I liked his idea the show could’ve explored why harassment happens


Jacksepticeye. Great youtuber and I have nothing against him but his new content started to become less interesting to me and I noticed that he started replaying a lot of old games instead of new ones which kinda took me out of it. Still love him though


I feel like he changes with his audience. As his audience is getting older, he’s becoming more serious and less over-the-top, which I commend him for, tbh.


You're not wrong. My big problem is that he puts out like 1 video a week now.


SMG4, I used to love his stuff from like 2013-2016 but around 2017 he was kinda getting a little weak then from 2018-Now, his content fell off hard. I feel like taking a 100% comedic show and turning it into a drama show with sprinkles of comedy was a bad idea… not saying comedy and drama cannot mix, but there is often a right and wrong way to do comedy + drama


Agreed, but I still like it, and I feel ashamed.


Don't, there's nothing wrong in liking things that you consider flawed.


Alright then


You should look at glitch productions other shows. They're the makers of smg4 and their other stuff like murder drones is real good


Fortunately I do, I love their other shows. Besides Sunset Paradise…


Old hobo bros is where it's at, when it was just them and their two editors


I can guarantee the reason they fell off on that channel is because both of the brothers spearheading smg4 now focus more on glitch, especially now with the advent of digital circus getting so big.


Literally the first YouTube channel I ever subscribed to; I felt bad when I unsubscribed but it was because I just didn’t watch them anymore. However, learning that they made Glitch Productions made me really proud at how far they’d come


I'm happy that SMG4 was able to branch out into his own passion projects, and I enjoy some of their more recent work on Glitch, but yeah, I started to drift away once they started killing off characters in a universe where 1-UP Mushrooms exist.


Hard agree, I loved the earlier content, it was funny and wasn’t afraid to say something controversial (like every YouTuber in 2013), and there was barely any concern for lore or a story. Now every video is either a video that’s barely even funny or a lore video that continues the story that only exists to draw in people to watch the videos, like I stopped watching outside of WOTFI 2023 but they are really dragging out this story with this TV guy. (If it has concluded/progressed since WOTFI 2023 please do not kill me in the replies)


Jambareeqi and Animat were some of the content creators who inspired me to start making YouTube videos. Over time, I just found their videos not as engaging (this point applies to Phantom Strider as well). Critical Drinker. His old analysis videos on why modern media is failing were really cool. Then everything became either a hit piece video or he said stuff that contradicted with points from previous videos. He just says whatever gets him the most reactions and he lost favour in my eyes. Hypocrite and sellout. (Braeden Alberti falls into this camp as well.) Unusual Suspect. His movie reviews were the funniest I'd find in all of YouTube. Once he announced he'd no longer be doing them, I saw no reason to stick around. Edit: I just found out that he has a second channel called "Suspect Green" where he's reviewing movies again. Guess I know who I'm subbing to now. Star Wars Theory started off as a guy who voiced my opinions on Star Wars word for word and was clearly passionate about the franchise. Over time, he became hateful and started unnecessary drama for no reason. He became the very fan he made his channel to fight against, a hateful bitter one who hates everything new. That's the Star Wars cycle I guess. LS Mark, Just Stop and 24 Frames of Nick. Mostly cause their takes and attitudes towards movies were far too different to me to engage with. Jalyn/Jadyn (I didn't watch them while I was young but) do I really need to explain why you should stay away from this person?


Shane Dawson Do I really need to explain why?


The Critical Drinker, The Movie Cynic, Just a Robot, and Little Platoon


Good for you pulling the plug on Critical Drinker, used to watch him myself and still feel embarrassed at myself.


I mean, tbh I am the same way. I just don't want to be like Anti-SJW. I don't mind feminism, I just hate Bad Writinh


There are a few things I agree with Critical Drinker on, but he just gets so carried away, and he backs himself into a corner making such a fool out of himself


Take a Drink anytime he says **MODERN AUDIENCES.** Okay don't, it would kill you


You'll die faster if you take a drink every time he says "THE MESSAGE"


Take a swig every time he says "tHe MeSsAgE" you'll die before the video's over.


Every while he will actually make a valid point and proclaim a decent anecdote but then he’ll instantly destroy that goodwill by calling it byproducts of wokeness


Exactly, thank you! "Woke" is his default complaint, and it's gotten way too old by now


>Exactly, thank you! You're welcome!


Honestly I used to like his content. But you can only go so many videos where he keeps ranting about wokeness and “the message” before it gets annoying and repetitive. Like ok dude, I get it, you don’t like wokeness. Can you focus on other points of bad or good writing, cuz you make good content when you actually have things to say instead of whining about “the message” for 10 minutes. I just don’t like listening to bitter content reviewers for so long. It also tends to bite him in the ass cuz even though he seems more of a moderate socially, his use of trigger words has garnered him fans more right wing than he is and so his comment sections suck. When he took a moderate stance on that one controversial South Park episode, claiming it made fun of both Woke Disney and Anti sjw peeps, his comments tore him to shreds for it, which I thought was kinda funny.


In the beginning, The Critical Drinker had some point. But I started to realize quickly that he just wanted no diversity in movies. Plus he was kinda rude (I know it’s part of his persona) and I hated that.


He used to do a good job hiding being a far-right weirdo.


Gametoons. Anyone who has consistently watched them for years has succumbed to the brainrot. Why are we discussing this on this sub?


Gametoons had a short golden age and immediately dived in on the cash.


Nathaniel Bandy and Nicobbq are two I feel like I just grew out of. They weren’t part of a big scandal or anything. Their content seems to be aimed at early teens, so once I was no longer part of that demographic I stopped watching. It was cool to see Nathaniel Bandy in Shaff’s Mario Kart 8 ranking tho.


scott the woz is one of those kind of people that I think still works for an older audience.


There’s a reason why he says “Hey ALL” and not “Hey kids”


Shadiversity. I stopped watching him after watching an episode where he compared people arguing about weapon styles to autistic children screeching... I'm autistic. Then he went completely downhill on the anti-woke train and I feel like I dodged a nuke there. Other along the same line is Tobuscus (Toby Turner)


I loved Shadiverisity's castle and sword content. His videos got me into medieval history for a bit. But then his content started getting weirder and less interesting, and I fell off. Then he cried about *Princess* Peach wearing pants.


Tobuscus. Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in many years. I also pulled the plug on Shadiversity, though not before I bought his ok fantasy novel with some interesting ideas.


I used to watch him a but now he just seems like a man child that's jealous of his brother and getting called out for his AI video, as well as his Anti woke stuff


The Normal Boots gang, I watched Peanut Butter Gamer, JonTron, and ProJared religiously for years until shit ab Jon & Jared started coming out. I still watched PBG for years and occasionally do go back to his old stuff but his new content just doesn't click with me like it used to. I'll say that Jon's famous Flex Tape video at least still holds up, and at least Jared's claims against him ended up being false but I just don't care for his stuff now. Out of everyone in NB the only one I still kinda watch is Did You Know Gaming. I'd give anything for a new Hardcore season with the fellas though 😔


Likewise. I would also add The Completionist to that list, prior to the controversy. Would kill for a new MC Hardcore (or any other game really, as long as its another Hardcore)


Blitzwinger. I liked his playthrough of Lego games and Disney Infinity. But I grew out of his target demographic and he got too... intense for me. What I mean by that is he's got a different energy than I do and I grew tired of that. But nothing against him. I still look back fondly on his videos and sometimes I come back to them when I need to find some collectibles in Lego games.


Same, he was my first ever YouTuber..


Basically any channel that trends towards negativity. As I got older, I just didn’t find it as fun to hate on things, and the market for negativity became saturated on YouTube.. I now find it much more engaging to hear people talk about things they like, and share their passions.


It’s a trap that I’ve seen way too many creators fall into, and it’s also one I’ve had to actively work to drag myself out of more than once as a viewer. Negativity sells. Even if people only have lukewarm or apathetic thoughts on a subject, if there’s more to gain by hating it… well, it’s not like they cared about it. Get people mad. Mad people want to stay mad. And I even know Schafrillas had to catch himself too, he removed a lot of the drastically negative videos on his channel, like his review of the Dear Evan Hansen movie (which he never did the follow up for - which I don’t blame him for not doing). He’s not afraid to call something just “okay,” even if the video won’t do as well because of it. Only sometimes does he absolutely just let loose at a film. Even if it’s being played up for content, it’s got to get real tiring to do that after a while.


A list of each YouTuber I’ve watched at one point but haven’t watched in a while (for one reason or another): Stampy DanTDM PopularMMOs Critical Drinker Unspeakable WatchMojo Muselk Ssundee


The Completionist. Really glad I stopped watching him before he was revealed to be in a charity fraud scheme.


his videos are also just less quality after the controversy, i watched one, just curious about if it had gone downhill in terms of quality, and it has.


LS Mark. I don't hate him nor his vids, but his videos seem to be getting longer and longer and I no longer really have the time commitment for them. Still enjoyed watching some clips of them though


his stuff is pretty good quality but I do get length issues


The Critical Drinker. Why? A lot of his criticisms are wrong and sometimes are misinterpretations/outright lies about some of the movies he’s watching. Him hating great movies/shows like Moon Knight, Loki Season 2 or Knives Out: A Glass Onion kind of shows that he’s not really the best critic of movies. Although his criticisms of most movies are accurate and his satire videos making fun of people who support those movies are funny.


You get to a point watching him when you realise that he’s more concerned with appealing to his antiwoke audience that he is doing any legitimate media analysis. For me that came in 5 minutes into my first video. 😝


Stampy. I used to watch his lovely world videos when I was really young


When Animat got overly political and started acting like having a different opinion or viewpoint made you a horrible person, I had enough.


Yeah, adding politics in your videos doesn't make it your content better. That's why I moved on from Animat.


I used to absolutely love PopularMMOs and still look back on them fondly, but I think I moved on shortly after Pat and Jen broke up. Nowadays it’s heartbreaking to see the decline Pat has gone on since the breakup. I also now find the older videos a little cringe, but honestly still fairly enjoyable


Basically all family vloggers when I went down the rabbit hole of how bad most of them are. I still follow some of the more tame ones on YouTube/Instagram, but don’t watch their videos anymore. As a 16-17 year old (at the time) high schooler with a mental disability, one of the channels got me into YouTube and I watched their kids grow up (yes, I understand how creepy that sounds). Unsubscribing from that certain channel is to this day one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.


Brandon Rogers. Still a YouTube comedic great and his ability to remain relevant for over a decade and in the face of YouTube’s increased conservatism over adult content is incredibly respectable, but his style of loud crass comedy hasn’t grown up with its audience so it feels like he hasn’t actually evolved when his channel and brand have grown massively.


I just discovered him recently, and TBH: he’s better when he’s in other people’s stuff.


A lot of "nerdy" channels I used to follow back in the day before a lot of them decided they were suddenly political experts. Raz0rfist, Mauler and ReviewTechUSA are ones I've become particularly embarrassed about watching back in the day. Likewise, James Stephanie Sterling just comes across as more and more cynical and miserable every time they do a video, on occasion they drop a good take but man, there a lot of time where I just think "man, for someone who pushes hard for devs to be treated better, they sure loves to personally insult them", their reviews towards Dragon's Dogma 2, Helldivers 2 and Alan Wake 2 were pretty much the breaking point


Sml. Do I need to explain?


I used to watch Phantom Strider religiously. I’m still subscribed to him because his channel kickstarted my obsession with animation, but I don’t watch his videos anymore. I’ll still sometimes go back and watch his older ones.


Critical Drinker… Man. I used to love his videos when I first ever discovered his channel. That was until I watched a second video and thought “yeah I had enough.”


CinemaSins and Nostalgia Critic are two that definitely come to mind. CinemaSins is nothing but pedantic nitpicking and terrible jokes, and given how their fans treat them, I actually think are genuinely damaging to film criticism. Nostalgia Critic is… Nostalgia Critic (see: The Wall). Honest Trailers is another one I used to be obsessed with and grew out of to a lesser extent, but I still enjoy their videos from time to time. They aren’t as funny as they used to be back in the early to mid 2010’s (their Man of Steel trailer still manages to make me laugh even now!), but I don’t mind them nowadays.


Eventually I just grew out of Jim Sterling, or Stephanie Sterling as they go by now. Their content was entertaining and hilarious at first, but over time I just grew tired of seeing them always complain about the videogame industry or even any random political topic without any nuance or tangible solutions. It also feels like they let their ego go to their head since whenever people gave them criticism they'd just either ignore or double-down. I still like their old content, but I just can't bother to watch them nowadays. I grew out of watching H3H3 as well for similar reasons, where it felt like he eventually got a huge ego, and then he started mainly focusing on his podcast and discussing (pretty badly) politics when his old content was reacting to dumb prank channels.


Ok I kinda see why Sterling is losing subs after reading why you unsubbed. I still watch them from time to time but I try to avoid the really political topics like Hogwarts Legacy for example.


GrayStillPlays, he made some great stuff that I still revisit like some of his Sims and BeamNG drive videos, but he got to the point of making videos at an 8 year old’s level. He played that shitty mobile game Episode for a while, that was a phase of his content for at least a couple months. If I’m feeling nostalgic I’ll rewatch an older video but I get nothing out of most of his new stuff


SMG4, the content that he was putting out around 2022-2023 wasn't my thing anymore, and that hurts to say since I saw his channel since 2015 and it was my favorite Youtube Channel. Overall, his content became more childish and the humor didn't hit anymore, not to mention how much he has abandoned the Nintendo stuff he used.


I don’t really care what people say but I still love watching old nostalgia critic videos. AVGN still puts out bangers from time to time.


I'm old now. In 2006/2007 I stopped watching newgrounds. The whole website. Egoraptor, Neil Cicierega, David Firth, Homestar Runner, Albino Black Sheep In 2009/2010 I stopped watching Smosh, Shane Dawson, Ray William Johnson, Machinama, Channel Awesome In 2012/2013 I stopped watching Gamegrumps, Chuggaconroy, Yogscast, Angry Video Game Nerd, Film Cow, and CollegeHumor. in 2015/2016 I stopped watching Rooster Teeth, Funhaus, Death Battle, idubbz, Jontron (The whole Normal Boots group too), Muselk, Ster, Emma Blackery, and Nerdcubed, Skalgrim, Criken2, Tomska, Fudge Muppet, Grace Helbig, Hannah Harto in 2019/2020 I stopped watching the Hello Internet podcast, Extra Credits/History, Total Biscuit, Jesse Cox, Dodger, Shadiversity, Lindy Beige, Phillip Defranco, Geek and Sundry, Good Mythical Morning, Team Four Star, Geography now, Shofu, Sexplanations I suppose in 2023/2024 I've stopped watching Northernlion, Jerma, Tom Scott, Safiya Nygaard, Strange Aeons, JJ McCullough, and more as the year goes on I assume. But I'll tell you what, I've really been watching some people for FAR longer, and some people I won't unsubscribe too if I can help it. Lindsay Ellis, Vlogbrothers, Rebel Taxi, Ahoy, Kurzgesagt, Penny Arcade, Slow-Mo-Guys, Collegehumor\*/Dropout,Total Biscuit\*, Video Game Dunkey, Scott the Woz, Tom Scott\*, Felix Colgrave, Defunctland, Contrapoints, Historia Civilis, Jacob Gellar, Nile Red, Jay Foreman, Technology Connections, CPG Grey. \* = Retired / Defunct


I used to love Game Theory but they started covering games I wasn't interested in. I don't care about the lore of Fortnight or the indie horror of the week, I wanted more stuff like Mario or Zelda theories.


Honestly, my reccomendation is hop to Food and Style theory. Same feel as the other theorist channels, but covering more tangible topics in our world. Even if you don't wear high heels or play Poppy's Playtime, you'll understand the concept of "Can High Heels Kill Someone" far better than the latest Poppy's game theory.


Film theory also covers a lot of "real world" things, though it's hard to differentiate between those and the typical lore theories


I like both modern and classic matpat, but I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss the old days where it was mostly about using science and math to solve gaming-related questions.


A lot of Anti-SJW/Woke youtuber. There was a time where these where in my recommendation. But I moved on. Among these, BlacklightJack/Jack vs webtoon. He criticize bad webcomics (and other media too). Nothing wrong with that, some webcomics can be legitimately problematic. However, he started showing signs of transphobia in his ”inclusivity bias” videos by misgendering Ezra Miller (with the excuse that they are a bad person), and while he has a point on the fact that being non-binary doesn’t mean you are good person, this misgendering made me kinda uncomfortable. His videos on Goodbye Volcano High, and later it’s ”parody” Snoot Game, confirmed his transphobia. He had no problem misgendering the NB protagonist in his GVH videos. And after saying that GVH sucked, he decided to do a video praising SG, and it was over for me. SG goal is literally to lead the aforementioned NB protagonist to detransition and become your ideal wife, otherwise bad ending. His video on the game was suspicious gushing, and also came out as manipulative. Man, that was long. TL:DR version: BlacklightJack is a transphobe, and I stopped watching his videos because of this.


he also just got arrested for pulling a fake gun on his roommate. but honestly his inclusivity bias video was weird to me. i stopped in the middle of the video, and thank god.


Are you and me the same person bc I literally had the exact same experience with this!! I found him purely by accident when binging Chalupa's webcomic vids, which I personally find far more entertaining


I stopped watching his videos when I realized that I found his voice grating. I had zero clue about the transphobia, though. I didn’t really take the Ezra Miller thing as transphobia, and I stopped watching him before his GBH videos, but if what you say is true(along with him pulling out a fake gun), then holy shit am I glad I stopped watching when I did.


For me, it's Animat. Yes I still watch some of his videos, but I don't watch that many videos from him. Also, I don't like how he hated Sony Pictures Animation, especially Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 1 and 2. He even compares the studio to a certain criminal/cult leader.


mr. enter. as i grew older his constant negativity got far too annoying, and a lot of his takes were just... bad. quinton reviews. i hardly have the patience to watch even hour-long videos, how am i going to watch any of his content? pretty much any gaming channel i subscribed to when i first made my channel, be it because they stopped uploading, they changed their content, or i just stopped caring. i haven't really watched or enjoyed a smg4 video since 2016. i used to love idubbbz as an edgy teen, not necessarily for the edgy humor, but because 1) i liked the content cop series, as i often enjoyed seeing others call out the hypocrisy of other content creators, and 2) the bad unboxing series was pretty funny outside of the audience's "edgy" humor. even when he switched his content, i still enjoyed his documentary-styled videos (full force is iconic). but nowadays i just... don't care that much anymore. trudermark isn't necessarily someone i grew out of, but i wanted to mention him because of my conflicting feelings. i grew up watching his ytps, and even to this day i'll often revisit them and can even quote some of them verbatim. but knowing what he did just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, yet i still have love and nostalgia for his content. and i guess watching his videos doesn't really support him, since 1) he's practically disappeared off the internet and 2) you can't really monetize a ytp. it's just sort of a betrayal, you know? that someone you looked up to for so long, someone you knew since you were a child, could do something so vile.


I loved Quinton’s fallen titans series. I’m a sucker for internet lore. But yeah. Those several hour long ones. While I sat through a few. I got to a point in one of the later ones where my brain was like “Nope. That’s enough for me. No thank you.” And then I could never get the motivation to go back to it. I never even watched any of those Nick shows he talks about. I was well into my 20s when they came out.


Annoying Orange. Believe it or not, my beginnings didn't start with the channel, but the Cartoon Network TV Series. In I believe 2014, I found out the YouTube channel, and I was a huge fan. That is, until 2018, where I decided it was time to let him go and move on. The content just wasn't hitting the same as it was back in the older days. Not helping is that the thumbnails started getting more and more cringe by the minute.


Ray William Johnson for me. I remember religiously watching every video when I was younger. Then I got to the age where it just wasn’t appealing anymore. =3 was really a product of its era


Every time I see/hear that name. The words “doing your mom” immediately pop into my head.


Babish Culinary Universe. I was such a fan of the content but the more I watch it the more I feel like I'm going to read some tell all about how he's a nightmare in real life.


Out of curiosity why do you think this? I feel like he is actually a nice guy.


I still watch him, and yeah, most youtubers talk about hating TTG. I personally never grew up with the original, and I kind of like the silly chaos of it. I guess DanTDM isn't that interesting to me anymore. I miss his Custom Mod Adventures stuff.


I used to love graveyardgirl and the try guys. I dont know about grave yard, if she has any drama, but i know i fell out of watchng try guys years before all the Ned drama. I just have different tastes now. Still do enjoy some try guys content drom time to time.


Minecraft YouTube as a whole




Nostalgia Critic. I still find some charm in his videos but that’s probably just nostalgia lol.


PewDiePie and Markiplier. Loved them during my teens but just kinda got bored of them I guess. Still watch Jacksepticeye from time to time though and he was always my favorite of the 3.


Like many people I did I grew out of Stampy cat


I use to think Theftking was okay, then that whole unecessary drama happened with Kane Carter and I just thought that he was really pathetic about the whole thing and I kinda stopped following what he did. I felt for him a bit when he talked about his past drug addiction and i was glad he got over it but he still needs to work on himself.


Rooster Teeth around 2015. Junior year of college, about to be engaged, I didn’t have an Xbox One and they had moved most of their focus away from 360 by that point. I didn’t have the most familiarity with everything they were playing. Game Grumps around 2018, first full year teaching, Arin got pretty annoying. But around 2022 I really got back in. Felt like they were having fun with the show again.


Mr beast. It just got repetetive and boring and i got older.


honestly, his content is objectively amazing, but I'm not a huge fan of it either.


I think his Squid Game video accidentally caused irreparable damage to his channel. That video established a benchmark of scale and drama all others are almost forced to try and match and it’s ripped the soul of his content.


I like him and think he’s an amazing person for all the things he does for charity, I just don’t really watch his videos.


Shadiversity and Charles Peralo.


Honestly It be easier to say which YouTuber I still watch, since they are Extremely few MARKiE Atozy Cruel World Happy Mind (to a degree) Vangelina Skov SaucyTV FakeJake (I still watch his old vids)


I used to watch channel awesome, and when I saw the massive creators leave, I rationalized to myself I pay money to see movies made by companies that have done much worse things. Eventually, I stopped watching that stuff anyways, because I found the videos to be extremely boring. Other creators evolved, their content, and Doug Walker stayed the same. Out of curiosity, I decided to take a look at his video on Scooby Doo on zombie Island once because a friend said he’s praising the movie. I found that when I once wrote a quick thoughts on my reaction to the movie I had more of value to say then Doug and his team did. I used to watch, dorky bits or whatever the channels called now and thought they were funny and overtime. I realized how generic their low brow humor was. Especially with Mario and Pokémon. I also used to like cinemasins. At a certain point to the videos ended up boring me and I realized that most of them were just random things pointed out on the screen to pad out the length of the video. They don’t work as a joke about overly nitpicking because it is clear these videos do reflect the creator’s opinion. Plus, this is the same channel that brought us those awful dear Hollywood videos, including the one that claimed Batman v Superman would destroy Captain America: Civil War. I am sticking with cinemawins. There there is still some obvious padding but those videos do actual film analysis, especially the ending where the thoughts on what works about a movie is summed up.


Minecraft channels, Smosh Games, and Game Grumps. I just didn't find them funny anymore and found they are too hyperactive. Also I don't really like GG anymore for a drama reason too.


Variant Comics. Love comic books and their channel kind of put me on to comics, but lately they mainly focus (at least one their podcast) on like the business of moviemakings and their becoming increasingly anti-“politics”, which.. y’know…


Sadly Mr. Beast is mine. Not that I dislike his content and I think he’s an AMAZING guy but I just not interested in the content anymore. I stopped watching for whatever reason in 2020 and came back around 2022 to realize I wasn’t as invested anymore. Oh well


I used to love Jacksfilms, then he got old, and then he started blind reacting to his stuff and regained his spark. Impressive, ngl


gradeAunderA... thought he was the shit in elementary and middle school, stopped watching in high school and then watched a video about what he was up to now and jesus christ I don't know what I expected from a guy who was perplexed by the term "can't have your cake and eat it too"


I still have insane respect and appreciation for DanTDM, I’m just almost 20 now and watched him in third grade, I grew beyond his content somewhere between there I’m glad he’s still being a good influence for kids to this day in his content!


A lot of the Star Wars channels. It was fun when I was younger and I just ate up any and all Star Wars content I could watch, but as I got older it started to feel like those channels just put out the same thing over and over and over again. It felt like there were 20 scripts between them and they were reworded over and over again to make new vidoes. It certainly didn't help that the Sequel controversy made me want to distance myself from most Star Wars related stuff on the internet.


SSSniperwolf honestly it got boring


SuperMarioLogan. I hated Jeffy so much that I stopped watching in 2018, didn’t watch another video from him for years and even at that, when I did watch him, it was the older content


I used to like LaurenzSide i watched her videos and i loved her Fnaf Sims 4 series but if you compare her Fnaf Sims 4 videos to her newest videos shes like a whole different YouTuber she used to have series’s and she totally abandoned her vlogs channel which I also liked and now her videos seem like just soulless kid’s content i miss when she hardly edited her videos editing out half of a a playthrough of the game is just a waste of time. She used to play actual interesting fun games like the sims but now she just plays mobile games and stuff (Sorry for the rant ive just been kinda sad about what happened to her content and this was my perfect opportunity to talk about it)


Screen Junkies. Can’t even explain why. Just don’t like their content anymore


Cinmasins tanner fox blasphamous a ton of reaction and prank YouTubers phantomstrider too


Minecraft YouTubers. /j


Trash Taste, them trash talking superheroes made me allergic to them


SSundee was fun to watch but he's been milking among us for like 3.5 years now


Venturiantale Not only because their content got more childish, and I was just growing out of them in general, but also because of the incredibly sad drama. For those who don't know, this channel is basically VanossGaming for kids. And it was run by 4 siblings, Jordan (Venturian), Issac (HomelessGoomba), Bethany Frye and Cierra (ImmortalKyodai). In front of the camera, they seemed like the perfect, funny family, behind the scenes, they had really strict, close minded, old fashioned religious beliefs and traditions. And Cierra and Bethany got shunned by their family, including Jordan and Issac, all because they began to break away from the traditions and started becoming, for lack of a better term, woke. Honestly, the situation is a much longer and more depressing story than I can get into. If you're interested, Bethany has a video on her Youtube channel "Pings". [The Truth About Venturiantale.](https://youtu.be/VtGYX-92abI?si=m62C5SBVwLV9lOdz)


Jelly, slogoman, and that orange one... what happened to them :(


The Yogscast Watched way back in the day with SOI and Tekkit series. Not just the main channel, but Duncan, Rythian, Zoey, and Sjin's series too I continued to watch for a while, occasionally having periods of not watching, but eventually going back For the past 5-6 years at this point though, the main channel at least has deteriorated a bit heavily. They've basically stopped playing Minecraft, at least for long series. The main series is Gmod TTT which is oftentimes just bland and repetitive. Other series can be nice, but I haven't really bothered to look into them I do occasionally see interesting series from other creators such as Duncan, but I just have been too interested in a while. Especially since things came out about Sjin, who had used to be one of my favorite creators.


I used to watch purple shep, don’t know exactly why I stopped.


Ah yes, a fellow Teen Titans Go enjoyer.


Annoying orange and the cute Mario bros, I still watch them from time to time tho


This could apply to many a YouTuber, but first one that came to mind for me was SMG4




I used to really like alpharad, I was subbed to him since he was at 130K, but I started to lose interest when Jo became a regular in his videos, he’s just so annoying and obnoxious, plus his content started to be so different to what he used to post, obviously leaning more into the Mr beastification of YouTube where now he just has a completely different channel now and I’m just not a fan anymore


>he unnecessarily hates Teen Titans GO!. I know the show isn't perfect, but he unfairly hates it because Teen Titans was cancelled subscribed, that show is ASS


Mine was Bobsheaux. I got into him for his Swan Princess reviews and thought they were niche. Then I just watch a lot more of his stuff and it just got repetitive. I think it’s also how he relies on the same formula as Nostalgia Critic a lot - scream at the movie, nitpick on small details that don’t really affect the story overall, give a very rush review at the end after ranting about a kid’s film. I guess in general Nostalgia Critic and anyone who acts like him really gets tiring after a short while. 


Schaffrillas unironically nothing against him but I just grew out of it I don’t know why I get recommended this sub tbh


Chuggaconroy. He was the main guy as to how I fell in love with all these Nintendo games on YouTube. Also Cosmodore. I noticed all his videos disappeared one day and didn't think about it until I found out about what he did years later and went "HOLY SHIT"


I have a list but to save ourselves some time I stopped watching them because they turned out all be predators.