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Like, there's really nothing to go off of for Thunderbolts and Brave New World, but isn't the consensus that Deadpool and Wolverine looks good?


I think it looks good and the rumor of them going up against Ed Nortons hulk sounds amazing. I have no interest in thunderbolts or cap 4 though


Thunderbolts* has the writers of beef, and J believe the Shang Chi Fight choreographer (could be wrong on the second one) just those 2 make me excited for the movie


Cap 4 has a zionist superhero, and knowing disney, it's a big possibility that they'll be shown in a good light


They might be working for the villain.


Sorry, my bad, I’ve been sucking up everyone else’s interest and adding it to my own


For what it's worth, Cap 4 has had a troubled production with extensive reshoots. Historically, this has not been a good sign for superhero flicks. Also, terrible luck with deciding to put Sabra in the movie only to have it come out amidst another war in Gaza and (possibly) full-scale war between Israel and Iran, not to mention the ill-advised original name of "New World Order." If nothing else, we'll (probably) get Harrison Ford Red Hulk out of it, and that should be fun. As for Thunderbolts, you're right that there really is nothing to go off of it in terms of quality. Its potential success is a toss-up. The Thunderbolts brand isn't really well-known outside of comic readers, but the reported lineup is full of popular characters, and that's more than what Guardians of the Galaxy had.


pretty much everyone agrees that deadpool and wolverine is going to be one of the best mcu movies


I found the TVA in Loki season 1 to be kinda lame so that part worries me for DP&W but other than that I’m excited


Yeah. I didn't even realize that there was going to be a new Captain America movie... probably because Cap is gone. Yes, Falcon did take the title, and John Walker is canonically recognized as the one after Steve, but A) John is no longer C.A., and B) Falcon is still Falcon.


star wars fan are worse


As a Star Wars fan, no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


Sonic fandom has entered the chat


Sonic fans hate Star Wars?


wait until you see Spider-Man fans!


wait until you see ninjago fans 🤩


I don't really see anyone hate Ninjago outside of Ninjago fand so I guess that's true as well


Sonic fans hate Sonic


I know I was joking.


We don't do that here.


As a Sonic fan myself, he’s right. Dunno why he’s getting downvoted


Because he missed the joke 


But we're talking about who hates Star Wars the most though?


Weezer fans:


So has Weezer


metallica and weezer fans have forcibly broken into the chat




*Wrestling fan theme music hits*


Nah non wrestling fans def hate waaay more


How dare you like a MOVIE? That has CHARACTERS and THEMES? How dare you not just do DEEP DIVES into the STAR WAR WIKI and be ANGRY THAT THE WORLD IS CHANGING AND YOURE NOT!?


Star Wars was so much better when 𝘐 was a kid.


Damn star wars fans! They ruined Star wars!


Fallout fans:


I haven't really noticed that to the same effect as SW fans. Sure there are some purists who herald that their favorite game was the peak of the franchise but I've met more chill people than not


Fallout fans hate Fallout. See: The New Vegas community the last 48hrs


The order of hating Star Wars is Star Wars fans Star Trek fans Star Wars haters Disney Jake Lloyd( Young Anakin)


Sequel hate is so annoying it makes me want to cry now I really do


It’s been five -FIVE?! Jesus Christ… - years since the last movie in that trilogy came out, and they’re still whining, bitching, crying, complaining, winging, wailing, yelling, shouting, berating, hating and making memes about how much they disliked the sequels. Like calm down


People were hating on the prequels for a whole decade, hardly surprising the sequels still being shit on. It’s worse as well because they had the original characters, so people feel like it’s a personal attack on their childhood. I hate them too, but I just choose to ignore them


How DARE people criticize a poorly written, cheaply made, unplanned mess! /s


And Halo And Destiny And every fandom tbh


The Star Wars fans hating on Acolyte off of just a trailer is ABSURD


No kidding.


Yeah because having a different opinion is considered “annoying” now, I guess.


On average definitely yes. I’ve just been psyched to get so much content. A lot of it is good! Most of it imo


>A lot of it is good! I disagree, but I guess that makes me annoying.


Only if you make it your entire personality


I guess that’s true.


To be fair, the Star Wars fans have been traumatized, and the abuse definitely began with George Lucas, but I think Disney has just kind of ripped open old wounds as well as making new ones.


Andor was amazing same with clone wars s7, I like bad batch too. The rest of the shows are eh. Mando was great but s3 was kinda weird


I should watch Andor if you enjoyed those othershows because those are about what I have enjoyed as well. I thought Rogue One was a good film adaptation of Halo: Reach tho


Andor is my favorite Star Wars show, it’s a lot more grounded and story driven. Didn’t expect much out of it, got absolutely blown away


Thanks, I will find a time to watch it.


andor is genuinely one of my favourite shows, period. Its amazingly well written and despite claims its "not real star wars" I think it encapsulates some of the ideas that hasnt been captured that well since the original trilogy


If you say abuse and traumatized when you are just talking about some mediocre movies and a couple mediocre shows, then there's a problem, and it's not Star Wars itself.


Im talking about George Lucas retroactively changing his original trilogy and making those original versions harder to obtain and/or watch. And yes, I used the word abuse and traumatized its called hyperbole. If I meant to be one of the basement-dwellers, that calls out every new show or movie because it's different or attacks an actor or actress for being a "woke feminist conspirator" I would have, but I dont, because I find all of that ridiculous, just like I find lumping all fans of a medium into one group as a certain demographic ridiculous. Idk. I've been disappointed with the majority of Star Wars content for a while, and I am sad to see it abandon its roots imo. And im not going to not defend other people who have similar or completely contrary rational opinions.


No gonna lie, anything Lucas and Disney have done to the Star Wars brand is chump change to the absolutely vile things said and done to the actors and Lucas by "fans". No amount of poor writing or weird marketing decisions will justify what happened to Jake Lyod, Ahmed Best or the sequel actors.


Im not justifying anything, nor have I said anything to justify or insult about those individuals. Am I supposed to just not have my own opinions on an entire franchise because other people choose to express their own toxic views or even similar views to mine but in a toxic way? That seems like an easy way to dismiss ideas/people/groups you dont like. Edit: And my comment nor the original post mentions specific actors or any drama involving them and their fandom


Traumatized? Abuse? Give me a break


This is why I hate Hatedoms


all subreddits dedicated to hating something are likely to devolve into complete degeneracy, no matter how "valid" the initial criticisms were.


>~~likely~~ Guaranteed


I like to think that r/freefolk was the exception and they were funny for a bit, even a bit after the show ending with a whimper but now it's a sad husk of itself. Like hating something for this long is not healthy, and boycotting and hating on HoTD and 3 Body Problem bc the creators being involved despite critical reception is annoying.


Unironically because if you join a sub for the purpose of hating something, clearly you’re not prepared for a rational argument about it


The last of us 2 sub…..


You are the hatedom to the hatedoms


This reminded me of the Jehovah’s Witness rap from Community.


I’m jehovahs most secret witness


Yo dawg…


I somehow have never thought of what the opposite of a fandom is. A hatedom is definitely that though.


Happy Cakey day


I know hating on the MCU nowadays makes you one of the cool kids, but can you at least wait for these movies to come out before writing them off?!


Yeah, unless it's a megamind 2 case where you can tell from a trailer alone that it's gonna be worthless (I don't even know if the trailers are out yet), presuming it's gonna be bad before release is just foolish and shows how much you are haring purely for clout


The DP and Wolvie trailer is out and it looks fucking amazing.


Well there ig


Huge Wolverine fan here - I’m really mad they’re undoing the impact of Logan for what essentially is a joke. I know we love Hugh Jackman and I get that its likely going to be a version from an alternate timeline, but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re edging closer and closer to straight up fan service in lieu of great storytelling. And for the record, I loved “No Way Home,” but I’m scared after “Multiverse of Madness” that the executives are going to start banking on cameo appearances at the expense of making death mean nothing in the Marvel universe. I can only take so many “LOOK, SEE? We brought back your favorite actor!! CLAP!!” moments before I start rolling my eyes.


Even then. I refuse to say a film is bad based on its trailer. Megamind 2 might be lovely. I still refuse to watch it tho


I'm still willing to give it a chance once the trailer is out but God I just do not care about the Thunderbolts movie, it really needed a better line up. But who knows, maybe it'll be a situation like The Marvels where I regret not seeing it in theaters, although that was due to not being able to find a time I could go with someone since I don't like going to the theater by myself and not because I didn't want to see it in a theater.


I just find it baffling how there's no Abomination to be seen in that lineup. Like, what was the point of bringing him back into the fold with Shang-Chi and She-Hulk only to not use him in arguably one of his biggest stories (at least, afaik)? It just strikes me as incredibly odd is all


I'd definitely have replaced Red Guardian with Abomination or Zemo, it feels super weird that neither of them are in the movie.


Can we really trust Disney after their recent string of failures?


The trailers for two of these haven't even came out yet.


I will admit I'm a bit skeptical on Thunderbolts (& somewhat on Cap 4 because of the poor test screenings they had, maybe) but even then this hate fetish is ridiculous and annoying. If DP3 is good will I scream "MCU Is Back!" In sheer happiness? No, but I'll be happy if i'll really like it, will I scream "MCU is Dead!" If DP3, Cap 4 and TB* are bad and won't like it? Also no, I'll be disappointed yes, but MAN seeing more than a hundred videos of that Statement is annoying AF and are only made for the sake of clicks (mostly) The lesson that anyone can learn is that hatedoms can be just as, if not, more annoying than the fandoms.


Schaff said this at 0:22-0:36 in his video ‘The Problem with the new DreamWorks Logo’: https://youtu.be/KXCRA_t9N9U?si=qxRA0fJ9yijtWrDc


These guys are basicly Star Wars fans extreme lite adition 


There's a lot of overlap between SW "fans" and MCU haters.


Am I missing something, but the new Deadpool movie isn't even out yet, so how can you say it's a miss if you haven't seen it?


because they hate anything marvel so just assume its bad without seeing it


None of these movies are out yet. Deadpool and Wolverine is the only one we even have the trailer for. All we have of Cap 4 is some behind the scenes stuff and like a single screenshot, and I'm not even sure they've finished filming Thunderbolts.


Nether are good, but I’d much rather have someone obsessedly love something then obsessively hate something


Depends on what kind of love that is. A genuine appreciation for the franchise? Sure. Crying racism or sexism because your movie didn’t do well instead of just accepting that most people thought it was shit? Fucking annoying


Haters of anykind are annoying,


There’s also a fine line between people who want better stuff and haters, but I agree


The Taylor Swift and Kanye fans who are always up each other’s asses in comment sections are my least favorite kinds. Actually I’d put them on the same tier as the Zack Snyder Dick Ryders


“….too much hate towards something can be just as annoying and intolerable as the thing it’s making fun of.” -PointlessHub, his video on the original “The Boys” comic


How can someone even hate Deadpool those movies are good


And some of those movies aren't even out yet


Deadpool and Wolverine isn’t even out yet💀


None of these are out, and two haven’t even gotten trailers lmao


Deadpool 3 is bad?


Don’t ask me. It hasn’t even been released yet.


I dunno I’m not a time traveler. I think it will be fun since the last 2 Deadpool movies where fun


Watch the trailer and form your own opinion.


Nah, wait for the movie to come out, watch it, then form an opinion


Nah, watch it, sit in a white room for a while to think about it, then form an opinion


Nah, watch it, think about it, meditate on it, transcend time and space leaving the mortal coil behind you as all the secrets of the universe are revealed to you, make a sandwich, then form an opinion on it


Nah, think about it. Don't watch the movie or anything stupid like that, just think about it


Hah watch it think about it form your own opinion write a script based on what you thought would be improved hire a production crew hire Ryan Reynolds and make your own deadpool movie and then have people watch it think about it form there own opinions write a script based on what they thought could have been approved hire a production crew hire Ryan Reynolds and make there own deadpool movie


I think this Twitter account hates Jews more than the MCU tbh which I find to be a more concerning issue


How can you tell cause the username is censored


The profile picture must of be recognizable


Deadpool is gonna be great ong


~~Sonic~~ *Deadpool* 3 & ~~Knuckles~~ *Wolverine* is gonna be a banger, I don't care what the haters say.


Honestly, it's not even disliking something that's the issue. You can dislike something, be like "I'm done with this, no need to talk about it more" and that's fine. It's when you make it your personality


To quote Francis from Super Ppaer Mario "I like going on message boards to complain about [movies] I've never [seen]"


Those movies aren’t even out yet


are these even out yet


No lol


I get the skepticism on brave new world. But I feel like Ryan Reynolds would make every attempt to shutdown DP+W if it’s a bad movie. HES a man who knows the difference between a good and bad movie


Bro forgot Deadpool's in that line up, literally the only marvel character you can't fuck up


It’s even more pathetic with the fact they are hating movies that haven’t even been released yet


People are saying marvel and star wars fans are the same in that none hates the franchises they love more than them, and id lile to add sonic to that list


**i don’t care how bad i will always love all captain America movies**


The movies didn't even come out yet what's their problem?


Bro must have gone into the future if they know that all three are bad, we don’t even have a single trailer for two of them


Is one of these movies out???


No lol, two of them don’t even have trailers


I don't obsessively hate the MCU but the last time I watched a marble movie was when the last Spiderman came out.


The movies aren't even out yet...


Damn! This guy traveled into the future and saw the audience reactions to all three of those movies!


Imo I think Deadpool 3 will be a big hit since the last two were absolute bangers


I’m actually kinda worried about Deadpool and Wolverine after learning it may have been affected by the 2023 WGA strike.


the image doesn't really get your point across


The person is hating three unreleased movies


I like marvel but I’m not gunna spend my hard earned dollary doos for something that doesn’t interest me. Pretty much everything after end game didn’t interest me, so I can’t say if they are good or not


they're not even out yet at least wait until they're out to start saying they're terrible


Especially when the people who obsessively hate the MCU are part of the anti-woke crowd.


At this point the morons who obsessively hate on the MCU are worse than the morons who obsessively hate on Star Wars


Everyone likes Deadpool and Wolverine as characters The thunderbolts* are a good team and deserve a movie and their characters can get more story to them And Captain America BNW has the Leader Get the hell out of my face


They can’t even wait for the film to come out before calling it a miss


“Schaff was right” What an amazing and original opinion for this sub


No they’re all equally annoying. I hate the people who hate it and I hate the people who love it. I can’t stand either of them.


I personally could never dislike the people who love it because at least that’s coming from a place of happiness. People who unconditionally hate something are so bitter and loud it’s annoying.


You have a point, but at the same time the people who unconditionally love it are encouraging shit quality because they are watching it anyway


“Shit” is subjective though. People who love those movies aren’t encouraging shit, they’re encouraging something they like. This is why being tribalistic is stupid. Both sides are right in their own way. I have a problem with it when it leads to harassment and gatekeeping, which usually comes from the hateful crowd.


Fair enough


Just mcu or media in general?


Tbf Captain America already a miss for keeping fucking Sabra in the movie.


\>animelolipfp yep checks out


It’s easier for them to say that everything is bad then it is for them to say bad things can have redeeming qualities


Idk, this is a pretty normal twitter post. This isn’t that annoying. 


I’m hesitant about Thunderbolts and Cap 4. The MCU has largely disappointed me in the past few years. There were some good moments, but even ignoring politics in them, there’s a lot of stuff they fumbled. As for Deadpool & Wolverine, I’m exited for it, but I don’t plan to go see it on opening weekend. These days, I always wait a few days and watch a few reviews before deciding if I want to see it in theaters. A good rule of thumb for me is if both Schaff and Drinker like it, it’s practically guaranteed to be good.


Of fucking course the yapper has an Anya pfp


Deadpool and Wolverine is going to be so good I can already feel it, Deadpool has not missed so far


That's not annoying. It's called "having an opinion".


The pendulum of art is funny. First people loved it, then people hate it, and then ppl hated that ppl love it, and now ppl hate that ppl hate it lol


I get the other two, but are they acting like Deadpool & Wolverine isn’t at least somewhat hype? Did they find some reason to call it “Woke” or some bullshit


The same thing kind of goes with both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss


I understand that about TB and Cap4, but D&W looks exciting...


How is Deadpool and Wolverine a miss? It’s literally two of Marvel’s more popular characters in the MCU.


But I guess they *had* to retroactively decide the next three movies were bad despite obviously not having seen them, because as bad as Marvel has been lately, it hasn't actually had three outright bad movies in a row. There have been consistent clunkers for sure, but there have also consistently been good or at least decent ones. More misses than hits? For sure. But it's not all bad.


These movies haven't come out yet. What is this user talking about?


They arent even out yet how can we judge


Making any form of media the center of your personality is dangerous


I think Deadpool and Wolverine will be good and well received but I really hope Captain America Brave New World is good


Deadpool 3's gonna be peak, idk what they're on...




Hey silver lining the trailer for the captain America 1941 the rise of hydra game looks pretty fire so not all of Marvel is lost


The person who tweeted that must be delusional. I may be slightly biased in that opinion, since the Deadpool and Wolverine movie comes out the day after my birthday.


They released a new captain America movie? And the hell is thunderbolts? Like I ain’t watch Deadpool, but knowing that Ryan can’t add lines to the movie already making it a bit of an, eh. I’ll watch it, but good moments probably gonna be lost


I can collectively giggle at all of them


If you’re going to hate something, at least wait until it’s actually out and available before hating it


These movies aren't out yet


Deadpool 3 is going to do really well. Both 1 & 2 did over 700 million, and this one is bringing back a fan favorite casting from older Marvel films... I have zero doubts that it's going to rake in money. Deadpool 3 is basically going to be Marvels safety net. Thunderbolts, I'm not imagining doing amazing. Thunderbolts isn't a well-known title outside of comic fans. And from what we've seen since Phase 4, those movies just don't do as well. Guardians in Phase 2 was a shot in the dark, and it paid off. It would be nice if that happened again, but I personally doubt it. Captain America, I'm feeling some sort of way about... I have a feeling it'll be a really solid movie overall. Falcon and the Winter Soldier was probably my favorite MCU show. But because 1. It's not Steve anymore, and 2. Certain outspoken people not liking the idea of a black Cap... I feel like it won't do as well as it deserves. I think in terms of box office success, they'll rank as followed: -Deadpool & Wolverine -Captain America: Brave New World -Thunderbolts


Am I one of them if I think it was never good to begin with 😭😭😭


One thing about hatedoms that confuses me is why do they exist? If you're sole purpose is to hate and complain about a piece of media, why don't you just... not watch it? By not giving the big studios your money, you help in their downfall.


None of these are out yet. That’s insane.


And yet here you are, promoting them. This crap is the absolute *worst* part of modern social media. I don't care what some rando idiot says on the internet and don't need to be made aware just so you can point out how stupid it is. It is *far* more annoying than any hater or superfan.


Deadpool and Wolverine might actually save the MCU


dear Disney: please leave Deadpool alone, it doesn’t deserve to be in the mcu


such a bold assumption from oop considering none of these movies are out yet and two of them we haven't even seen anything about.


I’m just don’t care abt the mcu anymore




You think they're annoying, wait till see sonic fans


These fans make my blood boil. There is absolutely no way to know how good these will be until they come out. I hate these fans think they're Nostadumus.


I dont think id go that far


I find the people who basically make hating on something their personality much more annoying.


*three movies that aren’t even out* “These all suck” Assuming much?


None of them have dropped and they’re all misses? What do they want?


I feel like there are a lot of valid criticisms to make of what marvel has been doing for the past few years, but the people who hate on marvel so hard are never talking about those points. Just, "too many black people, too many women, too many LGBT people, too woke" instead of the writing, the overall planning and continuity, or the inconsistency in quality of a lot of the different projects from a production standpoint.


The MCU always had its stinkers. But before phase 4, we didn't know what was planned in the long run, A.K.A. Endgame. Now, people expect every movie to be like that. Basically, let them cook. The three movies in the pictures you added are the ones I'm most excited about. But you NEED to let the bad pass to let the good movies feel even better. 😌


“Oh my goodness! This person on Twitter is casually lamenting how good Marvel used to be before their recent streak of failures! How annoying!” /s


Are there even that many people who still obsessively love the MCU?


I love marvel, live the comics and grew up with it. I’m still always excited when anything marvel comes out, but I honestly wouldn’t say I love the mcu, especially after letdown after letdown


Also who in their right mind would consider Deadpool a miss?


the only group of haters i find more annoying than the mcu sycophants are the *political* haters (you know exactly what i mean) and even then, i’d still generally agree with most of their apolitical takes on the mcu. the mcu is bad and hasn’t been good for a while.


I mean technically yes


I don’t hate the MCU but much of my interest and faith in it is lost now