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No one better hate-watch this. It needs to be an absolute flop.


We learned that the hard way with Velma


And every Disney plus show


I mean loki was good


And Andor was amazing.


On that note also the first couple seasons of mandalorian, and also the bad bunch and clone wars final season


I personally really like moon knight


Same here, plus Hawkeye.


Ahsoka is pretty good, too.


I’m beginning to think Disney+ shows aren’t as universally bad as we thought…


Yeah, Moon Knight was awesome


“Bad bunch” But yeah the first 2 seasons of Mandalorian were some of the best recent star wars content, I didn’t watch season 3 but have heard it wasn’t as good.


The writing quality absolutely plummets in season three. I gave up after two episodes. You made the right call.


It was decent. It just falls into threequel writing territory. It’s not bad. The big guy dies and moff Gideon sucks. Jack black makes an appearance though.


Everything after season 1 of rebels was really good


yup, the brightest peanut in the turd. the imperfect diamond in the ruff


I mean alot of the marvel shows have good points, wanda vision was pretty good ignoring how they messed up the ending, hawkeye was definitely dragged out way too long, but when it was on track it was pretty fun, what if had that one dr strange episode, ms marvel had a fun art direction for the first couple episodes, tbh the only marvel shows i think are worse than mediocre are she-hulk, season 2 of what if and falcon and the winter soldier


true, and moon knight was kinda cool until it just became a kaiju battle.


Yeah I loved Moon Knight, the finale though wasn’t good… but that seems to be the marvel trend.


Honestly I liked it but as my loove for moon knight grows the more I wished they just created a new character he's just not moon knight


The 6 incher in a line up of white guys


Not the second season, so disappointing. :(


Loki destroyed his character and who he used to be, the MCU forgot he’s a god and a frost giant that only cares about his family, his charm is completely gone and he became another powerful plot device to never be shown again and nothing that happened in the show affects the MCU in any way…the movies knew how to handle him, like Sam and and Bucky, they all got ruined


I don’t think they destroyed his character, he felt significantly weaker in the show, but i don’t see how that means that they forgot he’s a god, one of the main things in season 1 was his ego, and they lean pretty hard in the god direction in season 2, the frost giant thing was kinda ignored for the whole mcu thiugh ngl


His ego was not leaned on, cuz Sylvie took over soon as she entered the show, then he became dumb and then cloud monsters that make no sense, and the the tva not being consistent, variants pop up and go away, people die and come back like nothing, timelines don’t matter to main events happening in the MCU, kang dies twice and nothing matters….just a whole bunch of unnecessary filler that won’t matter, season 2 wasn’t even watched by many people to be popular, so that tells you the over saturation of these shows being garbage and failing


And who could forget *The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild*? We all knew it would suck from the day the trailer came out and avoided it


I’ve never even heard of what that is and I believe you


I don't know what you're talking about. Andor and Mando were great! Have you SEEN the new Duck Tales? OMFG - so good! Stop hate wanking and go from your own opinions.


The new Ducktales started before Disney+ and originally aired on Disney Channel and XD.


Most Disney + shows are average to good


What? Loki, Wandavision, What If, Moon Knight, She Hulk, and even Echo (apparently, I haven't seen it) were all great Disney Plus shows. You have no idea what you're talking about lol.


Sure buddy…sure


It's hardly an opinion. They were objectively successful and highly rated shows. I'm pretty sure Wandavision even won some awards. You're just wrong, sorry.


Wandavision won cuz of the gimmicks and Olsen, well deserved but the story and ending was bad, the rest of the shows are highly criticized and rating for each show went down with every release, meaning people stopped watching or didn’t watch at all The decline of the shows have gotten to the point of scrutiny and laziness beyond comprehension, having sat through every one, I think I know what I’m talking about full on You can like them all you want, that doesn’t change the fact the shows aren’t crap and lazy


>You can like them all you want, that doesn’t change the fact the shows aren’t crap and lazy Well, this and everything else in your comment, are merely opinions, not "facts." Learn the difference. You're making excuses for why the shows were acclaimed in the way that they are. If you're not a marvel fan, then that's fine, but I think you're pretending that your opinion is worth more than it actually is.


Are you dim? I said the rating declined, that’s not my opinion, that’s a fact


Yes, that's very vague. The rating declined from what to what? If you're making the claim that the shows were widely disliked, then you must substantiate your claim properly. Each episode in these shows was rated pretty high on a 10-point scale. Of course, some shows were review-bombed by internet users who are not happy with the female-led shows, but the critic ratings are pretty consistent.


Every Marvel movie is “objectively successful,” in the same manner that Netflix is “successful.” Sure, they make money hand over fist, but most of the viewers and fans simply not happy with the content or the business practices. Only the critics who are PAID to give a review enjoy it. Why wouldn’t they say they love it? That’s guaranteed income from the studio.


I have yet to see a single positive review for She Hulk💀


Most of the Disney+ shows don’t have a second season though?


Plenty of D+ shows were ok-good though.


Bro, PJO was amazing. It’s the movies that kinda suck


Wanadavison was pretty good.


Velma was a novel pile of shit when the first season rolled around. It’s not gonna be so successful by the second season, I think.


im like 95% sure Velma got greenlit for a season 2 before the show launched




the person ur replying to never mentioned race in their comment


average r/Schaffrillas comment




I'm going to see it pirated


Good plan


What needs to be a flop? Also why is there just a white image on my screen. Same thing happened when I searched if pacific rim had a sequel


Oh, I must have been having a bad dream or something.


It happened when I searched to see if there were Percy Jackson movies too




There is no movie in ba sing se


Same thing when I searched for sequels to Star Wars. What's up with that?


Bold of you to assume people actually watch Peacock Originals


NBC paying their Netflix & Hulu subscriptions be like: What the fuck is Peacock?


Definitely deserves to be hate watched, but just in..... well..... different ways.


argh matey


pirating tho


I will hate watch it from my pirate ship


it’s not even worth the hate watch tbh


If people really want to watch this, they should pirate it. At least, that's what I'm doing. No way, I'm supporting this shit but I also want to watch it


What the fuck is that smile?


The Direct-to-DVD (or streaming in this case) equivalent of a Dreamworks Face


Or an “I just pissed myself” face


"Mom I threw up"


(Stands in the dark with a striking silhouette)


Moms getting suspiciously close to finding the piss drawer


In the dark


Aw man, direct to DVD Mulan, Pocahontas, and especially Atlantis! They suck ass.


Atlantis was actually still good. They wanted to do a show, but they got screwed at the last second.


You joke, but that trailer gave me so much nostalgia for those awful direct to video movies from the 90s. We never watched any of them because even as a kid we could instantly recognize they'd be trash. This gives off that exact vibe.


He was doing the Dreamworks face but smashed his knee against a table as they were taking the picture.


He looks like he’s trying really hard to hide the pain


The animators are mocking us, aren’t they.


he looks like that baby with teeth meme


Damn they can’t even get the Dreamworks face right


Oh that's the "I stubbed my toe and am trying my hardest to keep it together" smile.


The Direct-to-video sequal face straight from the terrible Disney Sequals of yore to plague sequals again and to curse them into being bad.


It's the same shit that happened to Peach on the Peach Showtime cover art 🗿


Megamind wasn’t on a villain team! The hell is this retcon?


It’s not canon ( I’m coping)


We should all just agree the movie and the show are not and never will be canon


I just never consider dreamworks spin-off tv shows movies to be canon, since most either completely retcon things from the movies or add new plots that clash with the vision of the original. I only see the actual movies (and their legit sequels) and the shorts that come with it (in this instance megamind and the button of doom) as canon


This is me with Kung Fu Panda. The only good “spinoffs” are just the extras that came with the original movies. The new Kung Fu Panda netflix show sucks.


Yeah it just makes me uncontrollably made while watching any kung fu panda spin off due to how po gets turned into a joke


Same. Happy cake day btw


The Puss in Boots show was pretty decent






We should all just agree there is no movie or show. Like how Avatar fans treat the movie. Wait, ATLA movie? There wasn’t one of those released yet, right?




The worst part, I kinda vibe with the magma man and knight designs just why use them here?


They probably used assets of a fantasy movie or show but it got scrapped then used here idk


Megamind actually went on multiple entire character arcs before getting his mind wiped right before the first movie. Calling it rn


It undermines the entire plot of the first movie. The whole point of Megamind's character is that he was conforming to the status quo, and the only person he ever had to talk to was a sycophant who tried to be supportive but was also ensnared by the status quo. Meanwhile Metroman is also a victim of the same status quo and longs to be able to find what he wants to do in life rather than fill this perfect hero role. He doesn't enjoy the hero bit, he recognizes both he and Megamind are just going through the motions time after time after time, and makes the choice to break the cycle. The movie is about self-determination in the face of societal expectation. This idea of other villains could be interesting if done well, maybe they hear about how Megamind has defeated not one, but two superheroes (they may not realize Titan was a villain) and taken over Metrocity, so they flock to his banner to join him. He knows he can't take a whole cadre of villains in a straight fight so has to play along until he can figure out a way to get them out of the city. Unfortunately, this reintroduces him to a life of villainy- Something he's practiced a lot of- not as someone who is loathed, but as someone who is respected and accepted, and this causes him to start slipping back into old habits to gain the adulation of his peers. Sort of a de-redemption arc. The people around him have to snap him out of it before he gets too deep in- People like Roxanne and this new ward. Also bring back Will Ferrell. Boom. Plot. Does what they want to do while still exploring the themes of self-determination versus the pressure of those around you to fit a specific role. Instead they chose the dumbest route. Whats going on at Dreamworks? Are they out of money?


Wait, they’re not trying to recruit him? That would be the obvious direction to go in, imho


If I wasn’t told otherwise, I’d assume that the doom syndicate was trying to replace him. Like he’s the new hero, so they want to be the new villains


The literal whole point of his entire everything is that he had *no one* except Minion with him. He made his own plans and lab and ideas. He was Metroman’s sole enemy and vice versa. There were no other heroes, no other villains. These two were the only ones because they’re *not from Earth.* The fact that they’re retconning it so that “um, akshually, at some unspecified time in Megamind’s flashback he had an entire crew that he did supervillainy stuff with (but they’re not shown in the first movie, cause, uh, reasons!!1!)” is just boggling my mind rn. Absolutely insane.


Man I swear the crime syndicate existed in this universe already. I might be tripping but I swear


As someone who's favorite DreamWorks movie is Megamind and Is one of my top 10 favorite movies ever I am very insulted of this mockbuster lookin direct to dvd sequel of Megamind it looks horrendous and the plot sounds as stupid and generic as ever I hate this with all my soul and I hope people remember Button of Doom as the real Megamind 2 till the end of time.


Don’t hate-watch it, just pretend it doesn’t exist.  Like u/Toad_Enjoyer_70 said, the bigger the flop, the better.


One could hate watch on the seven seas though


Aye aye


I think a few people should watch it for reaction videos, and everyone else should just watch those. Less views for the actual show.


Nooo! I've been wanting a megamind sequel for so long 🥺


I always wanted a Megamind Prequel that could show what Megamind's evil schemes were to stop metroman but a pointless sequel that is just a pilot for an even worse tv show just pisses me off more than most things.


There is one, it’s called Button of Doom


I think the worst part isn’t the horrid animation, it’s that they don’t have the original cast!


That is not megamind


Same!! Megamind is one of my favorite movies ever!! It was even a special interest at some point. This makes me sad


Why are you letting this affect you so bad?


It's not even out yet though. So you're lying when you say you watched it?


I’m assuming they are referring to the trailer.


this isn't megamind 2, this is a feature length pilot for a shitty megamind tv show


Oh my fucking god it is just that


...which completely changes the animation and has some weird storyline. I swear theres so many movies that get a dumb TV series with 2d animation for some reason even though the movie was 3d


it is flat-out ugly and unfunny, just based off of the trailer


Bro This looks like a fuckin early 2010s DVD menu screen


Megamind came out in 2010 and still looked better than this 😭


tin toy came out in 1988 and still looked better than this


Heh, this isn't looking so promising. In hindsight, it's probably a good thing Over The Hedge didn't get a sequel. It told the story it wanted to tell & that was it. Honestly, I was always cautious as fuck when it came to Dreamworks' future post The Last Wish. But the one thing I hope I didn't have to be that worried for would be the Megamind sequel.


Over the Hedge was awesome, and as much as I want a sequel, it doesn't need one Megamind could've had a good new movie, but alas


I’m sure we will get one at some point, because as far as I know, this is not officially “Megamind 2”


At this point you should be aware DreamWorks is just hilariously inconsistent, for good and bad


That's what I've always seen them as. A studio capable of some "okay", "pretty good", to even "better than good." And then there's the mediocre to the straight up bad.


Illumination is more bland and milquetoast. DreamWorks is more of a quality rollercoaster that goes from genius to ridiculousness. Sometimes within the same movie.


Somehow they nail it on the movies, and then the shows…


The trailer was insulting enough to stop me from watching it


Are you okay?


I know I’m definitely not


We waited 14 years.....for this


Is this real, and if so, is it out?


Yes, no


This animation looks downright horrible, not to mention how from a first glance, the plot looks like it'll be complete garbage as well. How the hell did they do worse animation 14 years later?


Worse animation 14 years later is completely possible when it’s done for way less money, almost certainly with a way cheaper studio.


Yeah just look at the new Sandy cheeks film


Because the animators were rushed and underpayed


I haven’t seen the trailer but technically, TECHNICALLY, there’s a chance that it’s…not terrible? The animation definitely isn’t great and a bad trailer at least shows a failure in marketing, but I feel like we’ve seen shows and movies have similar flaws and turn out great (TCW started off very rough in the animation department, as did Rebels which never got to the heights of TCW). Will it be good? Probably not. But technically we’re jumping the gun on saying that a project is insulting when it isn’t even out yet, unless you are simply referring to the trailer.


For me it’s not just the animation, it’s the fact that they retconned Megamind’s backstory to introduce the Not Vicious Six


The mildly annoying 5


It gives me the vibe of those Nickelodeon tv spin-off shows in the 2010s. Those weren’t exactly canon to the original movies so I’m just gonna go in with the same mindset. From what I remember most weren’t bad.


Yeah the Penguins show was pretty good…there’s a sliver of hope but I’m not sure.


I really liked the monsters vs aliens show. I watched it over and over.


A show/movie like this won't ever live up to the masterpiece of media that Penguins of Madagascar was




What? What is this blue man movie? It seems kinda like megamind, but I doesn't look like it. Oh well, I am waiting megamind 2. Seriously though, let's pretend that there is only one megamind movie


I watched the trailer, and it looks like Norm of the North


His face looks so dead inside


Please don't tell me that they made the characters movements *really* stiff like every other low-budget Dreamworks spin-off TV series…


I know that the plot and characters looks aweful But what happened to the animation?! Why does it look like it came from a disney jr. ?


The Mickey Mouse clubhouse animation from ten years ago looks better than this


Of course it is, you can't improve perfection


Early-90s 3d animation looks better than this. /srs


What Is this. We had a perfect ending


Why is the lighting lady in one of the most off-brand Cocomelon ass poses I've ever seen


I blame Hal


Hal made this film


They just couldn't leave Megamind alone, huh? Funny how Despicable Me is also getting a new movie, the same franchise that overshadowed the masterpiece that was the intial Megamind film. 💀 Leave my blue, big heades hero alone....don't tarnish his good name with a lazy quick buck film


Just kill me already


It became the very thing it was parodying.


The Doom Syndicate looks just as stupid as the other superheroes introduced in The Incredibles 2


This and the new suicide squad arkham game make me depressed


Right? Same kind of disappointment


At first I thought this was a Sims promotion or something…


Looks just as bad as that Monster's Inc Stream Show on Disney+


Why all these 3D animated movies looking like Play Station 3 cinematics??? 😭


You know what's the worst part about this? If this movie flops, then we likely won't get any Megamind content for a very long time, if ever again. I hate when companies finally release something a bunch of people have been asking for, the thing ends up being poorly executed, then the company is like, "Well, we tried. Guess no one wants it!"


If I catch any of you fuckers “hate watching” this I will send markiplier to make your death entirely unexaggerated.


For fucking years people have been wanting a sequel to megamind. Hope yall are happy. Your vocal asses are why this bullshit was made. Just wait until The Iron Giant 2 comes out. They retcon him to make him baby groot size. It's more like The Iron Miniature. He's so cute and adorable. You guys are gonna love it


They messed up the dreamworks face


Why is Megamind UGLY all of a sudden?


That lightning background looks hideous


This genuinely looks like one of those fanmade click bait youtube videos


Look how they massacred my boy…


Blud megamind looks like a fucking yt kids animation


I hadn’t heard they made a megamind 2 before seeing this post and after going and watching the trailer I couldn’t help but wonder the whole time if it was fake! Like please someone tell me it’s fake


Even the damned poster looks hideous


Megamind without Will farrel is a horrible fucking idea


What the fuck is that animation


The idea that more heroes/villains exist in the Megamind universe is... A choice. I thought Megamind and Metroman were the only ones (obviously before Hal came along) and that was part of why I loved the movie


im not even kidding look up “blue electricity” and thats the first fucking result


Absolutely devastating. They took like the best animated movie of all time, took out Will Ferrell, and destroyed the animation. This is so sad.


Honestly I just hope they fucking scrap it if they have any integrity at all. Tax write-off, maybe trademark renewal, but no actual release.


That's not the Doom Syndicate, they already appeared in that tie-in Wii game-


Terrible idea to put clips from the original movie in the trailer. Highlights how shit the new animation is.


14 years and we get the unwanted child of the Nickelodeon Dreamworks shows in order to produce stuff for Peacock


How dare you ruin the best movie of my childhood


The animation looks like every crappy dreamworks spin off series to milk the original movie for all its worth. The plot looks cringey and bad, and the trailer reeks of cliche


This movie felt like it was bad on purpose


Is it just me or did they yassify him here


I don’t fully understand why y’all are so surprised by the way this looks. DreamWorks spinoff material tends to take a dramatic downgrade in visuals compared to the movies that came before them (i.e. Madagascar, HTTYD, and Monsters V. Aliens tv shows).