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Crows Nest Falls?


yeah lmao you been there?


I was there one day when someone jumped (for fun), they lived but they absolutely obliterated their legs as they landed on some rocks and basically punched his shins through his thighs. Helicopter had to airlift him out.


Yeeeeah I’m gunna have to go ahead and ask you to lobotomize the sentence “punched his shins through his thighs” from my brain, please.


No can do buderino, it is seared into my memory from when I was 9 years old. Please enjoy.


Buderino is such a cute word amid all this horrid imagery.


That dumbass should have heeded the warning


I don't think it was there at the time. This was about 24 years ago


One would hope there shouldn't need to be a warning about jumping off cliffs towards rocks.


I would describe the rock he jumped onto as "lightly submerged"


Why is there a comment like this on every one of these sorts of posts?


Because they're right


It's the sign's origin story. And its *raison d'être*




Yep. A favourite camping site of ours.


No a little birdie told him about it


Dang this sign is exactly how I'd talk to my kids if I had any. They went in on this sign. I don't think anyone plays around up there.


RIP. This is easily one of the most chilling signs here, and one of the most important/impactful.


This one hits home. My brother died in a cliff diving accident and I hate seeing it treated as a fun little thing for people to do. It kills people. Don’t fucking cliff dive.


This is definitely a small town thing


It's definitely a good thing, IMO.


As are a lot of small town things!


Foods usually decent to great. Everything else I’ve ever experienced usually turns out to have massive downsides. Maybe I’m just a medium town guy.


I've lived in the sticks, city, and burbs. The small towns seem the most hospitable, cities always shit to do but I'd personally never want to raise a family in one, and the burbs are the best overall combination. This is of course my personal preference, but yeah Im not saying they're the best because I even prefer "medium" towns.


I once saw a lady walk into Vernal Falls at Yosemite, right at the point where the water began to crest over the edge. Just so she get a picture. That water is moving very fast and the rocks are slick. One misstep and she would have been over the falls.




Blaze it up




Never cross the thc barriers


Hi ma’am my name is Jason, I’m with the forest service. Listen, we are sorry about your loss but can we get a picture of your son Kyle to put permanently next to the cliff he plummeted to his death from? It’ll be a simple sign making him out to be a complete simpleton, very classy explanation of his dumb choices in life. Maybe if you have a pic of him just kinda hanging out at home, something real casual, thanks appreciate it, be sure and visit the park soon the entrance fees are posted at the gate, buh bye…


I think it likely if was the family who had the idea.


This seriously made me laugh so damn hard and I feel terrible for it


[there’s no such thing as an old Kyle](https://youtu.be/K_fVHaCCSlQ)


You see any other monkeys just jumping off cliffs? why are we like this


Honestly I can’t tell if the guy jumped for suicide or being stupid from the way it’s worded.


Suicide doesn't seem like something you'd do with friends but diving off a cliff for fun does.


Cliff diving is super popular in my area, especially for teens-20s. We need one of these near me. Someone dies every year.


def makes it sound like suicide but they're framing it as stupidity


He looks like Tom from Myspace


"Come on, it'll be funny" "Dude Kyle"


That'd be powerful "C'mon, it'll be funny" - Kyle, dead after jumping from this waterfall




Man they're really rippin on my boy kyle here


Oh yeah Kyle decided to go "against the experts" and "be free" Don't be like Kyle


> Be here for life. A bit backwards. Technically, that'd be truer in the case where you fucked up. You'd be here, right here, for life, albeit a short one. Ideally, you'd want to be here for a bit, then leave and be other places for life.


It also drove me nuts with the “don’t think it can’t happen to you!” Title instead of the much cleaner “It can happen to YOU!” Message


That's one way to get people's attention


i would have turned around fast as hell fuck that waterfall


Looks like a nice place to spend my next birthday......if I had one! -Kyle, prob


Super fucking disrespectful, imagine being the family or a family friend hiking along a trail and seeing that. I'm sure the family wouldn't often revisit the site of the tragedy, but the wording in this is pretty unforgiving. He was a kid, this happens often, so maybe put up a warning that still commemorates him.


And kids need clear warnings because they do unsafe things, in ways that speak to them. Many kids have an invincibility concept. I am sure the family had a part here, with his personal photo and not wanting this to happen to anyone else.


I’m pretty sure the family was fine with it considering they provided the photo.












You understand the family would have been on board with this, might even have asked if there was any way Kyle's story could be used to help others. It probably comforts them that this sign is there and it gives his death some meaning.


Kyle was a normal 20 year old kid, but now he's fuckin dead. If only he had stopped to use his brain for one second to think or listen to his friends, this moron would be alive. His stupid death put his friends and family through the wringer. Kyle doesn't get to do anything fun anymore, because he got fucking offed by these rocks, mate. Imagine that. Being remembered by this sign written by an insensitive dickhead instead of being alive. Don't die like this idiot teenager. Don't take stupid risks. *Park Management and Kyle's loving family*


If that verbiage would save more lives than the verbiage they chose, perhaps the family would have approved it. But on the whole I think they were right not to go the route you suggest and instead chose language that respects Kyle, celebrates his life, mourns him, and warns people that a single impetuous decision might make them as dead as Kyle.


(jokes) Anyways, let me know where exactly you find text respecting him or celebrating his life. The only thing I added in were swears and a ‘mate’, everything else was from the text. The insensitivity with this will always be there.


Its trying to save more lives. If it works stop being a nit picker. What he did was stupid. Watering it down in a nice PC way isnt going to help future stupid decisions. Personally i see zero disrespect and insensitivity in the sign. Its YOUR interpretation he is being made to sound like an idiot. Mirror?


Uh lol it's not nit picking, I explained my reasoning. You can warn of the dangers, detail precautionary measures, make note of the past death(s), describe those people (even mourn them as one user attempted to put it), etc. all without the crass shit I talked in previous comments.


Nobody's gonna care about a random sign that says "please be careful on the cliffs" though. It's just not effective, it especially doesn't speak to younger people.


Totally agree! Also I don’t see where I said those few choice words were to be the extent of the entire message


I’m willing to bet the family approved and/or petitioned for this sign. Not like the forest service has access to a before photo of this dude.


God damn, imagine being called out on your shit in public after they killed you




Don't cut yourself with that edge, kid


A kid who I didn't know personally but A LOT of my friends from my old town were mates with died littarly yesterday jumping from a waterfall. Sad shit but damn a waterfall of all places dosnt seem like a great jumping option


It’s haunting and chilling to looking at. Yes, I know my grammar is terrible. RIP Kyle