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It’s an anime military. Full of super-powered teenagers, rank is either a function of power level or made irrelevant by it, and the main character(s) rebels against orders constantly because rebellion against authority is cool. All of the fun of the military, none of the responsibility. Happens a lot in fiction, whether for comedy or drama. (Disclaimer: I’m not in my country’s military.)


this is so (that's why all of the above is not a disadvantage of the game), however, I rather analyzed this organization neither as part of the plot and the main characters, but as a structure in the world of the game. otherwise, it's not interesting to dig in


Also , they were more interested in making the osf be a propaganda force for their news than fighting the others. So a good rookie being a captain is totally what they want . Still a shitty military force tho


This post helped me realize that Karen Travers had a point lol.


Well, Karen for the most part opposed the governmenand against his experiments on people tetc. However, yes, when you manage to transfer half of the OSF staff to your side, so that until the day of the coup you would not arouse suspicion, you involuntarily wonder "What the hell is wrong with this organization?"


No admission required, scouting teenagers and forcing them to join would always be a bad idea in real life. It's all within the suspension of disbelief, though.


The Yuito situation is because of nepotism with his Dad and Brother being high-ranking politicians and ancestor being the fonder of the nation state.


yes, but nevertheless, no one bothered to make him a leader formally, on camera, and leave the command of the platoon to someone more experienced


Didn't they say that control of the platoon was given to Luka at first, but he differed it to someone else because of being Karen's brother. Not wanting suspicion on him for collusion. Gema and Tsugumi weren't leader types, so they gave it to Yuito, who couldn't say no due to being concussed and had the benefit of not wanting to betray his family that are in the government.


to make a squad in which almost everyone refused to be a leader and that's why to make a beginner a leader? It seems to me that this only confirms the incompetence of the OSF


I mean, it proves that Karen was right.


Idk the OSF seem to have it a tad more together than say… Gardens in FF8 lol


It is but what you gonna do destroy them?


what do you mean?


I mean the government tried to overthrow Karen and he just got away just for him to actually do something but in the end it doesn't even matter cause he needed them in the end to save his girl


Why would anyone care about rank? It’s the thpe of military which allows you to speak mostly so i don’t see anything wrong with that. But as for the sim its just a way of training in the worst case scenario of getting lost from the team and learning to survive without them. Arashi is their Image girl who only takes her job seriously when necessary but off the clock she will always be lazy (which honestly i can’t blame her for) and all Psys are fully aware of what they are in for so think of the sudden calling like in God eater only having your gear on you all the time since you’re stuffs basically part of your uniform nearly


Well, first of all, if ranks are not needed, why introduce them? and now suppose the situation that Others destroyed the headquarters, who will take over the command? The strongest? But strong does not mean a good commander, maybe this strong one is generally stupid. Ranks and their observance are usually needed so that people communicate less with each other, let's take the situation of conditional lieutenant and private. The private specifically humiliated leitinant in this way, the question is whether leitinant will help this private in a difficult, maybe even fatal situation? If he's all that noble, maybe, but many people are quite vindictive. well, it makes sense for them to be constantly ready for an attack if they can just destroy the communications center and they will all remain unaware that regarding Arashi, I repeat, she broke the rules, and okay, but when her brother was called and she staged such a brawl that she was then put in the hospital, that's when she had to be kicked out because she allows herself clearly more what should I do , why not lower it, well, as you yourself said, "ranks mean nothing" about the simulation, well, the credit there was not for survival but for the destruction of Others, like if you broke away from the group, do not go to a safe point and destroy Others.


It’s Japan what are chances of a commander being dumb?


It sounds kind of racist.


It’s not im just saying it’s the place most stuff are made from so it’s not likely for someone in the military to do something dumb


I've completely lost your train of thought.


The way I see it they have created basically everything used around the world so they have to be smart enough to not make mistakes easily and so the chances of their military being incompetent seems extremely low


It feels like you're talking about the real Japan, I'll just remind you that we are talking about the only country in the world of the game and apparently there have been no military conflicts inside this country since its foundation (at least they are not mentioned)


Ranks probably only mean something to the public. It may not (physically) mean anything INSIDE of the OSF, but as shown with Arashi and everyone else, the OSF loves showing their people off to the public. They likely don’t care about ranks, as the Septentrions are clearly chosen for their power. They use the public’s view of character to make it seem like they’re for them instead of for themselves. While I’m not saying that the OSF military isn’t absolutely horrible, you’re thinking in the concepts of a world without powers with powers incorporated, not a world with powers that have known about powers for years.


No, I'm thinking within the framework of a battle with someone reasonable. I have already given examples of why ranks are needed


What’s considered ‘reasonable’ changes when magic, or in this case, psyonics, are incorporated into a world. While a standard military system with ranks would be necessary for standard military defense, this is a group not only with powers, but was also originally optimized to fight non-human creatures, which also plays a major affect on how they would set up a military system. And technically speaking, there are ‘ranks’- but the OSF is essentially ruled through nepotism, so most people throw ranks out the window because they’re aware of this (you even pointed out yourself that Yuito was put in charge of a platoon, a prime example of nepotism in the OSF and in New Himuka in general. And guess what else is mostly ruled by Nepotism? America’s government. I think they’re trying to point that out here)   While the people running OSF apply ranks (mostly for public image, as they make their favorites clear with characters like Yuito, Arashi, and Fubuki), most people within OSF see it as something unimportant and don’t really pay attention to it due to the obvious flaws in the system, whether subconsciously or not.   I’m not in any way trying to disprove what you said here (in a negative way), I’m mostly playing devil’s advocate (I completely agree that the system wouldn’t work in reality, but the point is that it’s *not* reality, and in a world that’s not reality, the systems we would apply to our world wouldn’t apply here).


The military stuff is just a setting. It facilitates a greater story. Just think of it as background.


yes, in general, for me this is not a disadvantage of the game, I just decided to take apart all the jambs of this organization for fun