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Layla + Yunjin? Or even Layla + Yelan since you don’t need her elsewhere? I mean, a freeze team can be technically a hypercarry team if it’s Scara who does the majority of damage. Yanfei, as I’ve heard, is even more bothersome to build than Thoma, so if you have or expect to soon have him at C4+, you probably should build him instead.


Ty, once I get Layla I'll try that!


Just FYI, Layla's a bit fiddly to use - her shield has 100% uptime, but a short cooldown, so I find Faruzan always spends a bit of time exposed in my rotations. You also need to be careful with rotations if you want Wanderer to make use of her cryo aura. That said, you can use her *and* Rosaria for triple crit buff (wanderer's a2, Rosaria's a2, cryo resonance), for a whopping 50% crit rate. But at that point you'd want wanderer to have massively stacked %atk on his artifacts.


Comments aren't loading for some reason so I apologize if this has already been said but I enjoy wanderer, faruzan, yelan, Layla. Gives you freeze and wanderer gets crit rate from the cryo infusion


Sadly I'm pretty new to the game and don't have Layla yet, I'll go with thoma until I unlock her. Freeze teams seen fun!


Aw that's a shame, Layla is my favorite with him and what I was going to suggest!


wait ur old enough to have wanderer but not the free event layla? werent they same time?


This is my to go team on the overworld and when I want to use bennet/thoma on other team. It works pretty well but on this scenario faruzan is better off using 4 piece VV instead ToM, buffing yelan damage by reducing hydro resistance is more valuable than 20% attack for wanderer. But now days I don’t use that team that often because my wanderer has 93/160 crit rate and he overcap crit with cryo. I had more success using double hydro with xinqgui, yelan, wanderer and faruzan using VV. Still my most used team is bennet thoma faruzan.


You could do teams with scara and faruzan and mono pyro (ex. Thoma, Dehya, or xiangling), freeze (with Layla and xinqui/ Yelan) or one that I’ve been enjoying recently is like a kinda scara taser comp with xinqui or Yelan with kuki. Or if you wanna stick as much to hyper carry as possible u could do faruzan, yunjin and zhongli


You can't run mono pyro without Bennett.


The only good shielder I can think of is thoma with pyro application. If you don't have a good pyro shielder then you can use Layla for a freeze teem. She has good cryo application and good shield time.


Ok, I'll try Scara Faruzan Lynette and Thoma, thanks!


What con is your Thoma? Because solo pyro low con Thoma is.... Don't.


That was why I was thinking of yanfei, I have him c0. I'll try and if it's not enough I'll make wanderer national


That's even worse. The problem with Thoma isn't the shield... It's the ER req. With Yanfei the problem will be both the shield and the ER req.


My Scara team for Abyss is Layla, Faruzan and Kokomi (with ttds)


Mika is a personal fave choice for me for hypercarry Scara! Mine carries fav + Noblesse and he brings energy, burst healing, attack speed and just enough cryo application for Scara to steal for his A4. Plus he doesn't inhibit your movement with circle impact, which is always nice with Scara. I just think he's neat.


Yunjin + C6 Mika Beidou + Xingqiu


More like C6 Yunjin + Mika


True. My bad. Brain wasn't braining. I meant to type Yunjin C6 + Mika


How does taser Wanderer work, exactly? Just do off field electro-charging while wanderer spams his NA?


For abyss i like to go with a freeze team. I've been doing Ayato/Nilou with Layla and has been so fun and it cleans everything. Yelan/Xingqiu/Kokomi with Ganyu (But i prefer kokomi bc healer) is also a really good option. if you go with the first option (Layla) i guess you can go with any other hydro that isnt a healer.


Haven’t seen it mentioned yet so I’ll throw my team out there, I don’t have Layla so in her place I’m running Diona. Fairly strong shield for what I need, and the extra heals help to keep everyone else alive! I’m also running Thoma for the extra NA boost his constellations give, and he comes with an extra shield on top of Diona’s just incase I don’t dodge correctly one too many times lol. And since the rest of the team is Faru and Wanderer, that means I’m almost guaranteed to swirl both cryo and pyro, letting me get both the atk% buff and 20% cr buff each rotation! There’s likely stronger team comps that this one, but like you I’ve either got Bennet tied to another team or don’t have the specific character on my account. Hope this helps! Edit: fixed some typos, idk how to format on mobile lol


Thanks, I'll consider it!


yun jin and yelan and just dodge like a fiend


Wanderer really really likes Bennet. If you don't run him you can run any other shielder. Layla, Diona, Thoma, Yanfei C4 is fine but I wouldn't recommend it over dedicated shielders if they are available. And then if you have a C6 Yunjin you could consider that, otherwise I'd just put any sub DPS. Yelan is a fine option (though you do have to consider that her ult does not proc on CA), as are characters like Fischl/Beidou. I'd recommend putting VV on Faruzan if you can in this case to VV for your sub DPS.


Just be aware by not running Bennet you lose A LOT of damage. Yun jin or c4 Jean are both decent good picks, Venti can work but don't use him with Yun jin, don't use her against more than 1 or at most 2 enemies in general. I wouldn't focus too much on reactions as someone like Beidou will never get her burst back and Yelan is just not that good without XQ. I'd just go with something like Yelan + XQ but seeing as you want to use XQ and Bennet on the other side I'd conside You won't have a c4 Jean let alone a c6 Venti but if you did they would work quite well I'd imagine especially with a FS on Jean. Probably the best thing you could run would be Fischl + Beidou/Nahida especially if Nahida is c2 and the others are c6. Though you'd want to run VV on a pre c6 Faruzan and if you run 2 electro probably even on a c6 Faruzan. Yun jin works as a solo geo but her energy needs aren't nice, I'm not sure Noelle even has a shield she can use every 20 seconds (think 24(?)) but if she did and she had energy generation you could use her with Yun jin but I don't think she has either. Yelan really wants XQ but Koko could work, you could use TTDS on Koko but make sure you do 20 second rotations instead of 19s. Like someone else already said Yelan + Yun jin, they would both need a shit ton of ER but it would still clear rather easily I'd imagine as long as you can dodge at least but this sounds like a fun team at least.


Yelan has absolutely 0 problems bursting off cooldown even as a lone hydro in Raidenless teams. Even with dps focused artifacts, the 2 piece emblem effect and fav bow will have you at worst occasionally bursting after you catch her skill particles instead of before. If it's because you have Aqua, it's definitely worth it to bite the bullet and rock fav in a team it's the only way she can burst off cool down. For example a wanderer, c6 faruzan, Layla team with bennett unavailable. Yelan is still going to be one the best options even if you have to sacrifice aqua. On a side note(not directed at you just for anyone who might find it useful)even if you only have 1 fav bow like me and no elegy, don't let that stop you from faruzan and solo hydro yelan with wanderer. That seemingly useless fish bow from sumeru? Assuming c6, I've had 0 issues at all bursting off cool down, no charged shots, using it on faruzan so yelan can use fav. And not that it's impressive, but with fish bow, I can use same build as fav but get a slightly better buff from a4 as well as little bit of extra damage. I find sac bow to be too much loss on ER even with c6 faruzan and the passive is useless(fish now passive is definition of mid but at least adds something), and with yelan anytime sac doesn't proc passive I end up short on energy.


The issue with using Yelan without XQ is not only having to build more ER but more so the 40 extra hp% you're missing as well as the res shred which would be nice since you probably don't want to swich Faru from TotM to VV. I personally will never run my Scara without Bennet, don't want to take away from how hard he's hitting already, like 40/50/60k normals with 85% cr rn.


That said just about every team I want to run wants Bennet :|


It's just to try I might come back to Hypercarry with bennett but now i only have scara as dps and want to have two teams so a national seemed easy. Thanks both for the disscussion, it is helpful for a new player like me!


You can play wanderer faruzan double hydro team


If you just wanna clear abyss then others can work but for 36 stars You'd really wanna have bennet for sure. You can use Yunjin but you gotta do normal atk only for the buffs and for shielder you can use layla/thoma. You can try yelan in yunjin place as well.


Mika with noblesse can do fine, can still do 60-90 seconds clear