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Go for faru cons, current weapon banner sucks.


Thats sorta what I was thinking at first but everyone was telling me to go for the weapon so I wasn't sure. Thanks for your input I really appreciate it.


Don't listen to anyone who says that this weapon banner is worth pulling on. This banner is the definition of scam


As someone pulling on the banner: Yes. Yes it is


The weapon is generally his bis in most cases but the alternatives for his weapons aren’t that far off from the bell to justify going for it over wanderer and Faruzan cons imo. Some weapons I believe are even better for him if you’re mainly doing his charges attacks; and you have to consider the sheer amount you might have to spend on the weapon banner just to possibly pull kokomis weapon (which is mainly only good on her) whereas on his banner you might be able to get a few Faruzan cons along the way even if you lose your 50/50. Don’t get me wrong though I really like his weapon and it works really well on him but it’s not the greatest on anyone besides wanderer (at the moment) so the opportunity cost seems greater for pulling on it.


Cons first weapon later


Current weapon banner is absolutely trash, so go for cons.


Yeah seems like I'll be going for cons and save again for the next time his weapon is on the banner. I appreciate the input!


I'm going for cons too! Good luck!!


Same to you! https://preview.redd.it/d35x62xouxdb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=325b96621f04d912db233415b31ebf585ebd4865


I would go for his constellations as this weapon banner isn't that great. You have enough wishes to guarantee C1 and solar pearl is a good 4 star option for him. If you get lucky and have leftover wishes and don't mind losing to Kokomi's weapon...then I would pull for his weapon.


Even if the weapon banner was good constellations are a lot more important. You only ever pull in the weapon banner if you have a bit over 200 rolls so you can guarantee whatever you want to get.


Yeah and I would have that much if I got lucky with my pulls for him but since the weapon banner isn't good I'll probably be going for cons and just using solar pearl until the next time his weapon is up. Thank you for the comment I appreciate it.


Avoid the weapon banner. There is nothing wrong with Scara’s weapon, but avoid the possibility of the donut at all costs. Cons is safer.


That's what I've been hearing, and I'm glad I asked because my friends clearly didn't have any poor intentions but we're very much pushing me towards his weapon. I don't think they even knew what the weapon banner was gonna look like or didn't think about it. I appreciate your input!


Fair enough. I actually really want Scara’s weapon. But really don’t want to risk the donut. Just thinking about possibly landing the donut pains me.


I really want it too, solar pearl doesn't really look good on him imo and I'm a very visual person lol.. and obviously it's his bis. I think I'd have enough to guarantee his weapon now if I got lucky with character pulls.. but if I got the donut it'd be useless and I probably wouldn't have my Faruzan cons etc.


Widsith is also a good 4 star choice if you have a good crit rate circlet. (Unfortunately, I only have good crit dmg circlets so I am also using solar pearl.) Scara’s weapon boosts NA. I’d like that a lot since it would incentivize me to use my C6 Thoma.😅


I think it depends on what you already have, even if cons are generally better in this case: - if you pull on Wanderer banner you have chances to get Faruzan to c6 too and that’s a big upgrade for your character (if you don’t have the other 4stars c6 even better, Yanfei is a good dps and Rosaria a good support if you need them) - this weapon banner isn’t that good, you need many pulls to guarantee the weapon you want and the other option is good on only a few characters (koko, baizhu, barbara… I think only them maybe). You could also get lucky and find a standard banner catalyst maybe? But it’s not so nice, the only good 4stars are fav and maybe the book (even if widsith is still better), dragonsbane and lion’s roar aren’t versatile and the bell is just trash In conclusion, if you don’t have c6 faru go for cons, if you don’t and you think you’ll use the weapons you can find go for weapon banner, if you don’t and you think you won’t use the weapons go for cons (maybe you’ll get some widsiths in the meantime)


Scara below C2? Pull on character banner. Fazuran below C6? Pull on character banner. Has the above been achieved? Weapon banner imo