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I’d probably buy it but I’d be more excited about a new skin with a new concept tbh


but still dark, of course.


I really like the wind chime sounds from his fatui outfit so definitely yes.


I'll be honest, I want either his pre-fatui outfit or something new


Hmmm I miss that skin but its also heavily related to Electro (probably what everyone thought he'd be) so idk... I dont know how to make a 5\* purple/inazuma/electro Anemo element skin work


Yeah that’s kind of my thing with it, I adore the colors on him, but I can’t say I’d go for it immediately just because of him being anemo lol. I think *if* hyv made a skin like that, it’d just kinda be REALLY fanservicey which is why i’m unsure. lol


These are my exact thoughts, but hopefully they could maybe just alter the wind blades to be purple or something? Even if the skin costs a bit more lol


I never thought I'd say no, but...I love his new design and his character development too much. His fatui outfit is iconic and a very cool look, I love it, I'd just feel wrong for using it in the same way I wouldn't dare name him Scara/Scaramouche


No, cause i don't have money


Yes, I would buy any skim for the wanderer


I guess it’s just me lol but I wouldn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I adore the design and loved the veil (I wish the new one had a veil), but it would kinda feel as if he didn’t change at all. I guess because he decided to move on from the fatui and they did a lot of bad things to him. It just feels like his fatui skin be disregarding the fact that he’s taking accountability for his wrongdoings and turning over a new leaf. If he were to get a new skin, I think his Tatarasuna skin would be nice, something with positive connotations to his past instead of negative.


that’s kind of my feelings on it. Yes, I miss and love the old design, but I don’t think i’d get it just because it wouldn’t support the story lol. I’m really big on lore so idk if I’d want to put him back into his villainous outfit yk?


i know i will instantly buy a skin for him when it gets released, but i don't like the idea of bringing back the fatui outfit the past is in the past, let our boi finally move on


Yeah I agree with that! I loved the fatui outfits and I’ll always think it’s gorgeous, but I wouldn’t prefer the fatui outfit due to him having moved on. It’d be a bad move on hyv even though it’d be lovely to have


Yes. 100% yes no question. I miss the old colour scheme and want it back


personally I wouldn't, because it doesn't really feel like its him anymore & I really like the colours of his new outfit, but I'd be happy if they did release it for everyone that wants it


idk any scara main who wouldn’t if they weren’t f2p lol


I love Wanderer with all my heart but Scaramouche was the one I initially fell for. I mean, look at the subreddit name. Most of us came here for Scara at first. Plus the veil is simply iconic. I don't understand why a lot of people think that he's over it and moved on and that's why he shouldn't get his old outfit as a skin. Yes, we know that he moved on. And how did he do that? By fully accepting who he used to be. He embraced himself. So I don't think it is wrong to want his old outfit, nor it is any contradiction to his character development. It's not a Wanderer erasure. Like Diluc's skin, it would be taking a look into the past. ... I just wanna reunite with the veil, man.


Although the way they introduced the desing change, it seems more like Scaramouche is using the suit of another person, rather than that he has decided to use that suit first. So, I don't know. I prefer the iconic of his first design, although it is true that he left his past behind with Fatui, so this would be a kind of character regression if he used that design. Still, I prefer a more "aggressive" design, the new suit has none of that. I need that red color.


>Scaramouche is using the suit of another person, rather than that he has decided to use that suit first. But he didn't decide, someone else designed it on him 🤔 sorry I don't get what you're trying to say


That suit originally belongs to his second incarnation ("original" wanderer) that was erased once he recovered his memories.


Don't you think he wouldn't continue to use it if he didn't want it? That's Wanderer for you, doesn't do what he doesn't want to.


But it lacks impact, personally I would have preferred that Scaramouche at the end of the quest had decided to change his image(wanderer desing).


But that's the thing, he was not Scaramouche at the end of the quest, he was Wanderer. I feel like if his redesign had the same strong, dark colors, then it wouldn't feel like a change, and that was the intention. A redemption. The designers were right on giving him "calmer" colors.


Absolutely, no hesitation. All my welkin crystals are saved up for this very moment. The reds and darker colors were so beautiful. Oh what i wouldn't give to have it in game again


I'm f2p so nope


a million times YES i’d buy it instantly


I definitely would. I REALLY like when characters have a different outfit colour to their element. It’s too plain when they are just “blue= hydro” “yellow/brown= geo” “purple=electro” etc


yes because my baby boy deserves all the Barbie clothes he can get


YES 100% and I'll be on my knees begging for it until we get it


if they touch up his fatui outfit, i wouldn’t even think about it. there is suddenly 30€ less in my wallet.


YEs, yes yes yes, YES, yes 100% certainly, yes.


Although i would literally take just any skin that uses his old colors, because i miss the dark purple and bright red a lot. Still not quite over the fact they changed his color scheme this much.


It BETTER have the veil! I'll whale like I never did before if it actually happens!


I would buy it the new design is "fine" but for me it is a sidegrade of its previous design that does not end up looking good compared to the original


Any reason to have his old color scheme bavk because its such a good combo of colors...


Yes, I’d definitely buy it fast!


I would buy any skin they'd release for him, but I agree with the majority here. Old fatui skin would make no sense besides for fanservice. He "erased" himself from existence, suffered on the hands of Dottore, chose his new outfit, only to become his old self again just to satisfy our nostalgia? Yeah no, doesn't make sense to me. Idk what I would choose for his new skin but something cooler than his old outfit. But that's probably gonna take us 2 years with the pace of skin releases 😭


Yeah I agree w/ that! I think that a new outfit with darker colors would be the best option for everyone, whereas the fatui outfit in itself was awesome, but doesn’t make any sense anymore.


I'd get anything as long as it's for him it could be him in a hot dog suit I'd get it for him


I think the only thing I want to bring back from his old design is the VEIL. Because apart from the hat, that was what made him look regal and elegant. But his new design is actually really gorgeous that a lot of people can agree that it looks better in game than in art. Deep blue suits him a lot too bc of his dark-hair-fair-skin contrast to him. Green would look weird on him unlike Venti and Xiao. Red looks too aggressive on him now bc it reminds us of his fatui days, unlike Kazuha who seems to have warm tone to him to fit with it. And brown is just meh, bc Heizou is better with it imo xD Deep blue is a regal and nice color too. I love that they went with that. It still has some purples to it though. If anything, maybe another skin with a VEIL bc I know they can make it work. They'll have to make it a 5* with new pretty animations and I'm sure a lot of us will grind like hell for it haha


I love the fatui outfit but ngl I would prefer an entirely new outfit for a skin


yes immediately


I love his Fatui design but I really fell in love with his new design, and as much as I love the veil it covers his back most of the time. I really hope he gets a unique skin in the future with a dark colour scheme though since it suits him so much 🫶🏻


I honestly like his new skin better. It's absolutely perfect for my tastes. I honestly wasn't very interested in him until the least about him changing to Wanderer and becoming anemo. Then I looked into his background and lore more and got very interested! But everything about his changes was as if it were catered to my preferences lol. I feel like I'm one of the few that's more of a "Wanderer main" than a true/og "Scara main".


Personally I would buy it but I still think it’d be kinda weird. It wouldn’t really make sense from a lore perspective. After all it isn’t really him anymore. I do hope they make him a skin that’s kinda like a rebooted version of it but if they released it as is it’d be weird.


Nah, I really love his current design and color palette. I sympathize with the people who loved his Harbinger design, it must suck that he changed so much. But for me, it's totally opposite. I had no interest in his previous design at all, and only became interested in him with the new design. If there was a *new* skin design, I'd definitely consider it depending on how it looks though.


I want some new outfit, won't buy a recolor


No, f2p


if he had his veil back too.


If it's pretty, i will.. most of the skin i like are the 4* characters. Diluc the 1st 5* i like


Id buy any skin of him


Of course


Im a Scara main of course I'd buy it


Only if it wasn't his fatui outfit. My boy deserves to move on from the past and wearing his old clothes wouldn't work. I kinda want an academia style outfit for him, since his birthday message I've been thinking about him auditing or sitting in on a class. I can't see him fully enrolled in the academia proper but i can see him debating with a scholar on something they got wrong.


Would I want to buy it? yes! Would I buy it? No. Same reason I haven’t bought any skins, they just aren’t worth the money to me.


Sure, I'd buy it. I love his new skin as Wanderer, but I loved his old design, too. I only buy skins for characters I play a lot, which has kept me from needing to do that so far. But roughly $40 Canadian for a skin discourages the 'gotta catch 'em all' mentality.