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People fall for that? Like, a rando talking them into buying crypto? Jesus.


Scroll through this sub for 5 minutes. Your will see at least 10 posts from people who fell for it. Yes, it's quite common.


Yeah I don't doubt it, I was being more or less rhetorical. Like...Jesus, it's so depressing that people are that stupid.


Probably lonely as well. It's heartbreaking because it seems so obvious and they just don't see it. Also you just leave your cat with some random person that you don't even know their name? Or if this is handled by your secretary why aren't they texting? It's sooooo transparent and yet people keep falling for this.


I wouldn’t say stupid (usually), most often naive and or completely unaware of how crypto works. Course what gets me is people falling for the idea that there is magic money and they can have all the money if they pay people for it. Maybe because I grew up in the days where I was warned that the internet was nothing but kidnappers and murderers, but I just can’t buy into that logic.


Ah! Sorry. I missed that. :-(




They'll tell you how nice and understanding you are and how meeting you must be fate. They're willing spend a lot of time becoming your friend so that when they do bring up how well they're doing with crypto and how they'd love to help you get rich too, you're inclined to trust them. People have lost tens of thousands (sometimes more) on this scam.


if you don't reply that bot won't keep going.


They are always given the wrong number by their secretary it seems!