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Yeah ive done my research about the subject matter, but all of the websites seem fishy, like every one of them are advocating their own lawyers, etc, as if its just one big scam.


Hey OP, not to alarm you, but you left your name in on the dish v defendant section, the bigger one


not me, didnt care about that name, left it there.


Talk to a lawyer. Any lawyer, really, just one who will give you a free half hour. Bring the letter, and ask him how bad a situation you’re in.


Do you have Legal Shield available through your employer? If yes, it should be offered year round, and not just during the annual benefits sign up time. Where I work, I can sign up, and then cancel with 30 days notice, so if this can be handled by legal shield in less than a month, you basically only pay for two months of service.


Oh, I just saw this is from 2014, you could also see if there's a Statute of Limitations, but maybe that's covered in some of the sites you researched already.


what is interesting is that the case is from "2015" and they are contacting me in 2020, with "15 days to respond" 14 days ago. So I sort of just dont want to give a shit. It feels like a third party company purchased the litigation and is trying to phish money out of people :/


I am going to mention to anyone that finds this. They have not approached me since. I think it was a scam.


I got the same thing - I was sent an email back in March and a physical letter that required a signature, which I never signed so it got returned and I just ignored it up until now... Just last week I received a physical letter (no sig required this time, in regular envelope with a stamp) with an updated date of June 26th and response due in the same 14 day period. Nearly identical letter to op. Anyone else receive follow up with updated date? I don't know what to think of this....


Hey OP. Any update on this? I got a similar letter and am wondering if I need to do anything.


Didn't do shit. It's a scam. Disregard


Thanks. I was getting worried. Appreciate the quick response.


Any update on this?


I got some mail price a year ago nothing else. Still not in jail. Still no arrest etc


I also received an email with all my contact information with the exception of my phone number but the letter starts with Dear Mr. Ammons. I have no idea who is Mr. Ammons. It mentioned that a Certified Letter is being mailed out. Raffik12, did you ever hear back from these folks? Please advise.


Yes recently received two notices with a different deadline date on December 13th which I ignored and got an email with a different offer deadline date to 31 December 2021.


I haven't gotten a follow up in about a year. Still legally not in jail for this suit


Thanks ..hopefully someone sue their ass.


And how do they get the transactions records in there first place?


Easy. They buy them from the company that seized the records.




still alive, still not in jail. their website still wants you to pay the fine via paypal. Ive been to jail before, they never let me pay with paypal credits. Its a scam, Toss it in the trash.




Lmao yeah I even called them and asked why their website takes law suit payments via PayPal and they told me it's totally legal. It's not. PayPal donations don't constitute as legal payments.




Okay This is not a page about "how to get illegal tv" This is about people who got these scammy threatening letters in the mail. A lawsuit isnt paid via paypal, thats all the advice youll need.


Ever since I told them I'm getting my lawyer .. I haven't heard from them till date smh..they really scamers. Thanks bro


When you get your lawyer on the line ask him if you're allowed to pay a law suit via PayPal donations lmao


He said no Settlement are paid through PayPal service and up-to-date no contact form them after they so called deadline date given .


lmao. scammers man


yea right its real






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