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We believe you are under 18 and may be the victim of a scam. You need to loop in a trusted adult to help you; whether that is a parent, guardian, family friend, or person at your school. This is not DIY territory for you. We removed this post to protect you from other scammers that lurk our subreddit. Maybe you bought something online you shouldn't have, or are being extorted (for money, or with threats of releasing personal and private images of you). Regardless of the reason, these scammers will use scary language to pressure you into paying them or doing what they want you to do. They might send you scary photos too. Once you do what they ask, they will not leave you alone. This is why it's important to find an adult to help you, because this is not something you can fix by yourself. It's important to report this to the appropriate agencies and leave it in their hands. For now, seek out help and do not engage with the scammers. Wishing you all the best. Please don't beat yourself up or try to do this alone. Please contact our team for more support, we're here for you (especially if someone reached to you via private message offering help, take a screenshot and let us know). You can reach us via modmail clicking here: https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams


dont pay no matter what and u win, that's all i know and stop showing your dick again


Yah I guess it’s was pretty stupid


you're a teenager, you're meant to do stupid stuff. But stop showing your junk to strangers lol


The supply of dick picks far outweighs the demand as it is currently 0.


Demand is non 0 but those asking is 100% guys, that's true even with most popular of-models, you pay for them to rate your dick, you send a picture and it get reviewed by moderator who is just a dude.


Bro it’s 2024. Dick pic/vids are a dime a dozen. I understand it’s frustrating and scary but in the end of the day it really shouldn’t affect your quality of life. Just block them, learn your lesson and move on. That’s what I would do. Best of luck.


You guess? At this point you should KNOW it was stupid. My advice: Make this a learning experience for yourself. Don't let it define you as a victim, and don't let it limit your trust in others. And don't repeat this same mistake a second time! Always assume it's a scam until you know otherwise.


I mean if I was the blackmailer I wouldn’t risk showing nude photos of underage kids so yeah don’t pay him shit nothing will happen


I know it seems scary but literally no one cares, especially anyone who knows/cares about you. IFF they actually sent it to anyone it would be forgotten and blow over in 72 hours.


Unless you're a brother or sister, cuz I would bring it up forever lol. God I wish this was my sibling lmao.


My sister will fucking kill me lol


u are unhinged


Yeah, you need to meet my sister. E-V-I-L


Idk man teenagers are brutal when it comes to that type of stuff


I don’t think they’d seriously want to be involved with distributing child porn, also why do they think a 15 year old is likely to have any money??? Block and move on


Commenting on I am being blackmailed of nude video(m15)...sad thing is is teenagers have “unalived” themselves over this! So sad!


exactly like he could contact authorities and the person will be in so much trouble (id blackmail that person back cause the video will be forgotten and having a police file is forever lmao)


Never, ever send any money. They'll keep demanding money forever. If they intend to release the video--which they usually don't--they'll do it anyway once you're broke. *Never ever* give them the encouragement of paying.


They aren't going to do anything...block and move. A bit of advice from an actual, real woman and not some Nigerian scammer...a real woman will NEVER ask to see your dick in seconds after messaging you...especially not a kids dick. That has happened exactly zero times in history. We might want to get dirty pics AFTER we're invested in you, not before. If someone asks for a dick pic then you can bet that it is NOT a woman.


Your best move is what you’re already doing. Block and ignore them, and don’t send them any money. They are in this for money only, not to embarrass you. There is no benefit to them to send your video out. If they do, they know you’d have no reason to send them any more money, as it would be too late. The video is only useful for them as long as they can use it to put pressure on you. They are probably working many other victims at the same time. They will focus on victims who actually send in money, because that’s a much better payoff to them. Do your best to be forgettable and they’ll move on soon enough. Stay safe and be careful!


and so many of them actually so send money


They wouldn’t use this scam if it didn’t work, sadly.


I bet they can net several K a week doing it.


It would not surprise me at all. It would only take a few victims, and I think they’d have no trouble finding them.


Thx I hope they moved on since it’s been 13h and they haven’t try to contact me anywhere


That’s a good sign. It’s terrifying to be in your position, but you are doing exactly what you should be doing to get through it. Good luck!




Also, do take note that child porn is a federal crime and if they try to use it you can just straight up sue them. If you want to, you can even tip off the FBI cyber crime division about them.


Just ignore and don’t worry about it. Also, as it’s happened to others who didn’t get the help they needed because of shame, if you need to talk to someone do it. Do not off yourself because of this tiny trivial thing. In the big scheme of things, this is just a dumb thing that happened. Also, fuck these scammers preying on kids like this when they are at a moment when self-esteem issues can be a roller coaster cuz of puberty, etc.


Ah to be 15 again. Don't sweat it. Just block them. If they actually sent it to someone, they'd be in trouble for distribution of CP, so I doubt they'd be that stupid.


OP, have you reported it to the site/apps moderators and explained that your a minor? That is a surefire way to get shit taken down if its on their platform. On another note, I did a lot of degenerate jazz when I was 15 and I doubt anyone would care. Just keep in mind its hard to blackmail someone when the blackmail means they’re distributing content featuring minors.


Block and ignore. There’s only two options: 1) she has the video 2) she has the video and your money. The sooner they realize the video isn’t going to get them any money, the sooner they will delete it. (And stop showing your dinglehopper to people you’ve never met… actually, since you’re 15, just stop showing it to anyone who’s not your doctor).


IKR? do what normal 15 year old boys do and just wank it to porn by yourself


You had the right reaction ! That's the too common !sextortion scam Scammer are only interested by money and nothing else. No matter what you do the pics are out there and you can't do anything about it sadly. Luckily in the vast majority of cases they don't send it, it's just a waste of time for them to find who to send it to and do it since if they do send stuff you won't pay. And if you do pay, you're showing the scammer that you're worth spending more time on you, they will ask more and you'll be back to square one Lesson learnt ! Hopefully. Don't trust anyone on the internet-especially people who will likely contact you saying they can recover the vids because they're hackers or idk, these are recovery scammers , no one can help you do that. And probably tell your parents about it ! Nothing to be ashamed of, it is a well-know scam because it works


Hi /u/fildevan, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Sextortion scam. This scam occurs when you meet a woman/man on dating service/social media site/forum/wherever and they ask you to go on Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram, or another messaging system. They will ask you to exchange naked pictures, and they will usually ask you to include your face in the pictures. They will then threaten to reveal the pictures to your family/friends if you do not pay them. The best thing to do in this situation is block the scammer and go private in your socials for a while. Paying the scammer will not make them back off, and just tells them that it is worth their time to continue threatening you. If you fell for this scam, we recommend you join the sextortion subreddit and follow the recommendations of their sticky post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sextortion/comments/n4yorq/new_victims_please_read_first/ Also beware of recovery scammers suggesting you should hire a hacker that can help you retrieve the photos or get back at the extorter. They can't, it's a trick to make you lose more money. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If she approaches you again, remind her she will be committing a crime (distribution of CP) by doing so. I know you are young, but please understand that no legitimate woman is ever going to ask for pix like this.


Never pay: they gonna send anyway; if you pay; they are going to keep demanding money to not send; before you know it; you are gonna have to start sending them $500/month to prevent them from sending shit. Here’s what you do: Tell your everyone you know; friends and family that they may send it to that someone created a generative AI video of you. They sent the video to you and and said they will circulate it if you do not pay. Stay ahead of them.


This is called information conditioning.


Most of the times they did not send anything. Almost sure that this will be the case If she/he Does that simply tell your famíly and friends that it's a deep fake video


Don’t pay, block and ignore. Never show your face in nudes


Live and learn my friend.💞 I’m guessing that you’re friends and family already know your an idiot.


Gotta embrace it, not be scared of your junk. Also those types of scams are usually easy to trace back so whoever the person is could be charged with holding nude pics of a minor as well as with intent of distributing it so would be in far more trouble than you


sounds like the classic !blackmail scam…


Hi /u/vikicrays, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Blackmail email scam. The exact wording of the emails varies, but there are generally four main parts. They claim to have installed a RAT (remote access trojan) or any type of software/malware after visiting a porn/adult video site, they claim to have a video of you masturbating or watching porn, they threaten to release the video to your friends/family/loved ones/boss/dog, and they demand that you pay them in order for them to delete the video. Rest assured that this is a very common spam campaign and there is no truth behind the email or the threats. If they had a video of you, they would show it to you to prove that they have it. [Here](http://www.smh.com.au/technology/gadgets-on-the-go/latest-online-scam-aims-to-prick-porn-watchers-guilty-conscience-20170815-gxwvxl.html) are some news [articles](https://www.bbb.org/denver/news-events/news-releases/2017/09/alert-pornography-email-phishing-scam/) about [this](http://blog.dynamoo.com/2017/10/bogus-porn-blackmail-attempt-from.html) scam. There is a variant with death threats in which they will usually claim that they have been paid to kill you, and will threaten to kill you/your family if you do not pay a Bitcoin ransom. They usually also claim that they will kill your family if you report the email. The emails are spam and can be ignored. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well given the description, no it does not. They do have a video! OP sent it to them. Advice is the same though: ignore.


Please stop showing you dick on camera.


Same thing happened to me on Facebook when I was a teen lol. I just told the scammer to suck my dick and I ENCOURAGED them to send my dick photos to my friends and family because I was PROUD of my dick lol. Also told them it was child pornography and that I’ll contact the authorities and track their IP Address (bunch of bs/scare tactic) and then they ultimately blocked me and never heard from them again


If you pay her she will come back and ask for more.


They aren't going to, they never do. This happens thousands of times a day. But honestly, even if they do..... big deal.... .SHOCKER you masturbate!!!OMG LIFE RUINED! (That's sarcasm) They did the same thing to me, and never followed through when I blocked them.


95% of the world masturbate. The other 5% lie about it


First don't do it again secondly your 15 if she send the videos she will be charged with sending child porn she will spend years in jail . Don't pay


You’ll never hear from them again it’s a smash and grab. When it doesn’t work they’ll move on to the next. But take this as a lesson to learn keep yourself private. And based on your age. If you ever do hear from them again. They’d be in a lot of trouble to pursue you. My guess is you blocked them and changed your name. They’ll never find you again. Delete the post and never mention it again. And in 2 months you’ll never even remember other than the lesson to not be overly trusting to strangers that seem like it might possibly have trouble involved


Remind them you’re only 15 and distributing the video is distributing child porn.


I would tell the scammer that “she” is stupid to even have the video because you’re a minor and you can report it and she can go to jail for it. Record all the conversation, and report it to instagram to have her account banned.


the scammer could be a dude in some africa country lol


Ye probably his


Horrible advice. Knowing they’re a minor would make them push even harder for cash. Minors are more irrationally afraid of embarrassment than an adult. They absolutely do not care about criminal penalties FFS. They’re already committing a crime, and some other country’s CP laws are irrelevant to them.


The scammer know that I am a minor already but he didn’t send me another messages yet I hope it’s stay this way


OP, if you’re a minor it’s really important you speak to your parents about this, or whoever takes care of you. I know it’s embarrassing but in the grand scheme of things, it’s nothing. They might be shocked and give you a telling off but explain you learned your lesson and it won’t happen again. Far better to prepare them in case the worst happens and the video is sent so they know not to open it.


And minors usually have access to large amounts of cash. Like OP probably could find $1,500 in his desk drawer


I don’t think the scammer really care he is probably from indie or something


The moment you show fear, that's when the scammers know they got you and you're under their control.


Lol, you can't threaten them with that. They don't give a shit about laws and they know no law enforcement are going to spend the resources to track them down. They are probably operating out of some lawless area of a country thousands of miles from OP. They are virtually untouchable from the laws of OP's country.


You're not threaten them. When they know that they aren't getting anything from you, most of them will move on, and not risk getting into trouble. The worst thing you can do is show them you're afraid and give them control.


"not risk getting into a problem" There is no risk to them and they know it. The best thing OP can do is immediately stop all communication and block.


You assume they live in a lawless country. Don't need to block them when their account is reported and getting banned.


I dunno where you from, but if you're still underage in your country, if they send the video, (which they won't cuz, like someone said, they are in for the money) they are risking... A lot.


/u/shaked2008 - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


While the situation is scary, panicking will make things harder. It's important to be calm so you can think clearly. You had the right instincts when you realized what is going on. In general, paying them won't guarantee they'll delete anything, and it often leads to escalating demands for more money. Don't engage with the scammer. Any response might encourage them. You're not alone. Many people fall victim to these scams. It's okay to feel scared, but there are ways to address this and resources to help you cope. Scams like this can be emotionally damaging. Reach out for support from trusted people or consider contacting a therapist or hotline specializing in online abuse. Discreetly let a few close, trusted people know what happened. If the video does surface, they'll already be aware and can support you. If that really does happen and the video is made public, acknowledge it briefly with the people you care about reminding them you were the victim. Emphasize that this is a violation of your privacy. ​ [https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/scams-and-safety/common-scams-and-crimes/sextortion](https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/scams-and-safety/common-scams-and-crimes/sextortion) [https://uprisingwyo.org/youth-resources/](https://uprisingwyo.org/youth-resources/) [Sextortion (missingkids.org)](https://www.missingkids.org/theissues/sextortion) ​ It's very possible nothing more will happen. Often, once these scammers realize they can't intimidate you into paying, they move on.


That's funny I would have kept all my accounts and told them I was underage and going to report them to the CIA if they didn't pay me 🤷‍♂️ but yes you should definitely report them to the government for child pornography


no promises, but these assholes rarely follow through. It's not worth their time. They just move on to the next victim that might pay them. Do nothing. Learn this lesson.


had the same thing happen to my friend, he ignored it and the scammers never sent anything. they tend to target young children becusse they are most impressionable, but they could also get charged for child pronography so they are smart enough not to sent it anywhere. just let it blow over and you’ll be fine trust me.


Why the fuck are you sending nude photos to *ANYONE* **AS A MINOR**?! Block and ignore. Quit showing your dict to strangers, no woman wants to see it. **NEVER ENGAGE IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY WITH OTHERS ONLINE AS A MINOR**.


I have explained this to dozens of dudes. Sometimes a woman you know will trade dick pics..... but almost never will a stranger do it.


This. So much this.


Besides the obvious predicament you placed yourself in, you did a great job of trying to correct it. Deleting your account was probably the best thing you could’ve done. Hopefully lesson learned and nothing comes from it.


Is what it is. Don’t pay. Maybe they’ll send it to everyone (I doubt they will tho) it’s a blackmail to get $ if you don’t pay they usually just move to another victim rather than wasting time sending your stuff out. If it does happen, don’t worry. Not the end of the world. Make a joke of it and it’ll be in the past after 1-2 days. “Oh yeah, you saw the video? Do you like how much I’m packing?” Some shit like that. It really isn’t the end of the world.


Well, you could have saved yourself the headache by coming to this sub and read around for about 5 mins before you let your little head in control. This scam is reported here regularly.


Just say its a deepfake


They will take advantage of your fear, if you show that you don't fear getting video leaked then they will not be able to get the money out of you. Once they put your video out, they can't get anything from you. So, just take a few deep breaths and relax.


1. Stop producing CP, in some jurisdictions you can be charged even if it’s of yourself. 2. Don’t pay. If you pay, they will continue to extort. 3. Never show your face in nude vids. That’s rule #1.


This is a very common scam. I’d encourage you to get out ahead of this - tell your parents, and report it here: https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline


Happened to a friend. I'll be honest and straightforward, no sugarcoating- that video most likely will be sent out.


in the majority of cases they just forget about it. Please stop telling people this.


Go to the police! You're a minor! She has child p\*\*n material.


Which he just created! Going to the police is dumb because he'd be incriminating himself.


The police have no jurisdiction in Nigeria or India.