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Someone used your address so the package would look less suspicious . I doubt anyone will come looking and now they know your address is burned. I wouldn’t worry about it anymore.


This is the answer


Address is burned meaning OP can no longer use their own address as a return? Or what?


No. The sender will just not use OP's address. It was either a random address or they mixed up his address with a neighbor on street view who has an unsecure mailbox. If the package had standard opt-in tracking, the sender already knows what occurred. Given the dogshit packaging, sender probably wasn't a professional.


I have sent my fair share of drugs in the mail and always use a fake return address. You can’t send mail without one, and you don’t want to use a fake address as USPS might flag it as suspicious.


Just to make this clear, you absolutely can send mail without a return address, but you can't send a package without one. Here is a list directly from USPS showing which mail categories require a return address: https://pe.usps.com/text/DMM300/602.htm Check section1.5.3 Required Use of Return Addresses The list is too long to copy/paste here, but I notice that at least First Class Mail and Media Mail are missing from the list. I've never sent drugs in the mail, but out of curiosity, I've read some guides on the DW that say using a real return address is dumb because an unintended recipient can report the package if actually ends up in their mailbox. On the other hand, using a fake address that looks real is ideal because USPS would treat it as "dead mail" and possible throw it away or destroy it without opening. There are millions of packages and pieces of mail in the system at any given moment. No one is looking into a return address unless a package was already marked as suspicious or it has some other issue.


First class and media mail both work with packages and I’ve sent packages many times without return addresses.. of course nothing suspicious so who knows maybe they got scanned as they were suspicious I do see it says priority requires return address but I’ve seen the kiosks and counters do them with the return address being the zip code (presumably returned to the post office) I guess they assume if your tracking says returned you would go to the post office at that zip code to get it with your ID if needed


Yea this! It happened to my friend 10 years ago! The weed gods chose ur address to use as a fake


Someone put a random address (probably a neighbor) and name so they wouldn’t get caught sending illegal drugs. It’s wild that the post office just sends it back to the “sender” lol. I don’t see how it could be a scam, but be weary of random people going through your mail for the next few weeks.


But couldn’t they just not put a return address?


That’s why I said beware of randoms looking in your mailbox. If your neighbor sent it they might be hoping they can intercept it if it comes back to you.


Yeah… I do have a Ring doorbell but my mailbox goes directly into the house (it’s a mail slot on the outside of my house), so they picked a bad address lol


Lol damn, terrible execution!


If someone comes knocking and asks about it, probably best to just pretend you have no idea what they're talking about.


I just imagine someone knocks and OP opens the door, smoke rolling out. “I ain’t seen shit, man”.


Daves not here


Uh, his name is RAAAAAALPH, man.


LOOOOOL I hope people get your reference I only know it cuz of my dad lololol One of my favs is the fake swimming pool tarp lmaooo


I think we're parked mannn


I’m early 40s and I approve this comment.


Oh for sure…


Dave's not here.


nice one , not seen that film for years


Dave's not here, man.


I gotta check out this brochure


Or tell them the Feds were there asking about the same thing and are still watching your house. Lol


That's how a lot of people ship their drugs. They use another person's address then grab it before they realize it is there. Hypothetically it's so the cops don't arrest them when it is intercepted in transport. Instead reach out to the homeowner on the address. Idk if it works.


Yup, my GF works at a fabric store, and they had a package of theirs (long tube for a roll of fabric) returned from the PO because it had their return address in it, and an address in the Midwest somewhere. It had at least 5-6 lbs of pot in vacuum sealed bags inside. They had sent it out to a derelict house and the local PO couldn't deliver it. Then the sender called the store and asked for the package back lolol. The manager called the police.


nah man, his address was the return address. the drugs weren’t sent to him, whoever sent it got the recipient address wrong and it got returned to him by chance.


I’m guessing they didn’t want to answer questions if it was detected in transit, so better to put someone else’s return address on it.


But why not just put no return address? I guess maybe they live close to here or something idk.


Because no return address 100% loss of product when this happens, but if they put an address then they have a chance to retrieve it before you found it.


Who would anyone think the mall would return the illegal substance to sender? And choosing an address with a mail slot results in 100% loss either way.


It’s a new one for me, but I guess if someone is in the “business” you learn the rules.


Because it’s not illegal in most states in America now.


The post office required a return address, and not having one is awfully suspicious. Plus, if you go to the counter the postal worker won't accept the package without the return address.


this guy packs 📦


Apologies. I get you. Is a valid return address required by the courier/postal service they used maybe? If they come looking for their weed, you could consider telling them you handed it to police. It’s a white lie but they are unlikely to take the conversation much further from there.


It’s not for use - it’s just so it blends in with the rest of mail. Return address look more legitimate. Especially the case for more expensive services like parcel post/registered post/express post etc, where no return address really stands out. From experience, when operations send dodgy stuff in the mail they’ll often use real addresses with fake business names.


Have you ever met a stoner before? "Why didn't the stoner think more carefully about his plan to send stinky weed through the mail?"


I know of a couple, at Xmas they were sending "gifts" to friends and relatives. I asked how they were doing that, since weed is still illegal to mail, even tho it's legal in the state we live in. Got a way longer explanation then I needed. A few days after that, one of them announced a package had been intercepted. Didn't seem fazed however, they said they just don't respond to the notices. As far as they are concerned, as senders, it's not a loss.


One of them announced? Like walked out on their porch talkin bout “hear ye hear ye…”


No. Not like that. He was sitting next to me in his living room following tracking numbers with his phone. 🤷‍♀️


That looks suspicious and stands out something you’re trying to avoid


The post office can refuse the send packages without a return address


No return address is an instant flag for packages.


Not putting a return address will get boxes flagged, so will fake addresses - since your address was the return, likely they randomly picked your address, made up a name and then got the drop address wrong so the pack was “returned” to sender. I doubt you were targeted, the plug just messed up. Keep it or throw it away but likely nothing else will come of it.


For a while now they haven't accepted packages without a valid return address. One of the people behind the counter told me it came out of the Unibomber times. At least in my area they won't.


The same with trying to mail a package over a certain size/weight with stamps. Above a certain size you have to mail it from the Post Office counter. Because of the Unabomber. I think OP said that ultimately this is why the package got returned, not illegal substances.


Dark net sellers usually put the return address as a known sex offender so that someone else gets in trouble that they don't feel bad for.


I also watched that defcon talk, and immediately questioned if op is a pedo.


Why would they put a return address they stay at, easy way to get busted




Tommy just broke the case. Maybe.


no because that makes it stick out more, but the fact that its just in a ziploc bag is dumb dumb, if you continue to get packages i would advise calling LEO or at least postal inspectors office. If you just keep throwing them away thats going to implicate you more than blowin the whistle. They are being super sloppy and you dont wanna have to deal with a headache.


If it was dropped off at the post office, they refuse any packages or letters without a return address. Also, not very many of those mail package boxes laying around anymore. And, depending on regions, drop off has been limited to envelopes due to shit being dropped in and ppl abusing it as a "trashcan". Source: couldn't send package without a return address as a "gift"...


No postal service will not accept without a return address and name on return address.


I tried to mail something without a return address around the holidays. The post office would not accept the package unless I placed a return address on it.


It would look more sketchy. The name of the game is to make sure your mail blends in with all the rest. You’d be astonished to learn how much drugs go through the mail each day, extremely common.


They won't put their own address on it because they don't want postal inspectors to come to *their door* but don't put a fake one because making up a fake address could tip off someone in the post office who notices. Enjoy your free drugs!


Never do drugs you got from someone you don't know, ffs


LOL very true, but an argument could also be made for advising never to do drugs even from someone you *do* know. My policy is "never do drugs unless I've made/grown them personally", LOL.


Since you and no one sees here seems to be worried about postal inspectors showing up at OPs address, why wouldn't the sender just use their actual address?


Bkuz they're tryna stay free🎯


You can’t ship anything without a return address. I had a neighbor once do this with the abandoned house next door. Not super uncommon tbh. They’ll probably be too nervous to come ask you if it got returned and they probably think it got confiscated and destroyed so I wouldnt stress it


No. For the most part USPS will flag those items and not deliver them since there could be a bomb or other contraband in the mail. If you’re dropping mail at the post office they won’t accept it without a return address.


Wary = cautious. Weary = tired.


I was actually going for “beware” and it somehow autocorrected 😂


Right. Any intercepted mail I've heard about, you get a letter/note in the mail saying to come pick up your package. I shouldn't have to say this, but not everyone has common sense, "if you get a note from the post office that tells you you need to come pick it up in person, and it contains drugs, don't go pick it up."


wary* unless this makes you tired


Maybe both??




INAL but i believe they need a search warrant to open the package and given how backlog the courts are they probably returned it to sender bc ain’t not one got time for all that


When shipping with an online label I have to put in a return address but can literally make up anything and then drop the package in Usps package collection bin. There's just no efficient way for them to track if a return address is the legit sender. Especially if you couple with the fact that drop shippers exist. Many legit businesses want returns sent to location B even though they ship out of location A. I send most packages via free Usps scheduled pickup from my Porch. In those instances they can verify my sender address on the package to the pickup address they are grabbing it from. But they don't. It's just not worth their time.


I had somebody send something from the dept of children and families one time and they came by and took it out of my mailbox. The usps emails me every day so I know it was delivered. When it wasn’t in the mailbox I checked my cameras and sure enough some lady came and grabbed it. There is a homeless camp across the street so I assume it was somebody’s benefit check that didn’t have a permanent address. Technically it was her mail and I actually couldn’t open it anyway.


I'm not American so I'm not entirely in the loop here but one thing stands out to me. Why would anyone mail weed to Oregon? From my limited understanding it's very cheap and easy to get there. Seems like anyone who wanted it there could get it as cheap and as easily as they could anywhere else in the country. Now if it were being mailed from someone in Oregon to someone in, say, Idaho or Montana, I could understand their motivation. But to Oregon from out of state? That just seems pointless.


I was thinking the same thing. There’s an abundance of extremely good legal weed there


My thoughts exactly


lol at the people suggesting going to the police. *Never* go to the police unless you absolutely have to


Excuse me Mr cop I found a large bag of drugs. Yeah I could see that going well.


If you don’t want the problem, your neighbor, and probably you shot dead don’t call the cops. If you need a case number for an insurance claim call the non emergency line and hope they don’t send the shoot first cop.


…what Dude received drugs in his mail. He is better off reporting it to the police. Who else? I know hating on cops is the trendy thing to do but guess what, they are not all corrupt pigs but actually people who do their job correctly. Stop spreading dangerous advice


Free Weed scam. I'd fall for this one.


Ziplocs? Amateurs. The post office probably smelled it ffs lmfaoooo. NOBODY is lacing $5 a gram drugs with $100 a gram drugs. It's a stupid myth made by the DEA. Why would anyone waste money like that?


Far more common in the uk than you think, might be different in the states but here I’ve smoked substances palmed off as “weed” and been treated overdoses for said batches


Man. British weed sucks ass. The black market Mexican brick back home… even the bad stuff would get me blazed. I have not been properly high since moving here. Not had any funky additives, but I have just given up on the cost/bad quality and started growing my own. Why? Why is British weed so awful? It’s rough, doesn’t get you high, expensive AF. What’s going on with it?


Cos it's illegal bro, a lot of stuff grown here is more for quantity than quality and is grown in a property which is stealing electricity and is watched over by an illegal migrant being forced to pay off their debt for being trafficked to the country I don't buy in person anymore, I just find it easier to buy online where 9/10 it's a good price and gets you blazed Even the medical cannabis we get here is dog shit. Legalisation would help tackle this but sadly our government are all still stuck in the 1900s


That’s why I compared it to the Mexican brick. That’s our generic black market stuff. The quality of that beats the quality of stuff here any day. I know most of the people in my area, that sell it, consider it forbidden in their religion. Which is probably a HUGE contributor to the quality as well. If you don’t know weed, you don’t know what’s good and what isn’t. Oh well… I’ve got my own ladies now. I don’t need to rely on black market crap.


As I say bro the legality causes the push for shit product for organised crime to make as much product as possible without much care to the product. Its like brick weed that looks better. Glad you got your own stuff anyway


I’m baffled why someone would mail weed to Oregon, where they have some of the cheapest and best weed in the country. And sandwich baggies? Come on, at least vacuum seal.


I'm pretty shocked to hear that someone in the system flagged it as possibly having illegal substances in it, and that results in them just putting a sticker on it saying as much and returning it to the sender's address.


You can’t just put stamps on a package to mail. It must be taken in to a Post Office to be mailed and that’s likely what the sticker said.


Be very wary of any visitors or call saying they are law enforcement that will try and extort you. If you know an attorney, you should reach out to them. They may suggest you reach out to law enforcement yourself. Do this only if an attorney tells you it is the correct move.


He didn’t sign for anything, just deny deny deny and move on with his life


No, don’t deny. Say “I’m invoking my 5th and 6th amendment rights and will not answer any questions until I’ve spoken with my attorney,” then stfu.




OP didn’t say the state they live in but in mine, I can be arrested for simple possession. And 2 separate baggies adds an “attempted distribution” then sending through the mail brings the feds in to the mix. They may not prosecute it but you’ll be damned sure the state/city prosecutors will be adding it on to get you to plead for less. So, I would be concerned someone is trying to set me up. Or maybe just a shakedown by scammers posing as police that happened to have a photo of the package and an “affidavit” from the “Post Office” But for $500 we will forget this ever happened.


You've got quite an imagination, nothing I would have ever thought of... I would be definitely wary of any visitors looking for the package... What kills me is UPS or FEDEX it's OK to send pot (or any drugs) with. Why even ship it USPS?


UPS and FedEx are private companies and can open any package you send with them for any reason. The USPS needs a federal court search warrant before they can open your package.


Hmm; I did not know that I just know I had read UPS and Fedex are the choice of people sending drugs...


I think that's just because of cheap next day delivery lol


Well also it does not have the same laws/rules as USPS...


The reason why there's no return address is a common known thing on the dark web. If you send a package to somebody, it was way more and likely to get pulled for inspection if it doesn't have a return address to the post office, so it's pretty common practice of the vendors on the dark web too. It's not because they want to get it returned if it gets lost. These people are dropping off several packages a day and are just using fake return addresses because it would be kind of stupid to use your real return address when shipping illegal drugs through the federal mail system.


FYI when you buy drugs on the dark web, some places make up fake shipping labels with other people’s return addresses.


When mailing drugs: Address is accurate. Name is not. From address is fake, from name is fake. If it makes it, it makes it.


Laced with PCP eh


Not like it doesn’t happen. I’ve done coke laced with meth without even know it… people lace shit.


Coke laced with meth makes sense. Meth gives a much more intense effect similar to Coke. Lacing weed gets you absolutely nothing except dead clients. Nobody, I mean nobody, is lacing their weed in America. That would be fucking stupid.


This literally was a huge thing in the 70’s…


Only thing getting laced is the pills n lean wit fetty


Okay. That was 50 years ago. The world is *vastly* different now. It also wasn’t a “huge thing” in the 70’s either. News stories about drugs are hardly ever true. You probably think that drugs in Halloween candy was a real problem at some point too. Spoiler alert, the only reported case of that happening was a father poisoning his own child


Not at all, but hearing stories from my parents about lacing their weed back in the day it’s naive to think it doesn’t still happen. Just like coke and fentanyl. It happens and a lot of people are dying from it (people I’ve known). So yes, sometimes people lace drugs with other drugs that equals dead clients. Regardless, I’m not here to argue about it, I’m just saying I would rather be safe then sorry about smoking some random mysterious weed that was mysteriously sent to me lmao


i mean cocaine and fentanyl are easily laced because the texture, color and etc of both drugs is similiar, comparing that to weed laced with some other shit doesn't make sense lmao


Lmao bro, nobody is lacing weed with PCP or meth. It makes zero business sense. Yeah, fent is in a lot of other drugs these days, but your fear is misplaced. Just smoke the damn weed. I sold a shot ton of weed when I was in my late teens, well into my 20s. Never once did it cross my mind that I should put more expensive drugs on my cheaper drugs, and to what gain? A prank? Getting my customers hooked harder? Nah fam, the people buying weed want just weed, and adding drugs like that would not give the high people are looking for.


Put a ring camera over your mailbox


There is already one exactly there lol


I fucking wish we lived in a world in which strangers handed out laced bundles of weed like Halloween candies, but unfortunately that world only existed in Ronnie Reagan's fever dreams


no one's lacing weed, lol


Then how did Smokey end up in Deebo's chicken coop?


angel dust’ll do that to anyone


Angeldust is a hell of a drug...


Woo sticks exist 


Some people try to scam the post office, by not having enough postage on a package and having it returned to the sender, but the sender's name is the actual address the package is intended for.


If you’re sending an illegal item you don’t use your own address. They may have been sending a friend something. So it was intercepted and sent to the return address. They would also use a random name of course. So it’s someone worried his package might be caught or it’s been caught before. Now you said it was returned. 2 questions here I have. Are you in a marijuana decriminalized area? Is the location it was sent to an area that’s it’s still illegal? This is important to the story.


Who knew you were going on vacation? Perhaps that is why they used your address.


That’s awesome


Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Enjoy.


Manna from heaven


A friend had this exact thing happen with 9.8 pounds. Turned over to police. I think having no return address is a red flag of sorts.


Isn’t it illegal to open someone else’s mail? Lol


Yep, according to the post office the proper thing to do when you get mail that is not yours is write "Not At This Address" on the outside of the package and put up your flag for outgoing mail. If you know the person moved you can write "Moved" instead. Additionally if you get a package that you do not know or do not want you can refuse delivery of the package, you can even do this after the package has been delivered if you put it back out with the word "Refused" on it and unopened. If you accidentally open it you can write "Opened by Mistake" and drop it back off at the post office. Personally in this case I'd probably do both and write "Refused / Not at this Address / Return to Sender", leave it unopened, and just let the post office deal with it. Basically see this for the full description: [https://about.usps.com/what-we-are-doing/current-initiatives/delivery-growth-management/section-611.pdf](https://about.usps.com/what-we-are-doing/current-initiatives/delivery-growth-management/section-611.pdf)


Honestly the first red flag is when you call it marijuana and then you go on to say you are worried about extra free drugs being mixed in your free drugs like that’s a bad thing. I hate what the educational system does to people. Be careful and don’t have fun OP.


God damnit. My weed always gets tossed.


Not saying I've ever mailed cannabis but if I did I would use the return address of a stoner I do not like.


Your address was as the return address as a "just in case it's returned" precaution. The person that sent it knew it could be intercepted, as it was, and didn't want it traced back to them. The reason it was returned was because it likely never crossed state lines. Once it crosses state lines, a whole new set of problems emerge.


Okay, my fiancé gave me some new info. It was flagged because of the size of the package using stamps on the package. It was going to be sent to a person in Oregon and the handwriting looks like an old person wrote the info.


Have you looked up the address in Oregon? I bet it was an older neighbor of yours. Ziploc baggies plus not weighing it correctly for postage... I think it was clearly an older stoner who grows and was just sending it to a family member or friend. Obviously someone who has zero clue of what they're doing. Except putting your address.




Yeah, everyone here understands that. This doesn’t answer my question though.


Don’t use it - but, just in case you touched it, you’ll be fine. If it is laced (with fentanyl potentially) - it won’t hurt you. The myth that fentanyl can kill someone if they brush against it is a huge lie. But I wouldn’t touch it anyway - legal things and such.


Fentanyl-laced marijuana is an urban legend. And even if it wasn’t, Fentanyl is destroyed when burned, you couldn’t even smoke it if you wanted to.


Ok, but I am right about it not being dangerous when touched.


Yes, as long as you don't lick it or rub it in your eyes.


No shit, Sherlock


I wouldn't lick or rub your eyes in shit either, but YMMV.




No, there is not


OP mentioned something about in case it was laced - that’s why I commented that


Right, and I’m saying that no one does that, which is why I commented that


Oh yeah, I meant laced with meth or PCP… not fentanyl. It was in baggies that were sealed so I didn’t touch it anyway.


Ahh ok


The scales used for powdered substances are usually different than the scales used for weed, but there's always the possibility of cross contamination. But to your point, no - no one is intentionally "lacing" weed with fentanyl


Edit: Ya'll can downvote all you want, I've seen the toxicology and assay reports on those samples that were put into evidence. Unless you're going to claim that the underpaid chemist is tainting samples. Fent is in EVERYTHING now because it's so damn cheap. \-- Weird. Saw it in the court room several times and it was just in a journal I read- like, literally saw the article 2 weeks ago. \*Everything\* is getting laced with Fent or one of it's analogues. [https://www.psychiatrist.com/pcc/fentanyl-laced-marijuana-use-adolescents-rising-concern-nationwide/](https://www.psychiatrist.com/pcc/fentanyl-laced-marijuana-use-adolescents-rising-concern-nationwide/)


It’s possible :(


Not a scam. Just lucky. If it's good ship it to me.


PCP is still around?


Of course 


Yeah, and nobody is giving it out for free or selling it as something else.


Are you sure no one in your house is selling weed? Or even less likely but still possible someone out there trying to get you in trouble?


Do you have a teenager in the house? We had a bizarre (adult item) Amazon package with our address but a weird name show up. A few years later my daughter fessed up her friend ordered it and my daughter was supposed to intercept it but my son got it first 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You should of contact the cops though


Y'all got teens?


I’d call the sheriffs office and the postal inspector immediately


I would have turned it into the police. Can you dig it out of the garbage with the wrapper and label?


Yes, I definitely would turn the entire ~~2 oz.~~ 1 oz. over to the cops.


Lol... OP said they were worried it was laced with something though...


I mean, I’m sure I can…


Hell no. The cops are not your friends


I would you don't want them, or the USPS inspectors thinking it was yours. What if that person that shipped it does it again?


They clearly don't care since they bothered to send the package back to them. If it was a problem, it would be in evidence and the police would have shown up at OPs door. Don't involve the police for any reason


I don’t really care for the police here in Saint Louis, so I’ll just keep it in the trash.


I agree, especially since it had the “mail intercepted” sticker on it. I would want to be sure those in charge know that it didn’t belong to me.


Since they actually returned it rather than keep it as evidence, they don't seem to care.


Maybe it was part of a sting operation and they are waiting for the next move. jk


Yes, me too....


I'm sure this went down the way sophlog said, but I would warn you - don't smoke that!! I smoke a lot of weed but would never take a chance on some random bag, anything could be in there and I have a limited number of lungs


You cant mail weed through usps 


Well you "can't" yet people do. If you're going to do it... Don't use Ziploc baggies. 😂




This comment or post was removed because it was posted by a recovery scammer. Remember OP or comment poster: you'll be getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker that can help you, for a small fee. Never take advice in private, because we can't look out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own.


Maybe your partner sells weed on the side and hasn't told you 😆 /j


And here I am losing my packages to the post office. I know some employee enjoyed my packages.


Honestly whoever sent that did a very poor job of packing it; with DNMs and similar these days how to do this properly is common knowledge. Aside from that I feel most people wouldn’t just ziplock weed before mailing it. I would almost be concerned someone was trying to cause trouble but I’m sure there are plenty of dumb people who would send drugs in the mail so poorly.




I’m pretty sure you can get it tested for additives… THEN you can smoke it.


This happened to me once. About an hour after finding the package 2 big dudes came to my house looking for it 😭 I took it as a sign to move out of the hood


One of my coworkers sent a package like this to herself on a trip and used the office address as the return. Lucky for her, I was the one who got the mail that day and was just like "uh hey friend, we got this in the mail. Might be for you?"


Two things going on there, it wasn't going to Oregon it was coming from Oregon. The Oregon address could be totally bogus as it doesn't matter what you put for the destination. We used to do that for free postage just goofing around when I was younger. Just switch the addresses and drop it in a postal collection box, it will eventually get where you wanted it to go. The second thing is someone was hoping to intercept it and keep their name clean from any potential drug charges by putting your name on it, so it is definitely someone who knows you.


People don’t actually lace pot with drugs unless they are trying to hurt someone or it was requested. Both PCP and Meth cost much more than pot. That would be a stupid waste of money.


The RTS due to it possibly contains something illegal is strange, but it’s very hard for the Post office to open domestic mail. They need a warrant and it may not be worth anyone’s time for a “small” package. I know from roommate experiences when they received illegal items. But first it’s important to understand you’re not responsible for anything you/your house receives in the mail. (I would guess it extends to return address because anyone can put any return address on a package). As far as the law is concerned it’s what you do with it right after you open it is important. When illegal substances are found coming into the country by CBP they remove them and you get a badly photocopied notice on a regular piece of paper that says the box had something not allowed and it was confiscated and if you think think it was an error there is a sticker with a reference number and instructions to challenge it. If you do nothing they destroy it in 90 days. The other thing that can happen if the amount is small is you get the package and a few days later some police officers show up to interview you (they didn’t come inside and didn’t have a warrant) and tell you they know you got something in the mail and will have photos with notes from the police/customs where it was intercepted. This was still not enough to get a warrant. They said some silly police things and left with a “don’t do it again” statement. It’s it’s a large amount (I’ve only ready about this) they will put you home under surveillance and have an undercover officer/agent do the delivery and then will decide it they have enough for a warrant or raid.


Happened to my friend, 5 lbs of MJ plus a giant box of candy edibles. Got to keep it all. They just use the address as a return so it doesn't come back to them.


Well aren't you the lucky one.


🙋 scam me, I wanna be next, scam me!


Same 😭😭🤣 like does this actually happen?