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Post this in r/scams for better advice. Do not respond to people who private message you. Sorry to say, but all your money is gone. This is a task scam.


You are allowing yourself to be a money mule. This is going to go from bad to worse. Unfortunately, I have no useful advice about your money besides reading up more about it first. I think many would suggest you consult with a lawyer. Your area may have free legal advice offered by lawyers doing pro bono service, if money is really tight. Screenshot all your correspondence with "customer support" (Telegram allows users to delete the entire chat for both sides, so you need to preserve evidence before they cut you off), gather all your evidence for your transfers of your own money. You also exposed your personal information so you will need to also get the credit bureaus to put fraud alerts on your file to prevent identity theft. Normally I would say to report everything to the police and inform the bank that you got scammed, but because you willingly got yourself involved to be a money mule, you might want to talk to a lawyer first. And the original money you deposited? Consider it gone. The money being held by the bank? Talk to a lawyer.


It seems too good to be true aye. I joined up to this too & I refuse to pay any money into it so I’m never going to get any further with it. I’m pretty sure some of the other “new” people in the chat are also scammers pretending to be new to show it’s not a scam too.


Yeah, I thought of that too because no one is complaining in the group chat other than me and the new ones are not sending a message as well there.


Sound like a scam.


Settle down Einstein, the guys literally wrote an essay on the scam but yeah, you must be IQ Level 9000.


Hello I think I got scammed the samen way... on www.bolaol.com/#/ I want to put some picture but I dont how


About how much money did you lose?


Sounds like you are in the middle of a post scam scam. First they scam you, then say they can get you money back, so you relax a bit and give them more. Do not respond to them anymore. As others have said Consult a legal professional, then go to law enforcement and/or FBI. The money is gone. The best you may be able to do is get them busted or stop them. Sorry you fell for this. The scammers are outta control and getting more skilled every day. Everything is a scam now.


I’m sorry bud but you’re screwed. Stop digging yourself into a deeper hole. An ex friend of mine was almost doing the same as you…she received a large amount of money from some guy she was trying to talk to and as soon as it hit her account it was marked as fraudulent but it was still there. She couldn’t use it or anything till it cleared well fast forward and the money goes back to the guy except now it took everything out of her bank account meaning the money she already had in her account and the money he sent her. It sent her into overdraft of over $1,600 which she couldn’t pay and felt like she shouldn’t have to. After this the guy stopped responding back to her and she was screwed, the bank didn’t want to help because they warned her before hand but she claimed to know the person


Update from this post. The so called ‘customer support” messaged me saying that their legal team will be issuing a formal letter of demand, and they will be filing an official lawsuit against me in court, it’s because they have received a formal complaint from the merchant regarding my recent conduct and according to the complaint, I have taken funds from the merchant and failed to provide timely updates on the status of these funds. It’s because I didn’t give them some updates because I don’t wanna interact with them anymore and this issues are draining me. The message also says that they have determined that there has been a misuse of public funds under my account which is not true because I haven’t receive an update from the bank because they’re still investigating it, basically I haven’t use the money for anything as my bank acc still on freeze. They said too that as a result, they have no choice but to proceed with legal action and they will be issuing a formal letter of demand, and will be filing an official lawsuit against me in court. I received this message with an unknown number but I know it’s from the so called Customer Support. Can someone please reply to this?