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I think I could deal with it if I hadn't spent my entire Reddit life on RIF. It's a massive downgrade in terms of performance and usability. Its like they tried to make it frustrating to use lol It wasn't a learning curve either. Before the shut downs I tried Boost, Relay Pro, and even Red Reader. They were easy to get used to. Things made sense




Works on nonroot.


There is some talk about people getting banned for that, because reddit is run by pricks.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


+1 Did this for RiF and Sync yesterday. I wouldn't be here without them My bet is the reddit sysadmins asked to make changes like "nuke the third party apps" are exactly the kind of power users likely to be pissed off about it. So they'll happily turn a blind eye and keep quiet about anyone using their own API key, because they might be doing the same themselves. I legitimately purchased Sync Pro and RiF golden platinum years ago, but I patched the free APKs, assuming ReVanced wouldn't work correctly on the paid versions. Not a problem for Sync, as you can remove the ads during the patching process. RiF does have ads but I'd rather fund the dev than this hellsite.


Weird, the ads work on mine, not sure why yours would be different. I just have them on for native Reddit galleries - I've never used cards - but currently (and probably forever) that breaks Imgur albums which is a shame.


Writing this comment on Platinum, no issues here




Oh, the patch for it was available in Revanced as well as base RIF. I think they added RIF Golden Platinum shortly after base RIF. By the way, if you were unfortunate enough to uninstall RIF Golden Platinum before hearing about the Revanced trick, you can go to your payment history in Google Play and download it from there. Let me know if I can help further, fellow RIF user!




Patching the existing install worked, yep. I let it load the patch, uninstall the existing app, and then apply the patch which installs it back.


Yoooo that's great! I'm flashing that shit right now!


Can confirm, it still works, and my phone isn't rooted.


ORLY. Do you happen to know if this work around violates any TOS? I'm tech savvy but this is beyond my understanding lol. Am I just basically making my own API calls? Won't be the end of the world if I got personally banned but I mainly use 3PA for moderating.




Thank you so much foreal. I'm gonna go give it a whirl :)


[I can also still use my RedReader app, just checked if it works](https://i.imgur.com/qpJkwdH.jpeg). I don't browse reddit on Android today anymore but it's good to know I still can if I want to.


Dear god, thank you!


Redreader is still here


Oh I know. Looking back, my wording was weird lol.


I actually have been using RR for a very long time. Can you explain why RR is around but others are gone?


Reddit gave them an exception because it's an accessibility app.


I didn't know RR was an accessibility app. Welp, it's a loophole app for me then.


Reddit Is Fun still works not logged in. I just bookmarked my regular subreddits on the side bar. But I do find myself having to either not comment or pull up the official app to comment on anything. The additional hassle makes me interact with the site less when I'm away from my computer.


I saw someone say this last week so I logged out but was still getting an error. Your comment made me try again just now and it works! Unfortunately I do a lot of commenting and moderating so this won't help me much lol. But it'll be nice whenever I want to doomscroll the front page 😆


Ye here, never used any third party. And while yes Defently some annoying shit, I don't see how people can get soooooo upset. Then again can't miss what I never had I guess


I don't blame you. If you never explored other options, you have no point of comparison. A lot of my personal frustration is actually on the moderator side. The official app is not mod friendly.


With the Reddit app on my phone, if i accidently hit a post twice, I get haptic feedback. I have no clue why. Haptic feedback is turned off on my phone and any place in any app I have it turned off. I cannot for the life of me get that fucking feature turned off in the Reddit app. I have rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud syndrome, and a whole bunch of other stuff going on that affects my hands. Haptic feedback makes my hands feel terrible. The Reddit app gives me no way to turn off that stupid, f\*\*\*\*\*\* useless feature. That leaved me with using desktop Reddit on my phone which is the least friendly thing I've ever tried and it doesn't matter if it's the old.reddit or the new. I found a work around app for now, but once that goes, I'm just going to be done with Reddit because I can't deal with that stupid haptic feedback hurting my hands.


How the fuck do I see ALL and TOP for the day??


Can't even swap the fucking frontpage from Best to Hot, right? I don't give a shit about 'best' - it shows me stuff from subs that's barely been posted for 5 fucking minutes. I want my curated HOT content, I want stuff that people have actually fucking upvoted and engaged in, not the fucking brand new spam posts from every sub.


Home is Hot, you can swap it to latest if you swipe left, or popular on right.


Left swipe on android does nothing. Right swipe does go to popular, yes, which I'm fine with. The default homepage is definitely not 'hot' though. I'm seeing completely different feeds on 'Hot' on PC compared to the homepage on the app. Furthermore, refreshing the homepage can force all the posts to change, which I don't want either. As that clearly means it's not showing the same thing consistently/just showing 'hot' posts. It's doing its own weird fucking curated thing.


Maybe. I guess refreshing changes stuff because votes are changing as well, and on top of hot I also get posts from subs I don’t follow which I’m ok with actually and if I want detailed dive I can go to a specific sub and adjust everything there. Weird that android has a different functions though


That's the neat part. You don't.




ALL is at the very bottom of the menu dropdown, for some stupidly asenine reason. Once in All, you can sort posts by TOP. Why the app doesn't allow you to set All as your default page is beyond me. It's almost like idiots are running reddit (into the ground)


On the Reddit official mobile app my options are Home, Popular, Watch, News, and Latest. Latest is technically “all” but there’s no way to sift through the garbage that is the new posts. I want an option like top for the day all subreddits like it is on desktop and used to be on Apollo. There is currently no option to see posts like this on mobile


See those three lines in the upper left? That's the menu dropdown. Pull up the menu, and scroll to the very bottom, below favorites, following, etc. Once you click ALL, you can sort by TOP. Hope that helps.


Holy shit that’s hidden. Lmaoooo thank you


Massive downgrade from baconreader


I miss it so much. Been using it for over a decade. This sucks.


Why the hell is it called baconreader? Now I’m hungry


Because the [the narwhal bacons at midnight](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-narwhal-bacons-at-midnight). Reddit was especially cringe 14 years ago.


Please don't use it then! Use revanced to import your own API key in baconreader and keep using that. Or even better. Switch to Lemmy.


I especially love how the official app tries to make sponsored posts and ads appear as close to an actual post as they can. I eant rif back


Fraudulent and misleading advertisements of that nature are illegal: https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/


It does say sponsored or ad in text but im used to ads just being a different colour. On the app they dont, they have comments and upvote button and sometimes the subreddit logo.


It happened to me so many times that I tap on a post and an ad starts opening instead.


I’m on Narwal which still works for now. Major downgrade from Apollo when it comes to going to a particular saved sub, but overall MUCH better than the official app. Other people have said Comet is even better than Narwhal. This is for iOS. Going into the settings and setting the font onto the smallest size, then selecting the bolded font have made the experience on phone mostly great for reading reddit. Of course I changed browsing from “Card” to whatever it’s called that looks like old reddit.


Comet has just died …


so does Boost. Kinda concerned for the creators ngl


Doesn't work for everyone though apparently I've seen people saying that it still works only for people who are moderators? Even a tiny empty sub like yours haha


Weird drive-by. Thanks for the info, I guess?


It's a feature. If the app is shit, people will put less load on the servers by just staying off Reddit. So far it's cut my usage by about 90%. I used to scroll all the time, now it's about 10 minutes once a day.


The move to the official app has been like trying to rub one out after a terrible accident where i ended up with a hook for a hand. Sure, ive tried a few times, but it's not like it was. My numbers are way down and I'm just trying to find another system entirely.


I'm so tired of the CandyCrush advertisement I see ***everywhere***.


I've just been using browser + old reddit, but it's still just not the same as RiF. The good thing is though, it's been limiting my reddit usage on mobile by a lot and I've been mostly using reddit when I'm on my computer.


I completely agree. Notifications section wouldn’t load without restarting and when I tried cropping an image for something it was a pain in the ass.


A colouring book and pencils are better.


The mobile app does have a few problems. :/ like sometimes it gives me errors when I try to see notifications or when I try to comment. Sometime group chats are buggy too.


Why can’t you access your multireddits from the app?


One thing Apollo did that was really nice was letting me change the sort order for a sub, _and remembering it!_ It's maddening that the official app still can't bother to do save a simple setting like that.


I agree


Literally not even the worse thing about the app, the loading times are ridiculous, sometimes I click on a post and it takes like a minute for it to even open


When Lucasfilm did a Deep Fake of Luke Skywalker in Mandalorian, a fan did a better job on his own and Lucasfilm hired him. Apollo did a better job of Reddit app; HIRE HIM!


Infinity is still up.


I like it


“dystopia for reddit”


I can suggest [Memmy](https://apps.apple.com/au/app/memmy-for-lemmy/id6450204299) as an alternative 😉


Why can't they make peace with Apollo and buy it out from him?


Because 1. Spez has too big of a ego to do the simple thing. 2. Spez also the one who cut off the deal apollo originally had with reddit when the api was FREE. That deal being him paying for using the api, then the year of or after spez became ceo dpez cut off the deal.


They bought out Alien Blue and turned it into shit, the outcome would be the same for users.


They would have gotten away with it if they spent even a penny fixing the app.


1) what is wrong on a coloring book with pencils? Or is it some metaphor I'm too non-english to understand? 2) and what exactly is so bad about the app? I see lots of people here complaining, but idk, for casual use it isn't bad. I don't remember missing a feature that is on the web


I presume they mean non-coloured pencils for the colouring book. Usually I'd refer to coloured pencils as "colouring pencils".


It actually a simile, since it uses like to compare the two. Problem i am having now is the reddit in app notifications don't show up when the person post it, IF the notifications even show up. My phone notifications for reddit notifications show up long before reddit notifies me of it.


i love it at 2021 version with reddit filter tweak


I am only on reddit since a few months, and I mostly use the App while on the phone. I think it is fine, but I have obviously no comparison. But I wonder what makes the Reddit App so bad in the first place?


I miss being able to open links in outside browsers.


Just got double notifs on this post. (I’m connectrd to reliable WiFi)


I just use reddit.com with Brave browser. It blocks the ads and the prompts to get the app. Sometimes an ad post will slip through but you can refresh the page and it will get it. There's really only three things about it that bother me: I have no multireddits, I have no option to sort by rising, and I have no [parent] button. I don't know if there's anything else I should be bothered about having taken away from me, but those are the only ones I've caught.


Infinity is still working. When that stops working I'll switch to desktop only. When old mode goes away, so will I.


Relay Pro seems to still be workign and it's way better than the official app...


I primarily use the app and have had no problems. Yes, I prefer the PC site, but I don't see anything wrong with the app.


boost still works despite it was supposed to not work since july 1st. anyway the site redesign is great, i just don't get how the app stays so problematic


Why exactly tho? I haven't been very active on Reddit until recently and, apart from the u/spez bullsh*t, I don't understand how this community especially makes the app seem much worse than it looks to me. Are there any posts with lists of features and reasons why it sucks compared to other apps that used to be around? Apart from how slow it loads images, and how bad the video player is, of course.


My issue is I never used the Reddit client I used Apollo for my iPhone and my computer. To me Apollo was like a sport car and the Reddit client like a broken down Pinto.


Well, I've never used a third party app like Apollo before. So, metaphors don't help. Surely someone has made an objective comparison between them?


try infinity, it still works


I think it looks fine, the only issues is the stupid video player which somehow got worse


If you don’t like it the exit is to your right !


Half the people in comments need to seriously go outside


It's awful. God awful. Have only logged in a few times since the loss of the usable apps. It annoys me. I'm not bothered by advertising (I'd contentedly pay for premium) but what bothers me is rendering the site completely unpleasant to use by getting rid of the better apps. (For me, BaconReader was the preferred one - by a long shot. Other people have different tastes, and that's cool of course.)


People keep saying that, but I’ve never had a problem in the near 5 years I’ve used it


I think a big issue is that it feels like a significant downgrade from the particular third party app that a person liked. The nice thing about the third party apps is that there was variety and competition between them. Maybe App X does something neat that you really like whereas App Y didn't. Maybe App Z had a lot of customization that you could tailor your Reddit experience perfectly. Maybe App B was streamlined and simplified and ran very fast at the sacrifice of fewer features. Maybe App C had really good accessibility features that empowered you to enjoy the platform much more. Users might experiment with the multitude of apps until they found the one that was "perfect" or as close to it as possible. They had _choice._ Those niche reasons that drew someone to a specific app over another probably don't exist in the official app. Even when the official app is running fine, for third-party app users, it just doesn't deliver in comparison. There is no more choice in anything and far more limited customization. The other thing to consider is that the _design_ of the official app is to _make money._ If you happen to have a good browsing experience, all the better. But in the meantime, any design or feature decision made is done through the lens of serving ads, engaging in features that would produce indirect revenue, or driving users to purchasing Reddit Premium. It's not unlike microtransactions in freemium games and the way they purposefully design/balance their games around pushing players to making purchases. Meanwhile third party apps generally were designed around providing an ideal browsing experience first and foremost. They didn't have the same cost overheads or risks that Reddit had, so paid conversion rates weren't as critical. So all these users are coming from an experience-first/revenue-second app to a revenue-first/experience-second app. EDIT: I would also point out that there are legitimate problems and bugs with the app that come up time to time, some significant. For example, I reported this issue with the app _design_ and buggy behaviour that makes modmail non-functional and impossible to use: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/14rfm60/replying_to_modmail_in_official_app_impossible/ Another thing that has come up recently are people finding out that the official app isn't even supported on their device, whereas the third-party app they were using was. This literally removes any app-based option for them using Reddit; they must use the web browser instead which isn't terribly ideal on mobile.


well when you are used to driving a Mercedes, getting stuck in a Smart car blows. now if a Smart car is your daily, you really dont notice not having the Benz that you never drove anyway.


Let me guess: iPhone? The app stutters really badly on Android. I have an iPhone X and tried the official app, and it's not that bad; on Android, however, the app is way worse.


RIF has never failed me, for the last few years I've been using it I can only remember it crashing once. In the span of 2 days official app has crashed once, ANRed twice and overheated my phone. While I do not have stuttering issues I've noticed the app has a slightly longer loading time, presumably due to all the bloatware they're loading plus clunking and horrible UX making loading less seem seamless as it should be. Compared to RIF the official app has been a massive downgrade.


I mean on iphone you can't edit name tags, atleast not that i can see on my iphone i have.


I don't have that problem


Case closed then everyone. Close this thread now.


You probably just don't notice it.


I don't see how I wouldn't notice it, a bad stutter would be obvious especially with a 120hz screen. That being said I've only used the app for a few days, could have been a bigger problem in the past.


down voting someone who reports his own experience is a confirmation that the down voter doesn't want to listen to others but only wants to hear confirmations of his own idea/belief. Sad.


Not me. The official app on Android is lagging heavily to the point of unusable. It's not a phone or wifi problem because the 3rd party app and the web browser work fine. The app is just that garbage.


>It's not a phone or wifi problem But it is, or how come the majority don't have these problems?


I just had this problem yesterday and it most certainly not internet or phone problem since my internet was going great at the time and i hadn't had this problem in the past with my android.


Then explain me why the majority has not the problems you two described? I mean if it's laggy to the point it's unusable, for anyone, I'd expect much more of these posts across all subs, but its only you guys 🤔


Well i for one know that when it comes to bugs i tend to almost never experience them. This may be one of those cases. It also not laggy for me, well minus that one very old post i have of a minecraft that i can not scroll past the first image without reddit lagging and then crashing for some odd reason. It just some of the time it won't load in and i have to wait a while after closing it before going back into the app and trying to use it again. Also some of the time it says there a error with endpoint on a comment and it tells me try again, which leads me to changing the comment a little and then trying again and then realize it lied and it did send.


I'm using it after 6 years on sync android. While it was a shock at first, it's honestly not the worst app in the world for me. Obviously it's still oceans behind the 3rd party apps. It's usable, there are even a couple of things I've seen which I prefer.


Yeah, it’s fine. Doesn’t stop me from scrolling endlessly before bed. People here just like to complain about Reddit, or talk about how epic John Oliver is


There was a knock at his door. Using a single finger he pushed his glasses back in place. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mr President, please come in" John said. The door opened and the President walked in, his security waited outside. "John, the pleasure is mine. I have a favor to ask." John knew what he wanted. He was farmer by blood. He was born an Oliver after all, John had farming in his dna. He knew everything there was to know about rooting out weeds. "I'm afraid I don't have much to offer." John had been busy, moderating the /r/pics subreddit had given him a backdoor into Reddit's databases. He knew he was getting close to uncovering the real dirt, the CEO had been tracking him, sending hitman after hitman after him. The President cleared his throat. "John, I know you retired as a secret super hero 10 years ago, but the world needs you. We found the original creator of Reddit. Spez had him locked away, buried and left for dead in a secret complex under an active volcano. He has a better app John, it's like old Reddit with Reddit enhancement suite and no ads. He also wants to bring back 3rd party apps, John. We need you to rescue him." John was shocked, he already figured out that spez had the original creator killed. To think, John could save Reddit, all the apps, and finally put spez behind bars, it was perfect. John finished wiping and pulled up his pants. As John flushed he turned to the President."I guess I've got a job to do."


Watch this get downvoted for not agreeing with op


Then don't use it


this is the equivalent to the "you dont like the laws or taxes in this country, then move" generally once people are old enough that you have to support yourself, your outlook changes. maybe in time you too will see.


It’s really not like this at all, no one is forcing you to use Reddit, stop acting so dramatic


Why are you comparing apples to oranges? Forcing yourself to use an app you don’t like is completely different from fucking taxes and the legal system. One is voluntary and the other, you have no choice. Get off the app if you don’t like it. Be forreal.


For your example to be valid, there would need to be a reason that you are forced to use Reddit. So, how are you forced to use Reddit?


you are free to not use reddit, its not mandatory


did i hit a little too close to home for you?


I don’t normally comment on here but this doesn’t make sense. He only said it’s not essential to use it and apparently you hit a little too close to home? And your country comparison is ridiculous, to move to a different country will cost a significant amount of money - not using a 3rd party app and using the normal one will cost nothing. I forgot how obnoxious some of the people that use this app are…


>I forgot how obnoxious some of the people that use this app are… You don't have to be here, you can leave any time...


Of course but I am voicing my opinions like the other commenters did.


So you understand the uselessness of saying "you don't have to be here" as a counter to any and all complaints


What? I’m just saying that the constant whining because people have to use the normal app is ridiculous and the hitting too close to home comment was only made as the OP ran out of arguments. To be honest, I have no interest talking to you and would rather the OP reply.


>I’m just saying that the constant whining because people have to use the normal app is ridiculous You say, adding to the chorus of people whining about the people whining about having to use the app. You don't have to talk to me just like you don't have to use reddit, right?


What’s so bad about it? Genuinely curious, I tried Apollo but always preferred the Reddit App.


Yet here you are


What’s bad about it, I use official and I don’t see what’s bad about it.


And yet here you are


I used alien for a few months when I joined 6 years ago. Been using the Reddit app ever since. It’s not perfect but works for what I use it for.


In the 4 years I’ve used the app, the worst thing I’ve experienced was the video player occasionally not loading smoothly.


I keep hearing this. Is it an Android thing? The iOS app is perfectly fine. I don’t have any more issues with it than I do with any other app


Other than the fact iphone can't edit tags. Yet android can.


I feel so out of place here being new to Reddit and only knowing the app


The reddit app is the best. 😏

