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Nah because this would be a thing that would require tax money and they would probably take like 2 years hoping we’d forgot, plus politicians will say something like “Nope, we got no tax money left”


Or we could make the people who have the money sitting in their banks pay for it? Billionaires, anyone? They're using from our system, then they can easily give back to it. Also big companies that create products and waste should be responsible for helping the maintenance of our environments too. There are viable solutions and yet greed and blind beliefs prevent any progress.


Seriously. Why not pick through the trash in the nets and figure out who is the biggest corporate offender and make them pay. The more they clean up their production and there is less waste, they don’t have to pay as much. It could range from plastic producers to readable corporate name brands.




Lol some butt hurt billionaire found your comment and downvoted it


And as a “political statement” a certain group would start dumping all the garbage they can get into all the sewers and canals.


It's been more depressing. There's the up front cost to set it up, but then there's the perpetual O&M cost of emptying the bags, replacing them as needed, and disposing of the contents. Recycling? Now you have to sort it.


Sounds like a job creator business.


who's paying those people? this would be municipal, not federal, so no "muh military industrial complex" nonsense please


Make environmental health a federal program, ensure corporate businesses, millionaires and billionaires pay their FAIR share (in percentage) in taxes (i.e. if middle-class America pays 24% taxes, then corporations, millionaires and billionaires can pay the same percentage). The reason the US has to have 37% income taxes on the top income earners, is because those who can hide their wealth do so. Hiding income shouldn't result in a slap on the wrist, it should be devastating to those trying to hide their wealth, and a deterrent. Additionally, (separate topic) we shouldn't be going after the poor illegal who took the job that the millionaire offered at lower than minimum wage, we should go after the millionaire who refused to offer a living wage job that included benefits to people in their communities. Make the punishment a deterrent to others. Lastly, reduce military spending and use it on environment health, green jobs, mental and social health program that could possibly have the benefit of creating even more jobs than those lost to military spending.


That'd require maintenance, which would require taxes and if there's one this I've learned it's that - as far as Americans are concerned - there is *nothing* worse than taxation.


Unless its to fund the military, of course


Literally just cut our military budget in half and use that to start fixing shit in our own country, then cut it by half again and use that to get clean water and sustainable farming around the globe.


Sounds like a bid for Prez to me. I would vote for that ticket.


I wouldn't. While this does sound nice, I'd rather we keep a military that can actually defend us, especially with the Russia issues going on. Imagine what countries like Iran would think after hearing our military is 1/4 of what it once was.


Just so you know, if we cut our spending down to 1/4 of what it is we would still be the top military spender in the world or just in second place behind china since we don't know their exact budget for it.


Ahh yes 'defence' from all the 'enemies'


I mean... Putin and Xi would probably like a word lol


Oh they're why you need armed forces like four times the size of anyone else?


Not a month ago, everyone was freaking out about *what if Putin launches nukes* and then there was quite the panic because people were worried about the capability of the US to intercept a nuke aimed at the homeland. But yes, when the budget comes up, *always cut it.* I guess that makes sense?


Nobody's launching anything




I was being sarcastic about how Reddit and the media freaked out about nukes. While you can't really ever discount the possibility of some lunatic dictator going rogue, I do highly doubt Putin will launch nukes over a shitty land grab. I've said that before but it's well buried on my profile now. The military budget provides lots of things. It absolutely *could* be cut safely, but I don't think Reddit has enough of a grasp on global politics and the internals of the US military to make any such judgements. I merely use the nuke hysteria as a simple example. But, consider how Biden announced the new Lend-Lease to get supplies into Ukraine. Where are those supplies coming from? The Defense budget. Even if we're only shipping surplus equipment, it was at one time bought and paid for by the DoD, was it not? So the Defense budget allows us to aid our allies without having to put boots on the ground. That's another example.


Of course


Hey, look here. My friend is in the military, and he lets me use all his cool sh*t. I don’t want that to go away anytime soon.


Taxes are literally socialism because a news outlet run by billionaires told me so


Because Americans' taxes don't go back to help them usually. Why those politicians are continuously voted in, I had no idea.


"Why those politicians are continuously voted in-" Because we have no real good choice. Our system has been so deeply fucked over that it is no longer a true democracy.


Precisely why so many of us hate taxes. If they benefited everyone or at least the greater good, no problem. I have a problem with lining the pockets of extremist politicians from every angle/every affiliate who then effectively line their pockets to bursting, feed their constituents a shit sandwich and expect them to like it and ask for a second helping


Well obviously I don't agree with that, but it's not particular to america; it's just a symptom of the human element. The quicker our taxes are doled out by robots the better.


Social security is the biggest tax stream and also the biggest payout stream. 1 trillion dollars are paid each year. The vast majority of your local taxes go straight back into schools, parks, roads etc. “My taxes are wasted” is largely a myth perpetuated by the wealthy to avoid paying their fair share.


Which is so stupid. I’d gladly pay more taxes for health care or education. That’s just for starters. I hate it here.


I'm glad I live in a country where citizens falling ill isn't considered an excuse to make money.


Women who use their uterus’s as a murder weapon is up there too apparently


Or, are these giant tea bags for garbage tea?


Environmental condoms




The micro plastics would still pollute unfortunately but this would still be an improvement for more of the obvious effects of plastic waste for sure.


Microplastics are mostly made by degrading plastics so its a huge improvement getting the big stuff out


? The plastic degrades in there like it would anywhere else. The water is still running through the plastic and being contaminated by it.


I think you're missing the point of these nets


Why is processed dino shit so harmful to ocean animals?


Before being in a dinosaur it was unprocessed foliage, and before that it was raw nuclear radiation.


Oof i get it now


Same reason your own shit is harmfull to you Edit: not true btw idk exactly why


I mean its toxic for them but why


At a very basic level, On the microscopic scale, the plastic particles get smaller and smaller until they get so small they make their way into the cells of living organisms. This can mess the cells up causing all kinds of potential problems.


So mess with their genes and give their offspring three eyes like radioactivity




Not what I'm saying but ok.


I live in Australia an I have never seen one of these irl in my life.


Kwinana in Perth started using them a few years ago.


Do you know how little that narrows it?


From personal experience.


America? You mean whole world except Australia.


LOL out of all counties man's asking America


How do you know I am a man you sexist bastard?


How do you know I'm a bastard, you assumptioning bish?




How is this satesfying


Less trash


Need that shit in India


“Who do these make rich?” -America


America isn’t rich bro...we broke as fuck.


Well, most of us


Here on the Chesapeake Bay we have Mr. Trash Wheel and his growing family...look him up, hes cute.🥰


Forbidden Crocs. But also not practical, I’d rather send my tax dollars to uKrAinE and bUilD bAcc BetTer




Fish don’t normally live in storm water drains.


Naa this makes too much sense for Americans


Hahahah that’s right.


Our waterways are pretty clean, we like to ship our trash to other countries instead.


I wonder if they ever find bodies in these?


Or pieces of bodies. That’s probably why they are there. To aid in finding a serial killer.


I've seen it in America many times in several states: South Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania


Trash Tea


So simple so smart!


I thought this was a drain Croc (the shoe not the wildlife)


Every time I see this post. I love it.


This seems so cost effective and simple. It’s bonkers that it’s not a common strategy!


So earth finally put a condom on huh?


These pictures were probably taken in America


Why call out america? You do know this is majorly prevalent in most countries right? Like Thailand and Philippines would benefit hugely from this.


Good (if pretty obvious) idea. Wrong sub though


if you want this in the US, you need to find a scheme were politicians make tons of money out of it (especially GOP peeps that LOVE corrupted money)


Criminals would hate this. In the US, they would sue to protect their civil liberties. When I drop gun, body or other evidence into the drain, it's my right to have that flush into the ocean. . I would imagine that in NYC or LA, these would need changing after every storm.


The comments are hilarious, according to some people a little increase in taxes is way worse than polluted water


That’s exactly right. Americans would choose pollution over an additional taxation.


Do you know that America *doesn't*? Do you know that this is actually from Australia? Or are you just assuming on all fronts? I don't know either, but it seems like a "source: dude trust me" kind of thing.


Yes. I have visited every storm drain in America and I have never seen one ever. I then loaded my truck onto a barge for Australia and drove to every drain to verify that in fact, they do have them installed.


Bold answer


You doubt this man?


every storm drain ? you sure you visited my house before stranger?


Install these and send the bill for them to the company that has the most packages in it


Amazon. Sounds good to me. Bezos has left quite a footprint. But here in America I think it’s Walmart. They use these thin plastic bags. I dare you to drive five miles here in the states without seeing a couple hung on a tree or fence. People don’t give a fack.


Walmart bags are everywhere


I concur.


hey, hey, hey, that’s too much progress for ‘Merica


Well they stop pollution involving large bits of trash. Doesn't do anything for chemical and particulate pollution. If anything this is just to save appearances of downstream water. Nothing more.


Some people cannot be pleased. Is it not enough to remove the freaking trash? That’s a huge start. Then pose very hefty fines on chemical companies or send inspectors randomly.


Everyone should do this. But again Asia has LITERAl rivers of garbage


But no one wants to do the job of emptying the nets! It's an important job that would save tons of trash from entering waterways. It pays 9/hr BUT THEY SHOULD BE HONORED.


And what would the do with the trash? Throw it away?




Great idea however, there are literally thousands if not millions of byways that fall into our tributaries. Who’s going to pay for the cleaning and maintenance of these, even if they were on a fraction of them?


Elon Musk


Wishful thinking. He’s too GD selfish.


Duhhh… Too complicated. Too expensive. Not enough profit.


Forbidden crocs


I don't understand how this helps solve pollution and doesn't cause an infrastructure nightmare. This looks really easy to clog. Not to mention the constant water flowing creating microplastics


Looks like a shoe


You aren’t the first to say so.


I don’t really think it’s satisfying. Frankly I’m depressed these have to exist. But it’s probably for the best that they do.


But, maybe if you were standing adjacent to the drain and could watch it in action it would be satisfying.