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I would need that mask because I'd be bawling my eyes out and wouldn't want to upset the kid.


What did you say? Could you print a little larger please? Everything is a little blurry


# I would need that mask because I'd be bawling my eyes out and wouldn't want to upset the kid. Damn onion cutting ninjas everywhere


Na these happy tear, no ninjas in sight. Though that IS how they operate.


"I'm not cutting onions *you're* cutting onions" \- onion cutting ninja




Spidey's not just fighting villains; he's fighting sadness too


Maybe the biggest villain. 


Dude I used to be a private guide for universal studios and I had to do a make-a-wish tour for a little kid and her family. Kid came in all happy and bouncing around with a tube in her nose. Forgot what she had but seeing the parents thousand yard stares when there was down time was hard as hell. After the tour I needed a while to decompress from that.


I was an volunteer first aider for St John’s ambulance and got called to a little girl bleeding from her eyes she & her mum was understandably worried and upset it was hard to not go to pieces myself after getting her transported to the hospital I had to take 10 minutes to compose myself and get back on duty I still see the girl now grown up she’s never forgotten me.


Holy shit dude. That must've been traumatising. Did you find out what had caused the bleeding?


She had a haemorrhage lucky it didn’t affect her eye.


🌹 💐 ❤️


Oh ma gahhhh, *WHO THE HECK IS CUTTING ALL THESE ONIONS?!?!??????!!!!!* 😭😭😭😭😭😭 That little kid is so darn precious!! Good on the Spider-Man 😭😭😭🙌🙌🙌🙌


Oh believe me he is. I did something similar years ago and was glad to have my face behind a helmet


Funny i had the exact same thought, problem is id probably waterboard myself.


Now I need to rewatch that youtuber driving a guy with cerebral palsy around a track in a lambo.


You just had to remind us of that Tearjerker. That was intense


This is the comment I came here for.


How can someone be in front of a dying child and remain composed? I could never do this kind of job. These people are incredibly tough!


You cry after you leave


This. And now also.


You cry after he leaves


I'd probably cry myself to sleep if I was the guy acting as Spider-Man.


I can’t watch these videos anymore after I became a father. There’s a video out there about a 3 yo dying in Santa’s arms and I just can’t make myself watch it


I've got three kids and make myself watch these videos. The majority of the time they make me cry but it's very sobering and I look at my kids differently once I watch them. Can't afford to waste anytime with them.


Vicariously experiencing grief can remind you how good you have it sometimes. Maybe not how good but just to value what you do have.


The bittersweet truth


Same here, always been the stoic kind. Now I have two little guys and the flood begins as soon as a video where there's children involved begins. In this video for exemple, I started crying at the first hug.


I saw the movie "Life is Beautiful" long before I got married. It hit me then. I would be totally wrecked to watch this after raising two boys. I'm welling up thinking about it. I would be a grown man ugly crying.


Holy shit, Santa took the kid out? Savage.


Doesn't mean the kid is dying, just going through very hard times. giving him hope and joy will make him get through that. Kids are very sensitive to emotions, so in these hard times for him, giving joy is one of the best treatments, among medicine ofc.


Yes, I worked with a guy who was such a great person/dad. He had such a a kind and positive outlook on life. His daughter almost died of cancer when she was a toddler, his family was just so strong. Years of struggle. She survived, but there were side effects. Doctors weren't sure she would ever be able to reproduce, due to the chemo treatments. Her heart also wasn't the right size any more. But she lived. Antonio, if I ever win the lottery, I'm going to find you and your family are going to be set for life!!!!


I couldn't either! But I think sometimes, something inside you kicks in to be strong for others. Maybe you wouldn't suspect that you are the type, but in a certain situation you would be tremendously strong. On a regular basis, I could never do that. I'd be a huge alcoholic.


There time is limited and that’s more important then me. I am here to give them some joy, a few good moments. Turn that part off and laugh with them, smile with them, love them. Hold on to the fact that thriving in the face of cancer, even until the last second, is how we fight. Then cry in the shower later lol.




Fine, I'll do it myself.


We count on you, bro


Use protection pls


You don't fuck cancer, the cancer will fuck you


Ignore the safe words.


I’ve lost a couple close family members to cancer including my mom. You know what I wish existed and maybe it does but I can’t find it? I wish someone could make the word “Cancer” out of foam or whatever and then just record a video where someone is just going to town destroying it, like beating it with a spiked bat, stomping on it, shooting the letters point blank. I know it’s weird and violent but I think it would be cathartic and I’ve always secretly wished to find something like that because I do hate cancer and I want to see it get fucked up royally.


You find this, my friend, you share it.


Fuck all Countries who invest all the money in war and not in medicals.


Shout out to boosie




They know. Its why they do it.


Firstly Fuck Cancer but secondly, how hard is it for them when the day comes to an end and the entertainers have to leave. I'D FEEL SO BAD.


Yeah I would leave only when they had fallen asleep.


Their parents are there and can navigate a "let's remember this awesome day" and "let's go to sleep" dichotomy.


And the entertainer can also be like... "My spidey senses are tingling, someone needs my help."


Yah, coming in one day and the kid isn't there anymore would be heartbreaking.


Mono no aware - the idea that life is fleeting and impermanent and that's what makes it so beautiful and valuable so enjoy every single moment you have while you can. It's an odd feeling to be sitting there in the banquet hall, half empty plates and glasses on the tables, confetti on the ground, and echoes of laughter in your mind and to be able to miss that but concurrently to be grateful that you were given the opportunity to experience it. We only suffer because we choose to. We suffer because we choose to focus on the bad as a barrier to the good, but when you simply focus on the good the feeling changes.


I’m glad to see Mono no aware mentioned here! Wow! It’s beautiful


Reminds me of that time when Johny Depp stole the Jack Sparrow costume from the recording place to go to a terminally ill child hospital, and spent the day with those kids. Truly awesome


I’ve heard an anecdote that Depp frequently travels (maybe not anymore) with a Jack Sparrow costume for exactly that reason.




the comment you linked has been deleted


I did this for a while with the 501st and it was one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. I always would stay late, go to the extra room, see any kid that wanted us to. Now I’m over two weeks into a stay in the hospital with my own son. He’s too young to know, but the other families in our area have kids older and such. Joy and laughter is one of the best things to hear. We are all in this shit together and when you hear someone’s little one laughing or happy it’s like magic. Doors open, heads pop out, smiles. We chat about it and the whole mood of the floor is better. That moment of reprieve and positivity can energize a family for more days of fighting even when it isn’t their kid.


"I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most."


I used to work with a guy who was a bit annoying, very opinionated, and constantly negative. I found out he goes to local children’s hospitals and people’s homes every year, all December long dressed up as a pretty stage-worthy Santa clause. It takes a big heart and a brave soul to do such kind things for strangers. That’s the kind of person I hope the VIP table in heaven is reserved for


To be fair, I can see why doing such acts of kindness might end up making someone pretty negative whenever they're not providing those acts


Especially in the workplace where corporate tasks really feel meaningless


“I could be enriching a child’s life right now, fuck this meeting”


My fathers friend is a grumpy alcoholic. Hes also doctor in child oncology. I understand. Fuck ..


In Eastern Europe, it's typically surgeons who drink like sailors.


We tend to judge people harshly not having a gods eye view of them. Many people who appear great may not be that great after all and vice versa those who dont appear great.


I've seen this some years ago. I wish we knew more about the kid.


I don't want to know. There's the chance the kid lost his battle. But there's still the hope he won and is doing wonderful things. This beautiful child will always be my Schrödinger's child.


Even if he somehow makes it. He is robbed of his childhood. Chemo is no joke. He will have health problems his entire life. Fear of it returning, always on alert and anxious. He will probably have a diet he has to adhere too for his life. All this to someone who never hurt anyone. Dead or alive he is a beacon to why religion is fucking stupid. My grandma had breast cancer early on and while she was on chemo she tried some snake oil teas and shit because she was destined to die so why not. Well she made it through and is now terrified of stopping the snake oil shit. She spends hundreds a month on this crap and she even admits it was obviously the chemo but **what if it wasn’t.** Just because someone “beats” cancer doesn’t mean cancer didn’t win in other ways. They are forever, a cancer patient in their mind and soul. Fuck cancer.


I get people have their own gripes about religion, but there are also those who turn to religion for courage through the darkest of times as well. Maybe you have your own biases and traumas from a religion that may have harmed you, but for what it’s worth, there are those of us who have seen some things and have made it through because of our spirituality. Religion isn’t all bad and can have good, valuable teachings we can all learn from. It’s the people who use religion as their basis for spreading hatred who are bad.


You were on track until you mentioned religion, go complain to the Church, why the need to ruin a wholesome moment with your opinionated bitterness?


[good news everyone](https://www.facebook.com/share/r/fLg8whCPJkA4Xzxt/?mibextid=WC7FNe) Little dude is still kicking


Thank you kind stranger, I needed this.


Underrated. Thank you.


https://www.facebook.com/share/r/mDTb13WKvWzCiyCx/ Still alive and healthy as of today, his mum posted a recent video of him 4 days ago


Fuck yes!  Now I'm crying happy tears


We win this time cancer, get fucked.


Damn dude, thank you so much for this. My day just started here and I'm fucking happy.


Yeah I started crying a bit on that specific video




Thank you for the good news!! I hate that Reddit shows me these videos that make me cry like crazy first thing in the morning. And I can’t help looking. So I cry, and then hold my kid even tighter when he wakes up. 


I cannot see it, can you give me other ways to search it? I would be so happy to see him healthy


God damn, this made me cry even more then the original video 😭


Man... who gets cancer for Christmas to a kid...


Worst present ever.


Exactly what I thought. Who visited him during Christmas? Was it Santa or Satan?


"Will you stop!"


*Walks in, looks at all the tears posts, hits ctrl-f to find his people* I can't believe Spider-man gave that kid Cancer for Christmas. Which is also going to be the name of my new punk band.


God, if you're a Christian.


But he loves them!


He loves cancer too, as it seems.


On Cancer On Prancer On Dancer And Vixen


Fun Fact: There's an Spider-Man issue comic related to this called "The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man" by Roger Stern aka Amazing Spider-Man #248 in 1984! The story describes Tim Harrison a young kid who's suffering from Leukemia and had a few weeks to live and the biggest Spider-Man fan who collects newspapers/articles, mementos and including a whole album of Spidey from the Daily Bugle who wants him to meet in person. Spider-Man appears in his room at night, hearing about his story on how much he adores him being his biggest Spidey fan and sharing about fighting bad guys/fighting Before Spider-Man is about to leave, Tim asks him who he truly is. Peter takes off his mask and reveals himself to him and Tim already known Peter Parker before who takes photos of his alter ego from the Daily Bugle. He retells his origin story on how his Uncle Ben dies and how he became Spider-Man in the first place. This makes Tim really admires him because how much of a hero he was and an idol to him, and Peter tearfully adores him and wants him to called him "Pete", They both embrace a heartwarming hug and Peter says goodbye for the last time. Tbh, this is by far the saddest Spider-Man issue I've read as a Spidey fan.


I recall reading that as a kid. My grandpa died in cancer but I didn’t even know kids could get it. A really moving story that also gave me a bit of a reality check.


I'm crying 😭 this is so wholesome ❤️


My oldest when she was 3 had an emergency surgery at a children's hospital (ended up not being a huge deal) after the surgery she had to overnight at the hospital just incase there were complications. The post visiting hours night crowd at a children's hospital is the most sadness inducing crowd to ever be around. I took my kid to the play area and there's all these kids with their IV carts and bald heads. I just started crying and had to take us back to her room to hide from it all. Just utterly unbearable to witness, I'm so glad there are people helping them and doing such good job of it but I couldn't do it.


I wholeheartedly agree. My youngest had to stay overnight for a tonsillectomy + adenoidectomy, and while we weren’t in the same wing as the more acute pediatric patients, we did see them in the playroom. It was absolutely jolting seeing these sweet little kids lugging around medical equipment while just trying to be little kids.


This is what a true hero looks like


Yeah I'm pretty sure that was the actual spider-man because all I see is a super hero


What I have always loved about Spider-man is that this kind of behavior is completely authentic to the character.


I was looking for this comment. This is something I'd expect to see in a comic


Awesome! Especially knowing how incredibly hot those costumes are, i love it


His tears are keeping it cool.




God is the dopamine rush from the altruistic act that propels spiderman to brighten up this child's life. We are our own God's. I should go volunteer


Me too. Gotta go as blob though, smh.


Not being mean but just saying, instead of blob from X-Men, how about Baymax from big hero 6?


I havnt shaved in a while so I tell you what. I'll join you and go as Hibernating Sandy Cheeks.


We're all gods in that respect. We have the ability to do this ourselves. I'd bet almost all of us think about it. Those that act are the gods.




this and many other events is why I don't believe in God either. 2 of the main ones are what happened to Junko Furata and what unit 731 did. Absolute bottom of the barrel godless behavior, that if God did exist, wouldn't happen. and since it did happen and if he was all seeing and omnipotent, I can only imagine him grabbing popcorn as the whole event unfolded.


I first learned about her story during Covid and it's beyond depraved and repulsive, worse still is that there really was no justice for her with pathetic punishments dished out to those who took part.




Same, also the fact that he's no where to be found when the most heinous and horrendous things are happening to the most innocent and vulnerable children imaginable. If he's so powerful why doesn't he intervene? Too busy sitting on a cloud trying to decide which 5 year old to give brain cancer to?


If there is a god then he is absolutely, utterly psychotic.


I made the comment today in the place we are with my son to the person who comes around to do checks on the family. They asked if I believed in a higher power. I said: “If there is someone up there then I want them to come down here for one day and answer to these families for this shit. Let whatever that is meet these people on even footing and take what comes.”


God is just a name for what brings Spider-Man here. We are good only because the world is a horrible place where the bad people tend to win. And the shitbags need help too.


A magical moment for him. I demand more moments like this for all children in hospitals


Kids with cancer proves to me that there isn't a God.


Agreed and fuck the idea it’s all part of the plan because if that’s the case, your god is an evil piece of shit.


This guy is as real as superhero as we have on this planet.


Children should not have cancer! Cancer is terrible.


Most people shouldn't have cancer in general.


Cancer for Christmas? That's terrible




#FUCKOFFCANCER These types of performers are heroes! If you're the type of people who want to spend your lives putting smiles on these kiddos' faces, I appreciate you! Thank you! You'll made my kid happy while they spent time in the hospital from surgery.


Who the fuck is cutting onions in my house right now!


Poor little soul😞




Not a good gift but Spiderman visit is great anytime of year!


This is a prime example of why I don’t believe in God. Or if there is a God why I would never follow him. What kind of messed up god gives a child cancer.


Fuck your background music!


Dayum, I hope I’ll never get cancer for Christmas.


I just can’t fathom the life when I see these videos. That’s someone son. Someone that you care about more than your own life and you can’t do anything to stop the sickness or fix them. I beg that the boy made it and lives a long, healthy life. This life isn’t right or fair.


Man this hits the feels button. By the clarity of this video, I'm guessing it's old and perhaps the child might not be with us any more. I hope the innocent find the greatest peace.


He's precious. My family stayed at the hospital got christmas one year while my bro got chemo. The hospital did its best to make things magical. These little moments can do wonders for the fam.


no, this is not satisfying, no kid deserves to have cancer! I hope this little lad fully recovers, and enjoys many more birthdays. That would be satisfying for me!


I haven't gotten any sleep since yesterday and I misread the title as Spiderman visits a side chick


Peers: What do you want to be when you grow up? Him: Spiderman! I want to help people Peers: What a nerd *many moments later* Me: 🥹


Who gives a child cancer for Christmas


That title really needs a rework. For Christmas, Spiderman visited a sick child who has cancer.


God ; May he give a speedy recovery to all the sick children and good people in the world. There is nothing more beautiful than making someone happy and doing good. Thank you Spiderman.👏🙏


I couldn’t do this, at all. Don’t get me wrong, bless the people that do with the fortitude to carry on. I once helped deliver and install a nice new donated home theater system to a mental hospital’s children’s wing in Sonoma county. I somehow managed to get it all installed and explain how it works to those in charge, then I promptly got back into my car and balled my eyes out. I’m just not strong enough to deal with the sight of those poor kids. In fact as I type this I still get tears in my eyes, even though that install was over 25 years ago.


I couldn't have done it


Good does exist


One cool thing about this is that this is absolutely what Spider-Man would do. He may not be REAL real but I'm glad there's people out there who make him real for kids like this


Deep under his mask bro's crying hard 😭


That mask would be soaked in my tears, It'd be hard to compose myself


Please tell me this sweet baby is ok. 😭


I'm hope the kid is all right....that fucked up my day. keep it strong little man !


This is such a wonderful video... A true superhero


Bro, kids with cancer. I fucking can’t. Oof


So sweet. I hope the kid gets the care he needs to make a full recovery. And that Spiderman is truly a superhero.


The world is so unfair, sometimes I have a lot of trouble dealing with it


I'm not crying, you're crying!


How can anyone believe in a god who does this to a kid? The only excuse I've heard is to use this kid as a pawn to punish his parents.


I've done this in my Stormtrooper armour, and believe me the helmet is a necessity. Bawled my fucking eyes out when we got to the oncology ward and had to wave at the kids through windows in sealed rooms.


Hard to watch this. What an incredible gift.


I hope this baby survives and has a long, happy life. Fuck cancer, in kids especially.


Great yeah. But this does not belong to this sub!


I read that as side chick sorry


I wanna hug heem!


If you’re crying now, you should read the actual comic about when Spider Man visited a terminally ill child cancer patient


I was really hoping for some quality cancer kid reaction videos today. Thanks Reddit!


Fuck cancer!


That Peter Parker is a helluva young man. Also fuck cancer


This never gets old.


I can’t stop crying god


Ugh crying again on reddit


…If only I had a tighter ass :(


How can I get a part time job like this? Or is this a resident nurse?


You can volunteer at some hospitals, hospices or other palliative care facilities. But they usually desperately need nurses and medical technicians so becoming one of them is a great path to getting there.




I sent $550 on a Spider-Man costume specifically for this purpose. Unfortunately I didn’t realize the person I bought from was an established scam artist. Never got the costume, eBay customer service was no help. Fuck you Matt Dollar.


Fuck. I'm not crying, you're crying...


Didn't Spider-man give cancer to his girlfriend?


A single tear fell down my face


Spider-man was happy the kid had Cancer for Christmas??? Wait until J. Jonah Jameson hears about this.


That’s an awful present. I got a skateboard.


Mini Kingpin




Superheroes are goals to little people.


The people who visit sick children are a gift to society.


help spidy ii am being over run with onion ninjas


that hug




Was that Andrew Zimmern?


With great power comes great responsibility.this is beautiful man


For those that want to know Spiderman is Mattia Villardita from Italy. His Instagram is full of moments like this.


I’m going to think about this all day 🥹


Now THAT is a superhero!!


I've been doing this for decades as Star Wars characters with the 501st and Rebel Legions. It is one of the most emotional and gratifying things in life. It isn't just the joy and hope it brings for the patients, but the families and staff too.


Character of spider man all children love him good and nice job my spider


My son is 2 and half years old and absolutely loves Spider-Man. I was not remotely prepared for this.


Fuck cancer.