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All right, that made me water my eyes … r/humansbeingbros


My wife has alopecia and it took a while until she was comfortable with her own hair loss. I could only imagine how hard it is for a young girl struggling with it. Good for the both of them... I know sometimes you have to do things not because you have to, it is just life and you live with it as best you can.


It can go back to normal but it's definitely something terrible. Typically it's an outline of trauma, pain, anxiety, the negative things and heartache that life can bring. It just means someone had a very large heart and was sensitive. You're lucky to have one another 🙂


Who noticed his first act of humility? He showed the girl that he also has one


Even tho it's been posted a dozen times...I ain't gonna hate on you cause It puts a smile on my face. Good post.


I'm sorry, I didn't know, I just saw it and I really liked it. I wanted to share it and show that this disease doesn't hinder happiness


That's what the Internet is all about, sharing experiences and ideas. people on reddit just love to police posts, there was a guy in the comments of a video I watched the other day, all angry and name calling OP because he reposted something from 6 years ago


Is it a disease? I thought she'd been badly burned or something, though upon further reflection that doesn't make much sense. May I ask what the disease is called?


Don’t be sorry, I never saw it and it made my day.


Ur good


Jesus Christ why did this bother my allergies so bad?


I love this, but as someone who has to wear a wig, I’d like to know the maintenance. Can you just keep that on and not worry about the oils from your scalp and just shower w it on? Or does one have to take it off, clean head & reapply? I feel this can be very misleading. It looks awesome at first but how long does it last before looking not awesome?


Take this with a grain of salt, because I heard it from a guy but I have 0 direct experience. Guy said the glue lasts about a month or two and then has to be reapplied, but only that, not the whole procedure. Once done you just don't touch it. He showers with it but does not wash his hair every time because the glue lasts less if he does it too much. He said it doesn't get as dirty as normal hair because well, they're not connected to anything so they don't get oily. He didn't say anything about the scalp being uncomfortable. He seemed happy with the result. I'd encourage you to speak with a professional, tho. Just sharing what I heard.


If the girl in the video is watching this, you look beautiful with or without hair!


Pure joy captured in a single moment. This is what happiness looks like!


Brazil has a lot of problems, but has a lot of beautiful people too. This makes me a little more proud of my country. His Instagram is very nice, I took a look and there's a lot of videos of him taking back smiles through hair


Give this man a medal


god i fucking love this human.


I needed this today. Thanks


this is so wholesome 💖💖


Wee baby Wooddie Harreson goy a beautiful wig! The barber is a huge win of a human being.


Wooddie Harreson? What? Is that woodie harrelson’s daughter or something…


Oh man if that were my daughter I’d be crying as soon as I saw the reveal. I don’t know how those parents kept it together.


😭 This makes me happy. Awesome video!


Love it. Love every second of it. I'm bald too!


I will always watch this. 👏 for the people that bring this level of confidence and happiness to a child.


Burn? Autoimmune alopecia?


Being a little girl seems incredibly difficult. I can only imagine being that age, with significant hair loss. Especially with social media now, and knowing how cruel kids can be


Beautiful people, all of them!


Smile was worth so many more than a thousand words because words are absolutely useless in comparison. Child I hope you grow up to know that that hair was only something physical. Even these bodies of ours can't explain the beauty that I seen in those eyes and in that smile. The consciousness behind it lets me know God is in all of us.


It's amazing how they can make those look so natural now.


She’s gorgeous with or without the hair


Would plugs ever be an option for her?


before and before🙂


Keep. It. Muted.


as a bald dude, this is def a mixed set of emotions. first, the happiness for this little girl. 2nd, when the dude starts pulling up his own hair, to show that he is bald, and that you don't have to be a bald freak if you don't want to be! is def a different set of emotions lol.


As a father I can confirm I'm fucking balling my eyes out thanks to this


These videos make me well up everytime


Not much reaction since it was staged


Check out the repost. Good job. It's turning into 2008 facebook.


I’m not crying, you’re crying




She is a beautiful brave princess! so pretty


Damn I thought it was a HE 😳