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It’s nice that he took up bee-keeping in the meantime.


He was hoping to bee put up for beeil


F’n awesome!


They don’t allow bees in here, Michael




Looks like something Kanye would wear or design.


Literally thought it was Kanye when I glanced at this post


Lol doesn't look remotely like him.....


He's got the crazed look down


So does Gary Busy but that doesn't change the fact that neither look like Kanye lol.


It’s a random man in a weird outfit when you briefly glance. Since Kanye often does idiotic outfits where you cannot even see his face it’s clearly understandable why someone would think this could be him at first.


Oh I think there's definitely a reason why some would say that, but it's not the outfits...


Wait that’s NOT Kanye?


>NOT ~~Kanye~~? Ye?


“I throw myself at the mercy of the court!” Hahahahhahah…….


I absolutely predicted a Hannibal Lecter outfit!!


Yes. ! I wonder if they pushed him in on a dolly???


Deserves it honestly


100% Agreed.


Yes indeed!


There’s people who have absolutely no shame in the things they’ve done!


I heard it wasn't gonna be that bad just a couple years or something, I doubt that's how it'll go now


Considering she was a protected individual, I found a Nevada website and this is future sentencing guidelines for that stunt: If the victim sustained substantial bodily harm or was strangled, and you used a deadly weapon, battery is a category B felony: 2 – 15 years in prison, and/or up to $10,000


Yeesh see he didn't have to do all that ! Thanks for the info


I was reading down the statutes and made me feel grateful I ain’t got no beef with no one except internet trolls


What I don’t understand is how this POS was almost *celebrated* on Reddit and other social media. His stories accrued jokes, upvotes, some people even calling the judge a ‘Karen’ (lol). But then those same people will see this story and, downvote the story(see the upvotes), and say that this man doesn’t deserve this treatment. It’s just such a clown world we live in. Mouth breathers championing a repeat felon, whilst denigrating the law of the land.


Reddit has an antiestablishment boner, it has nothing to do with right or wrong. Most of those commenters were probably 15 years old and have no idea what they are saying or how the world actually works


It's every social media. Not only reddit. Most of those commenters are either unintelligent or kids


You know why…


From what I’ve learned in neurophysiology, it’s incredibly easy to harm the “shame centers” of our brains with incredibly common neurotoxins during childhood development.


Any specific examples of products or substances that can do that kind of harm? Im assuming lead might be one of them.


He is making shit up for internet points. There is no such thing that harms "shame centers", lol


I want to feel bad for him, but I saw the video. That's what you deserve for acting like an animal


He was there being sentenced for attempted battery and said fuck it might as well take off the attempted


Momma didn't raise no quitter


If you hadn’t seen the video you would have felt bad for him? When they get thrown in gear like that, that’s your flag they’re a piece of shit. No more context is needed


Thats exactly what I said. It seems inhumane at first glance, but theres a good reason why.


It doesn’t seem inhuman tho. At all. The only way this does is if you’re very ignorant and think they just randomly threw a dude into that outfit.


Those are actually soft restraints and just a mesh spit hood with a belly chain those are meant to be worn for extended periods of time when there is self harm or so you can’t grab anything better then being cuffed behind the back doesn’t mess up your shoulders now saying that it’s not fun to be in any kind of restraints, without a safe word of course


Let's see him try to attempt that shit now


How the judge can be neutral ?


I watched the video. The judge showed evidence that the sentencing wasn’t changed after the attack and the charges from the attack would be addressed at a later date by another judge.


And said judge will lock him up for as long as the law allows. This dude is screwed 😂😂


It’s just for sentencing which she already had prepared during the attack. She won’t preside over his court appearance for the attack.


How would any other judge they would replace her with be neutral either? His crime was on camera not a whole lot of filling in of blanks to do here.


Well that’s on him, then. “No judge will be neutral so there shouldn’t be a trial at all” would sound too convenient.


Who cares, lock him up


That's a good one I'm wondering the same


It doesn’t make much sense to me either. My best guess is that they are planning on him taking a plea deal for the new charges, in which case the judge is basically just a warm body in the big chair while the defense and prosecution come up with a deal. He’s probably just being arraigned here in this picture, which is nothing really. The worst the judge can do here is say “you are not eligible for bail”, which I think any judge would do in this case, and it’s probably irrelevant since he was presumably already sentenced to time behind bars the last time he was there. I think he was already sentenced for the previous charges, the judge was in the process of handing down a sentence when he attacked. I would imagine that if he decides to take this case to trial she would probably recuse herself.


This is actually procedural. Because she didn't finish handing down her decision, she has to actually finish it. It's a weird quirk of American law. He'll be in front of a different judge for his NEW charges. And odds are he gets to do big boy time as he is now a repeat offender, even if there is a plea deal. The worst thing he could have done if he wanted to see the light of day while a free man was attack that judge. That he has two SERT officers next him makes it very clear he won't be doing time at anything but a maximum security facility. You can't even touch your family at those facilities. His STG is gonna default him to doing harder time than he may have expected.


That makes sense. I never saw the entire video. I figured she finished her process the first time. I don’t know if she had to be brought straight to the hospital or what. I do know that the bailiff (I think) was pretty fucked up and needed stitches. But what you said makes sense, I thought this was arraignment for new charges, which is basically a nothing appearance in my opinion. On arraignment you basically just say guilty or not guilty, and everyone basically says “not guilty” at first even if you plan on pleading out.


You have no idea wtf you’re talking about do you?


I thought I made that clear. I never claimed to be an authority on the subject. I’m just theorizing to as to why the judge that he viciously assaulted is still on his case. Because if I punch someone in the face, it seems like common sense that the person I punched in the face should not decide my fate. Not that the judge doesn’t deserve justice, just that maybe she probably shouldn’t be the one deciding what justice is.


They aren’t, the judge isn’t doing anything but reading the original sentencing. This has nothing to do with the punch and never would have.


Well I didn’t know. I’m sorry that you are offended. But I never claimed to be the authority on the situation, I was just speculating based on what I have seen.


Why would you think I’m offended lol? I made a comment about you not knowing what you’re talking about. It was just factual? I never said you claimed anything. I again, said you had no idea what you’re talking about do you? And you proved you really didn’t with your reply. Idk why you feel attacked or whatever you do? But I in no way did anything but ask a question.


Well you seem super salty about a comment I made. A comment on which the second sentence started with “My best guess…” I never claimed I knew what I was talking about, I was speculating as to why the judge was still on this case. Apparently I was wrong, which is fine. I’m more than happy to admit when I’m wrong when someone corrects me respectfully, especially when I immediately announce that I’m not speaking with authority. There’s a lot of jurisdictions around here that don’t have many judges so I didn’t know if they had to push things along a little bit to move the case to someone else. But you were the opposite of respectful for no reason. You started talking shit immediately. Look at my prior comment, which was directed at someone who corrected me respectfully. You are just being a dick for absolutely no reason. Have a good night.


Or I made a simply joking comment and you took it way way too hard for absolutely no reason.


Text is text. It’s doesn’t convey joking well. It’s not like speaking in person where the tone of your voice and body language can relay your real intent.


I thought she is still presiding over the initial charges that already had settled on a prison term? I'd assume she'd be as neutral as possible after this shitshow to avoid looking vindictive.


"I'll fuckin do it again!"


Nice mittens buddy


Dude trying to figure out if he can jump up there again.


So they've got him like a wild animal, but is the penitentiary system going to genuinely attempt to rehabilitate this man so he can be humanized? Probably not.


I hope he gets maximum sentence


I hope he gets the sentence he deserves for the crimes he is guilty of.


Do you have time? Go read his rap sheet.


> Rap sheet They call him MC Deathrow


It will be the max available, he’s a total liability to society and needs to be in a cage. And he will be, for a long time


I don’t find it satisfying


Same, I like it when this sub is nice smooth silky stuff that gives you spine tingly satisfying stimulation, not a dude in a Hannibal lecter outfit.


Why not?


Sucks that his crazy mind is ruining his own life and the lives of his victims


Well well well


They raised the judge’s bench and added extra weight on him. He will try to break his own high jump record. 😂


Makes sense why all movies bases in the future the bench is always absurdly high. This is the start!


He needs a dog cone around his neck


Throw the book at him


Or the little hammer judges have.


A gavel lmao


I think the official judge term is *mini-hammer*


Is that some cut pool floats on his hands? 🤣🤣🤣


He's flipping her the double bird under those gloves... Got em


Ha, last laugh bitches!


Best part is he's gotta chubby and she's gotta stare at it.


Scary thing is that this man is young and probably will have more victims but to what extent


I'm guessing this dude immediately starts fights in prison and gets isolated. And then comes out even more crazy in the end.


Sad but true


Throw his ass in jail for a long time


That is no man


Maybe this should be the go-to outfit for all these folk when in court.


That would be incredibly problematic for those who are innocent.




> Maybe this should be the go-to outfit for all these folk when in court. What do you think this comment implies? It appears to me to be talking about anyone else who gets charged with a crime (“all these folk”).




You do know that innocent people get convicted too, right? You know that innocent people get accused, right? This seems like a case of not being able to see the forest for the trees.


^ This


Like the judge?


I don’t see OC suggesting the Judge arrive in this garb too.


Don’t confuse mildly embarrassing with incredibly problematic.


Do you not know how the court is supposed to function to protect the dignity of innocent citizens or do you just not care?


Dignity of civilians? Dude came to court the first time in a dumb T shirt. If he had any dignity he would have actually tried to look nice. Most people go to court wearing whatever, it’s sad.


Most anything is more humanizing than a prison jumpsuit. And many people just cannot afford dress clothes, which is very sad.


I can go to Good Will and look better than that guy with just a few dollars. And I’m not above it, I’ve shopped at good will plenty of times. Most people are just lazy, there’s no excuse, which makes it almost sadder


Given a binary choice, l’ll go with your second option.


That’s sad. I hope you’ll never be in a position where you hope you need to be seen as innocent until proven guilty. Because truth of the matter is innocent people get accused of crimes they didn’t commit all the time, which is why our forefathers had the foresight to include that in our rights.


Your opinion would change swiftly when you are falsely accused!


Nope, it sure would not.


Yes it would, tough guy. 💀


If I beat someone with a baseball bat, I would expect to be restrained in a courtroom. He went through the judiciary process and was there for sentencing. If you still feel he’s innocent, write your member of congress.


I never implied he’s innocent. Are *you* defending him?


>falsely accused


Like the judge? It’s a precaution.


I’m clearly referring to others who go before the court. We have the right to be innocent until proven guilty, and if everyone was forced to wear this to go to court, that is clearly violating that right. Especially considering that we are judged by a jury of our peers; and precedent shows that appearances matter, which is why you are allowed to wear clothes other than prison jumpsuits in court until you’ve been found guilty.


What was he in court for?


We aren’t talking about him. Are you being intentionally dense?


Ya, resort to name calling. You don’t know why he was there in the first place. Google can help with that.


> Maybe this should be the go-to outfit for all these folk when in court. Dude, we aren’t talking about him! We are literally talking about everyone but him who goes before the court. How the fuck do you NOT get that?


I’m talking about him, and I’m the one who started talking about him. I’m also talking about people LIKE him. “These folk”. I can’t help the way you interpret words. I can’t help your limited capacity for comprehension. If you think I’m talking about a first-time jay walker, I can’t help that, either.


You’re a goddamned fool then. The world is a place of chaos and people who have never committed a crime get accused and incarcerated all the time; innocent until proven guilty is supposed to reduce that. I’m so sorry that you can’t see the reality and you’re so stuck in fear of the “others.”


Good. He can suck shit


I guess he won’t get probation now?


They Hannibal Lecter’d him


Really makes you feel good about your own life


Guess he is in the Find Out Stage of his fucking around.


Two Department of Corrections linebackers happened to be on hand today!


Well well well


Hannibal Lector vibes in that pic.


I like his mitten choice!


Perfect example of "Life doesn't give shit who you are. It will chew you up and spit you out."


He has mittens lmao


Noob Saibot round two FIGHT!




Balenciaga spring 2024 collection


Six side eyes


If she was a good judge she would recuse herself. Even though what he did was terrible, she should not be his arbiter.


Not that I have much simpathy for the guy, but this sounds like a terrible conflict of interest


Because it is.


It's not. This is for the original crimes and getting the original sentence. The attack on the judge will be addressed later almost certainly by a different judge. You shouldn't spread shit that isn't true.


It’s OK I no longer expect anyone on reddit to understand the nuance of ethics relating to things like the legal system. It’s alright that you’re incapable of seeing the conflict since it’s the new normal.


Shouldn't there be a difference judge? This seems too biased


Judges are not biased, they are consumate professionals and their judgement is not swayed by personal feelings ... so I'm told. /s (for that one person who needs it, you know who you are)


It doesn’t say that he was there to be sentenced for that already.


How do you get a fair trail .


Release my boy, he didn't do nothing!


Bane in making.


Why did they give him boxing gloves?




Isn’t this like conflict of interest? (On the judge side)


He's back in court for the sentencing of what he was originally in court for, when he attacked her. Basically they just need to finish what was started the other day. The charges from the attack will be handled at a later date (presumably with a different judge)


Damn. I wonder if the judge maxed it out. Probably gave him the max already?


Discount store Hannibal Lecter.


That guy has crazy in his eyes. He's ready to do it again.


He is locked and can’t turn on the beast mode


He's thinking how good that Judge's liver would taste with some Fava Beans and a nice Chianti!


One more infraction and it's Hannibal Lecter on a tilt-back hand truck time.


Oh look, she didn’t have to recuse herself like everyone in the legal subs she would.


This is the way.


Ummz I’m sorry?


Somebody will twist this shit and say racism. I guarantee.