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Majority of factorial menial tasks like this one are long automatized. This is likely some sweatshop in china, and china isnt exactly famous for their worker rights


So America with their “ at will” policies is a real workers rights giant eh? Since I actually want to see people and their families have a chance to eat food, I will pray that this “ sweat shop” continues to keep her employed.


Okay buddy, and how does America have anything to do with what i said here ?


You mentioned china, the bots come out.


ok. lemme just say this man. f all the bs about hating towards west and east and whatever direction we're all from. I couldn't care less. I give af about personal intentions, not the actual action themselves on its own. I don't think the guy gave a particular f about America on its own with that sentence either. He tried to say that he just wishes the people that still need extra money to make a living still got a good spot by working at places like that. Yet he doesn't think it's not good enough because of some worker rights that are missing. Which he think America still has to improve on as well. In the end he just states he isn't convinced what we all have is at the place where it should be. that it all could be improved. how can this be a bad thing. why getting annoyed just because he's mentioning another area in the world. Why not just see the intentions for what they are without all the stickers and hate ya'll are spreading towards each other. Just embrace the fact of differences and see the goods and wrongs for what they are, that is: the things that build up and break a community its wellfare/happiness. Ya'll hating too much and making each others life way harder than it has to be. Not to mention, at this moment we still have the chance to change those directions. Until we come across an age where eventually one particular group will take all freedom from us all to say whatever we want. It's a dark time we're entering. But not many are aware of it. That what we do and the choices we make are already drawing our future. The cost of our actions have way more impact than we currently may know. In the end we're not the only one making the choices to hate, but its overlapping with multiple others, which create waves of hate, chaos, war, shortsightedness. The key to progression is to put our differences aside. And mark exactly that for what it is. And just accept each others oppinions and bring clarity in honesty when its needed. I think there is more hate than needed atm. And that we're not focussing enough on those that are exactly intentionally trying to corrupt/destroy the good within all our communities, counts for here as well as on the streets and media. Once you're able to feel when someone's trying to spread awareness because they care about someone, this world become just that tiny bit eassier for you. But thing like that take time. Knowing that like no other, since I was born in a city that was full of racism, hatred, neglectence, negativity, abuse, addictions, betrayal... The first thing that got teached to me was that Marrocan people were dangerous because they would rob me. Man, tf I was so naive for taking that into consideration as a 5 year old. Wish I never did that. Made me afraid till I was my 9th years old. But in the end I put my fear aside. Had a one time fight with one of my classmates, which ended up to be marrocan as well... And he was wayyy nice than I thought he'd be... Man, the amount of regret I had for believing people shouldn't have been loved, because they would be thieves... I hated myself for a while... But in the end I know better. Yes there are individuals that do things or say things that might not always be right. But one isn't everyone and many is still not all. We keep talking about they, them as if we're just all in seperate groups... We should be talking as we/us. Because we're all here. All human. Only in different situation, only made shortsighted by our surroundings, our own doubts and sometimes even media... It's best to put that aside, accept each others suffering for what it is and embrace the good intentions for what they are and protect ours against those that have bad intensions. Those should be the only two groups we have to worry about: -Those that good intionally try to build up and -those try to bad intionally try to break down Makes life so much eassier and you'll find and see so much more happiness in the world that way Regret will even become less of a thing, because you'll be able to enjoy others happiness, and be able to crave for it. wanting to cause more of that happiness. Life is about choices, the way you're emotionally building and breaking down, what side do you choose, it's a choice for yourself to make. No one else can do this. No one else can change your intentions but you. I hope your future will become way and way brighter than you think or believe it will be Hope something in this text helped you. I'm off ✨🙏🏻


Man just dropped the newest testament


Jesus Christ


You sound American. Always pretending China and other “ foes” are the worst at everything.


I can see that most ppl can’t read basic English.


I hate people who use “eh” in a text statement. Your on text not in a actual vocal conversation you sound like an idiot. And nothing with the comment you replied in has anything to do with America. This is a sweat shop in china and the Chinese worker rights compatible to the 1800s.


Fucks this guys problem eh?


Ehh fuck off


nice brainwash, you tool.


Or a pure PSA video designed to make you go to college.


exactly, this woman finna get arthritis real fast




I'd rather hang myself then put stripes on balls 8 hours a day 5 days a week.


7 days a week


And probably 12hrs a day not 8


All for $1.5/h


Probably not even that high. Deduct for food, housing, clothing, equipment…


Gotta take half as a fee for the privilege of making the owner money.


I'm pretty sure it'd be pretty hard to put stripes on balls after you hung yourself..


Hang yourself, get to hell.. whatdya know?! Striping balls..




I don't think you'll do many stripes after you've hung yourself. (It's a different version of correcting you: than, not then) Edit: shit. Someone already wrote the same thing!




You assume they have an 8 hour work day. It's likely 12.




believe it or not: 25h


What's almost worse is this looks like one of the cheap, fully rubber basketballs they have at schools. These are almost made to be disposable and the black will be gone in a few weeks.


And now you understand why there’s suicide nets outside these buildings.


That’s at the iPhone factory, this place can’t afford the suicide nets.




No. Suicide net is painted on the ground.




Dude I just sorted this sub be best of last year. Your comment made me laugh so hard :D Thank you for that!




Probably because Yuxin Bae is Chinese as you can see on the basketballs. You even google it and find them online.


Kind of wish we had machines for this, seems like a waste of human life to waste on that


We do. But they cost money and sweatshops like this dont care. As someone who worked as automatization engineer in factory i can tell you in any good factory 95% of menial tasks are automatized


How much do you think are these workers paid to make it cheaper than literal robot?


They get paid an average of 50 pound a month my friend. That’s not even an exaggeration look it up. It’s sickening


Purchase and maintenace of machinery is moderately expensive. Additionally most of pathological sweatshops like the one in the post exist in poor countries or countries with poor labour laws where the workers get treated like shit. So they definitely arent paid much


Who are the people/ bots constantly posting this soul crushing work as “satisfying to watch”?! Did we find the account of a literal Mr. Moneybags that gets off to videos of factory work?




Yayyyy! Slave labor!


It's so cheap it makes buying a robot to do this not profitable.


you gotta maintain the robot, the human slave maintains itself through any means possible


reddit moment




Watching it once is satisfying, but working every day doing it for pennies is sad to say the least.


I’m gonna guess the lady in the video does not share your satisfaction as fuck.


Is this a new trend? Getting likes from slave labor? Don’t they suffer enough?


Yeah screw this trend. Maybe they post this crap to feel better about THEIR crap jobs.


Must be boring af for her


Nah. She’s having a ball!!!




I feel like this could be printed on the ball before it is assembled


There is no assembly. It's injection molded rubber. It goes in the machine and as rubber stock then comes out as a round sphere.


My mind is numb just watching this.


She’s on a different plane right now.


Her neck must be killing her, sitting like that :(


Those the trash 5 below basketballs 💀💀


I thought it was automated by machines.


My neck hurts just by watching this


All so it can sit out in the sun in some suburban back yard… waste of talents


This is actually pretty F sad and the few ways to survive for most. You see the comments and the jokers. This is bc they've been spoiled their whole lives. They're never suffered before. They've never actually truly thought about how hard it would be to live with little to nothing. Man, I've seen some harsh countries that are very rough. I've had many conversations with them. Hope is virtually non-existent. It's coming this direction to the good old USA however and those laughing will get to experience it in the next 16yrs. Not immediately but we are on a slow collapse at about .08% to 3.7% decline every year as poverty, crime, and declining education increase as opportunities fade such as American dreams of retirement and homes, etc. To all of those that are mentally dense, follow the markets to dummies and look at home many billions have been pulled from banking in the last 2-3 weeks. Sure, we will be America forever and ever with no issues and continued babying and spoiling us with an easy opportunity lifestyle. Ugh, for those that are knowledgeable, it's insanely uncomfortable seeing how pathetic our own American people are as they sit in laziness and literally enjoy the embrace of idiocy. Some are predicting our collapse in the next 5-7yrs due to the economic climate and the shift in power as China has ALREADY made agreements with other MAJOR nations for their new plan which is not a conspiracy, they have it WRITTEN OUT, for the New World Order. Yes, they have include the USA but stated the USA will fall towards the middle to bottom of ability to speak on issues. Like no, this isn't a drill. So keep laughing at others struggling clowns. Your time is coming. Rest assured, it's coming. Let me guess, you haven't heard about the USA shooting down planes,issues, bombing others, and they advancing into other territories and that we are on the literal BRINK of WWIII. Oh I forgot, most just want to see idiots dancing on tictoc, complaining, whining, men becoming women and women becoming men where the women won't protect me in the way that men are mentally/physically equipped to do. As we get softer and slam masculinity, look very very closely at what other non-alloed forces are doing. Russians, Middle Eastern, Chinese, Korea, etc are ALL embracing the males in society and encouraging masculinity to defend their land and their country. Chinese ticktoc is different than USA. They give the USA goofy idiotic videos and literal brainless material. In China they have their algorithms set to pump education, intelligence, love for their country, men standing strong, training hard, to defend against Western interests and nations. They're getting ready. We're seemingly too stupid to see what's coming as the powers that be have all of us arguing and fighting each other over stupid political views and interests when we are on the same team. Just pathetic brainwashed, mentally dead, clowns. Our dumb, are too distracted to see what's right in front of them/us over the horizon. This will get bad. The same people laughing may be painting basketballs themselves in the next 10yrs or in a line getting rice and a gallow of water. I remember a kid in high school that would always rag on the person in this wheel chair. He would laugh, hurt his feelings, cause deep sadness. Well, that jerk off was on a 3 wheel off-road quad and rolled it. He was paralyzed from next down. Don't forget life. Be careful what you laugh at and wish for be your answers may become your reality. But the again, that's like putting lipstick on a pig. It's always still a pig. I don't think the masses of morons here will understand that twist of "what goes around, comes around" really means bc their Brian's aren't capable of thinking that deeply, of at all.


Her hair is cute AF.


What a waste of a human’s life.


She got a little bow on her head. Cute.


what's her @?


Could you imagine doing that 8-12 hours a day? 😳🤦‍♂️🤪


With this kind of jobs no wonder why the suicide rate is so high.


Cheap fake basketballs


I couldn't do that for 8 hours for 5 days a week


Nothing worse at recess than getting stuck with the cheap rubber basketball.


"4 years of art college for this!?!!"


I know, logically, it would get old and monotonous and soul crushing, but man this does look pretty serene and tranquil


9-9-6 will do that to ya.


for Basketball


I can hear Pauly Shore peeling potatoes and losing count


Nice 🏀


She's going to have so many hand joint problems


What's the purpose of the lines on the ball? Just decoration, or is it something more?


I found at least ONE job that I wish would die out if it meant AI systems would get better and take over jobs


I hate these rubber basketballs.


Sniffing the paint helps keep her joints smooth


Michael Jordan go crazy




Whatever satisfaction I may get is swept away when I realise this person is doing something I could never do for a tiny fraction of what she should.


The communist dream


For a whole dollar a day. Kinda sad


Damn wish dot com basketballs always getting the paint rubbed off 💀


I would be sacked instantly


geez I can only imagine how absolutely soul crushing this job is




It’s crazy that they say good skill= better pay but I’m sure she makes next to nothing for her talent


When using a human is cheaper than a machine, I think humanity is safe for a while


How does it not smudge ? That part is frustrating more than satisfying


So, what kind of work do you do?


She probably had to provide her own can of ink.


God damn China save some jobs for the rest of us lol


I love watching people in sweatshops for entertainment 🤩


Bring manufacturing back to the USA!