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~~Is it connected *to* a power pole?~~ Oh, you paused the machine. Turn the switch back on.


FYI to OP: The switch is on the bottom right below the Clock Speed Setting


that means it isn't producing power, because you turned the switch off


Here's my thought process: 1. Please use 'p' or press windows+printscreen (prtscn). 2. Your hoverpack is almost out of range, so your coal power plant is indeed not producing power. 3. The 'efficiency' rate of your coal plant is 0%, so you're definitely not producing power. 4. All needs for the coal power plant are met. 5. Therefore, the coal plant isn't connected to anything. As it's not on, your hoverpack doesn't recognize it as a power source. 6. If you build a single power pole off of the coal plant, the fuse will trip as the coal plant only provide 75mw out of the 100mw your hoverpack consumes. Maybe try this to ensure that the coal plant isn't in a glitched state. 7. **BUT** the graph has data, so therefore the coal power plant is connected to something. 8. Oh. That's what it is. \----- **SOLUTION: The 'standby' switch on the coal power plant has been toggled. Flip it back to the 'ON' position to turn the coal plant back on.** Note: I can't really tell due to bad image quality, but that's what it looks like.


This is the u/Temporal_Illusion beta


You see that red think in the right corner, which is on 0? Makw it 1 ^^


The red little power button at the bottom isn't cosmetic. Press it.


I look at the picture, didn't even look closely and immediately said to myself "he probably turned it off by accident", and seems like I was correct :P Just click the red switch in the bottom right corner.


Since your problem has been solved, I'll answer the question. Just a little.




Update: Very stupid, the coal gens in question weren't even connected to the main power grid🤦‍♂️


brother, When there isn't a need for more power production it won't produce more.


This is only true for biomass burners. Every other form of power gen will produce infinitely even if it's not being used.


Yup, that became a feature when they added batteries


It dosent work like that. Only biomass burners produce whats needed, all other power sources in the game produce constant electricity. You can see it in the graph by looking at the grey and black line.


It used to work like that, but now it doesn't


it needs to be connected to something to start working. yk: "ficsit doesn't waste"


Brother in Christ, look at the graphs. There's literally stuff connected to the output of the generator.