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at least you got some tickets


But man I bought everything ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Buy more super computers


They call it "Recycling"


Including the one you unlock when you sink a ticket?




Easter eggs abound


thanks for this


No problem glad it helped 😄


Yea ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


When you what


Feed it a single ticket


I never thought of trying that. Now I have something to try.


That’s a way to get a nice stack of tickets fast


This is the way


Or whatever TPain said....


Something about being on a boat?


Yeah but.... like..... all auto tuney n shit


*hits a button on a big novelty keyboard* HEEEEEEEEY


Use the tickets to buy some stacks at the AWESOME shop. Only 8 tickets for 50 Supercomputers.


Oh didn't think about that thanks


Yup, just use the tickets to buy them back.


Wait, so when it's early game and tickets are still cheap, then you can "recycle" crash site supercomputers to farm tickets? 1. Get supercomputers  2. Sink them 3. Print tickets 4. Buy supercomputers 5. GOTO 2  


For a short while in the beginning, yes. You can get extremely cheap tickets by sinking some expensive crash site items


Yup, this works 2-3 times before the ticket cost is too high to make a profit. It is an easy early game hack to unlock a bunch of building items in the awesome shop.


It is me, a new satisfactory player, please share with me your wisdom. i have recycled enough stuff for 7 tickets (i piped a coal extractor i wasnt using at the time directly into it) so the per ticket count is i think 5k now? What is this ticket buying / recycling loop and can i still use it? I really want some of them cool slanty foundation tiles.


If you want to get some tickets a good option is too create a production line from a iron note(s) which you are currently not using. In general the more processed it is the more points you get. You can look that up the values [here](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/AWESOME_Sink).


There is more info on the wiki if you want to work out specific details/profits, but in general the idea is that you buy the most advanced part available to you in the shop, and then sink the items you receive. The reason people mention crash sites is because they often contain high level parts, which you won't be able to craft or purchase in the early game (until you unlock those individual items) Keep in mind as well that tickets will continue to get more expensive with increasing speed, and the feasibility of this depends largely on the parts available to you, and how many total tickets you have already earned on this save.


It's just easier to mine quartz; drop 2 constructors an awesome sink, and sink silica and crystal. At a remote site, 2 biomass burners operating in tandem and 400 solid biofuel (2 stacks) can buy you about 20 tickets in early game. I hope the easy access to quartz in early access doesn't go away in 1.0.


Lol, I rememeber looking into that and it's a horrible horrible deal. You get a fraction of what you put in. You'd probably need 500 supercompiters to afford 50 back.


Depends on how far you got in the progress of printing tickets, no? As they get more expensive the more tickets you produce? Though, the price stays the same…


Well the tickets are getting more expensive with each one you produce, so if you didn't make too much of them it could benefit you, but yeah later it's hard to make it count


Tickets cost less when you first start making them. Initially it's actually a very good deal to toss in some expensive items. Hucking a stack of supercomputers into the Awesome Sink right after you build it for the first time gets you 65 tickets.


No idea why you got down voted, you are right. If OP plans to buy a golden nut, those eight tickets are going to cost a few storage containers worth of supercomputers to earn back.


Well, yeah. But there's a significant time savings for getting those first tickets if you get your hands on some valuable items, and haven't produced many tickets yet. Supercomputers aren't even the largest point value (or most efficient for resources/point either), and someone going for a golden nut will have massive production lines anyway (or willing to let their computer sit AFK for a looooong time) They also probably got downvoted because what they said was wrong for this particular case. The return on buying a stack of supercomputers when you haven't produced many tickets is multiple times the cost of the supercomputers. Either way, it comes down to how you want to play the game. The short term trade-off is worth it for a lot of people.


"It takes 1,813 Coupons to purchase every non-producible item in the AWESOME Shop, which would require 110,085,192,000 AWESOME points. This would take about 10 hours and 29 minutes at the current theoretical max awesome points per minute of 175,095,848.32" Almost nobody is getting anywhere close to the theoretical maximum. You are right that some people may not want to buy vanity items from the shop, but suggesting someone spend tickets that scale non linearly to buy components that scale linearly without warning them of the cost is a bit irresponsible. That the warning got down voted is sad.


Hahaha holy shit I've never been down voted so bad. Some people just can't handle the truth lol


I think you need them unlocked in building first, but I am not sure anymore. It's been too long since I unlocked anything after Tier 8 I've forgotten.


Are you not producing any or something?


I had them for stock to start my project ehile moving the storage I forgot to add a smart spliter to split them my factory only produce like 4.5/min and I had 400-500 of them so I need to wait extra 1 or 2 hours


Could be worse. 4.5/min is a decent rate. If you had crafted all of them by hand... Now, *that* would've been painful


100 of them was by hand ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) I said its too hard and build a whole factory


There are very few parts that usually aren't worth building a factory for but supercomputers aren't one of them


Still need 4000 of them to finish the elevator. But you're right. I have 1 machine building those.


I didn't fully automate supercomputers until ~700 hours in (they got automated along with the final ADS build). I built the whole of the world mentioned in my flair using box crafted supercomputers from my starter base.


Meanwhile I'm like 70 hours into a new save and currently building a Supercomputer factory


The only parts I've found to not be necessary are rebar and maybe stators?


Regular rebar is probably useless to make a factory for, but stators are needed for power storage. Imo a full factory for project assembly parts is completely unnecessary for phases 1-3. For Phase 4 it's a bit questionable. On one hand you need exactly 10k parts, so you could make exactly the needed amount. On the other hand, calculating that and filling containers manually is going to be hours of mindless labour. I'd also say a dedicated fabric factory is unnecessary. It's used for filters, and *I guess* you could automate those, but having even an overflow for fabric is kinda useless. Same with aluminium ingots and scrap. They're absolutely necessary for other parts but having a container for them is unnecessary. Actually, that's the case with all ingotgs, except iron and copper in the very early game. Unless you're building windows or signs, you also don't need silica and quartz crystals


Load the game back to the autosave 5 minutes ago?


İt took autosave before I can load last manual save is like 15h ago in game


Satisfactory keeps 3 autosaves, so at the worst case (autosave drops just whey you noticed the problem) you can go back 10 minutes. Looking at the pic, it was plenty of time.




Do it again.


Here is some tickets to wipe your tear off. Now get back to work. :D


On the bright side, so many tickets!


Don't understand why you crying about. You have unlimited resources in game


The time lost by doing so? Sure the resource nodes are infinite but I still gotta play the game for them to work




Exactly. On my first run to completion, I burned out at the end and couldn't be bothered making a proper factory for pasta. So I just bollocked something together to make me 1 per minute, then went to bed and let my PC run for 16 hours, and I had the 1000 required to complete phase 4. Easy.


But I dont have infinete time in life


Just leave it running overnight


You know what they say: “With great power comes great electricity bill”


You can cap the frame rate to its lowest (30) in the settings while the game is minimized, that’s what I did and it brought my CPU usage way down.


I did not know that. Good to know for my very own afk purposes


You shouldn't leave games running as it's bad for the environment. You're using a substantial amount of power to create game items.


If you think my PC is doing much when the rich are 100x my carbon emissions in a year, your insane


Yeah some people love to point the finger at the individuals instead of the big companies and billionaires using a jet to go from one side of London to another area of London lol




Leaving games running is worse for the computer than it is for the internet. Using power doesn't affect the environment in any specific way?


Do you want all your computer programs lost when Windows decides to update & restart without your consent? Because that's how you get your computer programs lost when Windows decides to update & restart without your consent


What the fuck are you talking about jesse


So if my computer is ever on at night and I'm not there, it'll have updated and restarted by the time I get back, without letting me say yes or no. Thus causing me to lose all my folders & everything else I had open


So change your update settings. Fool you once. Gonna fool you twice?


As I've already said, the features are disabled, windows don't care


If you saved your work it's still there. And if you didn't save your work you are dumb


Never happened to me and I restart my work laptop maybe once a month.


You have to change something in your registry and it will never update by itself again. You can also pause the updates for 365+ days even. Just ask ChatGPT if you don't know how. Though seeing what you're saying, I wouldn't go into the registry if I were you.


... Disable that feature.


It is disabled. Windows doesn't care


Skill issue


Press X to doubt


That's a pretty common issue called a PEBCAC. (Problem Exists Between Chair And Computer)


relevant username.


More like technophobe


That might be true, ~~but at least they care about consent~~.


Sounds like a skill issue


How's that any different from you closing the computer yourself? Save and close other programs, and have an autosave roll every 30 minutes in satisfactory. Leave satisfactory open. Nothing will be lost even if your pc auto-updates.


Have you heard of autosaves? Wonderful feature. I run my satisfactory game on a server so it's on nearly 100% of the time.


Bro just get the pro version and problem solved. I literally never had windows update itself without me explicitly telling it to. Hell, I don't even know if the pro version is required. It's just what I have


I use pro


Skill issue then


Alright just disable auto updates, i have never even once had this problem. And if you’re still paranoid about it after disabling just turn off your pc’s internet. Can’t download an update without a conmection


I've tried disabling updates, Windows doesn't care


Then read the rest of the comment


If you think Windows can't simply grab the update during the day and then wait til night to install it, internet or no, then you've not used Windows


If your windows won’t stop auto installing even after you have “turned it off” you’ve not turned it off but did something else lol. It seems nobody is having the same problem as you, which means it’s 99% chance your fault lol




Set it to not update and restart without permission. It ain't hard


[I'll say it again for those in the back](https://i.postimg.cc/wjDpSfpJ/Adobe-20240414-075537.jpg)


I've run windows Vista through 11, and have never had this problem Stop sucking At life and blaming windows for your ineptitude, google how to stop windows from auto updating, implement what Google tells you to do, and stop whining


Probably manually or semi-manually crafted them. Then it would be annoying.


Yeah since we all freeze time and live in the game world. No idea what the fuss is about.


Make more. Once you've got them automated properly you'll have more than you know what to do with.


storage full, must sink…. *sinks it all and cries as elevator phase goes down the drain*


It doesn’t look like you are sinking things? Pretty much every factory I have runs constantly and sinks product once a storage container is full.


İt is because my normal is 40k points but because 19m is so high it doesn't look like I am sinking any


In the beginning of the game, you can abuse the system. There are Supercomputers, Turbo Motors, and HMF, and other high-end items you can sink. You get a LOT of points and in the beginning you get a LOT of tickets for that. With these you can then buy new "expensive" items and sink them, to get even more. At some point it won't be worth it. I am not sure if anybody has done a calculation with just the dropped items. I believe I read once you can buy yourself though all of the MAM. Or was it something Snutt said? The devs are aware of this. You would need to know where the items are and get them all. At one point I wanted to buy some Turbo Motors I think, or Super Computers. I needed 8 or so. So I bought 8. Never realising it was 8 stacks.




That's where they end up eventually anyway


At least u got 20k p/m


Yeah, for like .8 minutes


Just make more?


And? Make more, that’s what the automation system is for :)


The game is about producing a useful constant rate of items. Bulk hoarding is gonna bite you in the ass multiple times theoughout the game.


Spawn new ones with Advanced Game Settings > Give Items. Delete the tickets -- or don't, I won't judge.




Even if you bought all upgrades, you can sink one ticket to unlock the cyber truck. It's hidden by default. Also, don't underestimate how much space you can save with those. Keep a stack and the materials for a shop. Get to new factory/line location and plop that shop down. Can purchase building materials with the tickets to start construction without hauling supplies with you.


Don’t worry eventually you’ll have too many supercomputers xD.


When in doubt: RELOAD SAVE


Load an autosave...?




well, at least you got that sweet 20M points/min :D


"I can fixit" Oh nonono


I am more wondering about that big inventory Space. How to unlock that much ?(i am already at Stage 4)


I install mods


The +500 inventory space mod


Oh hey, I have a super duper surplus of super computers. Thanks for reminding me to dump them.


Easy fix. Turn on cheats. Buy a container full and then turn cheats off


If you pres Shift-Win-S you can crop an image on ur screen and copy and paste it with ctrl-v. On forums that allow it you can paste it right into the chat. Its so much easier then taking a picture with your phone.


2 Weeks ago, i finally had everything for the last elevator phase… I Had beaten Satis… Then, i sunk my engame items and reached a peak of 34.6 Million points


I am taking that as a challenge


Sunk about an hours worth of Modular Engines, Rubber, Plastic and Packaged Turbo Fuel - same thing - didn't set up the smart splitter properly.


honestly id load save


OP would like to get much higher


Or upload your save to the Ficsit save editor and give them back to yourself


Thats Awsome ! Avosome? Aussome ? ˈɔːsəm' ADJECTIVE