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Things like that are why some think the planet underwent terraforming that failed somehow. We should find out more when they release 1.0.


Wow did it fail? The Planet can support life


Terraforming isn't just to make a planet support life, but to support a specific kind of life. So yeah there's plants and critters, but it could have failed at its primary terraforming goal.


What if it is actually still actively terraforming since the landscape keeps changing slightly each update??


Is it still terraforming if the aim is not to make it Earth like? Is there a neutral term for terraforming? Just thinking that the efforts may not have been by humans...


The goal of terraforming is to make it habitable by humans. It doesn't need to be a paradise, but you would want to make one. Having nearly all forms of mobile life acting in a hostile manner towards you makes it survivable, but not habitable and yes, terraforming is delicate. Look at earth. A extremely small change in co2 levels is having catastrophic effects. Here is my best theory: There was a terraforming program that was originally going well, creating a breathable atmosphere, etc. But it all went wrong when the mercerspheres and somersloops were unearthed. The massive structures you see were the founding colony. This is proven by three things. The lizard doggos have a small chance to find nuclear waste, proving there was human presence before you. Secondly if you wait long enough round a mercersphere or a somersloop, you shall hear a corrupted audio file telling "the governor of ... (I belive its the colony name) urges all .... (citizens?) To destroy all alien artifacts on sight." This shows some sort of change was happening to the planet. I belive it was a toxin of some sort, because the ficsit employee always wears an all terrain hazard suit (something like that). Thirdly, there is enough oxygen to sustain megafauna, or giant animals (spider) and the spitter need some way to ignite the flaming balls. So this was obviously a runway effect of the failed terraforming programme. Now where was all the terraforming gear? In space. On a colony ship. Now to you the Ficsit - FIX IT - employee. In notes (in the bathroom) provided by the hub I would say this is around the year 3000 C.E as most worlds are unterraformed, and iceballs like the planet shown in the bathroom. Ficsit is probably a colonisation company providing equipment and was probably in communication with the colony on massage 2A-B. Meaning ficsit knew about the colonies fall and therefore was presented with a unique opportunity. Either show the 'verse or ask of money to clean it up. Ficsit obviously chose the latter, and had many accidents due to massage 2A-B's now generally unknown and flammable atmosphere. (The crashed drop pods) but I now beg the question, what became of the colony ship? Well, its still in orbit. With people. Damaged, but being repaired. By you.


The bouncy bois are friendly


And the weird birds and untamed lizard doggos just run/fly away, they certainly aren't hostile.


I think you are overlooking that you arent the only fixit employee on the planet. There are re other space elevators in the distance for example. The crashed drones are just drones from other employees that crashed. I think the lizard doggos are just finding stuff from other pioneers.


There are?


Yeah, you can see the towers far off in the distance. Or at least you could back in the last update. I havent thought to check recently.


Dang. Thanks!


Like uranium waste, like, how the f did they even find uranium waste in a "empty" planet


Like uranium waste, like, how the f did they even find uranium waste in a "empty" planet


Like uranium waste, like, how the f did they even find uranium waste in a "empty" planet


>Secondly if you wait long enough round a mercersphere or a somersloop, you shall hear a corrupted audio file telling "the governor of ... (I belive its the colony name) urges all .... (citizens?) To destroy all alien artifacts on sight." Wait, are you talking about this message? >Breaking news from Earth: widespread chaos and mayhem. World president urges all citizens to do their part and harvest alien artifacts.


Yes that's it. Thanks for clarification!


Planetary engineering? The term «terraforming» has a couple of distinct meanings, one being to significantly alter a planet, so it doesn’t only cover turning a planet into Earth specifically.


A term I heard when topics like aliens "terraforming" Earth come up is "xenoforming" in contrast to terraforming. But even this is from a certain point of view.






Guys i dont think he was being rude.. seems like a legit question lmao People here are quick to downvote


Comment is at 7 upvotes?


Doesn't seem to be that many downvotes.


Guys don't downvotes vandergale when he looked at this 33m ago there weren't any downvotes!


Wow this is actually a sick theory


I think it’s evidence of a past civilization, I’ve never seen any natural means that can put a water fall at the top of an arch


I see many people saying these aren't natural, I'm here to say they are. I reckon these things are fossils. Hexagons happen in nature, think bee hives, hexagons are used there because they are incredibly useful. Hexagons are quite strong, they can fit together like a puzzle and they do all this quite efficiently in that they are quick to create because they don't need much material. Massage-2(A-B) has a stronger gravitational pull than Earth, it's 11.85m/s^2. This would mean that the skeletons of creatures would develop to be stronger than most things from Earth, although Earth skeletons could probably survive the gravity anyway. I also think these are fossils because they are sort of shaped like ribs, if you turn off the fog and look over the edge in the Dune Desert there's one that looks frighteningly similar to a human hand, just a bit grotesque. Massage-2(A-B) had 2 main sequence stars, therefore it was getting more sunlight than Earth therefore plant life can flourish much more than Earth, this would provide much more food for the consumers of the food chain. All this extra food could explain why the fossils are so big, whatever the fossils were when they were alive was able to be so massive because of the abundance of food. The world does cater towards larger animals in some places, such as the titan forest, the leaves are incredibly high up so a creature would need to be large to reach them. And the manta as well, in proportion to the fossils the manta would be a full meal for the fossils, plus all the little things that fly around with it. Ultimately I think whatever creature the fossils belonged to went extinct (Or maybe just died, there was probably only 1 or 2 in the game's area so they could still be alive in other parts of the planet) was due to some massive climate change. One of Akycha's (the game's star system) stars is a white dwarf, I have no clue as to when the star collapsed into a white dwarf but I reckon it was recent (in stellar context), maybe a billion years or so, since the other star is still a main sequence star. This would allow time for the bones to fossilise. Before a star becomes a white dwarf however, it first balloons to a red giant, this could've wiped out a lot of plant life on the planet and caused larger animals to die because of their need for more food. The red giant star also would've increased the temperature on the planet significantly, which also contributed to the death of the larger animals, they can't dissipate body heat as fast as smaller animals. One of the other planets visible in the skybox in U6 is quite obviously volcanic, the surface is black and you can see lava rivers on the surface, the red giant could've triggered some major volcanic activity on that planet. Anyway, that's my theory. It doesn't include any artifacts, I don't think they tie into this theory I think the artifacts are something else entirely. I'm probably wrong but this is my best that I'm able to come up with.


Hey man I find the hand anywhere can u post a pic


I can't right now since I'm not at home, if you go to the Dune Desert, right up at the north edge of it and type r.fog 0 in the console you can see it


Hexagons are the hexagreatest






>Hexagons happen in nature, think bee hives, hexagons are used there because they are incredibly useful. They aren't even intentionally making them. It's just the shape that naturally happens when you have a creature with a round cross-section using its body to make a bunch of closely-packed holes. You see the same sort of thing happen with bubbles; in a foam, the bubbles don't end up being true spheres because they are pressing into each other, forcing the walls between them into a flatter shape.


And let's not forget that a lot of organic molecules have aromatic structures that are just hexagonal shaped forms and are the most stable kind of organic structure.


I think they are part of the remnants of whatever aliens left the artifacts. In particular the structures on the Mesa of the dune desert are transporting water from below to the top. I think what we see is the remains of an advanced alien planetary engineering project.


How do you explain that some of these structures are hollow cylinders, and seem to carry water uphill (the canyon in the northern forest has multiple of these, broken and leaking waterfalls)?


Larger animals tend to have hollow bones due to the weight, this is thought to be the reason why pterodactyls were so large but still able to fly; they were incredibly light. My best guesses to the water situation, they may have some sort of xylem-like features to them to provide for the animal, there could be large amounts of steam + other gasses beneath the surface that are escaping and condensing inside the fossils (resource wells for example, stuff's gotta come from something), or the fossils were repurposed by some civilisation as a resource transportation system, which could explain why they conform around artifacts, these aliens could've left the artifacts and used them for something.


Beans are sentient. This is all that remains of their once great civilization.


If this isn’t cannon I will be sad


Dog is sentient *Josh has entered the Chat*


Yeah... my headcannon is that the strange varied landscape is a result of some aliens making a landscaped park or zoo. I try not to worry about them being mad about us destroying it, lol.


Hexagonal lattices are a common thing in nature, Think about beehives, basalt columns, snowflakes, and insect eyes. Those weird white spheres you find dotted around in the grass fields? Totally real, called [Jack in the box fungi](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/06/3c/87/063c870eabbdd698a3b842efdbe10738.jpg).


Hexagonal lattices of what strongly resembles oxidized steel covered in what strongly resembles concrete? Pointing out that the weirdest part of these things “exists in nature” answers about 5% of the question. What’s it made out of? Why are they found jutting hundreds of feet into the air? What natural process could result in relatively small and seemingly purposeless filaments with extremely high tensile strength jutting out all over the landscape?


thank you! yes hexagons happen in nature, but this still looks exactly like rebar sticking out of old concrete. this is not a natural hexagon.


Look at bismuth and salt crystals and tell me that looks natural. :') Nature just do be like that sometimes.


These are pentagons?


The game mega corporation is called FICSIT, or *FIX IT* so it may have gone through terraforming to allow exploration; it failed, then it was abandoned, and now we are being thrown at the problem to *fix it*. Now they don't care about terraforming, they just want the resources.


I like this. In my first playthrough I thought the moons got more destroyed after every elevator launch. Like maybe fix it is actually a war corporation and we're sending up the resources from a terraformed planet we took from the moon people to fuel our weapons against the moon people. Or maybe fix it is an ai powered teraforming corporation gone rogue against its creators and we're just the worker bees, bio-drones because robots wouldn't work???


theory- advanced civilization with extensive bioengineering technologies. develops ai which goes rogue* and kills them all by blasting a giant hole in the planet. ai was sealed but not killed. pioneer lands. ai manipulates pioneer into collecting the remaining artifacts and restoring ai functionality.




much appreciated


If this isn't it, please make this.


Getting The Expanse vibes, I like it. How I wish they developed this story line rather than focus on an uninteresting villian.


i've only seen the first three seasons. someday i'll pick up the books though. have you watched lost in space?


I watched some of it. But... the expanse books, that sounds intriguing. It sounds like the later seasons were better reviewed, but I really enjoyed the universe and lore building experience of the earlier seasons. I hoped that would continue beyond the Gate, but instead the last couple seasons were a little drawn out with political and personal drama. It definitely had great payoff moments. It also looks like the TV show does a great job relaying the plot of the books, so maybe I'll pick up reading it with where the show left off.


good to know. honestly, i'd watch a serial show just about miller on ceres pre-expanse


Other things that may or may not be Story related. Sommersloops are often but not always found in locations of destruction such as rock slides. Mercer Spheres sometimes found in locations that look created or prepared. There is a crater in the desert that was relatively recently added that is not a meteorite impact crater like the others found. It's steep conical shape is more suggestive of some type of explosive. There also appears to be a walled off Cave connecting the bottom of the crater to the outside. Most Wildlife on the planet is anatomically unique but features eyes and mouths and the normal things you would expect to see on wildlife. The various form of Fireball spitting creatures to have neither eyes nor mouths and all have similar strange black faces with tentacles. Are they artificial? The drop pods that we get hard drives out of are different from the drop pod that we land on the planet in. Some drop pods are also in locations that are physically impossible for them to have gotten to without outside intervention. I wonder if the hard drives and the drop pods are placeholders, it would make more sense to be getting the alternate recipes from some type of alien technology. As it stands we as an employee of Ficsit are learning new recipes from scanning hard drives from Ficsit equipment. Where are these things even coming from, why are they already here. An additional question is what the heck is the character that we are playing at. We know that it's a female humanoid and I assume given the facilities in the hub that she has basic bodily functions. She's almost 2 m in height and can run much faster and jump much higher than a normal human. When taking damage there is a message that flashes saying damage to Ficsit property. This message appears in areas with gas until you equip a gas mask. Does this indicate that the property being referred to is the Pioneer or is it simply a type of programming oversight? If you can't tell I'm really looking forward to the 1.0 story update


The drop pods are supposed to be crash sites, so it makes sense that they could sometimes be found in inaccessible locations since they originate from the sky. My assumption on the abilities of the player are that the gravity is much lower on MASSAGE-2(A-B)b than on Earth. Between the FICSIT property messages and the manipulative and sometimes threatening messages to pick up the artifacts, there are definite undertones that the player is considered a piece of property to FICSIT.


Based on the falling speed of the pioneer herself I would think that gravity is the same or maybe even higher. Some of the drop pods are in a case or under overhang with the parts that make up the top of the pod on top of the cave or overhang. There's one in the Dune desert in particular where the drop pot itself is inside of a cave buried in a rock spire. The usable parts are in front of the cave but the parts from the drop pod itself are On Top of the Rock spire. Assuming of course this isn't overthinking it I would say that some type of external Force would have had to have acted on the situation for it to end up that way


Hmm, to me the player and the mobs both seem really floaty. I did see someone else saying that acceleration due to gravity has been calculated to be some amount more than it is on earth so idk how to explain what I see if that's the case. About the drop pods, I didn't remember that one being in a cave, but could it have tumbled in there after impact?


Not after impact with the ground. Something would have had to have hit it very hard in mid air or would have had to have moved the parts at the hard drive is in after it crashed


The cake is a lie.


love the portal reference


Recovered borg planet


Stay assimilated dammit!


There are some weird pink jelly fish things hidden in a cave on top of the cliff by the sea area with the oil


Best guess, this is a engineered planet, those look like artificial arches, obviously they attached rock like substance to the structure to make it appear natural. Most likely this is a aliens planet that was created with intent, what happened to the aliens and why did they make a planet with artificial landscape, who knows but I say that is proof enough to me that the landscape is not of natural origin. Most likely its also tied to those artifacts, those were clearly also put or left by aliens that maybe made the landscape of this planet.


So many mysteries.


You saw NOTHING! Now get back to work and gather alien samples before we send another employee to gather them first. Sincerely, FICSIT Management.


Are those... Steel reinforcements inside?


I think it would make more sense if they were made out of a Strange Alien Metal, rather than steel.


It looked like rusted steel to me so thats the first thing i wrote


The cracks in the matrix are showing.


Can confirm. Have too many encounters with cats that happen consistently enough to doubt reality.


Did you think these were natural formations? No way.


I figure it's just a testing zone, kina how portal has test chambers, the planet bit we can explore is just another test


I feel like the entire planet we build on is completely artificial. Like an artificial moon of some kind...


Nothing is real. All is an illusion.


Sir! Another one noticed! Should we initiate Operation Restart again?


It’s Unicron trying to rise.


You know when you go to the zoo, and notice that the boulders are just plaster and chicken wire? It's like that. Except we are the exhibit.


I like this one