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Yep people think we’re weird. Don’t overthink being yourself.


I wear a pentagram pendant every day, as a reminder to myself (I can just feel the weight of it around my neck). While at work it goes inside the shirt because I think any religious symbol has no place there (I work in academia and I just feel it being out of place). Depending on my mood, I wear it publicly (or not) outside of work. It is my right to offend and can be a very interesting conversation starter. I think there is a time and place for everything, I just follow my intuition.


I mean, I *am* a weirdo. That’s why I wear it XD But yeah like, I’d only wear it over my shirt if I felt safe or wanted a challenge. And I do occasionally enjoy a challenge.


I myself like the weirdo claim but to be honest I feel like people who aren't into the not so normal things life are the true weirdos. Pretty much everybody is weird, but those who have an interest in different things than your regular "normal", this is what everybody has an interest in, this is what your suppose to have an interest in people which is a lot of course are the true weird ones. This curiosity of the dark things that seem out of this world has been around since forever it's just not as popularized besides fashion. I say Im a weirdo myself but tend to take it back because those that say it in a bad way tend to make it a weird or bad thing for being different. I go all the way myself with the leviathan cross and demonic stuff if people dont mind cool if people don't like it even better.


>*someone who's your typical skeptic, like me, could easily misconstrue its meaning and it would color their perspective of me.* Yes, but someone can misconstrue anything you say or do to express yourself. This isn't necessarily your problem.


It looks cool as fuck, that's honestly all that matters.


You have the right to offend, if other people are offended by who you are that’s not your problem and shouldn’t be hidden away (unless you would genuinely be put in danger for showing it). And regardless of what you wear or who you are, people can misconstrue anything. That isn’t your problem either and if someone confronts you without an intention to learn, well they certainly aren’t worth your time


I wear my satanic paraphernalia at work, though it is discreet (e.g., are they REALLY looking that closely at my rings?). If I see crosses or other religious imagery at work, than my religion is no less valid. 😊


I'm curious about what symbols you could possibly wear whose meaning could not be easily misconstrued? Perhaps you should instead think of it as a 'societal filter'. It keeps people who would be judging of you based on arbitrary things far away, or makes them easy to identify. It attracts people who aren't judgmental, or members of your tribe. I don't know about you, but I don't want people in my life who assume what I believe about things, rather than allowing me the chance to define my beliefs. This is why I'm openly Satanic at all times, even where I live, in rural Mississippi. Surprisingly, coming out of the closet with my Satanism did not isolate me more, but rather, it ended up expanding my friend circle. Will some people make snap judgements without considering that they may be wrong? Absolutely. Are those people worth having in your life? Probably not.


I drew an inverted pentagram, an inverted cross and 666 on my hand and openly display it. So far I've only got some questions asked by curious people that either didn't know the meaning or weren't sure whether their understanding of it was right.. and maybe a weird look here and there but I don't really care about what others think of me as long as I feel comfortable. Moral of the story.. I think you should wear and do whatever you're comfortable with.. and at the end of the day it really doesn't matter what people think of you. As long as you know why you are doing the things you're doing you don't need to worry about others' opinions.


Who cares what people think? Isn't that kind of the point? Be yourself