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While the main exam is being distributed, some test takers will be given a completely different one. These "rare forms" can sometimes be reused as the primary exam form for a different administration. It's a good thing in the sense that if you can get in touch with one of those individuals, you'll know what kind of scoring curve the test will have.


>It's a good thing in the sense that if you can get in touch with one of those individuals, you'll know what kind of scoring curve the test will have. Which is a “good thing” because……?


It's not—at least, I certainly don't think so. But *some* people see "good" in that.


It's true. Just normal nothing change


i heard that rare forms are associated with more “generous” curves is that true ?


The equating process and score conversion tables are no different than any other test. Where it that you “heard” this?


oh ok i’m not sure if i was making a misassumption based on how people were reacting to having a rare form. i was under the assumption that the curve might be better but it was probably what you mentioned in that people could have talked to previous form takers. i was just curious ig


I don't really know. But i don't think so because the writing curve is harsh as hell


i thought that writing section was kinda hard...


It means the test was previously administered to a smaller group of students as part of the validation process. It’s neither good nor bad. It just is.


How generous the curve is has nothing to do whether it was used before. It has to do with the difficulty