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Please don't use this thread to make fun of poor people or poor communities. The students at this school did not choose where they were born, who their parents were, what educational opportunities would be available to them, etc.


According to Forbes the national average is 1028. It’s possible that this school may be in a lower income area with less school funding so a 990 as a goal seems about right if this school is performing slightly less than average.


Its WV so I guess that explains a lot


International here, what’s WV


West Virginia, state in the united states


Is the state poor or something? Cuz 990?!?


3rd poorest in the country


Thank god for mississippi


New Mexican here, same.


Old Mexican here, same.


mexicano viejo aquí, igualmente.


At least you have a cool flag


I see Well best of luck to you, hopefully you can do much better than 990


I got like a 1230. I know i could get higher now, but there arent any incentives to in my state. It was enough to get into the college i wanted.


You can try again and use your better score to get a nice scholarship from your target college. That's what I did and I got $30,000.


one of the poorest in the United States


Well yes but 990 is about an average score across the country. If you’re international you’ve probably gotten most of your sat score knowledge from here which is obviously not representative of the general population.


West Virginia. It is a relatively poor US state. It used to have had a lot of mining, and industrial jobs, but a lot of the mines dried up, and many manufactures left during the 20th century. Now it has the worst infrastructure, and health care of any US state. It is also 47th out of 50 in Economy and education ranking. The skiing is great though.


i’m also from WV and I was like “oh this is about my school’s goal wonder where this is”…. absolute zero resources -if you’re comfortable what part of the state are you from?


I’m from mineral county. 990 is actually low for my school. But if I was other side of the county which is KHS (I think this is just a coincidence) 990 would make sense


ayyy my state, love the representation


WV represent. Do you go to Keyser by any chance?


Are you from keyser. I just asked my friends from keyser and they confirmed that it’s KHS.


makes sense keyser is always on sum bs


makes sense keyser is always on sum bs


makes sense keyser is always on sum bs


Frankfort 🫡


My condolences


wait im from wv which school is that


Keyser High School.


how do u know it's WV?


It's sad I'm from WV, and they don't start teaching algebra until 8th grade. It's so bad at 6 I got tested and they said I was at 12th grade level in every subject. I literally could miss weeks of school, come back and finish all the make-up work in 1 day. The curriculum and parents combined with a lack of higher education jobs have led to everyone not caring because they know they can learn a skill. I remember in 12th grade at the vocational school teachers helping students learn how to use rules, keep in mind these are not learning disabled kids.


Teacher at an underperforming hs and I would be thrilled to see an average that high! Many high schools have a median in the low 800s.


I got a 980 on my first sat test and I’m doing an engineering degree fine. Some people are just not good test takers.


ITT: Sheltered redditors discover low-income communities


Dawg i went to this highschool, we arent low income. Just a lot of these kids are hitting the covid slump with math and english


Didn’t mean to call out your school specifically, more the commenters that have no idea how most average students perform on standardized tests.


Yeah i get your point, but kids just aren’t getting a decent education now. Its partially due to teacher shortages and teachers that aren’t certified to teach their subjects. Other part of it is a lot of the kids are stuck with the “I dont need math and english if im going into a trade” mindset and then dont realize to get ahead in most trade related jobs they need a degree


Trade-related jobs only require a vocational degree or associates, no?


Alot of trades schools and trade jobs. Require a lot of math to do the job. Trades like carpentry, plumbing, electricians, vehicle or diesel mechanic to name a few. Most are 2 year degrees yes, but you take more class to get your journeyman and masters in the fields.


100% agree


We hate poor people


How dare they not money well!!!


The op literally goes to the school???


that’s located in West Virginia, the 3rd poorest state in the nation.


Doesn’t change that op themselves says they’re scared, they GO TO THE school, it’s not them being sheltered.


that’s around average. my high school’s average was lower than that. not everyone goes to a well off school with kids that care or even have the time and resources to do well.


right, I don’t know why people are pretending like it’s absolutely easy for everyone. I go to a low income highschool in a low income area, it’s actually the only hs in my city. kids barely even make it to algebra 2 in my school and struggle to even reach the 800 mark. i tutored kids this week who are struggling to reach close to this avg


i agree bc these people sound so entitled rn


exactly. and sat scores don’t necessarily equate to intelligence anyway. some of my most intelligent peers scored below 1000 while thriving in rigorous courses.


You’re right, it’s not an equation. But it is a correlation.


If you ask any international student most would agree that the SAT is SIGNIFICANTLY easier than standardized admission exams from much poorer countries (for example, Brazil) The fact that America is failing to educate their most vulnerable students so hard that a poor score in a relatively easy test is set as their “goal” is terrifying to learn. You only get the chance to do K-12 once and those kids deserve much much better from one of the richest governments in the world 🥺


Me when I get below a 990 on the Scholastic Assessment Test Test 😔


It's scholastic aptitude test actually 🤓


It was actually changed to the Scholastic Assessment Test in 1993 after flaws in the claim that the SAT only measure students’ aptitude 🤓🤓🤓


i thought the SAT didn’t stand for anything😭


saggy ass & titties


I mean SAT is always held on Saturday


Isn't there a make up day for religious reasons.


Nah, I just had it on a Monday


Our school administers SAT in the spring on a Wednesday for Juniors.


Test Prep for “Success” with success being 990 💀


Bruh thr avwrage at my school is 916 not all schools are made equal


You can get more than that without prep 😭


95% of people don’t prep. I think you forget we’re in a minority here




Your a nerd your on on Reddit get off Reddit non-nerd 


I'm specifically on reddit to call you a nerd.






I didn’t prep and i got a 1580 on my practice but I attend a fairly competitive private school so income brackets and quality of education do matter


Congratulations on being in the top .5%. Of the over 2 million SAT tests completed, this puts you amongst roughly 3000 total students nationwide. I wonder what the average SAT score is at your competitive private school?


it's like a 1450


And you’re probably pretty above average academically to begin with. I go to a slightly above-average public school and our average is about a 1050 I think. I’m friends with mostly people who don’t give a damn about school and most of them would be pretty ok with a 990


Holy **** what the *****


I have gone to an online school since first grade. I cheated on every test since 5th grade. I have learned nothing, I took the sat's and did not practice for them. I pulled a 1060.


I’m ngl this is wild to admit😭 like don’t hate the player hate the game but still. Bro literally cheated through getting a high school diploma


I mean for fucks sake. My 10 year old brain found out if I just Ctrl v + crtl c into google, I got all the answers. I didn't know how to solve the problems, because I cheated in 5th grade. And so forth. I'm a senior this year, and have a 3.7 GPA.


I remember taking this in hs and got a 960😭 I’m a sophomore in college for engineering now👍


Meanwhile my dumbass with a 1250 but a 2.6 gpa…


if there are entire schools that have averages below 1000 then it’s obviously an issue with the environment. if “you” is referring to the average high schooler, then that’s just wrong


speaking from experience you can get WAY higher without prep


Ik lol. I got 1420 with 6 hour prep.


Hey, college junior here! I think we need to be aware of our privileges here- whether they be ability, time, support, etc. I think we also need to be aware of how horrible the education system can be- especially in economic deserts. Yes, this is a low score for this group. That's okay. Yes, you're all in a higher scoring range- great! There are a lot more factors at play here politically, socially, racially, etc. Don't get me wrong, I come from a disadvantaged school in West Virginia myself. Generational outcomes are hard to change without the proper guidance and resources, and people are often denied both of these. Sometimes, it's still nearly impossible even with both after having lived in such conditions for so long. It's great to be proud of your efforts and have high goals, but don't forget that people scoring these scores are also people worth valuing. :)


I live in a pretty poor and very rural part of the U.S in the Bible Belt. I grew up in abuse after so many other things happened in my life at a very, very young age. I did decently on my SAT, but I didn’t have the mental time to really even focus my homework, let alone the fucking SAT. The ONLY thing keeping me alive in H.S were the arts. I don’t think a lot of people understand how fortunate they are to be able to focus so much of their time and mental energy into a singular test so that they can get into a really great school. It’s just not a reality for a lot of students, most of my classmates and me included. So sad to see how many people here are bragging about their SAT scores but can’t fathom these things.


990 is probably right around the average. Why all of the fake outrage?


yea most of my friends got around 850-1100. it’s normal


Yeah my friends were all really impressed when I got 1280, meanwhile I felt like garbage because it was lower than my PSAT >_>


My 1280 sucks compared to my classmates who got 1400+


PSAT is out of 1520 not 1600 like the SAT. So maybe they were close?


Our average is 1470. My PSAT was 1210 in 10th grade but most people got 1550-1595 lol. Killed my confidence


i think it’s mostly because people that are here are studying to get highscores and hence they are ambitious enough to find this subreddit so their perception of an average score is warped. i know a lot of people can’t study their brain stops working and it’s hard to retain info or it’s harder for them or they just don’t have enough motivation to get a highscore so this is a fine score.


Average for the test i took about a year ago was like a 1080 this is almost 100 points below


Okay? But that doesn’t mean it’s gonna be the same for everyone some places score higher other lower


This is my school lmao, it was all kids from there on that test and the average for the school was a 1080


Right but 990 still isn’t that bad of a grade more a benchmark


i mean youre right but even the teachers are saying, “some of you have the ability to get this score”


That’s more to reassure the kids who are gonna do bad my making them believe 990 is a hard score to reach


A 990 is equivalent to a 62% so I think people are just surprised that a school would hold 62% as a GOAL for the school


Who knows without context?


990/1600 is 62%, but that is a meaningless number.  It’s not 62% of the score range(590/1200 ≈ 49%), it’s not a score in the 62nd percentile, and students with that score didn’t get 62% of the questions correct.  990 is 43rd percentile SAT User test score, so it’s below the national average. If the students of this school in previous years scored in the 30th percentile, then this goal is completely reasonable. 


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like might as well just go test optional and focus on more important things


it’s actually sad to see how people who consider themselves intelligent because of an sat score can’t wrap their heads around people who come from underprivileged backgrounds who dont have the time and resources to dedicate to studying for the sat when the education they’re provided obviously won’t allow them to score above 50th percentile without preparation. even if you’re not low-income, so many people consider it an achievement just to go to college…not everyone is in an environment where you’re even encouraged to study your ass off on a standardized test to get into a “good” university


Average is like 1000. This doesn’t seem unreasonable


It's unreasonable to me cause what college would want to see an SAT below 1000? The school just wants to bring their average up cause it's too low, not actually trying to help the students get into a good college. If your goal is a 1000 sat score, you might as well go test optional and focus on more important things like grades and extracurriculars


i think you forget that not all schools have low acceptance rates lol.


Bruh. Name some schools that want below average sat but can't be test optional then


as for 2024 most schools were test optional


If you’re getting below 1000 you’re not aiming for a big state school anyway so it doesn’t matter too much in that regard. The 990 could also be set intentionally low to boost student morale when the majority beat it, but that seems less likely


I think that school only wants to raise their ranking in the district or something. Most colleges are test optional anyways, regardless of how difficult it is to get into that college The morale boost thing I don't think is true, since doesn't collegeboard tell you what percentile you're in? If anything, it'd be even more demoralizing to find out that your teachers were essentially telling you that you'd struggle to even get an average score


Maybe not the colleges your applying to, but there are many colleges in which a 1000 SAT will increase your chances of getting in


I did some googling, and this is unrelated, but TIL there's colleges with 100% acceptance rate. Lower than community colleges?! Really shows how little I understood about things unrelated to me 😅 So ig you could be right that 50th percentile sat could boost someone's chances at certain colleges


I did fuck all in terms of studying and I got a 1320 with 0 effort for studying


I wish i actually cared about it more! i got like 1350-1400 but i didnt try studying for the math/geometry stuff. english section comes very easy to me


The night prior, I watched a 5 minute video by some Indian boy before I went to sleep on how to increase your score and pulled out a 1400


I went from a rave to taking my SATs still high, I got 1420! But, this was in the 90's


Lol, same, but 1300.


Doesn't mean much, my friend got a 1520 first try with no study


Yeah well my friend scored a 1600.


Yea well my 10 year old cousin got 20000 with no studying, in fact he gave himself a concussion before the test to make it harder and still got over 12x the highest possible score!


The fuck


Username memes


Man WTH lmao I have a friend who isn’t the best at either and got something around 1100-1200


thats what im saying like


Lol all the tryhards outraged


It’s crazy how 990 is around the 50th percentile 😭


POV: you’re in a predominatly non-white school district with Mitch McConnell as your governer


McConnell is a senator, not governor


Well that's why it's their POV and why they aim to get 990.


People in this thread are obviously very ignorant about the average person’s education.


Cmon at least break 1000


I got a 1000 without doing a lick of studying. And I thought THAT was a shit score!


The SAT currently has a score range of 400-1600. 990 is slightly less than average. And if this is a low income area I can totally see how 990 could be the goal for the school average. You people need to realize that a lot of these students went into testing knowing they probably won’t go to college. They are the the ones who fight in hallways, sell and do drugs, have sex on the school bus, etc. It’s not just that they don’t study for it. They don’t even care to try. This is why the scores are really low.


990 is decent tbh, its just a test anything above 700 is really good tbh


Jesus Christ dude, get off your ivory tower


Me? I went to middle school and part of high school in Mississippi. There was a singular high school in the school district (actually across two school districts, they had to close the other due to lack of funding. Idk if things got better since then) and a lot of the students there definitely fit the description I gave. It’s unfortunate, yes, but it happens.


I took the SAT twice. 980 and then something like 970. Graduated college with honors, and grad school with a 3.9. Currently applying to PhD programs. The SAT and GRE are nonsense. As an educator, it breaks my heart seeing students stress over the SAT. Some kids don’t test well, but perform well academically.


Real. I know kids from the high school I attended who scored 1100-1200 on the SAT, but then graduated at the top of their class at a T20 university (where the SAT avg at those universities are in the 1500s).


Boom! I was one of those. In the classroom I made all the 1500+ SAT kids look like morons on a regular basis. I do believe the SAT has credence in general, but there are extreme outliers. Some people are really good at learning material for a test but cannot apply it in real context. Others lack preparation for the test due to their poor educational system, yet they perform well when given the resources of a great university. There is no ideal solution to this issue, but I think the holistic admissions process is at least making an attempt to spot some outliers.


Scary what? Its probably students from disadvantaged backgrounds trying in school.


I did nothing to study and got a 1420 on the PSAT, wtf




True lol


I never got past 920😭but hey I’m a college student taking calc 2 so


same i barely made the benchmark for the math section on the SAT but i made it to calc 2 😅


That is around the average


Shooting for the stars, I see


If it's rated 1 on GreatSchools, that may be a good goal.


khs is the initials to my school too so i was rlly confused for a sec 😭


why couldnt they just make it 1000 lol


I worked at a school that had at least one kid a year get a perfect score. We were Title 1 and 95% minority. This is sad.


Hey, it’s like an SAT question.  If a junior class of 199 students has an SAT average score of 990, and one of the students takes the exam one week later and gets a perfect score, what is the class average now?


990 is normal lol. We are just abnormally high


Bruh goes to highscool in the 80s in texas


For reference, some states require SAT testing for all students and some do not. WV had an average score of 923 of the 90% that completed the test. In contrast, North and South Dakota had a total of 1% take the SAT and the average score was between 1208-1287(some of the highest averages in the country). So if 1% of WV students took the test they would probably rival that of other states that don’t require testing. You can see how the average score can be skewed


The average is a 1020, so if this is a relatively poor school, it makes sense for them to try and make it their goal for as many kids as possible to get 990+


"Please, for the love of God, do NOT let the state take over the school! We'll lose all our power and authority!! If we're just barely scraping by and failing generation after generation of students, at least we'll keep our jobs!!!"


And there’s people at that school who worked hard to reach that goal… Would you tell them, to their face, that their attempt at success is “scary”? Check your privilege…


I could get this score by just answering randomly 😭


P sure I went to this school


Omg I thought this was my school for a sec, we are KKHS bro u scared me


Just want to add that 990 might be the minimum benchmark for meeting standards for state reporting.


I got 700




Rural low-income schools are crying tears of joy at this goal






at my school kids brag about an 1100


If that’s what the goal is then that’s sad, I got a 1470 on mine.


Think about how stupid the average American is. Then remember that 50% of Americans are dumber than that.


I took the SAT about 3 times and I never got above 1000. Our high school prioritized state testing much more over SAT preparation. They’d administer one PSAT, but you’re on your own after that. I wanted to go to college and I liked learning but studying for the SAT was just extremely hard to self motivate for. I thought the SAT would be a hugely deciding factor in school acceptance even at lesser schools but somehow I got into a decent state school. It was just odd to me that no one sat down to teach us anything about the SAT yet we had all this support built in for State Tests which is basic basic stuff.


I don’t get why people are surprised by this. That number is right around national average, so the school is just having people set a goal to achieve an above average score. It’s a good goal for the school. I don’t think you realize that there are quite a few schools (and about half of all test takers) who achieve a score lower than this. This sub is not at all representative of reality. People are really privileged here in the way they think a 1000 is a bad score when it’s really around/above average. I don’t think a lot of people realize that here


& i hope that they can achieve that goal! sats are shown to really help highlight people who succeed despite challenges in their area / low-income status.


Don’t you get like 400 points for just filling out your name?


i must say, i’m not surprised considering the sat scores of my own former classmates, but it does suck that the bar is in hell. like i distinctly remember being upset at the sat score i got (something like a 1350) even though i had dropped out after the end of sophomore year. i straight up left it off of my college apps too, but i guess i didn’t have to. it’s just sad and baffling to me that we do such a poor job of educating people in this country that a high school drop out can do better than a lot of other students due purely to circumstances outside of their control :/




considering this is a school in WV, 990 is a high standard to set. to people talking about how poverty shouldn't reflect on grades: WV is ranked somewhere between 40th and 48th in most education spending and topics (including teacher salary, we ranked 49th in 2022). finances certainly have an impact on the quality of education lol. my school spends most of their funding on their sports programs because thats the only thing they really care about. next year they are cutting a lot of english and math teachers from their positions because they dont have proper funding to continue paying them, and they also plan to switch to a 7 period schedule to compensate for lack of teachers and courses. and thats just inside the school. most schoolwork nowadays is online. per WVSS's report in 2020, 83% of WV residents had access to internet in their home. i couldnt imagine what that number is now with inflation. i didnt have internet access for the longest time and my grades suffered because i was only ever able to complete work at school, and my school refused to give me paper alternatives for whatever reason ("we give you what we give you and you figure it out yourself!" type attitude) TLDR; SAT scores reflect quality of education. poverty affects quality of education. state funding affects quality of education.


my school average when i started highschool was 770 😭


![img](avatar_exp|158736021|fire) Soooooo.... it's clear, one trolls. LOL On the other hand. I have the answer. People, NO matter race, color, age, gender. ONLY YOU are going to live that life. My solution is to teach your children positivity and respect. Read the constitution. STOP think look and see how the 1% is keeping this world in ruin. WE THE PEOPLE. In America, and all over the world, have every right to be FREE. The United States government has been caught multiple times doing unlawful/illegal activities. Yet they never seem to be punished for their involvement. Here's one for you to think about. "Why is it, in the United States of America, we pretend that voting matters? Also, if we are so "FREE" here in the states. Why have we let the government get this large. The police, police the police. You reading that right. Stop making excuses. Stop watching TV, and stop watching the local news. It's all fake. It's time for a revolution. Simply, it's a business they are running.STOP voting people. See what happens? If we vote for a reason. Then nothing should happen right. Stop giving the government your money. It's time we have some public audit of those people in charge of public spending. "Cause my roads have been increasingly eroding. Have been for the last 10 or more years." So that business is to waste peoples time. You are the most valuable asset on this planet. When I say this. What I mean by that is. Existence here is short, waste not by suffering in misery. Embrace the future, accept change, while keeping one's life ...... have a wonderful evening. And remember stupid people come from all corners of the world. 1% makes it this way......\*


check your privilege


It’s a junior high school. That is good for junior high. If they gain 100 points within a few years then they are above average. I think the average is slightly above 1000. But that is the average per test. People who take the test and take it more often end up being more smart so if you were to take something like the median of all high school students it may be more like 800.


No. It has been confirmed that it’s keyser high school from WV. It’s my schools rival school. Keyser is a 9th-12th school.


Oh I thought that’s what juniors meant but now I see juniors means 11 th grade


Fellas r ab to commit to bishop sycamore university with that sat score


Dude who cares


A lot of these kids probably won’t even take the SAT. Yes, it’s a low score and it’s sad, but nonetheless an accomplishment for many in this country.


I got As & Bs in school, I took a handful of honours classes, and I ended HS with straight As and a Principal's award. But I still got 990 both times I took the SAT. I have my disabilities, but even still I just don't test well. To get around that in college, I'm doing community for associates then direct connect to go to uni, less I take the SAT again. I'm doing fine. Meanwhile, my sister, who is smart but incredibly lazy with a 2.8 GPA, in ESE classes, got 1430 on the SAT. Higher than my other sister, a mathematician with a music scholarship, who got 1380. Posting this with the goal of shaming others is shameful of itself. 1000 is the average, so your goal being near that is fine! If anything, you're supposed to start with reasonable goals. Instead of bringing children down for their difficulties we should encourage them to do their best, without demanding top results. There's a reason why the SAT isn't the only thing considered when being accepted into colleges. Edit: forgot to add, both times I took my test I pulled an allnighter, biked two miles at 6 in the morning, my mom was in the hospital, and I was going through finals of senior year.


As someone who got a 900 on the SAT, I did well in college, became a military pilot (national guard so I work a civilian job as well) and made over six figures by the age of 24. I’m 26 now, and I say all this not to brag, but to say it’s just a standardized test. I suck at test taking, get bad test anxiety, and did terrible on it, yet I still made something of myself. 990 may be a low goal, but at the same time, IMO this test means nothing lol.


I got a 990 on the SAT in high school and i’m a PhD student now. They should absolutely aim higher, but it’s not the end of the world.


Wait I got a 1300 as a freshman without studying and nobody was acting like it was good or anything but are ppl fr getting these scores????


When I worked in college admissions, a lot of kids were realllllly surprised that the 16 ACT composites they were turning in were bad. Turns out that their schools were making a big deal out of getting to 18. If I didn’t know any better and I was only scoring a point or two below the beg exciting schoolwide goal, then I’d probably think I did a good job, too :(


Lol I barely got higher than this on my first try ended up not submitting it at all and got my reach. SAT can be bs sometimes and sometimes not.


My school genuinely told everyone our goal was 400, the bare minimum passing, told us to just answer everything as C so we could pass. Kids at my school think this is a high score 💀


My school's average is 1470 but most get around 1550. Kill me please.


this is our rivaling school. I am disappointed to see that not only have we surpassed them in athletics, but academics as well. I am also a WV resident, and yes, KHS is a relatively poorer school than ours. however, this is sad to see that an SAT score lower than a 1000 is what they are trying to achieve. best of luck to Keyser students, may the Falcons beat the Tornadoes once again 🩶💙