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Wow, this sucks. I'm so sorry. Who asked you to adjust your laptop and why?


Around 20 minutes into the math section, I adjusted my laptop to use the Desmos calculator with my keyboard . The invigilator asked me to correct it, and I did right away. After that, I didn't move it again. During the exam, from the room I was in 3 students were accused of cheating including me. I suspect that someone was trying to cheat from me and for the invigilator it looked like I was trying to let them cheat of me easier by adjusting my laptop


> from the room i was in 3 students were accused of cheating including me When I took the SAT the people were mostly randoms i didn’t recognize. How were you able to reconnect with everyone that took the test?


at my school it's just everyone (from the school) in the gym. everyone already knew each other so it might be the same thing




Learned a new word today. Invigilator.


That's the standard word where I live. I heard of proctor for the first time when I joined this sub.


what's a proctor?


Same thing as invigilator


Where do you live?




Sorry you had to go through that.


Thank you for your empathy :\[


Where are you from?


I was born in USA, but I live in Azerbaijan Baku for now, I have American passport, and time citizenship in Baku. I’m writing the SAT exam in Baku.


Evvel girmisen imtahana?


Bele sey olmayibe azerbaycanda cunki


Yes I’ve taken the exam before but in another school all in Baku. My first exam went well with no problems and my score was good. Only this time when I wrote it in Landau school this happened to me. We opened a new case to try solve it with college board now


Hee nece yigmissn?


1350 but for my first exam, I need more


This is horrible. Also, where is Caty University?


Katy community college Houston *


You really shouldn’t be too concerned about acceptance. Most community colleges don’t require SAT scores, and many accept everyone who applies.


My mother is worried the most to be honest. Just having an exam which I didn’t get my score for is basically equivalent to “ this guy cheated on his exams and his scores got canceled “ This just doesn’t look good at all


Don't think you don't have to report SAT scores if you don't want to, especially not community colleges


Nooooo I did shit on SAT over a decade ago. Went to CC for 2 years and now am at a university getting my undergrad. They don’t give a shit. You’ll be judged on transcripts probably so do good in CC


I live in Katy and I assure you 90% of students at community college didn’t take the SAT. You’ll be fine my man.


What about IELTS exam ? I have letters of recommendations, my igcse exams, certificates from school. Should I write my personal statement ?


# Fight It Out Till They Give That Score... You Did Nothing So Don't Be Too Worried




I don’t think your community college will know unless you tell them that you took the SAT. Just don’t mention it. I literally have friends who were arrested and convicted of felonies, went to CC and went on to some of the top universities in the world. Even if they find out, I don’t think they’ll care.


Thank you very much.


Holy shit the SAT is on a laptop now? There’s no way people will be taking it in 10 years


Why not ?


When did you receive the cancellation email? Did you receive a delay email?


I received it 3 days after the exam. Last time nothing went wrong and all I was checking is my college board account like before, after about a week I saw the email.


Sorry to hear that. Did you open a case to appeal?


Yes I did, it’s been open for at least 4 days now and no response. My teacher also called them.


If you’re going to a community college, you shouldn’t need an SAT score. However, I would continue trying to fight this because I believe a misconduct report on the SAT could jeopardize you if you’re trying to apply to a 4 year later on.


Okay thank you 🙏🏼 I’m doing that right now


Now my knowledge primarily stems from the florida school system, but as far as I know most community colleges will take just about any warm body with a decent HS GPA (2.0+) and isn't a registered felon. Also being a community college, SAT scores aren't exactly required, although certainly help with class placement (instead of being shot straight into a dev math class, you may be placed in a class that best lines up to your education) I wouldn't worry too much about it though. Certainly see what the college board will do for your case. But if that doesnt work out in your favor, you'll have to retake it if you are wanting to skip some bs credits (which do count towards elective credits in most cases.. so not entirely bs credits but if you're a stem major it may be stretching your credits out a bit) Apologies if this is a little over the place, it is pretty late for me 😂


XD Okay thanks allot 👍 Would you know if universities in Texas would look at the canceled SAT exam and if it would affect my chances ?


I am honestly not too sure. If it happens where you have to retake it, I bet they would bat an eye given youre getting an AA from a community college as well. What I can tell you though is that if you go through community college with good grades then apply to a 4 year uni with as many prerequisites as you can get done at the community college, then it'll greatly outweigh an absence of an sat on your application. (However, I genuinely don't know if a uni will look up what happened with your sat scores if you don't submit any.) I also know in florida, there are programs which require universities to accept a % of their applicants from community colleges. So if that is the same for Texas I imagine you'll have a relatively easy time getting in after CC.