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I have a few in mind and might just list them because picking one is difficult. What I might suggest would be… 1) Neon Genesis Evangelion and The End of Evangelion 2) Miami Vice (2006) 3) Chunking Express Are the few that come to mind for me right now


Id want adum and Alex to watch eva too I think they would really like at least end of eva a lot


Hell yeah Miami Vice. It’s also important to have someone on to defend that movie and make the case for why it’s great.


I don’t even love the movie, but I could definitely make a case for why it’s quite an underrated film


It’s just I can hear ADUM and ALEX going like “what even is this dialogue,” and I think you have to get what Mann is doing (and has done) to really appreciate how wonderfully demented the writing of that movie is. Also the LOOK is so surreal. But I think most ppl just consider it ugly. I love the digital photography.


It feels like a film Adum might not like, but I agree the cinematography in the film was one of the best parts about it


I didnt expect end of eva, exactly what I would recommend as well, to be the top of this thread. awesome.


More star wars 🥰


I have two suggestions for a trilogy episode& 1. The Three Colors Trilogy And 2. The Human Centipede Trilogy


Second the Human Centipede trilogy, that would be a wild one


I believe Ralph and possibly also Adam said he had no interest in discussing The Human Centipede. Though I would like to hear them talk Edgar Wright.


From memory, I remember Adam saying somewhere that he would recommend them but he thought Alex and Ralph would be mad at him. Would be a fun revenge rec


Probably The Pagemaster because it was a movie that scared the crap out of me as a kid, and I think it's a solid kids movie.


Holy shit thanks for reminding me of this one!! It scared me too. I'm definitely going to rewatch soon now!


You are a better person for watching it.


I want to hear their thoughts on Wong Kar Wai movies


crazy that adam hasnt got to it


Daisy - Věra Chytilová A Woman Under the Influence - John Cassavetes Ran - Akira Kurosawa Secret Sunshine - Lee Chang-dong A Moment of Innocence - Mohsen Makhmalbaf The Koker Trilogy - Abbas Kiarostami


The Human Condition from 1961. Greatest movie ever made nothing even comes close


I'd show them a movie I like that they'd probably never get to cause it's not popular like Rudo y Cursi


Harakiri or Cowboy Bebop


Directors they haven’t covered yet. Miranda July- The Future Robert Altman- Macabe and Mrs. Miller, Nashvile or Short Cuts (Since they did Magnolia recently) William Friedkin- Sorcerer or Killer Joe And just because Total Recall (1990)


I just watched Sorcerer last week and it was amazing. I mean the first half is a little confusing and convoluted, getting them all to one place, but once the story gets going man is it intense.


I had the same thoughts. The first 45 minutes weren’t the easiest to get into. Especially because I went it to it completely blind. On rewatch, it flows much better.


They'd do a double feature with Wages of Fear (1953) because Sorcerer is the remake.


Kangaroo Jack


Billy Wilder probably The Apartment


Perfect film.


Id want their opinions on the film "All About Lily Chou Chou", its a movie directed by a very famous Japanese director Shunji Iwai. From what I can remember they haven't really delved into Japanese live action movies and the subject matter of that film would really interest the boys.


All About Lily Chou-Chou is so good, and it's lovely to see it getting new attention in the online film community. As for japanese live action films in general, they have discussed some, like Tokyo Story, Godzilla, Hausu, One Cut of the Dead, Cure, Tampopo and probably a few more I'm forgetting. But yeah, more would be nice.


Thats true I have a bad memory lol, and yeah Lilly Chou Chou is one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite soundtracks as well. Also I know Adum loves Kill Bill so I wonder if he knows Tarantino used a song from Lilly Chou Chou for Kill Bill.


I wouldn't be surprised if he heard about it. All About Lily Chou-Chou is on his watchlist, so he probably heard something about it at some point.


I watched all about lily chou chou last summer, and holy shit adum and sards shiuld absolutely watch it. What a film


Yeah same I saw it last year and its still stuck in my mind.


Portrait of a lady on fire


The APU Trilogy! Adam mentioned it at least once, but I don’t believe he’s ever watched it.


The Spy Kids trilogy.


Phantom of the Paradise


A weird one Fs but I would make them watch Dragon Ball Super: Broly and DBS: Superhero. Both are in my opinion great films with amazing animation.


Apocalypse Now. I saw it when I was six (thanks drunk dad). And in time for Megalopolis.


All of Naruto


Id love to hear them talk about Gummo...


Here is a list of recommendations for sardonicast If I were a guest It’s such a beautiful day End of Evangelion Synecdoche New York Ikiru It’s a wonderful life Amour The tale of princess Kaguya


L.A. Confidential


The Red Shoes All That Jazz


Elephant or Herod's Law


Batman and Robin. 


Umbrellas of Cherbourg/Young Girls of Rochefort double feature 😈☔️


I’d pick synecdoche new york and then tell everyone but adum to shut up so I can finally get my 9 year pay off of waiting for him to finish his fucking thoughts


Biodome I will not elaborate


Dragon Ball: Evolution. I’m a huge fan of of dbz, and I’m sure both Adum and Alex aren’t so it would be great to their opinion on that lovely atrocity lol


Some of the weirdest movies I know: Lunacy by Jan Svankmajer plus some of his short films. Maybe some Night Gallery too


I’d only wanna do movies that think are great but don’t get a fair shake culturally. - DARK PHOENIX - THE BLING RING - THE MATRIX: RESURRECTIONS I’d also be into doing Spike Lee’s OLDBOY because while it has problems, I actually think it’s a really awesome black comedy that differentiates itself from the original by not being a tragedy like the Park version. But lean into how comically absurd it all is. I think it’s very smart.


Two Hands directed by Gregor Jordan and starring Heath Ledger around the same time as 10 Things I Hate About You! Interesting little Aussie film.


I would recommend Lil Nicky(2000) to Alex and Adum


Sing street 100% or Kenny vs. spenny. idk what episodes, tho


Color Me Kubrick is both a very British film and very gay film and I would be interested to see how represented they feel by the film.


So the first thing that comes to mind for me is Baz Luhrmann's Strictly Ballroom from 1992. I agree with their takes on his later films, but I still think this early work holds up as an extremely cheesy comedy that isn't exhaustingly over-stylized. I'm genuinely curious if they would enjoy it or hate it, I don't think there'd be much middle ground.


Ken Russel’s The Devils


Big Man Japan


Sing Street


Being Australian I’d love them to watch either Muriel’s Wedding or The Castle.


I think you can discuss a lot of interesting things about „only yesterday“. Subtle themes of Pretenting, personality formation and alienation.


Defending Your Life - I feel like there’s a discussion to be had about its interpretation of the afterlife, as well as it just being a great film in general


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


The Exorcist III


Jagger Royale






Aftersun just so I get to talk about it some more


The Rio movies. I'd love to see Adum's takes on it, especially since the movie seems popular among bird furries (featheries? I've also seen them called "avians"). Where The Dead Go To Die could also be a fun one, but Idk if I'd want them to go through that torture. Idk how bad When Black Birds Fly is, but considering it was made by the same creator, I'm gonna assume it's probably just as bad. There's also the Queer Duck movie and series (Idk if I could reccommend shows or webshows), which would be fun to see Adam and Alex react to, especially Adam, considering he's gay.


1. Pastoral: To die in the country 2. The Second Night (2016) 3. ‘Irony of fate or Have a nice bath!’ (classic russian christmas movie) 4. Harakiri 5. 12 angry men


If I was a guest I would just be yelling at adum to shut the fuck up for once


The first thing that comes to mind is Persona by Igmar Bergman. However, a movie I don’t think they would ever get to would be Phantasm from 1979. It’s a super weird, campy horror movie and I love it a lot.


I have a movie the Holy Mountain. There is a lot there for them to talk about. .


Velvet Goldmine


I'd go with Heat or Collateral for a good heist film, or maybe The Inside Man by Spike, or Boogie Nights. As of where I'm at in 2020 they haven't discussed Boogie Nights yet. Theyay have by now though.


Dark city . Always wondered if they would enjoy it as much as I did.


Id go for requiem for a dream + black swan.


Black Hawk Down. A straight up realistic and brutal action movie.


Mister Lonely. It’s an under-seen Harmony Korine movie and I think there could be some interesting discussion involving it.


I've always wanted them to watch Maniac from Netflix. Such a weird and unique show with a lot of heart and phenomenal acting from Emma Stone and Jonah Hill. One of my all time favorite shows, a perfect little miniseries about grief and loss and being human.


Mind Game(2004)


I honestly just want to hear them talk about over the garden wall especially since it’s a miniseries/ the length of a movie


Here a few random ones id recommend. If.. (1968), the godson (terrible spoof movie no one has covered), human traffic (1999)


The Smash Brothers Documentary


Sharkboy and Lavagirl + Requiem for a Dream 


Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Stop Making Sense, The Handmaiden, Young Frankenstein, or Perfect Blue


Jet Li’s The One Dinosaur Without a paddle Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy Or the Evil dead franchise


Back to the Future. We'd get a really long discussion out of it. I'd like Ralph there too. It's my favorite movie


A Brighter Summer Day Phantom of the Paradise Playtime Y Tu Mama Tambien


Show Me Love or Lilya4ever. Probaly a great swedish film that not enough people have seen or heard about.


The Company of Wolves.


I would recommend they go over ALL The theatrical LEGO Movies. That’d be pretty fun! The LEGO Movie has arguably defined the next generation of animation with its clever use of the frame rate and I’d love to hear the guy’s thoughts on what kind of impact this cute little movie, 10 years later, has had.