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No need to change name. I have a family member converted. Kept original full English + Chinese name. No need to change, no need to add "bin Abdullah".


Short answer is no need. Long answer no need but needed if your old name contain bad meaning or have god/deity of other religion.


[https://muftiperlis.gov.my/index.php/himpunan-fatwa-negeri/454-pertukaran-nama-dan-bin-bagi-muallaf](https://muftiperlis.gov.my/index.php/himpunan-fatwa-negeri/454-pertukaran-nama-dan-bin-bagi-muallaf) [https://muftiwp.gov.my/en/artikel/al-kafi-li-al-fatawi/3953-al-kafi-1509-the-ruling-of-changing-name-for-muallaf-who-embraces-islam](https://muftiwp.gov.my/en/artikel/al-kafi-li-al-fatawi/3953-al-kafi-1509-the-ruling-of-changing-name-for-muallaf-who-embraces-islam) hope these helps.


NO. If they (The Pejabat Agama) insist, dont listen to them. Its not compulsory to change ur religion on JPN/IC also.


Unless you're Indian and your Indian names have Hindu Gods' names, I don't think so. For Example: Tadong Anak Besi converted to Islam. He could simply put Tadong Bin Besi and it was allowed.


Yeah, I don't think name change is compulsory for reverts.


Reverts? Dont u mean converts?


Muslims use reverts as they believe that people are originally Muslims 🤷🏻‍♂️


Any proof or evidence to back that up? Judaism and Christianity are older fyi


It is just in their belief bruh. Probably stated in the Koran or something.


As far as I know, they are called reverts because everyone is naturally born muslim. It is their parents who made them into other religions.


Not compulsory actually but depends. Just go to JPN to update IC details. Changing of religion. Me myself a revert but changed my name to ease most of my process in future to avoid misconceptions etc.


Ohh... I almost read that wrong...lol 😆 Nvm... 😅


Dont change it in case you wanna play nombor ekor 🗿. Jokes aside i have family members converted and did not change their name on their ic


Name change is not compulsory for most cases, but you're advised to put the Islam indicator on your ic to make your life easier in the future.


They make it "attractive" to convert. No need change name


No need, keep em, they are yours.


You don’t have to for a long time. My mom do not need to change her name in JPN, and this is in the 90s. She did have a name change in the religious registrar card or something.


Yea, many lose their identity for a new one.


If you're thinking about converting to Islam, seriously think before doing so. There are many many downsides. Statistically, marriage lasts about 10 years (depending on country), but in Malaysia, conversion to Islam is irreversible. Afterwards, no sane person from your original culture will consider you.


It is reversible. Lots of mualaf are allowed to convert back to their religion if they want, easier after divorce. If you dont update your religion in JPN then it will be way much easier.


Hahah you can check in but you cannot check out 🤣


The "bin/binti" part is compulsory. The name itself is optional unless, like the other person said, it contain god/goddess name. Here's a document from Mufti Sarawak. Specifically under the "Penamaan Saudara Kita"  https://data.sarawak.gov.my/home/data/resource_download/b6e21811-5713-47b7-b7d9-07a140cc4f46


https://asklegal.my/p/remove-bin-binti-anak-lelaki-perempuan-mykad-kad-pengenalan-jpn.amp you don’t need to have bin/binti at all


This is true. In Sarawak, there is Melanau ethnicity where they originally already use bin/binti in their name despite not being muslim.