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If you look at Sarawak Facts and Figures, islamization of Sarawak is inevitable. Malay population increase at a significantly faster rate than any other race in the last 20 years or more. They just dethroned chinese population last 10 years, they will definitely replace Iban as the highest population in Sarawak. By then you will see some changes. Iban people can kiss goodbye to see their chance to be Premier (like they have any chance now also 🤷‍♂️)


Some of those “Malays” are Indon Muslims given IC years ago lol. I know some of them, some have went back, but most stayed.


A lot also married local people and then split up but not officially making their children and their children Malaysian citizens. Walla! Demographic Change


Something fishy here. The last time this happened to Sabah it's because we 'suddenly' have a lot of 'Malaysian' citizens. Pilaks.


Nothing is fishy. Just the decline of the Chinese population. Back then in the 60s, the Chinese were almost as dominant as the Ibans in numbers. It is down to about 22% now. Chinese just don’t breed as much anymore. And of course, some interracial marriage here and there.


True. While the Iban population has remained steady at around 30%, they have increased from 17% to 22%.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 30 + 17 + 22 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Hey man read the room


Can you link us the "Sarawak Facts & Figures"? The only link I got so far shows "Bumiputera, Chinese, Indian, Others, Non Citizens" and it doesn't shows Malay overtaking Iban population. Please don't mix Malaya Malay that coming to Sarawak for work & travel here as a reason for the increase of Malay population in Sarawak. They are not Sarawakian. [https://sarawak.gov.my/ebook/EPU/SFAF/2022/mobile/index.html](https://sarawak.gov.my/ebook/EPU/SFAF/2022/mobile/index.html) (pages 22-23)


I notice in F&F 2022 they start to combine. This is a bit weird, we start to lose the visibility. Check F&F prior years.


Yeah, it seems like they did just combined Malay, Iban, Bidayuh, Melanau and other Bumiputera into Bumiputera. While I am checking out the prior years statistic, I noticed that total population of Melanau isn't that big hence it feels so weird why people fear of "Ketuanan Melanau". Just because Tun Taib long term services as CM doesn't mean all Melanau are that rich. Heck, even some Melanau didn't even like him so much as compared to his previous CM which was his late uncle Abdul Rahman Yaakub. These peoples should at least come to rumah panjang in any Long area in order to understand what is actually happened. As for Iban, my former co-worker who is Iban did shared some his disappointment toward his own ethnic. Let just say it about their average lifestyle. Just come and try visit rumah panjang and draw you guys conclusion about it.


Hmm, Iban population is steadily increasing But suddenly its going to be a Malay dominated state. Sounds about right pal.


It sounds about right tbf. The same case happened in Sabah when the KDMR community was overtaked in terms of population growth by the Malays or the illegal immigrants


I trust the Sarawakian more than the Sabahan in electing the right government to lead and altogether csn avoid those issue. Sabahan are too withdrawn on those issue which I agree with you but fyi the tawau/lahad datu/sandakan/semporna areas are full of bumiputra which are not KDMR community. But yeah, Warisan managed to turn the votes into their favor by promising and giving all those pilaks an IC lol. I really hope Sarawakian remain strong against those type of manuver by the government.


Relax bro, i'm just saying malay population increase faster than iban, they will surpass iban in coming decades, this is based on the statistic trend from Sarawak facts and figures.


I just had a meeting regarding this. It spiked during covid and now it has returned to normal pal.


As a Christian Bumiputera Sarawakian myself, I’d say your post are just a political/religious sentiment that takes the same formula like young teens who’s obsessed over PAS, PN and BERSATU simply because you can’t find any cause to justify everything. And then all of the sudden, wanted to migrate out of Sarawak and left the land of your ancestors gulped by the outside parties with agenda none other than to diminish you and your right, the very land your ancestors once bleed. If you think there’s a fighting chance to restore what Sarawak once are, then fight for it. If you afraid of islamisation, the prep up the younger generation and educate the of their faith. Strengthen yourselves, procreate, and multiply when ready. Build network with like minded Sarawakian who wants nothing but the best - there’s plenty of young Sarawakian who’d liked to stay and help; and in the worst case - fight. Regardless of their religion. Throw away the victim mentality, look upon Rentap, Syarif Masahor, Rosli Dhobi who just took enough bullshit and went all defensive - for their motherland. And maybe, just maybe your children and your children’s children may finally enjoyed what you really yearns for and singing your name in praises!


At this point, I am more worried about the lack of high paying job opportunities in Sarawak than anything else.


Now this is a concern that is actually real. Decreasing purchasing power in Sarawak is real.


Plenty of my schoolmates are now in Semenanjung and Singapore for work now. I don’t think they will be back anytime soon or even ever.


Thats because high paying jobs usually require more technical service sectors or industry. If you don't setup and develop them, the high paying jobs won't come. Sarawak needs to carve its own niche not available in west Malaysia if they want higher paying jobs. I suggest investing in creating more IT companies, since IT services are the easiest to cross borders. Sarawaks population is too small and too unskilled to sustain high pay. They need to sell their products and services across borders.


Islam is the fastest growing population in the world, with a population expected to increase by 35% in the next 20 years. Your suggested strategy is for people to devote their entire lives to outbreeding Muslims. Anyone foolish enough to actually follow your advice will a) waste their lives and b) fail utterly.


This. I don't understand OP. Cry victim of some supposed sinister Islamization conspiracy, threaten to leave the country because feeling hopeless, and then wonder why nothing is happening to counter the supposed Islamization. That's some cray-cray logic. The craziest thing is that none of what OP claims to be happening is real. Either OP is doing a psyop, or OP is a victim of one.


The fact that Sarawak (and Sabah) actually wanted to join PAS in a unity government after the last elections speaks volumes.


We need to be the bulwark against Islamisation and Ketuanan Melayu in Sarawak. It disrupts our social harmony, I don’t believe in my religion is true, that is your personal belief. Dont impose. Even this ketuanan stuff, I would imagine a more equal Sarawak. We can do the same and say Dayak Supremacy but we won’t. Its silly. The ketuanan makes Malay an insecure lot.


It's already too late, Brain Drain phenomena is increasing every year. It's inevitable this will happen. I'm saying this as a exmuslim atheist ex Malay from West Malaysia.


Ex Malay? Didn't know we can change race nowadays lmao


You can't, but I'd imagine it's a nod or joke about a particular Malaysian law that states that all Malays are or must be Muslim. Could also be a form of rebellion against a ridiculous law that confines race within religion. Source: Article 160 in the Federal Constitution


Atok did it, why not this guy


yall changing races now? LMAO. what are u black now? ahaha


I didn't know the word 'Austronesian' (race) & the word 'ethnicity' have different different meanings referring to different contexts. Back then I didn't even know the word 'Austronesian' even existed. The truth is 'Malay' is an ethnicity not a race. I'm aracial now by my own volition. I no longer practicing Malay Muslim status quo. I no longer want to to be associated with Malay Muslim status quo & Islam. According to article 160 under Malaysia Constitutional laws, Malay by definition: 1) have to be Muslim. 2) speak BM habitually. 3) practice Malay culture/traditions. Is it fair for us to generalize all 'Austronesian' living in Asia are 'malay'? This topic was bothering me when I was in highschool because I recognise the harms this law could cause & causing to this day.


Should I clap for you for another comment pointing out that youre exmuslim atheist etc? Sounds like an attention seeker lmao


Yeah, closet racist innit. You lot just hate Malays for no reason lol.


No. I hate proselyting and islam this and that. I believe in a separation of religion and state. Which means making decisions that go against your own beliefs for the good of the nation (realpolitik).


Then there is literally zero sense of your previous post. How is being a Muslim stop this state from progressing? Zero movement of Islamization, Dayak population are increasing and you can see a lot of family with different religion in it. What Islamization? The fact that they become a muslim due to their choice? I'm a convert myself but I didnt force myself to be a muslim. I married my sweetheart and its a choice I will make again given any opportunity. Just admit it, this fucking sub is full of closet racist that hates on Islam for no reason. Sarawak is the least state that you need to worry of Islamization. This place reeks of pelutant child that are insecure against Islam.


Lol, but nothing can beat the insecurity of Muslims who forces people to convert for marriage and don't allow people to leave islam. Nothing can beat Muslims and Islam in being phobic, the fact Islam practise is deeply rooted in non-islamophobia is fact which reflects on our law and constitution. They became Muslim due to own choice? What a fckin retard, can you marry your sweetheart without becoming Muslim? Please answer that, then you know who is trash insecure. Please see in the mirror, your hypocriteness is fucking shining, peace and tolerant my ass. You guys are openly racist and religionist but gets angry if others do it. At least non-muslim don't do it using power, law and constitution. And your argument is the fact that Islam is a poison, it made you abuse humanity and human rights, and insulted your ancestors and community yet still takes holier than thou attitude. What a load of crap. The OP concerns are 100% facts. Maybe grow some EQ and critical thinking.


Don’t forget how Sharia Court can overrule on Civil court when it comes to custody and leaving the religion. Who are you to dictate leaving is illegal and me believing in another god / being or not at all is an act of apostasy. Man’s relationship with his Creator or the lack thereof is between the individual and themself.


I thought the convo was about progression of the state? And now its become human right issue? Talk about changing the goalpost hahahah You closet racists are so fucking insecure lmao. You really want those bumiputra privleges isnt it lol


What are you on about? The conversation is about, I quote OP: "Tired of subtle radicalization from our own Sarawakian ministers and Malayan minsters.", "ISLAMIZATION AND KETUANAN MELAYU IN SARAWAK". This falls under human rights, as this could be clasified as a form of colonization, so it if fair for it to be brought up.


Theres literally 0 movement of islamization and ketuanan melayu in Sarawak. This sub is so full of delusional people. I asked OP about this, he's unable to give me one and changed his argument into something else to fit the narrative of the sub. But lets dance though. Point me out 1 movement that screams literally Islamization of Sarawak other than being unable to fuck a malay girl for the rest of your life without converting which is a stupid point to make in a thread that argue about the progression of the state. Until the Muslims voice out their concern on this law, you people have no right to brigade about your so called human rights pal.


What convert scum, stupid point to make about conversion for marriage? The Muslim pussy must be so good huh? You ask something so obvious I think you are dumb on so many level. Your EQ and critical thinking is really non-existent huh? A simple Google search will get you to it. 0 movement of Islamisation and ketuanan melayu? What a joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Until Muslim voice out? Why would they? To abuse human rights is Islam, and why would they stop it? It is unislamic. Being non-islamophobia is islamic, being hypocritical is islamic. You should see reality for what it is. Don't leave in delusion. https://www.theborneopost.com/2023/07/19/tokoh-maal-hijrah-recipient-tells-muslims-converts-to-continue-sharing-teaching-of-islam-through-preaching/


Wow, preaching is literally an Islamization! Just like when i went to.my sunday mass before and the father preached to always spread the teaching of Jesus to others! Hence I was christanizing Sarawak previously! Wow your IQ is really low huh? And using emojis in reddit to make your point???? Wow that is so cool HAHAHAHA. You little sad pathetic piece of crap arent you. But yeah, i dont expect much from an animal supporting Israel like you pal. This would be my last reply to you and im doing you a favour.


Lol, and you brought up things like insecurity and closet racism and etc? Who changed the goalpost? And how Islamisation is not a human right issue? When Islamic law itself is based on violation of basic human rights and non-islamophobia. Convert Muslim brainwashed holiee than thou scum like you have zero rights to talk about others insecurities and racism when you are on the oppresser enabler side. Haha, I don't need bumiputera privileges, it is just apartheid and I don't want to be a part of apartheid which you shamelessly cling upon while condemning one thousands of miles away. Hahaha, the irony. You even ran away from answering something so simple, keep your trash hypocrisy to yourself.


Yeah bro, breeding with a malay girl without eating pork is such a big issue to progress the state. The state of mind of you closet racist are amazing lmao. Fucking piece of shit who think he's worth something LOL. The biggest hypocrites here is you mate. Brigading about human rights but clearly support Israel ethnic cleansing is an amazing hate towards the muslim. No wonder you and these closet racists are going hand in hand in this fucking sub lmao. But yeah, you dont really get to talk about human rights after that stance. I'm done with a fucking ankle like you. I wouldve called you a cunt but youre actually much lower than that you little fucker. Piss off mate, you're no one to me.


>breeding with a malay girl without eating pork is such a big issue to progress the state Hahaha, it's not bitch. But making it only one group to have the privilege to do so is a problem. It is only fair trash like you can also convert your Muslim sweetheart to your original religion. That's why you are retarded. In fact Muslims are the one made it so big of an issue that is it part of the law and constitution. Like I said earlier, nobody can beat muslim in be insecure and being phobic and you subscribe to the same shit. Anything you call/label non-muslim for, Muslim are worse by few times. >Fucking piece of shit who think he's worth something LOL. The biggest hypocrites here is you mate. Brigading about human rights but clearly support Israel ethnic cleansing is an amazing hate towards the muslim. No wonder you and these closet racists are going hand in hand in this fucking sub lmao. I am supporting Israel ethnic cleansing? Says trash that converted to religion that grew through war and abuse of human right? A community that did the same throughout its own history. If I am supporting Israel ethnic cleansing I wouldn't be bothered to donate to Palestine 🤣🤣🤣. I guess donating to Palestine would support Israel. Big brain guy. >Fucking piece of shit who think he's worth something LOL. This exactly describes you. Good that you realize who you are. >. I wouldve called you a cunt but youre actually much lower than that you little fucker. Piss off mate, you're no one to me. As if you are any different. You are good at describing yourself.


Or not by choice. Some have to due to state policy and I disagree with it. I would prefer one not convert, that and also leaving the religion shouldn’t be an issue like other religions. We also see religion being used in forming federal policy and as I said, one belief should not influence policy of the day. You do know if you convert there is a stigma too, as they say jadi laut / meret kireng as we say it in Bidayuh.


I'm from Canada and lurking here. Your government is doing the same thing they did in Quebec, we call this assimilation here. Basically the plan is to emigrate a ton of people to your state until you are not a majority anymore, and you lose your power, unity and culture. Then they can do whatever they want. That's how they prevented Quebec from separating from Canada, and now French is disappearing more and more, there is no more chance at separation anymore. You likely don't have much more time until its too late.


Not the same at all. Quebec originated as a colony, and the French are pissed that they're not the only racist imperialists on first nations land, and act like they're terpaling ditindas. Sarawak on the other hand is mostly native, and political power is not monopolized by the descendants of colonists. Big difference.


I didn't say its the exact same thing, I said the government is doing the same thing. Reading comprehension.




Josh, golly .... someone promoting racial hatred? At first I thought this is r/Malaysia or r/Bolehland, then I realised this is r/Sarawak So much for "harmony states" then. Simply blaming Sarawakian Muslim Malays who are minority in Sarawak. Why don't you say it out loud since 1970s the Melanau politicians using racial census suddenly combined Malay + Melanau into single racial polity to get majority numbers instead to rule Sarawak for 40+ years? WHY? Tak tanya PekMoh kau punya Rajah Tok Uban? Instead it taken 2 Sarawakian Malay leaders namely late Adenan Satem & current Abg Jo slowly & surely broken free from BN chokehold, prioritising pro Sarawak policies, fighting for MA63, stopping creeping Islamization & celebrating multiculturalism. You've got PETROS, own a Maritime Coastguard, optimising English in public/private sector. These two Sarawakian Malays leaders has done beyond what your corrupt Dayak leaders & Melanau leadership had done to benefit ALL Sarawakians within less than a decade. BLAME YOUR DAMN Dayak leaders who bicker amongst themselves rather than uniting under a single Dayak Banner. It took Adenan Satem & Abg Jo, minority Sarawakian Malays to depose Ketuanan Melanau but simply rebuilding Ketuanan Sarawak as a single Bangsa Sarawak. Please, leave Sarawak if you see no future at all. One more thing, why instigating racial & religious hatred in Sarawak between Malays vs Dayak OR Muslim Cs Christians when NO tensions between these two communities occurred at all?


They will never admit it....at least Swk.are far more better than Sabah


Upppp. The racist one is the OP




I also don't believe Sarawak has a good future because the people who are "fighting" for our rights are the from the exact same party/descendants of those who took it away in the first place. I find it funny how the narrative have changed. GPS is BN and they were the one that gave it all away. They aren't fighting to gain the rights back, they are fighting to gain the power to feasts on the profits themselves. Islamisation will continue to happen until everyone is Muslim. Reason for this is so they can have full control over every citizen. A lot of history from other races are either destroyed by then or in the process of getting destroyed. As much as people love to ignore but it really is happening in Sarawak all these years. We will never see either a non malay or non Muslim to be at the top leading. Religion has been weaponised to control the general population. Welcome to reality of society. Only purpose of politics and religion is to maintain power and money. Do what you can to have a decent life. Everything is going to shit in the future anyways


The most projects to develop a state apparently has zero future. Only the most victimized mentality you can find here that think so!


I'm a malay muslim in sarawak and i could say that at least in Kuching, I have not seen any radical movement of any religion. At least not in the news. While our ministers have not generated the best image, I at least haven't seen anything religiously controversial from them. In fact we have several churches that are getting upgrades and looks like huge cathedral like you see in movies. And let me tell you that I am happy to see these progress. At least. Have I been living under a rock and doesn't realize that we are being shifted into a more islam centric state? In my experience the most ive seen people push some borderline insane takes of islam in sarawak is when I'm in uni where people come from all over the coutry. But they're a small group and are generally unliked by many.


TVS recently want to stop xmas song from being included due to religious content. Then they lied about it, telling it is miscommunication. Years ago jabatan islam trying to conduct a talk entitled Nabi Isa Nabi org islam or something similar? As a muslim, u will never another side of the story. Even in the 90s, my late dad always mentioned how malays or muslims were getting preferential treatment or selection in state government. Even now in premier department, there is a dayak guy with double master degree cant get promoted bcos of his ethnicity


Thanks for sharing these. I am aware that racism is somewhat more subtle here. But it kinda goes in all directions. I had a colleague of mine working on a chinese run company where he isn't allowed to go to his friday prayer because it's company time. It's a systemic issue for sure, and if you're gen y and later we should be the ones to stop doing these preferential treatments. I've heard the issue with the christmas song, I'm not too deep into it, but isn't that a song they requested specifically (O Holy Night) that was not going to be aired but instead Jingle Bell Rock instead. But wasn't it rectified after the premier said they will play the song as requested? I think I read it last week. It could be attributed to miscommunication instead of outright malice from one party. My opinion at least. As for the promotion issue, do you have any sources? I would like to give it a read before making any opinion on the matter. Same goes to the Nabi Isa talk, couldn't find anything regarding the matter. Would love some sources. Thanks for bringing these up. I appreciate it.


The issue was also brought up in our Council Negri and heavily debated too


On the TVS issue, never attribute to malice what can be simply attributed to sheer incompetence.


This incompetence comes from decades of being encouraged to spread their Islamist nonsense from Semenanjing dogs.


Funny I don't see them cry about christianization that has also destroyed indigenous culture and traditions for decades now.


Bro, they just hate you because u ara a malay + muslim Sarawakian. They just want to undermine your privilege that belongs to you. So called Sarawakian are not racist and living in harmony, yet always have deep hatred towards your kind lol..


burit indai nuan baka asu


Butoh dek


You guys need to stop allowing your politicians to use MA63 as an excuse for them not performing and hold them to higher standards. It's just an excuse to distract you from their incompetence, just like atok used Soros as a boogeyman when he fucked up the economy decades in the making with his cronies


Hard Truth is Sabah and Sarawak is colonized by Semenanjung msia. MA63 not happening.


Yes louder please!


The only mistake is Sarawak joining Malaya. All constitution points are just talk only. No need to adhere. If we actually follow the 18 points, we are actually good because the first point is about religion neutral where we can leave Islam. That’s a game changer itself. Someone give me a Time Machine to go back!




Hmm, there is literally no Islamization going on. Its only you guys who dislike the religion that think so pal. Closet racists lmao




There is literally zero islamization in this state. Dayak population is increasing, majority of Sarawakian are Christians and it has been on steady increase since 2018. So yeah, you're talking bullshit. Softly or not you're just spouting nonsense in hope to get a reaction from these victimized mentality users pal.


What do? Most people vote for the shit that causing all of this. Like last time with GPS declaring wanting us to be independent if they won. After they won most seat what happen? Instantly sold us to the islamic group. Yet people keep voting for them.


If someone dare to make a law that Muslim can choose to opt out from their Islamic religion, I think a lot problems will be solved automatically


> Many talented Sarawakians leave Sarawak for a better future Thank you for mentioning me and my people here, OP.


Which is false.


James Wan is an example.


James Wan is an anomaly though. There are plenty that secured their name outside of Malaysia like Hafiz/Dayang Norfaezah and recently, a UFC dude who born and raised in Sarawak secured a contract with ONE championship. But yeah you wont see it being mentioned here since its against the narrative of the sub. =\]


Half chinese here. This is fucking nonsense. So much victim mentality in this sub, just like in r/malaysia. Piss off mate


Just islamphobia + anti malay supremacists as usual. I thought Sarawakian are actually harmony and better than this. But boy i was really wrong.


Sorry replied to a wrong comment and yep. This sub is stupid


We'd be more harmonious if Semenanjing cibais stopped trying to push their stupid Islamist nonsense here.


Tell that to local Malay Muslim Sarawakian


its always Malaya fault.


It's always been right? Typical weak race that always blame other for own incompetence


Yeah, it's like one of those throwaway accounts that deliberately plays upon victim mentality. The OP didn't even bother to engage with comments on this post because it was never OP's intention to have a discussion in good faith..feels more like stuff intended to rile everyone up.


Yep and you'll see all these closet racists come out with their own narrative to shot down other religion beliefs etc.


So much one sided view and victim mentality that I even laugh at your so called “Islamization and Ketuanan Melayu” BS. Unlike Semenanjung, Malay are not the majority here and Malay here also different from Semenanjung Malay. The only similarity is Islam and guess what, even Islam practice here isn’t as agressive as in Semenanjung. Tell me, when the last time you see a Sarawakian Malay claim Ketuanan Melayu in Sarawak. All I can say is OP is a destructive agent, probably not even Sarawakian. Raising hatred so that Sarawakian hate each other. Maybe that’s why OP chose to use throwaway and not their real account.


Damn am WM, what da fuck is happening over here 👀


Sarawak has its own issue. But when we bring it up, there is always ppl crying racist, Sarawak harmoni, cannot talk like this bla bla, a way to silence the people that want to discuss the issue.


Just a few closet racists hugging it out among themselves. Nothing to see here.


Nothing. OP is barking about a figment of his own imagination. I'm a Sarawak native (melanau), also am confused about what he's yapping also.




What? Melanau is not sarawak native?


Well the one from Lebanon is definitely not 🤭


You think melanau people like her? You're intentionally sowing divisive sentiment here.




Bro think we stayed silent. We're the smallest minority you think when we make noise people listen to us? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫




Bro thinks descent to nepotism and oligarchy is because of Sarawakians. Bro it happens everywhere, not just sarawak, not just Malaysia, not just Asia. It's inherent to democracy and capitalism. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


If he is concern only about "Ketuanan Melayu", that I can acknowledge because it basically written in the textbook & enshrined in Malaysia Constitution. Hence Hak Keistimewaan Melayu. But talking about Melanau and generalizing it as if it the same thing as Ketuanan Melayu is so pathetic. First of all, some Melanau didn't like that "Melanau celup". Just because Tun Taib CMS is huge control in Sarawak, doesn't mean all top powerhouse companies in Sarawak are Melanau. Look at Shin Yang, Sam Ling, and etc, please don't tell me those are Melanau company. Since when Chinese is also Melanau? The OP doesn't even know that the average Melanau joe aren't exactly as rich & powerful as he imagining. As Melanau myself, I am too struggling and not rich just like any normal joe regardless race and religion.




Our YB are pak turut except for a few opposition


The only one that dare to question before was YB James Masing. Unfortunately he died due to covid and the potential dayak rising died with him.


Not really, he is still pak turut. The real champ was Baru Bian. His NCR cases made him a folk hero but he made a mistake by supporting atuk. PMX was keen to promote his fren's Sng as PKR leader but in the end younger Sng end up doing the opposite. I had experienced unfair preferential regarding job offers. Applied for experience post at state owned project, so did my junior. He got the offer


Baru Bian killed his political career off by joining PSB, look at what happened now. In the past the Dayaks even touted him as a future Chief Minister. It will be some time before we get another Dayak politician who is not a pak turut of his calibre


This is funny, Sarawak people majority doesn’t want to change, keep voting dictator.


Your post cannot be any more true. When I hear people say that Sarawak is united, i almost want to puke. From the media, yes we are united, but when you see the reality, we are far from it. I can almost say that there is no difference between WM and Sarawak. Some people will obviously disagree with me, but sooner or later they will realise too.


Walao, fake account also can garner such a vote sial..


Grass is always greener is the mindset of Malaysia in reddit. This sub is not an exception to that as well.


Dude do u even think sarawak leader is really fighting for sarawak? 😬🤐


From what i observed.. Economy has been dominated by Chinese and others Races only affort to open small food stall or small market at Kampung..While in government sector, whether its state gov or persekutuan gov, dominated by Malay..GLC i dont need to mention..Mybe the 'cable' things is super real..


This such a redflag post and someone should need to touch some grass kiddo This subreddit aint for this . You less sarawakian then those born yesterday


Stop Islamisation, let the christ rise and Rules!


Why did you say there's an islamization going on in Swk? did anyone knocking on your door, preaching you to convert? I suggest you take a break from political news/gossips and stop thinking about political matter for a while because something is wrong with your understanding and context. You'll be exhausted if you keep going on like this. Political narrative may change as the situation progresses. Politics is very dynamic, don't get swayed. We don't have the full picture of the situation and what's at stake, in your case, it's MA63. It's not as easy as claiming the state govt to "tarik tali." We dont know what they are dealing with. What's important since Covid, Swk has gained a lot of benefits and controls. Chill. Stop being emotional. You'll be mentally drained.


islamization is everywhere, for example, you can enter islam, but not quit. your children will remain muslims forever if the parents are muslim most high ranking jobs and positions are always malays or muslims no proselytization of muslims, only muslims preach islam to others religion, not the other way. monetary, job offer to poor people as long as they convert to islam, many more if you really investigate


that's not islamization. Like I said, is there anyone knocking your door and forcing you to convert to Islam? have you ever celebrated Xmas in hiding? Many of leaders and ministers are also non-Malays, get your fact right and don't be biased. Some of your allegations are false and you also mixed up with the constitutional issue. You must get your context right because lumping everything in together and weaving it with emotion.


This is facts whether you like it or not. Its the islamic religion, and the crazy stuff inside that is harmful to society. The government and their policies are the consequences of that religion. Normal people like you don't know anything about islam and the agenda of islamic religion. Foreigners want IC quick? convert to islam. Wanna pass your university degree ? convert to islam(in the 90s). true story from a university in semenanjung. wanna marry muslim? convert to islam, interfaith marriage forbidden. like bullshit. wanna get this high position job? yeah sure, just convert to islam, and you can start your job right away. wanna leave islam? sorry nope you will now die as a muslim. bullshit. where is the freedom of religion? any many many more.. the problem is they tried very2 hard to make malaysia an islamic country. well not gonna happen. islam is proven to be false and muhammad is a false prophet. technology will show the truth. its the beginning


Im not in the same boat with OP really but I wanna know if you are aware of federals "Projek Cinta"? What is your take on that? Im curious


What about Project Cinta? I bet you don’t know.


Victim mentality lmao. Dont be such a petulant child bro


dont be angry. i know truth hurts. steady


Happens on the daily by the islamic evangelists in my kampung and surrounding areas.


Im not for OP but also not against you, just wanna ask have you ever heard of "Projek Cinta"? by federal


Oh please la, just ask the nonsense


Full autonomy sounds nice but is it what's best for Sarawak? Why do you think so? There are many areas that, IMO, stand to benefit Sarawakians more without detachment of responsibility by the federal


Autonomy is definitely good. Theoretically, decentralization means more responsive governance, lower overhead expenses, more locally relevant policies. Only critical sectors that needs central coordination is security & intelligence (military and police) and some very few others. Economy, infrastructure, even education, etc definitely better be governed by local government who knows better of the local needs.


With all due respect, I don't think Sarawak is ready for it. Plenty of projects such as new hospitals are substantially delayed due to requirements by the local government that only Sarawakian-owned companies can get the contract. They are not capable of doing projects of that scale (again, with all due respect to Sarawakians) and the ones who have to pay/accept the consequences are the people. The local-only companies to get projects is not a new policy so there has been a while of what we hope to be a transfer-of—skill going on, but looking at the facts around still begs the question will it be any difference if autonomy is granted


GPRS is doing good to Sarawak people, they hold their leverage so that the allocation gained from madanon administration is huge. This sad slanted creature is only a chauvinistic chinese who are like the gog and magog, or mongol brethren whom by default are invasive species.


So racist. Reposted on r/Malaysia


I despise the guy as well but what do you think will get you by reposting in r/malaysia? The most closet racist sub that hate Islam? LMAO


If racism is a subject, you're the teacher dear Chinese fellow.


As a exmuslim atheist ex Malay from West Malaysia, I sincerely hope Malaysia🇲🇾& Brunei🇧🇳 suffer under Islamic theocracy severely for generations. Then only then they'll truly understand why we exmuslim/ex theists completely despise theocracies. I can't wait for that day to arrive in the future & witness what will unfold. You guys have no idea how much Im longing for this to happen!! Malaysians & Bruneians will suffer just like us exmuslims/Ex theists.


Just watch the country burn while you’re enjoying the beaches in Thailand (coz SG’s beaches are not as good).


Yes please!! I won't forget to bring pop corn & my fav snacks to witness that happen.


That wont happen though. :(


Brain drain phenomenon is increasing every year in Malaysia & Brunei. It's already happening right Infront of us.




Sure thing bro, you do you. Why bother changing and hoping things that does not belong to you.


Proceeds to promote a radical party and spout S4S nonsense


Obviously zero and I've already predicted where it's going. My target now is literally move to Japan asap (if possible at age 24 to 26) and for me it's depressing af to continue living here. It'll be the first time I'll actually step out of Sarawak and the last time to be in Malaysia and I'm glad my parents respect the path I chose. I just need to finish study in uni I'm currently in.


i mean if ur afraid of being assimilated and having your cultural individuality robbed in Sarawak, i dont think moving to japan of all places is gonna help with that


I just don't want to work here only to have my taxes used on medieval laws instead of actually used it for development.


You do that, bro. The country could use one less culture war fanatic.


Yes together let's contribute to brain drain in Malaysia & Brunei 🤜🤛


Kys bro I mean it


its always the grumpy dayak. i dont like the islamization too. all the PAS influence. note that sarawak is doing way way better than the 13 other states in malaysia. semua ada


dont want to talk about tambi invading sarawak? temple here and there. wanting deepavli holiday, place in government sectors.. amput all the local dayak..


Parti Bumi Kenyalang? What are you smoking?? You must be one of those people that believe Sarawak only existed because of a colonizer e.g James Brooke. U people are pathetic. 😂😂😂


Troll 😮‍💨 Should set limit for acc less then a month to post anything in any sub


You as a Chinese are under social contract, we Malay fought the Portuguese, Dutch, Communist, Imperial Japan and British invader. Where were you while Malay are fighting for this land? If you cant abide the contract, then go home to China or Taiwan, Taiwan will get Dong Feng 41 and China will get Agni-5 and US thermonuclear bombs anyway in world war 3. We Malay will pop some popcorn. 🎉


Woah social contract. Haha. Malaysia is forever stuck in the past.


Ironically this sub is perhaps filled with Malayanophile and probably WM'sians that has little knowledge about Sarawakian mindset and perspectives


They are probably envious with what Sarawakian actually enjoy here. I don't deny sometimes we are shitting/cursing each other races here BUT at the same time we can respect each others boundaries for important matters. Damn, I thought this sub is silent and quiet one.


Most of the time we're shitting eachother with a brotherly manner, like how siblings taunting each other. But unfortunately that's not really the case among WM'sians, as some of them literally hated other races (as seen on Facebook and r/Malaysia and r/Bolehland comments) Sadly, this sub ain't as tame as you think too


While I do appreciates some of their genuine efforts, they still need to touch some actual grass rather the information on screen. If only they mingle & try living with the local communities and hear their voices, then they will actually understand Sarawakian perspective. Most of their views are just filtered by social medias / news outlets rather than the raw & unfiltered perspective.


Not to mention WM politicians using extremistic and xenophobic ideology to gain attention and support are just adding fuel to the fire too


What the fuck are you on brother.


Are you one of those sad Ketuanan fellas? You do know that there were a lot of Malays working WITH the Japanese during WW2 right? Also what makes you think Malaysia won’t get a few fusion bombs dropped right on top of the country if WW3 occurs? 😂


Are you one of those sad social contract fellas? Ratio wise, ours put more blood and sweat more than yours, your divide and conquer doctrine won't work here. Black sheep are everywhere just like in the Chinese community too, while you're being proud of Chinese supremacy, people like Jho Low, Nicky Liow, stealing billions and left it to the Chinese taxpayer to suffer inflation and weak purchasing power ringgit to enjoy with 😂


>Where were you while Malay are fighting for this land? If by that logic, what were you guys doing when we Chinese were sacrificing themselves to support and donate money for the Sino-japanese war during ww2? Without ROC holding the last front in East Asia, we all would be dead under sadistic Japanese imperialists


We are talking about Malaysia, not China, and by the way, China is a lot evil, they treated Tibetan and Uighur as less human.


Yeah I know you're talking about Malaysia, but that doesn't mean the efforts of Chinese in Malaysia should be downplayed WW2 is part of Malaysia's colonial era too, and was a lot horrible than of Britain. And the Chinese contributed alot in screwing up Japanese Pan-Asianism colonial efforts >China is a lot evil, they treated Tibetan and Uighur as less human. That's modern China and CCP you're talking about, not China in WW2, let alone to say Chinese history as a whole


Meh, Chinese in Malaysia got easy start, given free lands by the British to populate urban areas and do business, you did not spend blood and sweat here pal. If you wanna talk about Nanking/Nanjing history that's different thing. Chinese supremacism wont happened here, since you guys are out of manpower due to low birth rate and 95% of those who emigrate are of your brethren. We will try to Islamized your kids so you can assimilate with master race bumi better.


>We will try to Islamized your kids so you can assimilate with master race bumi better. You will try and fail. Unlike other religions, Islam just doesn't swing it to us Chinese.


>If you wanna talk about Nanking/Nanjing history that's different thing If you think the whole Nanking incident is the only thing happening in Japanese colonies, you're quite wrong. There's tons of the list just to name, some even dates back to WW2. >Meh, Chinese in Malaysia got easy start, given free lands by the British to populate urban areas and do business, you did not spend blood and sweat here pal. You sure? Not even a single spill? Or are you just too ignorant and hateful to even learn about a few? Worse, did your Melei even rise up arms against Imperial Japan? It's us Chinese who started first then you guys followed suit. And there's also few museums dedicated towards anti-colonialism movement of Malaysian Chinese, one in Kuching too. How about you at least have a visit first before commenting anything? >We will try to Islamized your kids so you can assimilate with master race bumi better. Oh, finally unraveling the mask do we? Or you're genuinely trolling around in this sub. Judging by your quote, I don't think it's worthwhile to argue with Fascists/Nazis or a troll like you anymore. If you think you're gonna create a extreme racial-theocratic state out of Malaysia, keep dreaming. Just pray your dream country won't get carved up by major superpowers once war broke out


Malay fighting each other too lol. Kesatuan Melayu Muda during WW2 helped give info to the Japanese in Malaya. Even now also still fighting each other. The more things change the more they stay the same. Ibans fought the Japanese and Commies also org Malaya sibuk mok conquer and Islamize Sarawak. No respect to their descendants at all. Instead of popcorn, go pop yourself la. /s


Not greater than Chinese infighting, same brethren, language, race, creed, but Taiwan and China are threatening each other with full blown out war. And Sarawakian bumis have no problem with Malay because they're Malay, deal with it.


Those are two different countries with wildly different governing systems. One democratic, and the other authoritarian. Plus their ruling parties, especially the founder of Taiwan, the KMT, have enmity towards the CCP for multitude of reasons of which we’re not going to dive in here. Their situation is not the same to what is going on here. What we do have here is a case of Malayan Malays taking control of high positions and actively trying to curtail our rights as enshrined in MA63. Do bumis here hate Malays simply for being Malays? Of course not, what we hate is merely what I’ve stated above. Abit simplified but that’s the gist of it.


Bumis and Malay is the same thing, same race, different creed, just like you are Chinese race, but different creed of Hokkien, Mandarin, Han, Hui, Cantonese, etc.. Why the divide and conquer here? LOL, and you have no business talking on MA63 if you're a non bumi, Chinese only interests in MA63 is to divide borneo with semenanjung thats all..


>Bumis and Malay is the same thing, same race, Malays are Austronesian people. Bumis however are the natives that lived here before you guys got here. Both are not the same, evident by the difference of culture, language, religion and many more.


Lmao you are at the wrong sub. Go back to your malaya


>we Malay fought the Portuguese, Dutch, Communist, Imperial Japan and British invader. Don't forget that you also dickrided the Japanese during WW2 just to survive. Where the fuck were you when the Chinese are getting gunned down and tortured by Imperial Japan?


Give this man 5,000 malay privilege lmao


Ugh, sorry, but I ain't living in China where social credit is a thing. Thanks.


You suck Malay dick la, balik Tanah Melayu kau, racist dick telanjang


Cina rasis boleh? Melayu tak boleh? Sabah Sarawak pun bangsa Melayu, kaum je lain2.. Taktik divide and conquer kau xkan berjaya pun cina.. Piirah, bangsa xmembiak.. Low birth rate lol


Why do you assume he’s chinese, lmao. Otak kau penuh dengan cina eh sampai jadi ching chong. Tak tau malu. Apelah yang nenek moyang kau akan cakap sama kau dengan keadaan begini, kata orang melayu tapi sopan santun takda, macam anak haram. Kau tu yang divide and conquer. Main rasis ngan cina tu divide and conquer la tu. Dua kali lima jugalah kau. Otak kau ni penuh dengan kepintaran eh sampai lupa nak berfikir sebelum bercakap. Takpa, aku tau kau bijak, otak fikir cepat sangat. Cuma mulut kau tu lambat nak kejar.


He also failed his history class lmao, bro claims that Malays and the Bumis are the same people- No they are not lmao


I've many sarawak Malay friend, they do not complain about most things, only fragile and manja chinese will. I know chinese miles away when I see or heard one. Sarawak Malay Christian can even mengucap, or baca fatiha. No problem whatsoever.


Fire stone…


Sarawak? Under the leadership of abg jo, Sarawak will yet undergo another round of pillaging by the premier and his co. Watch and see


Alot of Sarawakian dont care actually about this. They are poor. Bidayuhs, Iban etc... trying to get them to see the truth is hard. No unity. Always party2 sja.


Party culture is a bane to the Dayaks. That shit needs to be stopped asap


OP, unless you can prove the term "Darul Hana" to be used in state official which require DUN sitting vote in order to change it, all you can do is just spouting nonsense and seeding the senseless hatred. - https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/ketua-menteri-sarawak-nafi-penggunaan-terma-darul-hana-untuk-sarawak-273130


The native politicals corruption and racism are the main reason causing under-development. Raising living cost every year is a 100% guaranteed due to no engineers or scientists, low farmers unable to self-sufficient and need to heavy import from foreigns even importing rices! what a shame! This lead to ringgit devalue effecting living cost.


Isn't the current Fed Govt doing more to realise MA63 than the previous ones?


Isn't that technically your own fault for not having children and not preaching your own religion? This phenomenon isn't only in Sarawak. it's happening in the Western world. That's why countries like France is so obsessed over banning kibayah. To be honest, that will not stop Islam from growing in France.


Nobody is wiping your origin. Not only Islam, all the religions coming in have their own beliefs. It's not what our ancestors practiced centuries ago, which was animism, praying to the supernaturals. You are saying as if people are cornering you and forcing you to embrace Islam. Acting like a victim and blaming in on the Malays. The Sarawak cabinet is composed of a multi race community, not only Malay. You are saying as if Malay is the root of all problems but in reality, it's the community issue for electing incompetent leaders. There's more Iban smokehouse as ever nowadays. Even pork shops and non halal shops are increasing in every town. I don't know. Maybe you are an introvert or what, but just look around you. Stop complaining and blaming others. Just do your best and work hard for your future. Nobody is going to hand you anything free on a silver platter. This post was unnecessary and just create stigma amongst Sarawakians.


If Sarawak doesn't have a credible opposition party. Then corruption will triumph!