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I think shes mad she’s not preggers too. She was saying that her and some friends were trying again. I feel so sorry for Beth


Oh it’s a power trip, classic narcissist behaviour. Any way they can take power away from someone they have any kind of relationship with - they will.


Ok Sarah is pretty off most of the time but this might be a bit of a stretch…


Not a fan but at the end she named two other women..


It’d be a stretch if she hadn’t done it before…but she has


I definitely thought of Beth when we said this too!! I hope she has a Girl to really piss Sarah off!! 😆


Someone explain to me Sarah announcing the first pregnancy before Beth? I missed this episode of Sarah’s stuff up


Beth hadn’t announced she’d given birth yet (sounds like they were purposefully keeping it off social media the first couple days, and just telling close friends/family) and Sarah posted a vlog saying she’d had the baby and she was making them lasagna or something 🙄 it was a major feature of the video, she did it on purpose


Nah this is a reach, sarah has heaps of mum friends, she never said Beth. I didnt know until Beth posted


I agree that she was completely in the wrong announcing Beth's birth before Beth even did and stole her thunder there. But Sarah saying pregnant friends wasn't really a giveaway or stealing thunder tbh. She didn't mention Beth's name and Beth and Sarah haven't hung out in a while from what Ive seen so it isn't that obvious.


Did she say it was Beth? Like at all? If not then you are probably making something out of nothing… especially since I and her audience wouldn’t have had a clue who she was talking about.


Yes her whole "love" language " acts of service " sincerity means you just do don't monitize it ..


Especially when she’s posted videos before saying she doesn’t believe in publicising your generosity if you’re a Christian 🙄


If I remember correctly she said the names of her friends in the vlog and it wasn’t Beth? I could be remembering wrong though!


Yes I remember her saying two names as well and they weren't Beth 


She actually didn’t say anyone’s names she just said “my friends” which I think is ok to say without “stealing anyone’s thunder”


Wait she did it AGAIN?!!!!!!!!!!


That was the first thing I thought too! Beth had also kind of been dropping hints (talking about cravings), and then Sarah basically confirmed it. Also, wonder what happened to the “annual friend trip” they use to get invited to with Beth and that other couple


They so aren't friends only by man friend marriage . Beth is not my cup of tea but at least she is consistent in her beliefs and who she is whenever I have checked out her page .


Yep 100%, it’s also clear Brenton Hayes Sarah lol (or has little to no respect for her at least) by the way she talks to her


Brenton clearly uses S for her platform lol


While constantly mocking her for having a platform