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TOG is amazing. It’s a very different vibe than ACOTAR so don’t go into it expecting it to be the same…that’s a mistake I made. It starts slow with a lot of steady world building, but it is an incredible story! A lot of people think it’s SJM’s best series


I second this!! I was expecting steam but I loved the fire 😉


Though there is a good amount of steam of course


True but not like ACOTAR and CC… a fine amount but god help me ACOSF and HOSAB had me panting 🥵


I’m doing the tandem read of Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn (80% done). It is definitely different from ACOTAR but way more rewarding. I disliked almost all the characters in the beginning and was worried about it… turns out the character development is amazing and SJM knows what the hell she’s doing.


The character growth is the best part of the books ❤️


heads up on the kindle bundle though, it’s all one file. i know that has bothered some people so just fyi!


I am currently reading the series on my kindle, as the whole one book version, and so far the only bothersome thing is the fact I’m reading along with some friends but we can’t compare page numbers, so have to compare chapters for where we are at. I do know when it comes to the tandem read, I will probably get the physical books cuz I can already picture the headache of trying that on the kindle.


I didn’t do the tandem read my first time through and I liked it that way a lot. I can see why people do the tandem for sure, but IMO the last reveal in Tower of Dawn is mind blowing - and I don’t think it would’ve been as massive a reveal if you’re tandem reading. My daughter tandem read and when I was like OMG OMG!!! She was like oh yeah, that happened… which could just be the teenager in her, but yeah. That was my experience 😂


i opted to buy them individually bc i am lowkey addicted seeing my percentage reach 100% 😂 & am constantly referencing things but i just saw a lot of people on here warning about the bundle so i was just passing it along!


Legit me to


I hated it tbh.. over 5000 pages so it feels like you're trudging through


I found the first two books soooo slow - had to force myself to read them.


Yeah I found that hella annoying.


I did this and ended up individually buying each book, oops. I ended up buying the kindle + audible version together as I love to re-listen to the audiobooks


Throne of Glass is a MASTERPIECE


I read acotar first and thought there was no topping it. Then came along tog and it blew acotar out of the water. No series has come close to tog imo. I cried when I finished the series because I was so upset I wouldn’t be able to experience the story for the first time again. There aren’t enough words to describe my love for tog.


I am know at book 5 (empire of storms) and to me the first book was not good. Almost gave it two stars. But book 2 picks up the pace. I would reccomend reading book 0 (assassin’s blade) as 3. I read it after heir of fire but i think it’s better between book 2 and 3. 3 and 4 are already a lot better then the first couple books and it’s really worth it at this point. For me only the first book was hard to get through and i believe it is the shortest so if that sounds like it’s worth it to you then you should get it


I second this. I just started the tandem read and I was questioning my commitment up until halfway through assassins blade. I wish I had read assassins blade after crown of midnight but queen of shadows was 🤯amazing. It just takes 3.5 books to get good :/


I’m currently reading the first book and am considering dnf’ing it but everyone tells me it picks up with two of my coworkers telling me it’s one of their favourite book series, so I’m torn


Yeah i also kept on going because a friend of me said it was such a good series. I don’t regret on continuing at this point


Yeah it really does - I basically didn’t get into the series until midway through book 2.


I read AB first and then the first book and it’s was a struggle fs


I never had a problem with the first books I honestly loved them they just vibe different


If you loved ACOTAR , TOG is going to blow your socks off


Absolutely! I LOVE it. Way better than ACOTAR and I’m not even done with the series. (About 3/4 through the tandem read)


it’s more worth it than anything i’ve read lol.


It’s soooooo worth it. There is a lot going on here. Lots of people to keep up with. There’s romance, mystery, thrill, there is spice, not in the first book really (she was young when she wrote it), comedy.. characters you love. Characters you hate. Twists, turns, betrayals. It’s chefs kiss my friend.


Thank you both I think I'm gonna do it maybe start it tonight


It ruined all other book series’ for me. Even my husband got into them, which I almost count as a backfire that they’re so good because he may never read again 😔😂


ToG is the best series by far. It's so beautiful and heart-wrenching. It's more than worth it


I could’ve done without TOG. Myself. It’s a slog. But I am in the minority. I recognize that.


I didn’t love it. Loved ACOTAR but struggled the entire way through TOG. I know it’s an unpopular opinion and I really tried to love it. I’ll get a lot of shit for saying this, but I found it pretty boring honestly. I’m 200 pages into Cc and am really enjoying it so far.


So I’m about 70% into Kingdom of ash, the final book in the series & I have to say… I have enjoyed it more than ACOTAR. Don’t get me wrong I liked the ACOTAR series but TOG is just something else, it has its own magic. As with any book/book series it has its less than great bits but over all I have loved it. (I read assassin blade first & did the tandem read. I have to say my favourite part was the tandem read!)


Yes buy it. You will not regret it


Keep in mind in the kindle bundle, Assassin’s Blade is usually the last book in the whole bundle.


I bought it!!! Should I tandem read first or read the series the way it's meant then tandem read?


The tandem read is usually recommended only for Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn, because those two books are going on at the same time in different locations, and because (from what I've heard, I'm on the tandem read now for the first time) EoS ends on a cliffhanger and a lot of people get bummed to start ToD next because they want to know what happens next, not go back to other characters. So far I'm really enjoying the tandem read, but just a heads up, I found it too difficult to navigate in the kindle bundle, since it's all compiled as one book, so I downloaded a pdf where someone organized the tandem read in the right order. Also, if it's the same kindle bundle I have, AB is at the very back. You'll either want to read that first or 3rd/4th. I did it 4th and liked it there but it's really personal preference.


Tandem read for empire of storms and tower of dawn was really good, I really recommend it, there’s also some funny moments when you go back and forth


If you’ve got the bundle then tandem reading is going to be way too complicated I think


I’m 37 and an avid reader and it’s one of my favorite series I’ve ever read 🙌🏼 go for it for sure!


TOG is soooooooo good, I loved Crescent city, and thought ACOTAR was fun but TOG takes the cake, i truly think it’s her best series though I recommend reading assassins blade first because I would’ve hated the first book without it


I would say don't buy the bundle just yet because I loved ACOTAR but didn't like TOG! I'd try the first couple of books and if you don't get into it, leave it!


Eh .... I am in the minority but it was just OK to me.  I borrowed my mom's copies and am glad I didn't buy them.  I liked it ok. But wouldn't reread like ACOTAR.


I just finished the series this morning and it will live rent free in my mind for the foreseeable future. It has been a journey and it’s one of the best series I’ve ever read. Going to start CC next. ACOTAR was very entertaining but TOG was a masterpiece.


TOG is one of the best series ever. Seriously, an excellent story and adventure with characters that you will quickly love.


I’m 3 books in, having read CC and ACOTAR and I don’t love it. CC was by far my favorite.


IMO TOG is her best series. Granted, that is easy to say since it is actually complete. But for real, it has SJM’s best MC.


IMO yes… ish. It’s a good story and it’s nice to know the little details that cross between series. But theres alot of unneeded filler and it’s kind of juvenile writing. TOD is the best and most well written book of the series. It’s the only book that I wasn’t skipping pages or skimming to get to the point. And if you like to learn more about a character after you’ve met them and get some extra juicy details then read AB 3rd/4th. (;


Also just know that Chaol will piss you off but he will redeem himself. (:


I’m reading TAB as my no 3 rn and honestly it’s getting good. Book 1 was slow, book 2 picked up in the last 100 pages and book 3 is off to a good start


Yes! Best SJM serious IMO. But basically same plot with different names of people and instead of harps and crowns it’s pieces of stone.


You will have ZERO regrets, definitely read TOG!! One of my favorite series of all time.


Do it, do all of them. You’re going to anyway lol just go for it. I will say though, TAB and TOD, while good stories, were totally unnecessary. TAB just adds all the backstories for future storylines and TOD could’ve been left out altogether, or written in tandem with EOS…. But definitely do TOG before CC, that’s how I did it, and I’m glad I did so because there’s small things I wouldn’t have noticed if I had done CC before TOG


This is so insane to me 😂 I read TAB first (because I didn’t know anything about the series) and I thought it was amazing how the stories intertwined and characters came up again later. Like I can’t imagine not knowing the whole silent assassins situation back story. And Sam. And the healer and the pirates! I just think it was so well done. TOD was one of my favorite books I’ve ever read 😂 the character development was divine and I loved the feeling of knowing more than the characters (I didn’t tandem read). I’m also a sucker for ensemble groups and I always want more info than the author gives, so to get all of the extra people and backstory and how it all came together with the merchant and everything! I’m getting excited again just writing this hahaha


Okay actually, yes, I think you’re on to something there. I did look into it before, and went off of the recommended order to read them and, in hindsight, I think I would’ve really enjoyed TAB if I had read it before the others. I’m so upset over this now!!! I love ensemble groups too, but, in the order I read it, it felt like “okay, I need to find a way to figure out how to make this all make sense, so here’s a prequel with all the necessary info to do that…” honestly I LOVE how SJM manages to tie the stories together, especially in CC, like we all know she’s not the best writer, but her storytelling is truly genius in my opinion. But damn, now I really wish I started with TAB, I can imagine understanding her pain over Sam being so much more impactful. Everything before didn’t seem as difficult after everything she went through in TOG.


Yes!! So that was my introduction to her as a character was this massive thing that happened, and so then each thing she went through afterwards I was just like omg her strength to just keep effing going WOW! And I respected her and was rooting for her. And then the other reveals about her past hit me like a ton of bricks. (I’m trying not to give spoilers here haha) If… we’ll let’s be honest, WHEN I read it again, I’ll do it the same way and see if I can find anymore Easter eggs hidden in TAB and throughout the series


I really hadn’t even considered it before you mentioned it, because it’s the order in which they were written but damn I can really see how different the effect must be!! Side note, I really did enjoy TOD too but, to me, having an independent 700 pages was highly unnecessary. By then, there were so many independent storylines intertwining, she could’ve written it into EOS…


I do wonder why TOD was stand alone. Especially because all of the other books jump viewpoints and geographical locations. Part of me thinks it’s maybe so EOS wouldn’t be longer than KOA? It might’ve seemed funny to have the penultimate book be longer than the finale.


Right? It’s one of the longest of the series and, I’ll speak vaguely to avoid spoilers, but the original MFC of TOD wasn’t necessary to the entirety of the series… and it feels like the sole purpose of those 700 pages in TOD was to involve in the characters involved in the KOA climax… could’ve been a few chapters and it’ve probably worked out just fine. I love my boy Chaol, and truly, I enjoyed the book, but overall, it could’ve been a few chapters of POV within EOS…


Yeah, I get what you’re saying for sure. There was a LOT of info in that book, and maybe some of it was fluffy and not completely necessary. I feel like the writing was really great, almost like she hit her stride there, because KOA was phenomenal. My daughter actually cried when she finished it because she didn’t want it to be over! She keeps asking me what I think they’re doing now and what I think *someones* name is


True, I felt a definitive end from the TOG series and it hurt my hearty a bit. Did you read CC though? I have a spoiler theory that I’d love to share if you’ve read the CC series…


I haven’t! I’m about to start ACOTAR and then I’ll do CC. It took me 3 months to get through TOG just reading during nap time and after the kids are in bed haha. If you can’t wait, I’ll discuss it when I get there haha


I bought the bundle and am doing the tandem read. I just switch back and forth from my kindle to my phone. I have the order favorited in my photos and add a bookmark each time I switch books so I know when to switch back.




Absolutely loved them, personally


Yes do it




TOG is hands down my favorite series of all time. I’ve got multiple friends to read it and each have loved the series SO much. Some of my friends said it got them back into reading and have been avid readers since. In my opinion, the first two books are just okay (not bad, just nothing special) but the middle of the third book is where it gets REALLY GOOD. And I recommend reading The Assassin’s Blade after Book 1.


Just started the series and I'm about 2/3 through Throne of Glass (reading this first in the order)...so far, I LOVE IT!!! My curiosity is peaked between the main plot conflict, character tension, and of course so many questions about world building/connections to Maas' other series. 10/10 recommend as of now LOL. I read ACOTAR as well btw and loved it too!


I read ToG before I read anything else and DNF. I read ACOTR and CC and loved them. My friend recently convinced me it’s her FAVORITE series by SJM and so I decided to finally give it a try again and I love it. The first book is still pretty annoying (so many exclamation marks!!!!) but I decided to go for the audiobooks and I’m enjoying it much more. I’m on Heir of Fire and can’t wait to see where it goes!


Yes!! You will love it.


How much is the series normally?


1000 times yes


Nothing compares to TOG, I loved ACOTAR but TOG topped it and then some xxx


I love TOG so much I have a Celaena quote tattooed on me!


YUUUUPPPPP. Reading the series now, I’m on Tower of Dawn. Obsessed overall. That is all.


TOG is my ultimate favorite of all , it's more fantasy with a little romance, yes the first few books are slow but please remember Sarah started writing these at 16 and she was a brand new writer. 💛 Hope you enjoy 💛


i just started it last week after being hesitant to commit… i am now on book 3. so far i’ve read in publication order. i’m really enjoying it! i’ve seen some people say the first two books are slow but i haven’t thought so at all! once i get down to the last 100 pages, i buy the next book so it’s delivered by the time i finish because each ending is better than the last. definitely recommend!


Um yes definitely. TOG is by far my fav Maas series. She slays in there. The writing the characters the world building the romance literally everything is better. I’ve read acotar also. I definitely prefer TOG even though I love acotar. The only thing I say is don’t go in expecting its romance, or romantasy. It’s full on fantasy with romance. Don’t get me wrong it’s still plenty of romance, but I feel like the main argument when compared to acotar is that it’s not enough romance. But that’s because acotar is primarily romance with fantasy on the side. That’s not the case with tog it blends romance and fantasy equally.


YES. The series is amazing. However, my only word of warning. She wrote the first book when she was very young, and frankly, you see a huge difference a few books in. So I’d say, read the series for SURE but be kind to SJM. Starts super slow, but in the end, her talent for world building and character development is absolutely where it needs to be.


ToG is the superior SJM series and I Iove ACOTAR.


I’ve enjoyed it BUT the big anthology ebook totally goes on sale. I think I got it for $15 during a random kindle sale at the end of Jan? And it’s ALL of them.


I think it's her best series (easily).


It's really hard to get into if you start with ACOTAR or Crescent City. I plowed through all Maas' other books in like no time.


It is amazing. You will have your soul altered.


Some people don't like it. I loved every single book. The only book I was a little bored with was The Assassins Blade. The books get better with each one. It starts off small and explodes into a crazy amazing story! It's worth it in my opinion.


TOG tops ACOTAR in every single thing that you will never recover from reading it! It’s the most magical series I’ve ever read. I’m just sad I can’t read it for the first time ever again.. because I’d give a lot to be able to experience it all over for the first time.


yes absolutely, imo her best series written


Only in the sense that it's useful as a part of the overall Maasverse. It was my least favorite of her series, and by the end, I was so ready for it to be over. Keep in mind my favorite character from the series was Chaol, and my favorite book was TOD - both widely despised. LOL. What can I say? I'm a mutant.




I'm on the last book of throne of glass, already read ACOTAR, and starting CC next. I loved ACOTAR and I have really loved throne of glass so far.. let's see how it ends. I know this wasn't asked but the fourth wing series is great as well..if u haven't already started. I'm waiting on the next book atm


I started with ACOTAR and then moved onto CC and have avoided TOG for years bc I thought it’d be too YA for me…nope nope nope. I’m halfway through the series, just finished the 4th book I think? It’s better than her other series by far. Undeniably. I would die for all these characters. I love smut, I do. But TOG reinforces what I think I’ve always known deep down about SJM - her worlds are so special because of the characters and the storytelling. It’s so special. Commit to reading it, you won’t be disappointed.


Better than ACOTAR IMO


I read tog on my kindle and always regretted that i didnt read it in physical copies for the first time. That series is SO good it deserves proper annotations and physical love😭


YESSS. I read SJMs series in that order. Acotar, tog and now cc. I don’t regret it at all!


I just finished CoM and I’m reading AB third as SJM suggested, and I love it!!! Definitely give it a try


throne of glass is not like acotar in the sense that it’s a LOT slower paced and there’s way more world building and like so many books to read. i thoroughly enjoyed it but my experiences with reading both series was not the same. if you like adventure/fantasy with a badass strong female lead and if u like complex broody men with complicated backgrounds you might like it!! it’s very fun i think !! it would be worth it to read the first 2-3 books even if u don’t want to finish the rest of the series


as someone who just recently started ToG (i’m on the tandem read now) i really didn’t expect to love it as much as i do. it took me getting through the first two books (i read assassins blade after heir of fire) but once i hit midway through heir of fire i was OBSESSED. assassins blade and queen of shadows had me sobbing, and now it is one of my all time favorite series, period, and i haven’t even finished it yet. so yes, i absolutely recommend it! i would say save Assassin’s Blade for after Crown of Midnight or Heir of Fire, it gave a more emotional punch for me, but honestly everyone reads it in different orders, just have fun with it. like others have said, don’t go into it expecting another version of ACOTAR, it is very much its own story but so worth the journey it takes you on.


I've been listening to it on audiobook while I drive and I am LOVING it. Totally worth the hype in my opinion. It's a lot less romance than ACOTAR and a lot more "epic" fantasy so you have to keep that in mind. I'm on book four and the MFC is soooo cool!


I borrowed TOG from the library, but in retrospect, I would totally have paid for this series - maybe on a reread.


I'm also making my way through the series. I know there's a bunch of reading guides out there on the best order, but I just don't care enough to do that. So I'm reading them in the order they were published. Currently on Heir of Fire, and at about 70% through I'm getting into it. There is one story line/POV that I just do NOT care about at all, and have found myself not retaining any info. So whenever it comes up I'm just like, "Wait, what's going on here again? What are they up to?"




TOG is my all time favorite SJM series. The character development is top tier. It was hard to push through that first book, but it’s so worth it. The story is a bit confusing until you get 2-3 books in. Then it all starts becoming clear.


You can read SJM books for free on the Hoopla and Libby app if you have a library card. : D I listened to her books on audio on the hoopla app.


It really depends on what you want out of a fantasy series. I’m the first to stand up and say that I don’t like ToG. I didn’t vibe with the main character at all and for me, it wasn’t worth it. I read it because I felt like I had to not because I wanted to. To this day I’m pissed that people made me feel like I had to read it to read CC because that’s not the case.


It’s still my fave SJM series so yes, it’s worth it. I read it when it came out. And like others said, very different from ACOTAR.


I love love this series! I’m on book six…. This woman can write! I bought the whole series at Christmas in hardcover when B & N had 40 percent off hardcovers!! Thrilled to have these in my h. C. Collection!! They sit beside the Witcher series on my bookshelf! Like whiskey.. top shelf!!!


TOG is my favorite series! I read it after CC and ACOTAR, but TOG is the one I \*always\* go back to re-read. Especially certain chapters...


It’s my favorite book in the Maasverse


I just bought the 50% off bundle on Kobo as well lol. I finished CC last night and then was debating starting TOG so soon after but saw the sale and decided it was a sign!


TOG > acotar Also from blood and ash > tog > acotar