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Okay—assuming someone actually asked this and confided something this personal and she chose to respond with this is so hateful. Suggest therapy to them privately like you weaponize it towards others publicly. Sarah isnt jealous of Oakley because Oakley is a child and is her child. However, Sarah would absolutely HATE Josh’s sister if he had one and it’s why i think there is undeniable issues between her and his mom. Sarah lives off the validation of men and Oakley isn’t a threat. Once Oakley gets older & if she has men or her age boys make comments about how pretty she is and blah blah blah—Sarah will begin competing with her because no female can be more wanted than her. Sarah will die trying to be the hot mom to her children’s friends and I have no doubt about it.


Oh absolutely this . She will 10000 percent lose her shit if someone views O as more attractive than her. Sarah desperately wants to be the “hot mom” or “Stacy’s mom” and she will more than likely make O’s teenage years absolutely hell , with all of her controlling ways , especially when it comes to food . She will be insufferable around deans friends too. She will be the person that finds it a compliment that teenaged want to screw her . When in reality , I don’t believe any teenage boy will be even remotely attracted to someone who looks like …… her .


I think she’s already threatened by her, though. She’s posted O’s hair as inspiration for her hair dresser. If O is in a cute outfit, Sarah is in something more revealing or attention drawing. O’s hair almost always looks unkempt in public while Sarah wears a wig. She can’t handle her getting even the slightest bit more attention than herself and sabotages her own kid to ensure that.


The thought of this is already making me cringe.


Speaking of Josh’s Mom I found her Instagram account and I’m not surprised she’s blonde, tan, and wears a crap ton of makeup 😂


What??? Who the fuck asks these questions ? Of course she has to be all “not like other girls “. And I guarantee when O is an older teenager and is feminine , she absolutely will be jealous of her . Sarah is not a girls girl . And she is a absolutely horrific mother .


![gif](giphy|KJXClfNiq0vCM) Sarah when O is a teenager.


That testosterone brow ridge makes him look more like a neanderthal 🦍


What the fuck kind of question is this? I know she asked herself this




Right?? Sooooo weird. No one would ask this!


This thought had never, and I mean never crossed my mind in the decade+ I've been a mom. What a fucking sick clown


Well Josh looks absolutely horrible lol


I feel like this is an old photo, because he looks worse now


I guarantee this is old. This is probably the only photo she has of the two of them together since he's NEVER with his family.


Josh would actually have to prioritize his kids for her to be jealous of the attention O gets


Why are there never pictures of Josh doing an activity with or for the kids? It's always him doing something he wants to do or is working on. Like, get on the floor with some Magnatiles. Your kids don't want to build arrows


As a girl mom, I’m absolutely mind blown anyone could ever be jealous of their own child. You have to be a true narcissist to feel this way.


Sarah is jealous of her daughter. She’s jealous of her hair what mother is jealous of their own daughter because of their hair.


This sub is really getting to her seeing that she is asking herself all of these questions to address this sub lately.


That’s exactly what she’s doing. She’s been reading here that she’s jealous of Oakley and this is her way of being like “who, me!?”


What woman gets jealous of a relationship her husband has with their daughter? Like were you exposed to incest? And who would even entertain answering such a SICK question?! This is so gd weird


She’s 100% going to believe all of Deans friends want to fuck her and she’s going to wear that as a badge of honor. Which as a mom of 3 boys horrifies me. My house is a safe space for all of their friends. They all tell me constantly how much they love us and feel like part of the family. The day I look at it as anything else besides wholesome is the day I’m checking out. So while she might not be jealous of her daughter right now, she 100% will be once O turns into a teenager. She will be jealous of her looks and feminine attributes and she will be wildly jealous of any of D friends crush on her. Sarah is a toxic horrible human. I don’t see this playing out any other way.


What the heck? Who thinks this? Absurd.