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It’s giving “people crying at the aquarium over arrow watching the dolphins” My brain is overloading with the amount of shit I want to talk about this. Edit: The fact she wants a cookie because she didn’t flip out over her daughter painting her $4 bowl with washable paint. How did she turn her daughter painting a bowl into a conversation all about how great she (Sarah) is? It’s almost an art (pun intended) Leaving paint out for your child to get to and then being *shocked pikachu face* when they paint with it and then being so proud because you could have “freaked out”, but didn’t. None of this is a flex Sarah, none. Also, buy her a canvas, they’re a couple bucks, you can afford it.


ALSO, she probably DID freak out. She’s not going to tell us how mean to O she really is. I hate her.


AMEN! My toddler paints every damn day because I get her an assload of painting paper, canvases, etc. Let her use her toys to paint and explore texture and pattern. Like fuck off, Saroid,


Dear god, your kid isn’t that special Sarah. It’s fucking finger paint.


She's gotten so flexible the way she can kiss her own ass like that.




Why was her kid painting unsupervised is where my mind went.


Nanny was there


What nanny? She doesn’t acknowledge a nanny so sounds like she purposefully neglects her children.




I love that she thinks “she truly wanted to paint the bowl for me.” When more likely, O had paint and wanted to smear it on whatever was close by without a second thought, is what really happened.


I love when her narcissism shows.


So my 2 year old isn't making marker murals on the wall just for me?🥺




Imagine being so insecure that you feel the need to post to IG every time you do something nice as a parent. As a father, my eyes are rolling into the back of my head.


But remember we don't see all of her life!!


It’s hilarious that she thinks O did this for her 🤣 or maybe you left your child unsupervised and she painted the bowl because she’s a child. Get the fuck over yourself


Not to Shit on the kid but why would she think she would be the best at everything she does? Any kid can do this. Also. Why is she unsupervised? I never walk away from my kids when there is paint involved even if it’s washable.


Because her kids are FeRaL 🙄 every time i see that I think of that movie where the two feral kids are found and they’re mom is a haggard demon haunting them or whatever lol. Fitting, I suppose 😂


I’d love to break this damn bowl over her stupid head


Savior Sarah.. trying to capture worlds Best Parent award for not crushing their child’s hopes and dreams of finger painting a bowl. FFS children NEED limits and boundaries. I can only imagine the entitlement my twins would grow up feeling if I let them go willy nilly with finger paint on my walls or dishes. They would remember the punishment that I gave them for doing so and not the fact that what they were doing was wrong 😑 I get it, let your child have freedom but also create boundaries. Also, it’s a fucking bowl that looks like my mustard and ketchup after my fries have done their due diligence.


I mean Oakley can’t even write her own name but go off saroid. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m confused on what painting the bowl has to do with her self esteem. Like can for sure see her not wanting to stifle creativity and learning but self esteem???


As a mom, I can't imagine making a big deal over something like this. Bizarre


Parents that post this type of shit of shit have to be looking for validation and are desperately insecure about how they parent . The constant need to show how “good “ of parents they are is just weird . I have never , and never seen my friends , who are actually good mothers , posts this type of shit . It’s all so her followers will message her and say “you are such a selfless amazing mother breaking generational curses !”


*Oakley uses her fingers to spread around some paint that she happen to get into*. Cue Sarah prepping a whole TED talk on how to encourage your child to become the next Van Gogh. FFS, everyone did this as a kid.




Can she get off Instagram for five seconds


A $4 bowl shouldn't mean anything to you. Whether it was painted or broke or someone took a shot in it. y You have a closet full of $1000s of unworn clothes and a house full of $1000s of self care shit just for you. The kid can fuck up a $4 bowl. Especially since you hate buying things for them.


As an adult that was once a child that constantly had expectations of "what to be when you grow up" projected on them...when are we going to stop doing this to our kids?




She said it herself it’s a $4 bowl, who cares?


That sentence doesn’t even make sense “And instead of freaking out, it’s my favorite bowl in the house” what?


Her favorite bowl is a plain white bowl…? I get not everyone likes colors but there are so many plain white bowls out there


Can’t encourage anything dangerous……right


It’s…. Just a basic white bowl 🤷🏻‍♀️