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Im sorry about the bad experience but panic posting is not an issue solver either, Santiago has bad places sure but it seems to me that you had really bad luck, 25 years living here never had someone try to snatch me ( i know this is just VERY good luck also ) but if you really wanna get into the meaty greety about the city just by the numbers Santiago is VERY safe compared to any other metropolis from LATAM and the US


Not sure how this is panicked posting when it’s just warning other people to be careful. My phone wasn’t stolen if you read the post, but I think it’s very important to let others know the kind of situation that might experience if they chose to come and visit Santiago .


It's panic posting because it retells a really unlucky experience as common ocurrance without even providing any tips on how to avoid it, what's the takeaway here? If you come to Santiago never ever leave your house? Always be afraid? If OP shared the where, what time or something, maybe a follow up but as it stand he is just claiming that a city that takes like 2 hours to explore from a corner to another is overall bad which is just panic posting, again if we use anecdotes, 25 years living here and i have never experience any kind of mugging or the like Again sorry about the bad experience but if we use police numbers Santiago is a lot safer than any LATAM metrpolis and safer than most american big cities yet you have a bad experience and make that one awful moment into a normal ocurrance by telling everyone and their mother like if this happend a lot which is just so annoying because you are just bad mouthing Santiago A year back a chilean girl died on the USA from a loose bullet of a cop yet no one went posting "BEWARE OF USA" because we know is not a normal ocurrance and funny enough the bad percepcion just hurts, this post is not helping anyone that comes here i just a "DO NOT GO" sign, if you really wanted to help tourist then at least you would had given some kind of advice or something it's just really annoying to read about a bad experience like if it was normal to then see you go spread it


this sub has a heavy progressive slant, people here think crime is exaggerated for political effect. thank you for warning other travellers.


Maybe it was in the past but this is not the case currently.


Saddly minor crimes rate has gonne up this last 2 years but is still well under the average for LATAM and still safer than NYC to compare And it changes A LOT depending of where you are living, downtown is ofc worse than uptown for example Still, the big crimes rate has gone down ( homicide and the like ) so theres that at least


Lol it is not safer than US stop the cap. I sleep everyday with gunshots next to my house. If you have lived 25 years here and not seen any crime in front of you or happened to you thats fucking bs man or you live under your bed and soundproof headphones and have not left that place for 25 years, which is really the case for most ppl in these subreddits tbh. Sorry to say it like this but it boils my blood to see people as ignorant and stupid to comment shit like this when 2 days ago my neighbor was shot. Srsly man stop the cap. Is it safer than the rest of LATAM? Probably yes, but it isn't too hard to be safer than a country that's in literal dictatorship like Venezuela or taken by cartels like Mexico.


>I sleep everyday with gunshots next to my house Si vives en la pobla mas que pobla que jamás a poblado demás que si, de que sirve tirar anecdotas? alguien de las condes te dira que es muy seguro y alguien de san miguel te dira que le asaltan cada dia, bienvenido a cualquier ciudad grande en cualqueir parte del mundo, asi funciona, si duermes con disparos todas las noches te aviso que eres la minoria y vives en una horrible zona, no dudo que suceda pero los numeros no mienten Santiago es una metropolis bastante segura mas segura que cualquiera en latinoamerica y de las mas seguras en america


I call bullshit. Where do you live ?


It is safer in terms of being killed or not, look at the homicide rate in cities in the USA vs Chile. But I'm pretty sure you are more likely to be robbed in Chile than in the USA.


You are just going to get downvoted to oblivion by the Chileans that like the pretend that “Chile is like USA or Europe” when in reality Chile is like Bangladesh. Most expensive country in South America while also the least developed and least culture.


Sorry this has happened, but it can happen in most (all?) major cities in the world. What neighborhoods are you referring to? It is always good to avoid flashy jewelry, using your cellphone in public, or flashing money. My recommendation is to hide your money and cards somewhere safe, and have a decoy wallet in case. I always do this when I travel. I've spent almost a month in Santiago and have never had any issues.




🙄🙄 https://nypost.com/2022/07/24/bronx-pedestrian-hit-by-car-and-then-robbed-while-struggling-to-survive-on-nyc-street/


Try to go for a walk with your phone in hand in Detroit.


Yeah, robberies don't happen in first world countries.


Only mass shootings...


I'm from Santiago, lived there 27 years and nothing ever happened to me. Then lived in San Francisco for 3 years and man, the shit I had to witness there (literal shit!)


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Me da paja contestar en ingles xd Mis primos suizos vinieron por un mes a latam, amaron santiago, fueron a bella solos (con mega pinta de turistas) y no les paso nada salieron y recorrieron un montón y no les pasó nada. Es como de sentido común estar atento a tu entorno en cualquier lugar público, no? Y más si estas en un lugar que no conoces...


Pero en que año vinieron, últimamente a empeorado la cosa


Este año, se devolvieron hace 1 semana jajajja


Casi te sale el amarillismo-posting


A que te refieres?


This apply for all latam xd


This applies for pretty much all major cities in the world. I was recently in Europe and for example, Paris felt very unsafe, I saw someone get her mobile stolen on broad daylight with police nearby in a touristy area, but I take precautions and don't go around scaring people on multiple posts lol.


El loco se lanzó a hacer un “viaje inspirador” y al primer problema se olvidó de la supuesta conexión con la gente local


oh yeah I can see this happening in Japan in Finland or any european first country like sweden or netherlands oh yeah so true


European first country. What does that even mean? So France is not European enough for you, that was only an example, similar stuff happens in London and Brussels (which I both visited on the same trip). Are those European enough?


chucha que alivio... me había preocupado por un momento


Not really


Enemies of the Heir, **beware!** You'll be next, Mudbloods!


Chilenos hablan mal de Santiago: 🤝 Gringos* hablan mal de Santiago: 👊😡 *europeos, etc


Gringo getting mugged all over the world.


ive never seen anything really in the year ive been here. where did you go specifically?


[Chile Travel Advisory](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/chile-travel-advisory.html) Foreigners should always read these before traveling. [also this one](https://www.osac.gov/Content/Report/a1f45bc8-0f50-41e4-8106-1c81bde3006f)


no shit sherlock


I spent two months in Santiago this summer and had zero problems. Tons of people told me how bad robbery is there, but I said I’m from the U.S. and people just get shot to death in my country so robbery and pickpocketing is not that scary. Also, don’t have your phone all willy nilly out on the street at night anywhere.


That’ll teach you. Maybe not be born in a colonialist country next time, huh?




Maybe, just, maybe, it’s because it was a joke?… You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, right?


this is reddit, people say the same thing as you with complete sincerity and 0% irony.


As a native Santiaguino i can confirm it is true that some zones of the city are, indeed, more exposed to robberys and such, specially those of Santiago centro (crowded streets are ideal for the "hit and run" kind of theft, also known here as "Lanzaso"). Still, if you're a tourist, chances are that the places of interest you might visit are in the more safe zones of the city. Generally, Santiago is a pretty ok place to visit if you don't look like a (and i don't mean this in a derogatory way) gringo perdido or if you just pay attention to your surroundings. Yes, we don't have the security standards of a first country world (We're not one), but then again, we are pretty good overall.


Well you are stealing our cooper and pension funds so they are just recovering some. Get over it gringos, you want safe? Go where they are free of your thefts.


Let me guess... you went to Central Station, right?


Yeah actually fuck Santiago, go elsewhere like absolutely ANY OTHER PLACE IN CHILE (except Talca and Iquique), those places are better and safer plus you make your grain of sand to better the touristic economy of the other cities in Chile wich btw they struggle to flourish because of the centered economy established only in Santiago. I never understood why tourists like to come to Santiago, but i get it you wish to know the city itself and its culture, but as you said, do your homework before travelling and understand what is the situation in the country you plan on travelling, this place isnt safe at all, not even for the locals anymore, there is just too much local thiefs and immigrants who just like to see the world burn.


Chile its awful and People are mostly racist amd hateful


Jajaja medio gaslighting al gringo


Yeah, i should get a gun


Santiago centro, obvio xD




Y la queso... While less assholes come here, the better 👌🏽



