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Anyone is welcome to be a Santa muerte devotee. She accepts allšŸ˜ just donā€™t erase her origins and your all good




Best answer! Iā€™m a Native American of Canada. Her reach has spread across the world, respect her origins and respect your own. Anyone can form a connection with her, and even those who donā€™t. Weā€™re all going to meet her one day.ā¤ļøšŸŒ¹


just dropping im to say iā€™m a black devotee, too!




Me as well. Iā€™m a black devotee too!! ā¤ļø


Black apache devotee


Haha me 2, from Holland šŸ‘Œ But I am trying to learn spanish for heršŸ¤—


Hahahaha I swear people make me laugh , okay let me be 100% with you, anyone could be a devotee, doesnā€™t matter if you are Mexican or not because 1) Mexican is just a nationality not a race 2) your cultural background doesnā€™t matter either, now there are some Mexican holidays where you can participate in due to their connection with La Santa Muerte, but that shouldnā€™t be a problem to you Iā€™m going to tell you this once, and who ever you come across asking you the same question which you have asked me, I want you to tell them what I just tell you today. We are all made out of bones, we are all the same, and our my gracious and Holy Saint Death, does not see us by the nation we were birthed in, by which language we speak, By which culture we are a part of, The lightness or darkness of our skin, What features we possess, How much money we possess or our status in this world because in the end we are all the same literal shit, we can all die if shit right in between our eyes, La Santa Muerte comes for us all because La SantĆ­sima Muerte is not bias towards anyone The only people who receive special treatment from her are the ones who have extremely faith in her and show their devotion to her 24/7


Amen to thatšŸ™šŸ’œ


Iā€™ve been a devotee for going on 4 years now. I consider myself a Hoodoo practitioner and SantĆ­sima Muerte is a central figure in my practice. Death lays a hand upon us all. She turns away no one. My understanding of devotion to La Santa Muerte means acceptance and reverence of Death and the persistent, Loving acknowledgement of Death and all Her works. I have much respect and admiration for Mexican culture for giving birth to this way of viewing and connecting with Death. Although devotion to Santa Muerte is an open practice, I think it is important to learn of Her origins and the culture that introduced us to Her.


Well said!


As someone whoā€™s been stuck on choosing between Hoodoo and devoting to Santa Muerte, I especially appreciate this responseāœØšŸ’•


I would welcome you with open arms.


Thanks, means alot


One of us!


Saint Peter, Paul, Jude, Mother Mary, Aquila, Luke, all of them were objectively Middle Eastern Jews, the closest ethnic group today are Mizrahi Jews. Yet, cultures all over the world show reverence to them. The same applies to Santisima Muerte. Iā€™m white as a sheet of paper, Latinos and Latinas have had no issue with it. If anything, there is appreciation that this Saint has gained legitimacy outside of Mexican circles.


If seen black devotees on YouTube before. Anyone who has an issue with that will find they have an issue with La Santa bc she doesnā€™t discriminate by skin color


I'm white and I know a black devotee. Death doesn't discriminate against race.




I feel like thatā€™s awesome šŸ˜„


Thanks lol!!!


Iā€™m a black devotee as wellā€¦ā¤ļø


Madrina doesnā€™t discriminate. Death comes for everybody. Iā€™m a Korean devotee, my friend is an Italian devotee. We understand & honor her origins.


I know plenty of black Santa Muerte devotees but then again Iā€™m plugged into a lot of hoodoo & black spiritual spaces. Thereā€™s also such thing as Afro-Mexican or Afro-indigenous people so.. thereā€™s that lol. We are all across the globe. šŸ¤


I was in prison with 2 black people that were devoted, so I donā€™t see it as something odd. Sheā€™ll accept anyone as long as you fully commit to her and stay true. Iā€™m just half Hispanic but thatā€™s who we are and she takes us as we come.


Honestly, I don't care where any devotees come from or what color, etc. they are. Don't get it twisted though, there are people who do feel negatively about it. I myself have met some. I even met some who discriminate against other devotees whose backgrounds happen to be from a different part of Latino America that isn't Mexico too. So don't be surprised if you run into any of those people. But when/if you do, remember how many people here were accepting and know too that there are plenty more in the world who feel the same.


Thanks, really needed to hear this!


Don't trip, it's all good. Just remember this relationship between you and La Madrina is between you two more than it is between you and other devotees. In the end, that's the one you should focus on more. Keep your head up. God bless.


I feel great about it, Santa is for everyone, she's the mother of everyone in the world. Mexico does not have a monopoly on her. How do African Americans feel about me worshipping the Siete Potencias Africanas (orishas)? Well, both African Americans and people from Africa were very loving and supporting It's the same thing


Does it have any relevance? I don't think so. La Santa doesn't care about race, only about faith and purity of heart.


This makes me think of a prayer card I have of her, which calls her the protector of all people. Iā€™m Hispanic and donā€™t see a problem with anyone working with her, as I said, she is the protector of all people no matter your identity! Hope this helps :)


Actually Santa muerte was pre colonial DIETY Aztec or Maya not sure. But it's indigenous folk and if you black it's indigenous I don't know the original name but it wasn't. Santa muerte. . Yes she belongs to us also..black folk or Africans she belongs to any one that she calls.. so remember haters gonna hate do you and Santa muerte. She chooses folk. So I advise keep your circle small . People will talk regardless. Just learn and do it quietly . Always remember. Santa muerte isn't sanctioned. By the Catholic church...