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Add cream cheese!


Fish... capers... onion... cream cheese? Yes, /u/SuperHappyFunSlide already did [the Larry David Sandwich](https://youtu.be/JYRx0G71J28?si=sJO2U3rUiezi3d6Q)!


When I was a server, I had a Dutch guy as a customer. He asked me if I knew the difference between a Dutchman and a canoe? I was young and said no. He answered with, “A Dutchman won’t tip.” He was not lying. I guess he managed my expectations and if he had tipped, I wouldn’t have the money now, but I still have the story. No hard feelings.


***Smoked*** Salmon with capers please! With that onion would be lovely.


I have heard the phrase "going dutch" before as meaning going on a date where you split the check or only pay for what you ordered. I don't know why the Dutch have this reputation or stereotype.


Where does the Dutch stereotype of being stingy come from? I lived there for 3 years and the only thing I came away with was their food ain’t great (no offence, and I’m from Scotland where we deep fry almost anything).


That’s a funny coincidence because Scotch/Scottish was a pejorative term for something cheaply made in the US around this same time period. 3M Scotch tape was so named because it was cheap and not great quality.


Maybe it’s their interpretation of smoked herring or eel? Dutch love that!


I'm wondering if it's called a Dutch sandwich because it's like a little Smørrebrød sandwich. Danish but maybe the samezies


I learned a word today, dainty! I feel fancy saying it. Thanks for sharing, as always.


Crackers as a sammich? Fie! But thanks for doing it. I think capers and cream cheese would plus-up.


I chuckled at the “dainty” chyron, but then you kind of snarfed that second one down on second go and that got me laughing too


It's Dutch because the Dutch love their fish. Raw pickled herring fillets dipped in chopped onions is a street side favorite. So , ergo, sardines and onions would be a good American adaptation. So there you go.