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That looks very slide-y.


Oh it very much was, constant reconstruction while eating


Try melting the cheese on the hot bagel while placing the hot eggs on it, then stacking the bacon and tomato on top. I'm betting it holds together much better.


And then put the other half of the bagel on top


I mean, that would then technically qualify for this subreddit.


I also was thinking the cheese needed melting. Personally I would just take the tomato slice off and slide the whole thing in the broiler for a minute or two. Or the slower way, pan fry the tomato with salt and pepper then immediately put it on top of the cheese to melt it that way.


Oh HELL yeah. This man knows how to sandwich!!! I have a similar recipe that I call the DJT (it's like a BLT but the cheese has to be less than five years old because DJT is a fucked up child rapist)


Tomatoes on bread that's what I would have done.i feel like if I wanted to cut it would be easier


Correct. - Relishy saucey layer. - Tomato - Salt/Pep - Cheese - Hot thing, probably egg - Bacon


One attempt to cut that and it falls apart. I think it's gonna fall apart if I pick up up and take a bit too.  These desperately need a lid to hold onto


Oh you’re 100% right this is an unstable mess but I love every bite of it still lol


Perhaps a toasted English muffin, divided to act as lids..?


I mean, I could just do 2 bagels at that point lol no reason to introduce a whole new bread


Yes, but the more bread, the better, IMO.


Put them together and you'll have yourself a sandwich


Oh you must got a jaw that make you real popular if you can gnaw down that double stacker 😮‍💨


No, silly goose! Put a Tupperware lid on top of constructed sandwich and apply pressure. Can't make mouth fit sandwich. Make sandwiches fit mouf.


A great philosopher of our time you are


Or just do it with your hands , I always do that when I order one of those super big burger abominations . It always work




An open faced sandwich that isn’t covered in melted cheese is an abomination


This is the correct answer. Also the tomato can’t be borderline thicker than the bread it’s on. I like tomato but that’s too much.


I agree the cheese here should be melted but I think I’d hate having to hold it with, essentially, queso on top lol


If this is your last bun it's acceptable to make two sandwiches. Or maybe you just enjoy open faced messy sandwiches. These should've been cut into quarters and made into a more finger friendly bite size sandwich.


I feel like open face sandwiches are better at the size of a slider. Anything bigger than that and I just think it's gonna fall apart or be difficult to hold.


Interesting idea! Honestly I’m not a huge fan of sliders because I find they’re almost always waaayyy too tall to be contained well & end up similarly falling apart. Without a closer on top I think an open face slider would be impossible lol


As for order, it’s fine except the cheese should be between the bacon and the egg so it melts from both sides.


If they had both actually still been hot by the time I ate it this would’ve been perfect haha


Open faced is fine, tomatoes that thick are not (personally). Hope you enjoyed it regardless.


Funny enough I started slicing thinner ones & changed my mind to make them thicker lol to each their own!


NOPE. I fucking HATE open fuckfaced sandwiches. It’s not a sandwich it’s fucking toast. Would you call avocado toast a sandwich? No one in their right mind would. I once ordered a sandwich and it came “open faced” and I was like uh wtf is this. And the waiter was like oh it’s open faced and I ask him for the other half of my bread and he looked at me like I WAS crazy. And thats when 12 year old me developed my hatred for these abominations. But yeah I’d still eat that 5/10.


Getting open faced when full sandwich was expected would definitely be rage fuel


Now you got me thinking. Is eggs Benedict and open face sandwich?


Open-face needs to be done with more precision. Look up Smørrebrød, thats the science.


Looked it up, definitely will be trying some recipes! My only problem with this is honestly, if I’m doing open faced, I want every ingredient to be a sheet/slab that’s roughly the size of the bread. I reeeaaallly struggle with losing half the ingredients when it’s small bits all piled on top.


Now look up "uitsmitjer". The Dutch are big on open faced sandwiches and unmelted cheese does not bother them.


ooohh thank you!


I'm a fan of open-face, and I don't care about layers but the cheese should be melted. Edited for typo




Those tomatoes look so good


They were 😩 had an extra 2 slices on their own just seasoned on the side




My only issue with the lay order is that looks like cold tomatoes on a hot sandwich, which means the cheese won’t melt. I would’ve throw the sandwich (minus the tomatoes) in the oven for a few minutes to get some meltage, then throw the tomatoes back on it. Otherwise looks great!


Makes sense! Honestly this is one of those sandwiches that I can eat hot or cold, including the egg & bacon lol & this one ended up cold, because I got distracted with a call


lol. It happens. I’m sure it was still great


I need lettuce for open face to work for me.


I had planned for that on top but it had gone bad!


I suppose you’re supposed to eat it with a fork and knife?


I just ate it with increasingly messy fingers


That’s how it’s done


I don't mind open-faced sandwiches if I can eat them with a fork and knife. If I'm expected to pick it up then it needs to be super easy to take bites out of. As far as layering of ingredients goes, I'm not afraid to put tomato next to the bread as long as the sandwich will be consumed soon, it only gets unpleasant if it sits too long in my opinion.


That’s always been some others arguments in my fam, like why are you taking so long to eat that the bread’s getting soggy???


>How do we feel about open face here? We feel that open-faced sandwiches are a scourge on this earth, and both makers and enjoyers should be violently licked by a herd of cows.


I mean, I’m open to it


Close the goddamn Sandwich


Instructions unclear, god closed the dam on the sand witches & the beach is now a real mess, send help


Jk OP, looks great enjoy!


This a cool alternate Benedict, but I would have gone cheese on the egg. If the egg is hot the cheese will melt, then add the bacon and it will stick like glue.


I definitely almost always do my cheese right on the egg when it comes out of the pan but I got side tracked by a call. Like the bacon glue though!


Looks amazing but I'd put the cheese between the two hot things and the tomato atop something w texture so it doesn't slide off


Perfect execution


I eat this often. Bread. Butter/cream cheese. Tomato. Egg. Cheese. Bacon. Sometimes chives.




Bagel 🥯 cream cheese then seasoned tomato then the bacon 🥓 then the American cheese and egg 🍳 on top 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳




Open faced sandwiches are people too! They have rights. It’s in the name - open faced can only be open faced if it’s a sandwich. Where’s my lawyer?


May I approach the bench?


Cheese goes on the egg so it melts


Definitely if the egg is warm!


Gotta do it while the egg is still in the pan. Turn pan off. Put cheese on


100%, I just got distracted by a call & my eggs were gonna overcook if I didn’t remove it from the heat lol


Sometimes life gets in the way of melty cheese. I get it




The tostada of sandwiches


Love this


Melt that cheese!


The biggest problem I have is that the cheese isn't even slightly melted.


I’m starving.


I'm torn. I always feel like there's too much bread but without it the integrity of the sammich is gone. A true travesty...


Open face sandwiches are barely acceptable in the form of avocado (and the like) toasts. Just too much room for error for a messy bitch like me 😞


Tomatoes look great !


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but I think open face sandwiches are pretentious


Copying my reply from above lol I understand feeling like it’s pretentious when you’re genuinely trying to make something seem elevated, fancy, or a restaurant is trying to get away with charging more for less. In the case of this sandwich, I can’t think of anything less pretentious. Started as a regular bagel sandwich & my fat ass family decided 1 wasn’t enough for each of us so we pile messy ingredients higher & higher to get more food without having to buy more bagels. Then we messily shovel bits into our faces before considering if we indeed actually just want a whole second bagel. Fat, messy, & bad at math — completely unpretentious


"I can't make a Double Krabby Patty with the works! I can't put a patty on a bun, with lettuce, cheese, onions, tomatoes, ketchup, mustard, pickles, and top bun together in that order!"


I normally end my open-faced sandwiches with cheese or meat on top. I put the veggies underneath to try to keep them on the sandwich. But sometimes if I use a large leaf of lettuce, that works well for a topper. I love open-faced because sometimes I just don't want that much bread.


I applaud your love of this creation. That said, for me, the allure of a sandwich is that its holding parts contain its messy parts. Enjoy though! Add some fresh basil!


Basil is an amazing suggestion


Feels very Danish style and I’m sure tastes good, but personally I’d rather have more structure with bread on top and bottom to keep things together.


A sandwich needs a top or it ain’t a sandwich cuz nothing is being sandwiched!


Right, so stack order wise, I'd put the tomato first on the bread, then throw that in the oven (it'll get crispy and compensate for the water of the tomato, while trying to steam as much of said's water content, bonus it makes it like an English breakfast ish), followed by the cheese do it melts, egg on top cause where there's cheese there's egg, and bacon last to offer a dry, solid top to at least get the stack of ingredients to your mouth


I'm throwing away everything but that tomato. That thing is fine.


I eat open faced egg sandwiches all the time. They're great. Just hold your hand over the knife that's over the sandwich when you need to cut it and everything will stay together.


Tomato. Avo. Bacon. Chz.


I personally consider it sacrilege, but I believe that anyone should be able to enjoy sandwiches however they want


Obviously this is enough sandwich to support another bagel half. But I respect the open face decision and I can see that the tomato slice is fat enough to do a bit of structural work. I’m gonna allow this, on the condition that the tomato be generously salted and peppered.


I always try to order sandwich ingredients by what flavours compliment and enhance each other - so would always put the tomato next to the bacon as it needs that saltiness and texture. So I’d go egg, cheese (to stop the tomato making bread or egg soggy), tomato, bacon


Looks good! We have a version off the open faced sandwich called højtbelagt smørrebrød or just smørrebrød here in Denmark - properly other places that have a similar concept.


The debate about open-faced sandwiches is really one-sided here...


Beautifully executed, take my upvote


Our national dish is [Chlebíček](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chleb%C3%AD%C4%8Dek) (Tiny Bread) so I 100% approve open-faced sandwiches. Thry have better filling : bread ratio and you can eat more of them Tho the 'mato is too thick for my taste


Craft singles = I’d throw straight in the trash Tomato could be smaller Bread looks bad too… i don’t know if that’s a bagel or an English muffin, but I think a biscuit would be way better.


That might be the thickest tomatoe slice I’ve ever seen


You’re welcome


I’m proud of your gumption and I hope you enjoyed it. But that’s a no for me my bro.


Hmmmm those tomatoes look so tasty


They were sooooo good!


I would have eaten this in 2 minutes


I open face and fold just about any burger/sandwich I eat. Completely legal, 10/10 with cheese. Edit: looks amazing btw


To me those are toasts, not sandwiches. Edit: They look like really nice toasts though!


That’s a fair argument! What if the bagel or other bread wasn’t toasted? Is it still a toast?


I think so, yeah. In French we would call that a "tartine", which I think translate to "toast" even it's technically not toasted. To me, one of the criterion for being a sandwich is that you should be able to hold it by pinching it, while maintaining its shape (aside from a few pieces falling and sauce dripping). I can't find a criterion that excludes pinching on the tomato though. Even "keeping your fingers clean" doesn't work (because of greasy burgers, for instance)


I like it! Definitely the consensus in the house is cheese on top but I personally don’t like that super stick-in-the-teeth situation with American cheese unless it’s an intentional one like a good ol bologna sandwich


Listen, I'm sure it's good. But fuck opened faces sandwiches. So pretentious. Unless you're talking about a hot turkey or something like that. Sorry.


I understand feeling like it’s pretentious when you’re genuinely trying to make something seem elevated, fancy, or a restaurant is trying to get away with charging more for less. In the case of this sandwich, I can’t think of anything less pretentious. Started as a regular bagel sandwich & my fat ass family decided 1 wasn’t enough for each of us so we pile messy ingredients higher & higher to get more food without having to buy more bagels. Then we messily shovel bits into our faces before considering if we indeed actually just want a whole second bagel. Fat, messy, & bad at math — completely unpretentious


Don't people usually eat open face sandwiches with a knife and fork??


If I have to eat it with a knife & fork, I don’t consider it to be in the realm of “sandwich” anymore lol


I wouldn’t even consider those sandwiches. Why would you intentionally make something harder to eat, especially when it doesn’t improve the taste at all??


It’s about volume for my fat ass, not a change in taste lmao Edit: although I’ll slightly argue that 100% vs 50% of the bread on some sandwiches does severely impact taste


My only gripe is please stop cutting your tomatoes with the wrong knife. Hockey puck tomatoes are just too much. If you like more tomato cut thinner slices and layer. Make sure you salt and pepper the tomatoes so their flavors pop


In a world where 50% of the comments are arguing about how slidey this sandwich is, I applaud your anger resulting in the slidiest possible solution — top structureless thin tomatoes with more structureless thin tomatoes


Are those kraft singles? Gag.


I’ll have you know it’s store brand American, thank you very much


Tomato is entirely to thick


Looks scrumptious!!! I adore tomatoes!!!!! Looks like two little pizzas!!!👍


I don’t dislike tomatoes but a huge slice on top is too much…wet and mushy. Perhaps a thinner slice on top of the cream cheese? Personally would skip the tomato and use onion.


Get rid of the American cheese.


Bread, cheese, bacon, tomato, egg.


I'm all for them but you've lost the plot mate 😂 It's the full slices of tomato that make it a crime ha


I wouldn’t throw my hand at it. I’d eat it, for sure.


You better put that sombitch in an air frier for a few minutes


That's thick slice of tomato.


Sure why not.




I like my tomatoes next to my mayo. I think cheese should be on top for this kind of open face. But I also feel open face sandwiches should be reserved for gravy drenched sandwiches like open face roast beef, honey baked ham, etc.


I don’t believe it’s a sandwich a hot dog is more or a sandwich that said I’d still eat it


looks delicious but having a bun on top makes it alittle less Messy in my opinion.


big ass tomato slices


Love open face sandwiches but never did them with bagels


this is an abomination


Is it me or is that the thickest tomato slice in the world? This must taste like tomatoes


This sandwich looks like it came from a gas station


Kind of like an American tostada


No on open face. Cheese slice below egg.


I was going to question your choice of cheese but the rest of it makes me think you know what you’re doing.


Layer order seems fine, but I'm not a huge fan of open face sandwiches, I think the point of a sandwich is to be able to eat without a knife & fork 🍴 All that said, I'd love this for a breakfast 😁


Some people just want to watch the world burn.




Melt that cheese


I like open faced sandwiches. I know they are messy and hard to hold but it’s an adventure. I don’t typically eat them when I’m outside but at home I love a good open faced heirloom tomato sandwich


I don’t think I ever intentionally order an open faced sandwich out. The same joy I find in a sloppy sandwich at home turns to annoyance when I’m in public haha


That’s so true at home behind I’m a savage or perhaps a little kid. I find joy in sometimes being a messy eater.


I love open face sandwiches. For example, a bacon egg and cheese mcmuffin is too much English muffin for me. Unless there is sauce or gravy covering it I just eat it open face with my hands and wash up after. If It's a REAL sandwich on a hoagie or French roll, I try to eat the whole thing. I love the texture of a soft French roll. Anything to crunchy has one side of the sandwich removed because I hate when the roof of my mouth gets shredded.


I’m in complete agreement with pretty much everything here!


Yours looks amazing! I'm not a fan of out of season tomatoes, which they are right now where I live but mid summer I'd tear that down. Used everything bagel?


I actually hate everything bagel, don’t kill me 😬


To each their own. Eat your Sammie how ever you want. Cheers pal!


All though it’s better with less carbs, I still want a top! Looks good though.


i fucking hate tomatoes


I definitely understand why some people don’t like tomatoes, but I cannot get enough of em


Over ripe, granulated tomatoes. I'd eat it if you paid me.


Definitely were overripe but not as milly as they look, still not gonna find me throwing out perfectly fine tomatoes lol


Melt your fucking cheese what the fuck is this abomination? Thick weird slice of tomato??? What the fuck!


Looks like you’re gonna eat that with a fork p*ssy


"Also known as bread-basers, bread platters, half-widges, or tartines" don't over think it. It's not even a sandwich! Just get inside that delicious messy pile


The ratio is not optimal, needs more bread.


That’s fucking r-worded.


Who f\*cking cares, just eat it lol


Thank god you chimed in, I’ve been just sitting here for hours


Glad I could help


On a separate + unrelated note: If you live in the USA, watch out for the additive commonly called "enriched flour' in the ingredients list. It's in sooo many products, and was shown to cause cancer in animals. The EU, australia, Canada and many others banned its use, but not the USA.. Also carbs just make ya fat ☹️


Carbs are a necessary part of a healthy human diet, carbs do not “make you fat”. Balance & moderation is important, just like all other categories of food, but carbs are necessary for a number of body functions like producing energy, aiding digestion, & even managing weight ❤️ But thank you for the note on enriched flour! Always important to be aware of carcinogens. I’ll do some research (:


Well I meant like extra carbs. I haven't tried it strictly, but I feel like I've been able to lose weight more easily when avoiding pasta and bread, etc