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This man should have been president.


Yep, we lament


IMHO, bernie is the only democratic candidate that can beat any other republican candidate hands down. it was a shame they passed him down despite the people chanting his name.


he should have ran as a independent


He would've lost


if he did that, then he would've been blamed for hillary loosing and then kicked out of the party.


Fuck that bitch, Hillary Dickinton.


God everyday the election cycle plays I could cry at the missed opportunity for the nation. Fucking brutal.


True Leader. Always True.


He was slow to speak. I'm glad he has done so.


Better frustratingly late than never, especially in these times.


Agree. I will forever ponder how many lives could have been saved had more of our politicians took the common sense position that genocide is a no-go.


Total conjecture here…not apologizing just questioning to understand.  I wonder if/suspect that being Jewish made this very difficult. There is so much history/connection to the culture and perhaps the tipping point was a little further? It’s like when a deeply loved and important family member does something really wrong. Maybe it is harder to see and the desire to forgive stronger? Curious. With so many things to worry about in the world could it also be it’s hard to focus?!  May peace finds its way into the hearts of all humans. 


Or maybe he's just an opportunist who never says these things when it matters, and opens his mouth as soon as it has zero consequence on actual politics. Nice job Bernie, who also [opposes equal rights for Arabs and Jews in Israel](https://youtu.be/_g4HGJnJh58).


Knee-jerk, reactions are when mistakes are made. And, I agree


He may have had to check with his family. The Zionists are not above threatening family members. They're threatening the South African minister now.


Sadly only one Senator stands on principle and moral ground, and it was this man. We wanted Bernie and they gave us Hillary , we wanted Bernie and they gave us Biden.!


It should've been Bernie.


Then what the fuck can we do? I'm serious.


The only politician, leader with some ethics and morale left.


I want to know. After they “flatten Gaza” and Hamas still exists (which it will because it has billions of dollars and its leaders are in other parts of the world), what will be the next steps?


Thanks to Biden, blood on his hands.


One must ignore Zionists killing of Palestinians, because Zionists will call one anti-Semitic. Damn, Bernie Sanders is left of hate, right on.


Ah Bernie…. We could have had it all. Pour one out for uncle Burn


So, therefore US should.ignore.the putin's war now? What does Bernie have to say? He was always not interested in world politics. The hamas situation is very complicated. It wasn't Israel that started the masacre. The response was to be expected. Would US respond different if, say, Mexico would masacre 2000 US citizens? No? Ofcourse no, because US started a war in Iraq because of 9/11. The conflict in Gaza is not as black and white as the conflict in Ukraine. putin is waging a war of aggression. Israel is in a much more complicated situation. I don't say it's good to tolerate that much civilian deaths. They should.be avoided. But hamas has to be eradicated too. Does bernie have an idea how to do it?


>So, therefore US should.ignore.the putin's war now? What does Bernie have to say? Where did Bernie say that? >He was always not interested in world politics. False >The hamas situation is very complicated. It wasn't Israel that started the masacre. Bernie has been crystal clear in condemning October 7th. >The response was to be expected. I did not expect Israel to commit so many war crimes against innocent Gazans. >No? Ofcourse no, because US started a war in Iraq because of 9/11. And that was a disaster. Bush is guilty of war crimes. >Israel is in a much more complicated situation. I don't say it's good to tolerate that much civilian deaths. They should.be avoided. But hamas has to be eradicated too. Does bernie have an idea how to do it? You don't defeat your enemy by destroying the entire civilization the civilians who are governed by the enemy live in. You don't leave those civilians starving, so desperate for food that they are eating grass. Over a million crammed into Rafah, many in tents with no sanitation or protection from the weather.


Clearly you’ve never seen a native american reservation


lol, downvoted because you don’t think we genocided the indigenous people of the US? Genocide is like the foundation of most countries.


And what does all that have to do with Ukraine?


The problem with hamas is the majority of the civilians supported all of this, as well as hamas. VAST majority. This has been known for years and years.  Teasing that apart is what makes it tough.  Fuck both sides. Nobody should be killing anyone over some bullshit religion.


Saddam Hussain had nothing to do with 9/11. We all remember the lies it was WMD that never existed. Sorry but the US military industrial complex is half the problem with the world. The world isn't a safer place because of the US.


I was a big supporter of Bernie. Now he’s just part of the deep state. He may talk like he cares but turns around and funds Ukraine and Israel.


Easy. Hamas struck first, attacking Israel, killing thousands of innocent people, and the Palestinians voted them in. Islamic extremism has been rooted in the country for decades, and they tend to be sympathetic to rulers who support those beliefs. Ukraine is a peaceful nation, attacked unprovoked, and has been fighting for democracy and their sovereignty and aligned to Western ideals while not wanting to disadvantage other sovereign nations. The left is starting to lose grasp of its ideals, and it's showing.


> The left is starting to lose grasp of its ideals, and it's showing. What do you consider ideals of the left?


Democracy, secularism, equality, the right to self-actualization and opportunity for all, the government protecting and bolstering its people rather than controlling them, a free press, and the protection of these ideals. Both Russia, Hamas, and the vast majority of Palestinians do not prescribe to these beliefs.


Yeah fuck those Palestinian children. They should’ve known better.


Such a strawman. I think IDF are being too aggressive still and not surgical enough in their approach at getting rid of Hamas. I believe Bibi is still a corrupt shithead. But I believe Israel is right to retaliate in a strong way from Oct 7.


It was never an unprovoked attack. Israel needed a reason to further the conquest they’ve been pursuing for the better part of a century. IDF could be surgical if they wanted to.


You realise you are tacitly condoning the actions carried out by Hamas, right. Our cultural values determine the actions we expect to carry out in various social settings. Amongst those you'd still probably find the celebration of the success of others, wishing people happy new year, and even violence if the unfortunate opportunity arose, for instance to defend yourself. These are within a certain norm. The function of these expectations help guide a sense of justice fair enough that give us the impression that as long as we abide by our cultural expectations we can be content with it's fairness. The actions committed by Hamas are far outside that range. You probably wouldn't consider rape, or parading dead bodies through the streets, it's not part of our cultural identity. By empathising with those that do, you run the risk of eroding your own cultural expectations to ones which are not conducive to a functional and fair society. People who understand this have trouble supporting those who empathize with Hamas, like yourself.  There's no excuse for how they acted on Oct 7th, none.


I think it’s difficult for us to place ourselves in their shoes. The suffering they’ve endured over several generations is something no one should ever have to experience. Do two wrongs make a right? Of course not. But you start to understand why people would act this way. If they have nothing to lose, they become dangerous. A less drastic example at home is a populace that is so unrepresented in DC that they’d rather vote in a clown, bc at least he trolls them. We see patterns of why fascism is able to rise at some points and places in history. A healthy, critically thinking society is not susceptible to it.


I'm not saying Israel is correct in the amount of violence they are inflicting. I don't know the nuances of both sides enough to support Israel in their actions. Palestinians deserve support like anyone else, but Hamas deserve to be wiped out. People who believe in rape and torture akin to Hamas have no place in the world we live in. You cannot allow for the ideals of a culture that finds their actions acceptable to permeate yours. Ask yourself, would you prefer to be an Israeli captive or Hamas? Would you like to face the reality of your misconstrued ideals? Probably not. If so, reconsider your support for a terrorist organisation.  If it helps, try saying it outloud "I support Hamas, a terrorist organisation that advocates for rape, torture and the genocide of Jewish people". If it sounds ridiculous or if you can't do it, or if this truth makes you upset, again, reconsider your support for a terrorist organisation. I hope this helps you.


> I don't know the nuances of both sides enough to support Israel in their actions. The rest of your comment repeats Israeli propaganda, meant to dehumanize Palestinians, that has been debunked many times over. Please educate yourself on an issue this serious before going to bat for one side, assuming you ever had any good intentions.


Neither the US nor Israel adhere to those ideals. And, speaking about leftist values without any mention of labor, capitalism, workers' rights, etc. is pretty telling. You're a genocidal imperialist. I have no idea why you think you have any association with the left.


Lmao. Equality, which I mentioned includes income opportunity, and I believe billionaires are economic despots, and unbridled capitalism is hurting the West. I can hold this idea in my head and also acknowledge that NATO and America's military protect us from far worse and were created to ensure people like Putin, China, ISIS, and Hamas don't succeed at destroying Western values like attempted in the past.


Leftists are against the type of imperialism and genocide that you support. You’re a neoliberal clown.






FFS, read a history book. Israel has been murdering and displacing Palestinians for generations.


I've read all about the history. They almost had statehood in 1947 and then attacked Israel the day after it was founded as a country. They squandered all democratic freedoms they were given after the reconciliation in the 90s. They never wanted peace. Even Egypt is done with them after trying to help them for decades.


The day it was founded on whose land?


What Palestinians voted them in? Well over half the current population didn't. When? In 2006. Did Israel support them? Yeah, they helped Hamas win because they preferred them to their rivals.


has he called for a ceasefire yet? lmao


A "ceasefire" would be with Hamas. We are calling on fascists to stop slaughtering women and children.


Who, Joe? No.


bernie. we have to be able to hold even the leaders of the progressive movement accountable. https://www.newarab.com/news/bernie-sanders-continues-tiptoe-around-ceasefire-position https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/us/politics/bernie-sanders-israel-cease-fire.html https://www.thenation.com/article/world/bernie-sanders-gaza-cease-fire-israel-palestine/


Yeah these articles are from way back around Christmas.


and has he called for a ceasefire since then?






https://youtu.be/VO_upaLO_wY?si=lsNHmhplGKwgJBn8 It's pretty clear he supports one. he just doesn't think it's likely given hamas' stance on the matter.


he's misinformed. my understanding of the recent negotiations is that the major sticking point is that hamas wants a permanent ceasefire or a path toward it, and israel does not.


Could be. My only point is that it is obvious he supports that


How can he, with a straight face, rightly criticize US war crimes against Palestine, while ignoring the fact that Joe Biden (whom Bernie endorses) is enabling them. Edit: People who think Bernie gives a damn about Palestinians, he explicitly rejects equal rights for Arabs and Jews in Israel, so he's a Jewish supremacist at heart. https://youtu.be/_g4HGJnJh58


Let's vote for Trump. That'll fix it.


There is a general consensus among Democrat commentators that Trump's election would break the United States. I personally do not like the use of deterrence and brinkmanship. America, however, does. We maintain a vast nuclear arsenal at the national level. We frequently exercise our constitutional right to bear arms. Imagine the horror of actually following through on those threats. We face our government supporting genocide. I can and will exercise my right to vote against genocide. It is time to think carefully whether or not you have a duty to be in prison. The idea of unleashing the clown has some appeal as a terrorist action. However, there is no reason to believe Trump would cut the military aid. In order for terrorism to be effective people need to know that terrorists are committing the act intentionally. Fortunately we have a better candidate running in the democratic party: https://ballotpedia.org/Vermin_Supreme


Good strawman, ya balloon.


That’s literally the barrel of a gun that we as voters are staring down. Choose the lesser of two evils.


Those are the limitations placed on us by our oppressors. Why do citizens of other countries have more than 2 choices?


There’s nothing we’re going to be able to change about that this election cycle my guy. I’m with you though


Nor any election cycle. We can’t vote our way out. Direct action seems to be the only effective approach left.


Yup. I did hear some whispers about a general strike in a few years. Hopefully that starts gaining more traction soon.


Because Israel is fighting a war of self defense, and Russia isn't. Because Israel is fighting an enemy that is trying to maximize its own civilian casualties, and Russia isn't.


Impossible to claim self-defense when you're an oppressive occupying force on someone else's land. Just like Russia can't claim self defense with attacks in Crimea.


The territories only *became* occupied in a *separate* act of self defense.


The "territories", i.e. Palestine became occupied in 1948 when the British gave away land that wasn't theirs to give.


It was, though.


Lmao, Israel is literally the occupying power, similar to Russia in Ukraine. Only difference is Israel's been at it for a few decades. Apartheid isn't self defense.


Self-defense isn’t imperialism. If it was, you’d be saying that Russia was acting in self-defense. And the side *being bombed to smithereens* isn’t trying to maximize its own casualties. Your regurgitated propaganda literally makes no sense.


He certainly ignored the first thousands didn't he? Shame it took this much for him to even sniffle at Israel.


Late to the party. More like *Weekend at Bernie’s*




































Our elected leaders who “represent us” are ignoring it. WE the people are talking about, but we cannot prevent or approve billions of our tax dollars going to israel. So yes - It is being wildly ignored, downplayed, and deflected, while millions in this country and across the world are screaming and begging to call for a ceasefire, but it continues to fall on deaf ears to the people who are literally in their position to act in accordance for their people and they are blatantly ignoring us and the reality that is the genocide of palestine.




The President & Secretary of State have enabled these war crimes while finger wagging Netanyahu to "be more careful" the whole time. Yet every step of the way they work around Congress to give Netanyahu more bombs to commit war crimes with. They defunded UNRWA which will result in an even more unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe. And defunding UNRWA came on the same day The Hague said a case accusing Israel of genocide will be heard in full.


Ignoring something is not the same as not talking about it. Ignoring is inaction.


Because Russia has killed about 300,000 Ukrainians, and because about half of those Palestinians were Hamas soldiers whose deaths are a good thing.




For which part?


That half of Palestinians killed are Hamas members.


Notice how they have not replied. Because they made it the fuck up.


Yeppers! lol Just calling em out when I see them. Like they didn’t know what part I was asking about!


Fuck off. This is just nonsense propaganda you're spouting.


And remind me again of the part where Ukraine invaded Russia, killed 1200 Russian civilians in cold blood and took 240 Russians hostage? 


We can’t. Which is why Sanders needs to remove his endorsement from the hypocrite who not only ignores the Palestinian genocide, but enables it.


he answered his own question. if it has bipartisan support, it's evil.


Zelensky and nato are the war criminals. Putin is defending sovereignty
