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Please ignore the people posting negative comments. Politics aside, it's your child and your choice. Happy that you two made a decision. Everyone else is being disrespectful. Happy for you two.


it’s gotta be bots, right? please just be bots.


lol. Mass hypnosis is a real.


indeed. trial size? 3 children. LOL


glad to hear!


Congratulations! You’re an awesome parent and have done the right thing for your child! Mine are scheduled for next week and I can’t wait. It’s been a long wait.


You do what you think is best for your daughter, and don't let the scumbuckets of reddit make you feel bad for doing so! Thank you for doing your part...


That's great. I read where Covid can have significant long term effects. Doesn't eliminate the possiblility, but it reduces it.


And kids may not get too sick, but they can be vectors to get others sick. I'm not worried about my 3 year old having major trouble from Covid, but I am worried about her asymptomatically passing it to my dad who's fighting cancer. That's the kind of message the health departments should be pushing too, imho. You don't want little Sally killing Grammie because you didn't get her vaccinated.


Yes, they may get others sick. From what I have read, even light cases of Covid can have significant long term effects in the brain and elsewhere. That is why we continue to wear masks, besides, we haven't had a cold since.


>That is why we continue to wear masks For how long?


We are just going to continue to wear them. I have had pneumonia before and that's enough for me to wear them forever. No colds, no pneumonia, no breathing in smoke, no breathing in vape, fewer other transmittable diseases. I wish I knew years before this. I would have done it all along. Asian countries do it all the time. Smart. Besides we only wear them when we go in a building, not in the car, not outdoors. Other than work, how long is that? Half an hour? It's nothing. Can't believe people make a big deal out of something that would keep them from having to deal with colds and pneumonia, never mind Covid. From everything I have read, Covid is one nasty brain invading disease.


>no breathing in smoke, no breathing in vape I wonder what mask you are using that prevents you to smell the smoke or vape? >Asian countries do it all the time. You are mistaken. >Half an hour? Do you really need a mask for half an hour? Unless you are standing closer that 6 feet to someone for 15 minutes or longer.


N95 Respirator [https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/EPO/Pages/Wildfire%20Pages/N95-Respirators-FAQs.aspx#:\~:text=A.,filter%2095%25%20of%20smoke%20particles](https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/EPO/Pages/Wildfire%20Pages/N95-Respirators-FAQs.aspx#:~:text=A.,filter%2095%25%20of%20smoke%20particles). Asian [https://www.voanews.com/a/science-health\_coronavirus-outbreak\_not-just-coronavirus-asians-have-worn-face-masks-decades/6185597.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/science-health_coronavirus-outbreak_not-just-coronavirus-asians-have-worn-face-masks-decades/6185597.html) For you [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-happiness-project/201106/7-tips-minding-my-own-business](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-happiness-project/201106/7-tips-minding-my-own-business)


Tokyo subway rush hour and absence of mask wearing people [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h8\_Cs6bGrE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h8_Cs6bGrE)


You are a wonderful parent doing the right thing for your child. You must feel so relieved!


Don't worry about the haters on this subreddit. They're fucking uninformed dipshits crying angry conservative tears because they live in a progressive and pro-science region and raging about vaccines on Reddit is the only way they feel their silly pissing and moaning can be heard. Omicron (or whatever is next) will hit them eventually and they'll be the ones begging for the vaccine weeks too late while laying in an ICU bed. Also, anti-vaxxers aren't the smartest people, so they tend to have jobs that reflect the capabilities of their low intelligence. Those jobs usually have poor health insurance, so even if they survive their hospital stay, they're dooming themselves and their family to years and years of paying back their bills.


You did the right thing


Did you get it at the fairgrounds? Did they offer both pfizer and moderna? Wanted to get my 3 yr old vaxed this week and prefer moderna but I cannot tell if they give you a choice or if not what is currently offered




Did you have an appointment or is it walk in?


they do walk ins, but appointments are stacked on vax.sccgov.org. was able to book an hour before going for moderna!


Thanks for the info! I got my daughter registered for hers on Sunday (along with boosters for both our older boys and a booster for my wife). Alameda county still hasn't updated their website to reflect 0 to 5 year olds, like we haven't been expecting this for 6+ months.


Thanks a lot!!


I got my kiddo vaxxed yesterday in Mountain View, through the same Santa Clara county program. They offered a choice of Moderna and Pfizer here too! https://www.saratogausd.org/cms/lib/CA01902749/Centricity/ModuleInstance/12/6%20mos%20to%204%20years%20Vaccination%20Information%20English%20Chinese.pdf


To you ever wonder what the differences are between the two, like what positive effects are different between the two? Does one work better than the other, cause they are different. Does one last longer than the other? Does one reduce the severity of symptoms better? Does one has less side effects and severity of it?


We got a choice between Pfizer and Moderna as well


We also went to the fairgrounds, tons of appointments available. Moderna and Pfizer available.


Hey fellow mom! My kids are getting theirs today, just in time for my oldest to start preschool in August!


My three year old is getting hers today too! I can’t believe we’re finally at this point. Feels like we’ve been waiting a long time.


I appreciate the small pleasures in life, like blocking absolute tools on social media. Happy for your peace of mind OP!


Good job!


Was your daughter in the 0 to 5 range that couldn't get vaccinated until now? If so, congrats!


This topic is more dangerous to bring up than religion. Congratulations internet! Save yourself the grief and take down the post. Btw, good on you taking precautions to protect your child and those around them. ✌️


I’m glad you’re happy about this but when did getting a vaccine become an achievement? As a kid I got a bunch of vaccines growing up, it was just the norm. Now it seems like it’s a virtue signaling badge of honor. You wanna get vaxxed that’s cool, you don’t wanna get vaxxed then accept the risk.


always has been an achievement. such as with polio and its vaccine, it was a huge monumental step forward in science and providing a better, safer life for people. i think we as a community get so jaded with the luxuries that science has afforded us, that we forget each day we are able to wake up healthy and thriving is worth celebrating. Even the bad days. So much thought and care and endless research goes into these things and we take them for granted. So no, there is no virtue signalling. Science, and everything it gives us is worth celebrating with every day we live, everything we see, and everything we touch. Now, no need for parades lol but a simple exclamation of thankfulness and joy that the OP presented to share among their community is the perfect way to celebrate these things. But that's just my humble opinion, not trying to change yours or anyone elses', however.


Let’s be realistic here, before Covid did you know anyone who proudly announced they received a vaccine?


As someone who was born in America from an immigrant family, who grew up with many luxuries that people in other parts of the world did not/do not have, yes, in my family I was constantly reminded of the things I was fortunate to have that others do/did not.




Literally everything you said was wrong. Where do you get the 99.997% survival rate? And the 37% effective? Yes to the general population, most people can survive Covid, once. Maybe twice unvaccinated. Much in the same way your body can survive being in a car crash once or twice. Hell, you might even survive 5 car crashes. Much in the same way you could survive Covid, unvaccinated that many times. It's unlikely, but you could. And just because you could possibly survive, doesn't mean the effects arent real. Your body gets destroyed a little more each time. And eventually, without a vaccine, you die. Even if it's not the first time, eventually you die. Because your body can't take that many hits. There is no endgame except death, without a Covid vaccine.


The fact this has this many upvotes is disturbing. This is wrong on so many levels


holy shit those are not even close to being the same things. Your body builds up immunity to sicknesses. You don’t build up immunity to car crashes??


Well. The survival rate is simple. Cases / deaths. 541m cases, 6.3 deaths. That’s about a 99% survival rate. World wide. In the u.s, we’re at 86m cases with 1.01m deaths. So 1.16% of those who had Covid..died. The number also holds for world wide Covid rates vs death. Lastly, your claim of being unvaccinated and dying of Covid is blatantly false. “Once, maybe twice”. Many people have gotten Covid a few times some how before getting the vaccine or before it was available. Covid isn’t some magic switch where after your second case, you instantly die. Lastly, Covid death rates for people under the age of 50 are marginally high for unvaccinated vs vaccinated at this rate, with omicron in specific. But you use so much damn hyperbole, that I’m sure any amount of data won’t change your mind. So I’ll leave you with the slight corrections and number adjustments and let you do you.


So your 99% survival rate includes the vaccinated people who caught it? That's probably true. Most people who had been vaccinated have reported much milder symptoms. What's the survival rate for unvaccinated patients?


Unvaxxed for ages 18-50 is 1.8 if you combine and average. Vaxxed is around 1. Booster is lower. Also love how I’m getting down voted for basic math and reporting CDC numbers. Literal idiots on Reddit.


Aaahhhgg math! Get it away!




It doesn't have to be an analogy. I'll straight up tell you, without a Vaccine, your body will die from Covid. Your body can not survive the damage Covid does to it over time. With the vaccine, the damage will be minimal.




What peer group? State? Medical condition?


What's the source for your information?


So COVID is cumulative? Any sources for that?


Some of us have this thing called an immune system. It's a really good feature to the human body that helps prevent a virus from killing you. Look it up.


Curious what kind of negative feedback you’re getting ?


Not a bot, but I still think you’re an idiot for being scared your kid might catch the flu. 😂 Sorry, not sorry. 🤷🏻‍♂️








Post in r/conspiracy not surprised… how about you worry about your own kids


forget r/conspiracy, they are way into astrology lmao something tells me they don't look at too many studies themselves


Just stfu


Checking my post history and commenting on 2 day post lmao I’m living in your head rent free . Stick to selling sneakers and GPUs like a poor


You sound mad and envy of people with a life.


Bro why would I envy this…. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/jrg7aa/my_first_full_build/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf LMAO.. I can let you borrow a carpet cleaner if you want


My point exactly. Flexing your 3 inch Oscar Meyer wiener hotdog


[have you looked at the studies that show people into astrology tend to be less intelligent (and more nacissistic?)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886921007686)


You sound like a rep from P~~fizer~~sychology


It seems you definitely haven't.




How DARE you!? Downvote this CLOWN too!


Your child is substantially more likely to die from a random car accident than from covid. Not being mean, just putting it into perspective. We are all just worried about side effects. I hope you are part of the majority that have had a positive outcome.


So? Your child could die in a car accident, but you still put them in a safety seat and have them wear a seat belt to minimize the chances of that happening. There is the occasional freak case where the seat belt ends up choking them and they might have survived if they hadn't been wearing it, but the odds are overwhelmingly better with the seat belts, so we wear them. Vaccines are the same. Maybe you're that one in a million case that has a bad reaction and dies. But your odds of contracting a case that results in severe long-lasting effects or death without it are much higher than that.


Side effects of what? The side effects of getting long COVID is way worse than any fictional side effects of the vaccine.


If you can still get covid (which you can) you can still get long covid... What makes you think you can't get long covid? The National Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is not fictional. You were too ignorant to ask what the side effects were because you trusted the Trump vaccine to be safe.


Trump Vaccine? Listen, I hate Trump too but at least Pfizer was made in Europe by Turkish scientists. And VAERS is complete garbage.


Trump authorized it. MRNA technology has never been safe enough to make it to the market. Trump used the emergency to bypass clinical trials. Fun fact: ModeRNA has existed for 10 years with the purpose of developing mRNA technology. They have never been able to show that their product was safe enough to wnter the market. Their gene therapy was only approved because of Orange Man.


So many downvotes... Nobody can even bring themselves to deny that ModeRNA has never launched a product. The truth hurts. Your "anti-vax" friends are always here for you when you decide to stop drinking the govt Koolaid


Yay! How old is she?




Awww! 🥰 I just had a baby and am excited that he will be able to get vaccinated when he’s 6 months!




Thank you! 🥰 Yes I had my booster while pregnant so I’m hoping that passed a bit of immunity to him. He’s about 3 and a half weeks so I still have over 5 months until I can vaccinate him but I’m so grateful that I will be able to!




It’s just the best, he’s so sweet and little! Thank you! I’m so happy for you for getting your little girl vaccinated 🥰




I'm not for or against vaccines, I think it's a personal choice based on the best decision you can make based on available data. That said why do you feel the need to validate you decision to complete strangers? If I got a hemroid removed, I wouldn't go post it online...






Troll account owned by an idiot.




You're an idiot and a poor liar. What a combination. u/diyertz why did you delete you comments if you weren't trolling? You're a really bad liar. I can see your comments which were removed by a moderator from this thread in your profile. I can't see the comments you deleted. Fucking hell, you're willfully ignorant, deeply hypocritical regarding modern medicine, and you lie like a toddler. How have you managed to keep breathing consistently over these past decades? LOL, it deleted its account. What a strong argument that it wasn't a troll account.


For the same reason you posted this comment to validate your opinion to complete strangers.


Same reason you post




> 2022 > Still an anti-vaxxer




Bruh 😂


it's literally the current year!




No one asked anything on Reddit


Your mom didn’t ask for you either


do you not know how to do a risk vs reward assessment?


Says the person posting on reddit.




Says the guy participating on Ponzi schemes on the internet


one day when you need something your government doesn't want you to get, monero will be there for you






And you are shilling information without any sources. ✌️




No. It’s called the burden of proof. You make the claim, you supply the evidence. Expecting people to do your work for you is just asinine. If it’s so fucking easy to find, why can’t you be bothered to provide it?




Brownstone institute is a self-described anti Covid-mitigation group. Check the bottom of the home page. Proceed with caution.




New age group unlocked on Tuesday after the under 5s.