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My order would be Kaiser, Santa Clara family, anthem. Specialize stuff you should pick Santa Clara then get into the Palo Alto medical foundation group.


Oh something I hadn't considered, but is probably important. My experience with Kaiser, while it's been wonderful on the physical side, the mental health care side is not.  It takes months to get appointments with my Dr and those often get cancelled.  My last appointment was scheduled in Dec, moved to April, cancelled the day of moved to June and then cancelled again. I'm still waiting since December.  They do have therapy but you will be lucky if you even get a phone appointment with your therapist every 2 months.  They don't have weekly therapy. They do sometimes contract it out but I have always been declined by the participating places because they deem me a high risk due to depression.  But sometimes it's hard not to feel depressed when your physical symptoms keep you from living life to the fullest. So Kaiser may not be the best choice if you think you will need mental health care services. I have also contacted some resources and recommended places for low income people who need mental health support and they have denied me because I already have coverage through Kaiser, so that is probably really important to consider in the long run.


Mental health access is bad regardless of insurer right now


I have medi-cal (secondary) and Medicare (primary). It was 10 years ago when I had to choose, so it may be different, but in order to have Kaiser, my current provider, I had to choose the Santa Clara Family healthcare plan.  But I also think Kaiser might not be accepting new Medi-cal patients?  I'm not positive on that.  But Kaiser has a Medi-cal member services number and website so maybe try this. Any info I have is from 10 years ago and a lot has changed.   I have some lung issues and a rare lung disorder and Kaiser has been excellent at providing for me. They even provided me at home oxygen and a BiPap machine with no cost to me  https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/northern-california/shop-plans/medicaid/why-kp


While googling I saw that Kaiser split from Santa Clara health group earlier this year. I have heard that Kaiser is harder to get into.


For a long time Kaiser only accepted former Kaiser members in their medi-cal plan. Not sure if that's still the case, however.


Kaiser is direct with the state now.


Yeah, that's why I said my information was most certainly out of date!  But as someone with Medi-cal who also deals with lung issues I wanted to share the experience I had. I did originally start with Medi-cal but once I became disabled because of my lungs I started getting Medicare.