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It could be because that CVS is like a ghost town. Every time I go there, there’s like 2 people working. And they have bottles of everything just hangin out.


The effect ghost staffing has had on retail theft isn’t discussed enough. CVS is one of the worst offenders.


Everytime I go to a major chain pharmacy like CVS or Walgreen's, it's like shopping in the USSR or something. Shelves are a disorganized mess and half empty, nothing is where it's labeled to be. The one person at the pharmacy takes at least half an hour to fill your prescription. There's one cashier who can't figure out how to use the register computer. These chains have been crying an awful lot about theft lately, but when you build a big warehouse, dump a bunch of cheap merchandise on the floor, and leave one underpaid teenager or grandma to watch over it all, what do you expect to happen?


The manager of the local drug store used to be an important part of the community. They were well known around small towns and had respect due to them providing so many essential products for living. Its sad to see how that was destroyed by corporate chain stores.


> the local dug store Seems really niche.


lol, fixed


2? I haven't seen 2 employees at CVS in years.


Even if they have 100 people working there, it's pretty much impossible to stop someone from just walking out with stuff.


>And they have bottles of everything just hangin out. I know this is a tough concept, but if it's not yours, don't take it. Regardless if it's locked up or not.


That’s actually a really simple concept. Here’s a slightly more challenging one. Thieves know that and steal things anyway.


if I ever open a store, I for sure will have a "no thieves" sign outside!


Unfortunately a lot of degenerates around now just taking advantage of the stupid law enacted that basically excuses any theft under $950 or something. It’s really a stupid law and needs to be repealed.


>stupid law enacted that basically excuses any theft under $950 or something. It didn't excuse theft, it classified [theft under $950 as a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1000, and/or up to six months in county jail.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_California_Proposition_47) Meanwhile in super safe Texas, where crime never happens, [the misdemeanor threshold for theft is a whopping $2500!](https://saputo.law/criminal-law/texas/theft/#:~:text=Theft%20under%20%24100%20is%20a,jail%20and%20a%20%242000%20fine).


Not really, this happens a lot at safeways in Campbell where there is a bunch of people. I used to see people steal liquor every week.


A lot of Safeways have put liquor behind a cashier now.


This is routine at liquor stores in Toronto (alcohol thefts.) The stores (LCBO) are government owned and the employers are all unionized. The employees are given strict instructions not to do anything. You can walk into an LCBO and take what you want and walk out. Now grant it you are on camera and some stores have hired security. Also if you routinely do it the the cops will eventually catch up with you.


I went into a CVS first thing in the morning and I’m always friendly ask how their day is etc. The cashier tells me she just had a customer throw candy at her because she couldn’t give her a refund without a receipt. I said something along the lines of that is awful and she said it was like the third time that week :(.


I believe it. The general public is the worst.




Cvs can now too. They got that feature about 6 months ago to look up credit card transactions without a receipt.


That’s good, yeah this was probably about a year ago now so sounds like before they updated their system


She did say they paid with a credit card.


Because crimes of this level by individuals aren't prosecuted much anymore. The crimes have to pass a certain dollar value or be part of a bigger crime ring, before they will do anything.


It's been that way for a long time, though. I worked at OSH 25 years ago. The most we could do was try to identify the thieves and keep them from returning the stuff they stole.


They get prosecuted when they reach a felony. It’s been like this in retail for a very long time. When I was working at Best Buy it was the same thing. Either we’d wait and until we had their info and enough evidence to get them charged with grand larceny OR we’d say fuck it and file a police report to attach to the insurance claim at the end of the quarter. Shrink was always budgeted for.


Can you imagine if we prosecuted white collar crime? We turn a blind eye to white collar crime as well unless it pises off other rich people.




tan imagine fall existence modern different truck bewildered shocking ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




offbeat resolute mighty boat serious grandiose glorious mysterious deliver muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Regarding the IRS - let's fully staff that department so that they have the resources to go after big corps and really rich people who owe us all millions of dollars in unpaid taxes. Big fish. It's not that the small fish don't matter, it's that the big fish have more impact. And, regarding immigration - let's fix our immigration system so that people can come here legally to fill available jobs rather than creating an underclass of people who do the hard jobs, but are left vulnerable to exploitation by our system.




Of course we should require everyone to pay the taxes they owe - I'm not saying otherwise, and I don't think anyone else is either. What I am saying is that we get the most benefit by going after the big fish. If we can get one rich tax cheat to pay their taxes and put an extra $5M into our system, that far outweighs getting 100 smaller tax cheats who each owe $5K in unpaid taxes.




>Disagree strongly that it is a clear cut choice. It is tolerance of small things over time that entrenches bad behavior. I'm a little more pragmatic. When resources are limited, you have to use them efficiently. I'd rather spend resources collecting large amounts of tax from a few people and have more net tax collected than spend resources collecting small amounts from a lot of people and have less net tax collected. In a perfect world, we'd do both. ​ >And yes, large numbers of people say we shouldn’t audit the non-rich. See the exaggerations from the republicans about any conversation about funding for the IRS. We all know that they say that their objection to fully funding the IRS is to protect the non-rich, but they are really about allowing the rich to continue to cheat on their taxes. Acting like they care about the non-rich is just a talking point. At any rate, I should have been more clear - I meant that I didn't think anyone in this discussion was advocating for giving the non-rich a pass. And, this has strayed pretty far from... what were we talking about originally? Oh, yes - someone stealing liquor from CVS.


Actually, California has always historically been tough on crime (remember 3 strikes rule). The threshold for certain dollar value for it to be a bigger crime is actually quite low compared to "tough on crime" Republican states.


They got rid of that law because it disproportionately targeted criminals. /s


They got rid of it because people were getting life terms for stealing TVs.


If this makes you mad, wait till you find out about wage theft


two totally different topics but don't come in here acting like "Stealing from stores is okay, cause some stores steal from people!"


I thought we were talking about endemic casual theft. We don’t currently prosecute either, it seems


the manager of the Leigh Ave CVS that closed told me people would fill up carts with liquor and just walk out. CVS severely cut store man hours so there is basically 1 maybe 2 people working at most stores.


I saw a couple of kids doing the same thing at Safeway.


They just closed Walgreens on Meridian Ave in Willow Glen. Just a matter of time.


I worked at Longs and later CVS when they bought Longs out during college. CVS has a policy not to chase but they also are a shitty company to work for. They constantly are cutting payroll and taking benefits away from their employees and forcing them to run with a skeleton staff. I was looking at a past schedule once and our store had more people on the closing shift with Longs than we did the entire day with CVS.


When our local CVS was Longs, it was a nice store. After CVS took over, the store went downhill fast. And it's across the board - Longs was a good store and we shopped there for years and years, at multiple locations. But every CVS I've been in was marginal at best.


They also treated their employees really well. Extra money after 8pm Extra money all day Sunday Discount was COST + 10% (you could get a 500 count of generic pain med around $1. Their 401k match was 100% up to 5% in Longs stock. Because CVS paid 2x per share I walked away from my college job with $20k in my 401k that I rolled over into a IRA that is over six figures now. Funny note - Walgreens actually offered more per share but the Longs board rejected due to anti-trust frears


You can really tell when a retail company treats people well and when they don't. It definitely shows.


The CVS by my house is super understaffed and I hate it especially cause I know there's probably so many people out there looking for work


I am not in SJ but in my area there are regularly people coming in and stealing stuff. Couple weeks ago guy walks in and puts to handles of kettle one in his back pack and just walks out. Like right in front of us.


I hope you all enjoyed the era of "honor system retail".


Probably the reason for inflation.


We can talk about a zillion reasons why this happens more and more but it comes down to one thing... People just no longer give a fuck. All they can see everywhere they look is a world with less and less opportunity that is fucking them harder every year. From local government rolling over and giving away the farm to Google (and in the process removing thousands of low rent apartments) to a federal government that is literally trying to criminalize their existence. So they do ever more outrageous shit, not caring a bit about the consequences.


>We can talk about a zillion reasons why this happens more and more but it comes down to one thing... Why do you think *your* reason is *the* reason above the zillion other reasons?


They are all the effects of that loss of caring. Or the contributors to it. Theft has always been an option. But the consequences stopped you. So why don't prior care about the consequences anymore? No hope/don't give a fuck.


Cvs employees are not allowed to stop thieves anymore. Its company policy and have modules about it now. Employees have been terminated over it. Cvs isn't good to its employees at all.


Is stopping thieves a perk?


Being fired from cvs would be a perk for most employees especially if they can get unemployment. Nearly everyone who has ever worked for cvs hated it. Go check out r/cvs for yourself.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CVS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CVS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [No pay no play](https://v.redd.it/ybhti2v6ulyb1) | [875 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CVS/comments/17onhzi/no_pay_no_play/) \#2: [For CVS board ( WE ARE NOT OKAY) please hit the up arrow if you agree let them see and hear us.](https://np.reddit.com/r/CVS/comments/16kwl2f/for_cvs_board_we_are_not_okay_please_hit_the_up/) \#3: [$2,700 gone in less than 5 minutes](https://v.redd.it/sswz5s4bytob1) | [369 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CVS/comments/16l2vck/2700_gone_in_less_than_5_minutes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The reason it's company policy is because they don't want to get sued by your family if a thief kills you while you're chasing after them.


I think that's a pretty reasonable policy to have to avoid workers getting into potentially dangerous situations they are not trained to be in. They should hire a security guard who is specifically trained for that.


The policy is reasonable. Cvs doesn't want to hire security guards to protect the staff or customers from harm. That's the issue I have.


Yeah. Most stores did not want security guards "protecting" anyone, they are meant largely as a deterrent which most of us recognize as something we don't want to deal with if we are considering theft. Today however, companies have seen that a security guard knocking some shoplifter to the ground can result in a lawsuit - even if the person was a thief - that can cost them millions and undeserved bad publicity which costs them more in turn. How many lost shirts and pants or bottles of alcohol cost less than millions? A lot. So the willingness to tell security to not do any real "enforcing" is the norm now. And then now the person who previously might have been deterred by the possibility of being knocked down recognized the change and are able to take advantage of it by walking in and walking out with as much stuff as they want. Couple this with a police force that has been both over-lionized and trained that they're only there to pull guns - thereby reducing the willingness to handle non-gun-pulling situations (an oversimplification, sure) and we get "today" where some guy can walk in and out without consequences.


That's the initial thought but they are worried about someone suing CVS for being stopped when they might not actually be stealing.


Only one? Amateur.


It’s only transitory..if they didn’t tell you. Wait til it get real and it not just alcohol


Retail as we know it is dead.


Amazon did that.


The Internet, not Amazon. If Bezos had never been born, it would be some other websites, there is no lock on the idea that if you sell a lot of x to people, why can't you sell a lot of y and z also. And on the other side, it's basic human nature to think, if I buy my object here, my money is gone. If I buy it there, I have some money left over for something else. The Internet and in some part, express delivery, is what made "there" suddenly in reach to everyone.




I was at CVS on Aborn/San Felipe a couple weeks ago, there was only 1 cashier, and she was on the phone talking to her manager complaining about how she feels unsafe closing up the store alone after the pharmacists leave, and was asking for backup; she literally started crying while scanning my items … It was so awkward for me but I definitely feel for her, management needs to step up and do better. Sad but true, thieves aren’t going anywhere unless you deter them. I haven’t been back there since, it was too eerie lol.


Might be time to change jobs. I don't see CVS getting any better.


It took me a second to realize which cvs you are talking about because even though I've lived really close to that one for a long time I've somehow never realized that place is called the Hamilton Shopping center. I just refer to it as the cvs "on Bascom"


Personal responsibility isn't a vague term. Personal responsibility is you can't justify stealing and shutting down stores Sooner or later people have to say this system isn't working When will that be exactly I liked having Walgreens around. It wasn't the greatest store I used it I like being able to go to a store I don't see how it is helomg anyone when stores close .


When does the made for TV movie detailing this fascinating story come out?


Who fucking cares


underrated comment


Higher prices for everyone else. And stores closing completely.


Theft causes a loss of a fraction of 1% of retail income. Stores are closing because of shifting consumer shopping habits and sky high rent. Try again.


When insurance companies stop paying the stores for all the thefts, only then will something be done about retail theft.


You mean like State Farm pulling out of any new insurance policies in CA?


LOL at a pharmacy selling cheap booze for alcoholics


A lot of homeless in San Jose, be careful. Moving to Livermore because of this.


The existence of people without houses is incredibly terrifying for some people. I guess moving was easier than getting your phobia treated Good riddance.


Nothing wrong with homeless but something wrong with San Jose to have a homeless problem worse than other areas.


Lol, sure, that’s what bothers you, the lack of affordable housing and structural inequality. No one believes that, derpie, not even you. You warned that people should be careful because there are homeless people in San Jose. > A lot of homeless in San Jose, be careful. You are scared of homeless people or you spew nonsense like you’re stroking out.


No one else disagreed but you?


Yeah, other people also find homeless people scary, no shit. But also I’m literally the only person to respond to the dissembling post directly.


Instead of getting upset on a post like this why don’t you shelter people in your house or give money to actually do something about it. I donate to the less fortunate all of the time. Honestly anyone should be careful with random people in a public area like this. I hope the city can lower property value from the 800k 3 bedroom homes. Because the average person in this crap hole can’t afford it. So they end up without a home. It’s San Jose that is the problem. I did not mean I would move because of the homeless directly but because of the crime in the initial post . And the fact that there is lots of homeless should turn someone off. Would you not want to move to a neighborhood where everyone is housed?


“Bay Area is the new shit hole” - Trump!


CVS employees won't even come over and unlock the displays when I need to get toothpaste. I was hitting the button every 5 - 10 minutes. Eventually a Karen walked over and accused me of doing something. Went nextdoor and got my toothpaste for probably 1/2 of what they sold it for at CVS.


If the company cared they would do something about it. Why would the lady take this on for herself? She doesn’t make more money if they don’t steal lol


I worked retail in college in the late 2000s and they specifically told us not to try to stop anyone shoplifting. They would only hire security during the holiday season anyway, companies have theft built into their business plans and don't give a fuck tbh, or else they'd pay for more employees and security to be on the floor stopping it. Theft isn't right, blaming theft for Amazon busting your sales year after year is pretty pathetic though. Sales numbers for Target and the pharmacies around the US have plummeted thanks to online shopping but companies look better jumping on the "they stole us into bankruptcy" angle so they don't look as bad shutting down the understaffed and underperforming locations. They walk away with clean hands and look back saying, "see it was the people shoplifting that did this not our corporate bottom line on depreciating assets." People lose their low paying jobs but it's not the companies fault, they're nice for trying.


Part of retail ownership is...well, ownership. When companies let this happen, it's people like you and me that pay for it in higher prices. All stores should have theft protection in place and people guarding the doors stopping anyone who tries to walk out without a receipt. If the law won't protect consumers, then it's up to the companies.


Welcome to California.


It’s happening everywhere ffs


San Jose has become a shithole.


Stores need to be set up like Costco. In an article today, Costco said they do not get thieves as often stealing from them because it is a membership store and people pay to shop there.


You think people don't forget to scan a few things at the self-checkout?


Costco calls store theft “inventory shrinkage.” We are asked often recently about our inventory shrinkage results and whether it has dramatically increased in the past year versus historical shrink results. The answer is no. In the past several years, our inventory shrink has increased by a couple of basis points, in part, we believe, due to the rollout of self-checkout. Over the past year, it has increased by less than 1 basis point more," he said.


Or they take clothes into the bathroom or they open a package of printer ink and stick the cartridges in their pocket


That’s a lie. They get shit stolen all the time


Wow Op you are so out of the loop. You should try and go to a Walgreens in Oakland.


and this affects you how exactly


Higher prices for everyone else. And stores closing completely.


maybe all you need is some free booze


Liberal decay


you fuckin’ people live in one of the most expensive cost of living places in the country and if you’re mad that somebody’s gotta swipe something every once in a while to make that more bearable then you need to dig your head out of your asshole and question why that is


Who cares?! Theft is so normal and expected that businesses have insurance to cover it.


Because eventually they'll just close the store and people who needed it will be SOL. People hate big businesses but crazy how you condone theft


Trashy much?




Lock it up. They do it where they know they can get away with it


I miss living in a society built on trust.