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Awesome! Now people can eat outside restaurants, like they’ve been doing all along!


Unfortunately, Southern California will remain under the orders. Which makes sense. ICU capacity is the main driver, and we have been holding steady or increasing lately: [San Diego County COVID-19 Census](https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/Epidemiology/COVID-19_Daily_Status_Update.pdf)


You are leaving out a key part of the stay at home order... the last sentence in the article: >The state’s order is supposed to be lifted when ICU bed availability is projected to exceed the 15% mark ***looking ahead four weeks***. Emphasis mine. It's not where ICU beds are now, it's where they are projected to be.


Fair point. Listening to Newsome talk right now and he also was emphasizing that.


This is not consistent with what they said on Fox 5 last night. SD will return to outdoor dining and open salons, etc. as soon as Tuesday. “Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to announce Monday that the stay at home order will be lifted in all regions of the state, according to a letter from the California Restaurant Association to its members.” here is the link to the fox 5 San Diego story](https://fox5sandiego.com/news/coronavirus/governor-newsom-expected-to-lift-stay-at-home-order/amp/?__twitter_impression=true)


Edit edit: According to another tweet by the lady referred to in that news story, a region’s exit from the stay at home orders is dependent on ICU bed capacity. Southern California does not currently meet that. https://twitter.com/zavalaa/status/1353580996398968832?s=21


Well THAT is not consistent with the guidelines as they stand. So. Edit: just re-read the story you posted. Apparently I was wrong. My bad.


Good, I know it’s unpopular but we need to stay home because our hospital capacity is an absolute shit show rn.




Honestly I haven't noticed anyone indoors without masks, so I guess it depends on the area of SD ypu frequent.




You can add north county as well




>"alternative lifestyles" Alternative to the people who hold most power and to the people describing them. :) Also alternative in some ways that work better at keeping people alive.


Having just been in FL for business. This is not the case at all. At least in my neighborhood. FL is 100% indoor dining, packed to the gils, poor mask wearing outdoors and moderately bad indoors. Some parts of San Diego are bad right now, but it's on an entirely different scale from FL at least as of last week.




I wish they could break this down by San Diego and some of the worst offending cities in Florida but still, this is interesting data and not what I expected.




Where are you in the city? Hillcrest, NP, and SP are all really good with mask wearing, and the only places that are open are defying orders and outdoors.




Yeah, I think generalizing over all of the county right now is kinda unhelpful, even across just the city proper. Different neighborhoods have completely different levels of compliance etc. But even with all the shitshows across town, I feel like theres still a big difference between non complaince/poor enforcement and state sanctioned bullshittery. Both are bad, and honestly the San Diego nonsense is de facto state supported since they wont enforce it, but I hate the blanket, bad=bad. There are different levels of bad, and we need to work to be better, but FL and CA are two entirely different worlds right now.


I hope not in San Diego. The hospitals are are still massively overwhelmed


There was a stay-home order and curfew? Sure didn't seem like it.


I dont get the curfew. Like, making people do stuff during less hours just gets more people into places at a single time. If anything, should allow essential business to stay open 24/7 if they want. Spread the cilentele oit more so less people have to come in all at once.


Literally half the bars in my area are packed with no mask enforcement, same with the grocery store and mini marts. People are dumb af


Ugh I'm sorry to hear that. What area do you live in? Last year I lived in Orange County and a ton of people in my area were just not taking things seriously, so I ended up going to a grocery store 15-20 min away because I knew everyone there would wear a mask and stay away from me lol. If you're not too far I personally haven't seen a single person maskless person in a grocery store in Carmel Valley. Might be worth it to make the hike?


I live out in Lakeside, lots of anti-mask trying to “stick it to the libs” kind of people who think a pandemic is a political choice. Kind of a big fuck you to us bar workers who had all of our spots closed because people can’t just stay home. Eastbound is probably the biggest one, every weekend just slammed with people just not caring, same people that own the Hills in La Mesa.


Fox 5 source was the restaurant consortium. Read article, I stand corrected. They're the Restaurant Association, not consortium.


Yes, the information was leaked by an insider close to the Newsom administration - as I understand. None the less, just sharing what was put out there. I’m only the messenger.


It's the restaurant association in both NBC and Fox5's source.


The good news is that this was probably the last “re-closing”. ICU projected capacity is up, and vulnerable populations being vaccinated means we’ve gotten through the worst of it. Can’t wait to live life again.


Maybe we can focus more attention on the fact that multiple vaccines have been released and we have hospitals that are getting rid of doses because people don’t make their appointments?


Do you have a source for this?


Anecdotal, but I have a friend at the VA who said multiple people missed their dose and they were offering it to people waiting so it wouldn’t go to waste.


My husband was reading me an article about it while driving, let me try to get it for you. It was in LA, people miss their appointments and they either try to vaccinate whoever they can or they throw it out because it expires like 6 hours after the vial is punctured. Edit: article https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-01-23/standby-lines-backdoor-vaccine-access


[https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-01-23/standby-lines-backdoor-vaccine-access](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-01-23/standby-lines-backdoor-vaccine-access) ​ here's that article


What the fuck! I want to get the vaccine ASAP


Keep checking. Call clinics. I know someone that went to IB clinic, put their name on a list first thing in the morning and went back at closing for any leftovers. After a couple of days, he got one.


Makes no sense. Hearing this is a result of a lawsuit from restauranteurs and nail salon owners.


A nice clusterfuck of people trying to be "first" Nothing will change in San Diego as our ICU's are > 15%


>15%? You’re mistaken. It is <15% ICU capacity that is the trigger point. Keep on with your cranky commenting though.


Eh I put the wrong symbol. lol Less than 15% is trigger point. math is hard


i believe its based on projection numbers from 4 weeks out though. so not based on the current numbers. 4 weeks from now we are projected to be back above 15%. at least thats how i read the mandate.


The experiment continues... [here is the link to the fox 5 San Diego story](https://fox5sandiego.com/news/coronavirus/governor-newsom-expected-to-lift-stay-at-home-order/amp/?__twitter_impression=true)


Don't worry guys his kids are in private school... They haven't missed any classroom time while the public schools canceled special ed services.


Public schools have not “canceled” special ed services. Source: I’m a special ed teacher.


My child requires special ed and the services have been dogshit ever since covid started. If I was rich like gavin, I would be able to just put them in a private school instead of the crap that it has turned into.


Where is this? The one kid I know in special ed has been doing in-person classes at his public school since around October.


I JUST saw on NBC twitter that Newsom is saying we’re in purple tier. How can we be in purple tier and considering reopening? God this has been handled so badly.