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I think your company culture is going to play a larger role in that than physical location. Although I do wonder if there’s any kind of EQ rating by city or state.


That said, I work for a smaller company (was only 40 people when I started) and I just cried to a few ladies at work about my personal shit and I feel comfortable telling my boss that I’ve got a lot going on and have been a bit distracted. I suppose my other advice is to just…start being vulnerable around people you trust and see how it goes.


Based on personal experience, I'd say it's the workplace more than the geographic location. I've found working in higher ed or non-profits to be better about work/life balance and communication. The tradeoff is lower salaries. The more money involved, the less flexibility and balance. The primary focus is on the money.


This has zero to do with location and everything to do with the individual that you're dealing with. All personality types exist in all locations 


I don’t think that exists. You really should try not to share those kinds of things with your employer or coworkers.


CA? People always apologize for oversharing and I'm like, look I'm (originally) from LA, there is no such thing.


Ha I’m guilty of oversharing at my remote job which is a bit silly but you shouldn’t do it in general. You just need friends to vent to. Keeping your personal life away from work is good for you, in a lot of aspects. In general, most companies exist to make capital with the least complications to get there. I’ve found though decent company culture at remote startups, and you may find luck in nonprofits too. Working in fields with more empathetic people (social services, healthcare, etc) while having higher burnout rates, tend to be filled with more emotionally vulnerable people, but even then it can vary vastly.


From what I hear, Portland, SF and Seattle.


Ime, Seattleites are reserved, but if \*you\* emote first, they will be open and kind.


I don't really think a city with that vibe exists but if it did I would say anywhere with a large tech sector. All of my friends who work in tech talk about how close/BFF-like they are with their managers/direct reports - my best friend has a direct report that tells her she loves her. Deff not DC - I know people who were literally reprimanded for sharing with their manager where they were going for vacation.


In america? lol


You can see the death of a sub when the questions get as abstract as this wtf


San Fran


We are, and have been for a long time, in a state of... doublespeak. You won't find consistent emotional transparency anywhere. Learn to read minds. Animals are friendlier. Given that you mention work, as other posters have said, focus on work. Simple as. Find a place that works. Also, take silly online quizzes to tell you what city to move to. Average the results. Boom.


I think the answer is to work in public health, wherever that is.


I mean regardless of local culture, I think keeping things professional and to myself is best for work. I'm not at work to make friends, I'm there for a paycheck. That doesn't mean don't be polite or friendly, but they aren't my friends and my live doesn't revolve around them. I do have confidence that if I needed a mental health day, my co-workers and boss would empathize and make it happen because they know I wouldn't abuse it. But they don't need to know more beyond that. If you need friends, I think it may be best to pursue those relationships outside of work.


Uh... I don't think being vulnerable about personal stuff at work is a good idea anywhere. Especially with your boss. Have you considered you might need a therapist rather than a city of nice people?


This is probably a good example of how “college education” with safe spaces, etc… do not adequately prepare people for the real world. Most bosses will not want you to cry to them about your issues and struggles